The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 10, 1894, Image 3

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ew loots
Remnants Still Going.
Perhaps you will find
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
in tared a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as secona-ciass matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
ehroniele aid 5. T. Tribue. ; .$2.50 $1.75
" ' ud WMkljOregoiiai 3.00 2.00
Local Advertising;.
10 Cm ui per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
Leaves Prom the Notebook of Chronicle
Grain sacks for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. tf
Do not forget that Blind Tom, the
musical wonder, will show his wonder
ful talent at the Baldwin opera house
this evening, performance commencing
at 8 o'clock.
There will be work in the Third in
Friendship lodge, K. of P., tonight. As
it is also the meeting at which repre
sentatives to the grand lodge -will be
elected, a full attendance is desired.
C. F. Stephens has just received a
fine stock of goods, which he is offering
at prices that will astonish you. He
haB a fine line of dress goods, silks,
ginghams, calicoes, laces and embroid
eries. Men's suits, boys' suits, chil
dren's suits, everything suits. Call and
City Marshal Blakeney yesterday ar
rested a couple of "ladies," one being
charged with abusive language and dis
orderly conduct, and the other with
roaming the streets. They gave bail
for their appearance, and this morning
on the advice of their attorney ac
knowledged the offense and paid their
A fire started in Mrs. A. Millsap's
millinery store at Ashland nnder
the floor, Saturday afternoon, and before
it could be consumed
the building and communicated with J.
K. Van Sant's grocery store and dwell
ing house adjoining, partially destroy
ing them also. The loss amounts- to
over $1000, part of which was covered by
insurance. ' .
The case of Wright against the Baptist
church and O. D. Taylor was heard
before County Judge Blakeley this
morning, the plaintiff represented by H.
S. Wilson and defendant by Hon. E. B.
Dufur. The issues were not joined, the
matter being on demurrer, one filed by
the church, one by Mr. Taylor and one
by both. The last demurrer was sus
tained and time given to file an amended
Yesterday was fish day at Hood River.
Several parties took advantage of the
river being unusually clear to sample
the salmon trout, and found them both
numerous and anxious to tackle any
thing in the shape of bait or fly offered.
Geo. T. Prathers killed twenty-five, and
a party that went up the river on a visit
to Professor Snyder put in a short time
catching eleven fine fellows, running
from a pound to two and a half.
We are requested by the board of
directors of the D. P. & A. N. Co. to
tate that their boats will continue to
something of interest.
run as . long as the river remains open
There have been several unfounded
rumors in circulation to the effect that
the boat would tie up soon, hence the
necessity of the above statement. The
boats were put on the river to stay, and
the: company has no intention of doing
anything with them except to continue
to run them.
Oat on a Fly.
This morning the sedate old horse that
earns his daily hay and oats by hauling
the dump cart for R. E. Saltmarshe &
Co., developed a kittenish spell of friski
nes j all by himself and started to explore
the city. The cart to which he was
hitched contained a bale of hay and
nothing more. As old Whitey thun
dered down Second street over the
crushed remains of the brewery hill the
bed of the cart dumped bnt the hay
staid with it, and the outfit came tearing
down the street at the rate of almost ten
miles an hour sending the affrighted
dogs with their tails curled down yelp
ing to their hiding places, and causing
Mr. Wolf to forget for a moment the
price of sheep pelts. Before the school
bell rung he had crossed Laughlin and
was heading down towards Federal at
the same terrific gait, with none to stop
his mad career or save the threatened
hay. Yet one rose in the hour of need,
another Arnold Wink L. Reed, or rather
I. E. Crowe, who hurriedly completed
the sale of a stove to a customer and as
Boon as he ' could make the change
hurried out to meet the coming doom.
He heroically grabbed the lines and held
the enraged animal with so powerful a
hand that he prevented him from violat
ing the city ordinance against fast driv
ing, and after a struggle of fifteen min
utes succeeded in stopping him in front
of Jacobsen's Btore to look at the pic
tures. It was a gallant exploit and
thoroughly appreciated by Mr. Salt
marshe, who gracefully offered as a slight
token of his appreciation to either pre
sent Mr. Crowe with the bale of hay or
set up the cigars. Mr. Crowe was heard
to murmur a bashful response to the
effect that "he never ate hay."
Notice to Water Consumers.
The charges for patent closets when
used when necessary only, is 25 cents;
but when a constant stream is allowed
to flow, the charge is $5 per month. In
the last two years a large number of
closets have been put in, and in a large
number of them a constant stream 5b
allowed to flow. The drain on the water
supply has become so great that I am
compelled to enforce the rules, and will
hereafter charge $5 per. month for all
closets using a constant stream of water.
