Tub Dalles Daily Clironiele. STJBSCKIPTlOlt BATBS. JTWT "AIL, POBTAOB 1KIFAII, IH ADVAHCS, w 7,iye";v 1 so S mo.n0! 0 75 Tu7,i year..... .."":.""."..':'.".'..;;::;::: e oo 6 months. 8 oo i" 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. MONDAY, - SEPTEMBER 10. 1894 MUCH MONEY IN ITOQS. Ex-Sheriff Matt Scott, of Lynn county having just disposed of a carload of hogs. raised and fattened on the best quality of wheat his Ajbma prairie farm pro duces, says the Portland Oregonian; be lieves that raising "porkers" will be one of the greatest industries of the Will amette valley, just as soon as a sufficient demand is made, and a .market opened, "We could get 75 cents a bushel tor our wheat," said Mr. Scott, "by feeding at to nogs, if we had a big pork-packing establishment here somewhere. At this time, however, there is market onlv for local consumption. Some pork is ship ped East, but, comparatively.Very little. I have experimented in pork raising, and lam convinced we can produce pork equal to any in America with our wheat, and as I said before, get as high as 75 cents a bushel in this way for the wheat, Atcy oeverai oia-ume iarmers Jiving near me stood watching me pour my wheat to the 'pigs,' and at once concluded I ought to be sent to gail for extravagance. a; j , j . i . .... uiun c say anyining, duu went right on rawing woou, ana wnen toe time came for taking my fat hogs to market, yon couldn't put one of them in a wool sack after it was killed. y "I got $4.30 per hundred for my pork on loot. Uhis pays me better than sell ing wheat at 40 cents a bushel. But, until there is a big pork-packing house in this vicinity, we can't all raise pork l nope some such establishment will be founded and we can go into the business of furnishing it with material to work on. Pork is now shipped from Eastern Ore Cn. to the Eastern market, and cored into hams, shoulders and bacon to be re turned to Portland and the Willamette alley for consumption. This is not right, and something ought to be -done to keep this business at home, and, also to give us a sufficient market to infuse the pork- producing industry with new life." - THEY SHOULD ROAST. It ia now asserted that the terrible fires that have swept through the Min nesota forests were started by timber thieves. At the last session of the Min nesota legislature Ignatius Donnelly ac cused the timber ring of systematically robbing the state for years, and further asserted that this action was connived at by state officials. A legislative com mittee was appointed to examine into the matter, and it is said found abund ant proot that the charge was true. The timber ring had been cutting the tim ber from state and school lands. The ring learning this, in order to cover up their tracks and to render it impossible 10 estimate the amount of lumber stolen, es nres in the tops and brush of the hmds cut over, intending to so burn the stumps that no idea could be formed as to their size. The fire, the conditions Demg extraordinarily favorable.got away from them, burned over an area of 1000 square miles, destroyed $20,000,000 worth ot pine timber, and over 400 lives. It the offense can be placing the revolver to his temple, blew out his brains. Thus ends one of the most horrible deeds ever committed in Eastern Oregon." PERSONAL MENTION. Prather of Hood Eiver is Blakeley is Tiaiting in Mr. Geo. T. in the city. Mrs. G. C Portland. Mr. T. A. Hudson will leave for San a ranciBco in the morning, lion. A. R. Byrkett came up from Hood Kiver on the local this afternoon Mr. J. B. Crossen and wife have re, turned from San Francisco, accompanied Dy jura, urossen'e mother, Mrs. Marlin miss jeannette w imams came up from Clatsop Saturday, and will return to Portland soon, where the family ex frrcvi w jQuiHiu uunug me winter, Mrs. W. P. Short and dauehter. Misn .ctnei, accompanied Dy miss Jones of Sellwood, returned to their home in Sell wood this morning, after spending iu summer in mis city. Mr. F. A. French has been subpoenaed as a witness in the United States court at Portland in the case of F. A. Bean. charged with opening a letter belonging to Mrs. Morgan. The same old cane that began here, V0 WILL SV iL0OD I SLEEP clear") bt long ,skm, ffel m 1 strong! Unerves MENTAL ENERGY, TV - AVER'S SARSAPARILLA DOES NOT ANY FIGURE. .