Dalles City, Or., Sept. 10, 1894.
I. J. Norman, Superintendent.
Another Call.
All county warrants registered prior
to January 1, 1891, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest' ceases
after Sept. 10th. Wm. Michkll,
County Treasurer.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
Whem she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
. i Wanted.
Place in small family to do housework.
Apply at Herrin's gallery. for The Chboniolx.
Low Prices.
Commissioners' Court. '
Court met Wednesday, Sept. 15th,
present Hon. Geo. C Blakeley, county
judge, and Commissioners Darneille and
Blowers. The following business was
transacted. Bills were allowed as fol
lows :
Ben C Irwin & Co, supplies. 80 65
I C Nickelsen, supplies 1 10
W A Kirby, supplies 2 55
Ward & Kerns, team hire 10 00
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. .. 7 95
The Dalles Ice Co, do 5 50
Weston, Dygert Co, . do 162 00
E Jacobsen & Co, do 37 15
Scott & Barman, do 1 28
A L Newman, do 1 85
David Wishart, expense insane.. 14 00
S E Ferris, sprinkling. . ; 5 50
Huntington & Wilson, trial fee
returned 12 00
E S Olinger, constable 3 10
Mrs J F Armor, witness 150
James Langile, do 1 50
G T Prather, do 1 50
Henry Shutz, do 1 50
C P Heald, (not allowed) atty fees 5 00
W H Butts, coroner. 34 95
John O Conner, juror 1 20
W M Robinson, do 1 20
John Ryan, do 1 20
Hugh Stewart, do 1 20
J Doherty, do 1 20
C B Johnston, witness 1 70
J J Burns, do 4 10
R L TJtz, do 1 70
F Miller, do 1 70
F H Wakefield, juror 1 20
G W Rowland, do 1 20
M F Nolin, do 1 20
J T Doherty, do ' 1 20
W K Brown, do 1 20
E Jacobsen, do 1 20
Andrew Peterson, witness. ...... 1 70
frank Jobaon, do 170
W T Sherman. do 1 70
Wm Michell, do 1 70
Sam Johnston, do 1 70
Fritz Riffle, do 1 70
F JS Connelly, do 1 70
Henry Gallner, do 1 70
L S DaviB, preparing jury list. . . 3 00
L S Davis, fees 56 00
A A Jayne, atty fees 5 00
G W Phelps, atty fees. 10 00
Unas b JLauer, preparing jury list Z 00
A A TJrquhart, fees constable. . . 27 70
J H Blakeney, fees constable 2 50
S H Edmunson, fees constable.. . 4 60
Andrew Johnson, witness 1 70
J H Jackson, do 1 70
T G Hayden, do 1 70
Elmer Davis, do 3 20
Frank Barber, do 3 20
Annie Lang, do 1 70
Geo Ruch, do 1 70
C G Munson, do 1 70
D ax French, do 1 70
Ben Wilson, do 1 70
A Brown, -do 1 70
C A McClennen, do 1 70
E G Segman, " do - 1 70
G Seammond, do 1 70
John Blaeer, do 1 70
A u Newman, do 1 70
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies: . . 12 00
Sinnott x Juan, Doard insane 20 50
Dr Hollister, services to pauper. 30 50
Henry Ryan, constable fees 10 00
Henry Whitmore, repairs court
house 20 00.