- Irregularity. Is that what troubles you? Then it's easily and promptly remedied by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate the system perfectly. ' Take one for a gentle laxative or corrective; three for a cathartic. If you suffer from Constipation, In digestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bil ious Headaches, or any derangement of the liver, stomach, or bowels, try these little Pellets. They bring a permanent cure. Instead of shocking and weaken ing the system with violence, like the ordinary pills, they act in a perfectly easy and natural way. They're the smallest, the easiest to take and the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. S. P. Smith, of Towanda, Pa.; whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, He writes: . - " For eight years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and indiges tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 129 pounds ; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health. If you could se tt7a Cote and after using, you would want me for a traveling I believe this preparation of Sarsanarilla to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowall, JIass. Cures others.will cu re you 'The warn China does not exit any figure in comparison with Charles P. Stephens' attractions in biyood GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ETC., Since the passage of the Wilson Tariff Bill. Free-Wool Basis. -Low Prices for Everybody Special Bargains for the next Thirty Days. y oay - . ... -. ; ; : : The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are unequaled. Ayer s barsaparilla is one of the few remedies which are recommended bv every school of medicine. Its strength, purity, and efficacy are too well estab lished to admit of doubt as to its super iority overall other blood-purifiers what ever. Ayer's Sarsarjarilla leads all. TV.. 1 ... . iiio umy way kj cure iever ana ague is either to neutralize the poisons which cause the disease or expel them irom the system. Ayer's Ague Cure operates in ootn ways, it is a warranted specific lor ail forms of malarial disorders, and never fails to cure. Try it. Special Notice Painting Lesson. can De proven, everv person connected with it, or having knowledge of the fact that the fires were to be set, should be, when proven guilty, condemned to death and executed by a alow roasting process. A cute grocer in Portland, having dis covered that someone was in the habit of stealing from his store, placed a trap gun therein, and the next morning found a dead man on the floor. The man was a crimnal, it is true, but the laws of the country do not recognize a man's right to kill another either for the oflVnee so' committed, and certainly not in the manner. The grocer will not be bothered by burglars soon, but at the same time he may be sent to th n.ni. tentiary for a few years, as the killing of 1U tQe way the grocer laid his Burglarious visitor out is called by the very ugiy name of manslaughter T T T - -r r 1 ... . .LTj.isa xeeme xioicomD will receive pupilsin painting and drawing. Private lessons 50 cents. Lessons in classes of two or three 35 cents. Addrees eep7-lw. Miss Bessie Holcomb. HOW HIGH WILL A KITE GO? Buy a Piano while you can get one so cheap. Only a few more days, and no more will be offered at cost. Yesterday I sold and delivered the dearest and finest in stock. Only two left out of the six advertised. Terms of pur chase easy. Go to I. C. Nickeleen's "Music Store and examine the pianos. They are worth more than they Bell for. I have two nice ones left. They must be sold. - -, - I. C NICKELSEN. The Way He lied. The Antelope Herald gives the follow ing account of the manner in which Barnard killed himself: "Tuesday evening about 6 o'clock Barnard rode up to his home, put up his horse and went to the house. His mother, a sister, two urotners ana Jant Zachery were there, ate some pie, aranfc a cup of coffee na seemea to relish it immensely. This done, he informed the folks that he had lived long enough and that he had concmaea to bring his earthly existence to a close. He said he had lived a man and was going to die a man. He advised the folks to live honest lives and to do as near wnat was right as possible. Then after bidding them all good bye he or dered them to all go to the barn bo they would not have to witness his death. Of course they were completely dumb founded and were reluctant about going, but Jim was determined, and they could do nothiiig rls than go. After they were all in the barn Jim stepped inside a small sleeping tent near the house and Eighteen Hundred Feet the Maximum Al titude That a Single Kite Can Reach. it is one of the most difScult under takings imaginable to even approxi mately estimate the height of a kite a Dove tne earth. This is on account of the fact that objects floating in the air eeem to De lartlier away than they really are. It may be safely said, says the St. Louis Republic, that 1,80 0 feet is xne maximum altitude that can pos sibly be attained by a single kite. A kite flying at the height mentioned will appear even to a conservative observer to be nearly if. not quite a half, mile above the surface of the earth, but a careful measurement of a string and its angle will quickly prove that it ,ill not have been more than a fourth of