Jas R Under hill, constable 4 00
A Li Newman, supplies 3 50
Chronicle Pub Co, supplies.. .... . 34 00
Dalles City Waterworks, supplies 10 00
ti t uampDeii, supplies paupers lz 50
Maier & Benton, supplies paupers 6 40
8 E Ferris, constable fees. ; 17 56
Wm Michell. three burials 61 50
J H Cross, supplies paupers. . '. . . 2 50
E Jacobsen, supplies 2 50
Tarney & Greiner, constable 76 70
W A Kirby, supplies pauper .... 6 35
I C Nickelsen, sup school dist. . . 4 10
nugn ixgan, ex insane 5 00
Harry Clough, repairing furnace 17 50
H Herbrlng, supplies pauper. ... 13 50
Joles, Collins & Co, sup pauper. 3 25
Or Telephone Co, rent 'phone. . . 4 00
Jj S Davis, j p fees 25 55
N M Eastwood, team hire 5 00
E V Gibons, constable fees 2 70
G W Phelps, atty fees ... 10 TjO
C P Clark, witness. ..... .... 1 70
Troy Shelley, ex teachers 15 00
Annie Lang, ex teachers 15 00
Tina Rintoul, ex teachers ... 15 00
Hans Taylor, team nire. ...... . 75
Ben C Irwin & Co, supplies J. . . . 102 90
C H Brown, GAR relief ..I.. .-. 18 75
We have again on hand
an abundance of strictly
dry FIR WOOD, -which
we -will sell at the lowest
Jas T Hood, GAR relief 25 00
Catherine Davis, board 10 00
Geo C Blakeley, money advanced 4 80
S E Ferris, sprinkling 3 00
H H Riddel, atty fees 5 00
Glass & Prudhomme, supplies ... 88 40
T T Nicholas, board pauper 18 50
L S Davis, i n fees 11 05
A A Uraubart. constable 5 00
G W Phelps, dist atty 5 00
Wood Bros, sup Coxey army 3 30
C M Fouts, election booths 6 09
M M Gushing, board pauper 36 00
K N Staehr, road supervisor 118 00
E F Sharp, surveying 42 00
Wm Floyd, viewer 2 00
E K Russell, viewer. ( 2 00
H W Gilpin, viewer 2 00
L W Taylor, chainman. 2 00
Fred Mansfield, chainman 2 00
J M Marden, viewer ....... 4 00
E K Russell, viewer 4 00
John Doyle, viewer 4 00
F H Sharp, chainman 4 00
F Mansfield, chain men 4 00
L Jj McCartney, marker ..... 4 00
Blakeley & Houghton, med pau
per 12 05
Johnston Bros, sup road dist 15 . 6 25
Johnston Bros, sup pauper 10 00
Dalles Ice Co, ice 3 13
D L Gates & Co, supples 38 07
E S Olinger, constable fees 11 65
C A Bell, board insane 4 25
T J Driver, board prisoners 222 92
Jterdinand s Westman, worK a uu
A H Tieman. bridge work : . . 38 00
John A Wilson, error assessment 1 00
Mrs -David Wishart, care insane . 1U uu
Resolutions or Condolence.
The following resolutions of condo-
ence were adopted at a special meeting
of Jackson Engine Co., No. 1, held Sep
tember 8, 1894, at The Dalles, Or. :
Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the
universe has in His infinite wisdom
seen fit to remove from our midst a
much-loved and nonored citizen and
member of our company, be it
Resolved, That it is with a feeling of
profound sorrow that we as citizens and
firemen view the demise of our brother
fireman, Emile Schutz ; and that in his
death this company has lost one of its
oldest and most efficient members, the
community has lost one of the most
genial, generous and most unselfish of
men, one who was always ready to as
sist and administer comfort to those who
were suffering or in need of support.
Resolved, That the officers and mem
bers of Jackson Engine Company, No. 1,
hereby tender to the widow and rela
tives of our deceased brother firemen
our heartfelt sympathy in this, their sad
Resolved, That Jackson engine house
be draped in mourning for thirty days ;
that these resolutions be spread on the
minutes of our records ; that a copy be
sent to the widow of the deceased, and
that they be published in the daily
papers. Geo. A. Libbk,
W. H. Butts,
Geo. C. Bills,
Ia Grippe.
During the prevalence of the grippe
the past seasons it was a . noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped ail of the
troublesome after effects of the malady.
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured
cases of asthma and. hay fever of long
standing. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at
Snipes & Kinersly's drug store.
When the scalp is atrophied, or shiny
bald, no preparation will restore, the
hair ; in all other cases, Hall's Hair Re-
newer will start a growth.
At Prices within reach of all.
We hesitate not for Congress to decide, but have marked our
goods to please the people. Large stock of
Gents' Furnishings,
Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Hosiery,
Ladies' Kid Shoes,
Ladies' Underwear,
Children's School Shoes,
A Thorough Clearance Sale. '
Watch our Center Window for Bargains.
Order Groceries,
Telephone No. 20.
Best Hotel in the City.
fl.t a gaerifiee.
Summer Dry Goods,
Clothing, Hats,
Shoes, Etc., Etc.
We Have
The Largest Stock of Fall Styles in
Soft Hats.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
. ...... T TM
This large and popular House does the principal hotel bnivesi,
and Is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations cE a ay
House In the city, and at the low rate of ,
$1.00, per Day. - pirst CJass Teals, 25 Cepts.
Office for all Stage Lines leaving The Dalles far all
points In Eastern Oregon and Kaatern Washington,
in this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
Opp. Vara, Kerns & Robertson's LiYery Stalls, on Second St.
Second-hand Furniture Bought Sold.
Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables. '
A TTf-T'TO-Nr -CTTnmp-V Q A TTTT?T1 A "V from 1 1 to o'clock. I
ertv placed with me at reasonable commission.
Men's French Calf Shoes,
Oxford Ties,
Outing Flannels,
Quincy Cloth.
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
I have taken 11 first prizes.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
rill sell any sroods or dnd.
Give me a eall.