a mile above the ground. Ordinarily a kite will fro no higher, even if m- string be paid out; this is because the wind depresses the cord and causes the kite to really recede when it anrmars to rise. It has been said that it is pos sible to arrange several kites in such a manner that they will reach a higher altitude than it is . possible" to attain with a single kite. In this manner where three, four, or even a Acmm Uk have been used remarkable heights have been reached. Where more than one kite is nwl only the main one is attached to the end of the string, the others being at tached along the main line fin a man. uer similar to tne arrangement of the uvuab oiuujj ltd time ) at an aver age distance of about twelve feet apart.- mnlileman, who made experi ments at Buda-Pesth, and Irlson and "Watson, whose investigations under the Russian Academy of Sciences were carried on at Edeenea, Finland, report curious results. Where single kites could be forced up into the atmosphere to a height of 1,500 feet, a pair could be made to ascend to a height of from 2,000 to 2,100 feet, and a tandem easily reached the high-water mark, of 2,500 feet. The three experimenters alluded to believe that with a proper arrange ment of the kites, and with a scientific adjustment of both the tail and string, a height of two miles will eventually be reached. NOTICE. Ifo Freight will be accepted for ahln. ment between the hours of 5 P. M. mnri M except Live Stock and Pariah St. Mary's Academy THE DALLES, OR. EE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 3d, 1894. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Rates per term of ten weeks, payable in advance: Board and Tuition......... 4n no Entrance Fee ,imvHil ., . XX Bed and Bedding" .. , XX . .uic, j. j p wriung, Telegraphy, Drawing and Painting form extra Charles. preucn, uerman, Latin, Needlework and Vocal Music taught free of charge to regular nnnnlT r r. tot juriner particulars address, . SISTER SUPERIOR. Cord Wood We again have an abundant supply of ury nr ana bard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be fayored with a liberal ehare of the fcraue- - Jos, t. IraTsaa & Co Notice. All ' ... city warrants registered prior to January z, 18UZ, are now due and pay. able at my office. Interest ceases after tbis date. L, I. Bubget. Citv TWo Dated Dalles City, Aug. 1, K94. ".r Sale. A. R. Byrkett, at" White Salmon Wash., has a number of nnrn Vra1 r t i i . . .. istered Al C. C. Jersev bulls of all ages, pedigree furnished on application. Ad drees or call on - A. R. Byrkett, Hood River. Or. ui. u iuur uiBMea and Look at This. From $100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to . f ITT ir. " J10. W . liOWLAND, m 113 Third St, The Dalles, Or KBOFE3SIONAL. H. RIDDELL attobnbt-at-Law Office (. B. corn a. funk mmm UFUB, A MKNEFEE ATTORNEYS - ir LAW Raoma . 4.1 anrt ah t . -C i. ,, Jimrance on wasnington Street tie Dalles, Oregon. 1 H. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. V. flee in Schanno'o building, ud stairs iles, Oregon. H Of-The J. B. CONDON. w. CONDON. CONDOr. & CONDON, ATVORNEYS AT LAW Office On- COTITt Mtrrrot nr,nc; r,. i i court house, The Dalles, Or. B. 8. HUNTINGTON . a. a. Wilson. WILSON ATTOBNEYS-AT- TTUNTINGTON fc JJ. law Offices, French's block over ifirst v. Uonal Bank . Oregon. " H. WILSON Attoknbt-at-law Rooms J' French & Co.'a bank building. Second rtreet, The Dalles, Oregon. s SUTHERLAND, M. I C. M.; F. T. M c' M. C. P. and S. O., Physician and Sur- STeOn. RonmR ft And A mioTtman hlnnV Residence Mrs. Thnrnhnm'a. street ' DR. E8HELMAN (Homeopathic; Physiciam and SoasaoN. Calls answered promptly lay or night, city or country. Office No. 86 and SPORTSMEN, ATTEJiTIOfl I We have just received a large invoice of SHOTGUNS and RIFLES, which we are prepared to sell at prices up . , to the times. Call and examine our 93 Model Winchester Shotguns and "Take-down" Rifles, ' We will be pleased at all times to show our ; goods. See center window for display of POCKET KNIVES, tna' we are offering for prices that defv competition. J . SHOTGUN SHELLS LOADED TO ORDER. Agents for Rambler" All gun repair work executed with neat ness and dispatch. Guns for rent. and "Courier" Bicycles. MAYS & GROWE. v a. it s E3 , Successor toTaul Kreft & Co. -DEALER IN- wtl K. O. D. DOANE PHYSICIAN AND 8UB- . ON- Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman lck. Residence: a. E. nitrnnr nnnrt .h "Olxrth streets, sec md door from the mrnsr ItBce hours 0 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to ft P. U A 'iDDALL Dentist. Gas given lor the i . nainlesfc extraction of teeth. A ln tooth (n flowed aluminum tlate. Rnoma- Mim ni e Golden Tooth. Second Street. . PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in : WALL PAPER. WALL PAPTO of JPETm1 the best bran.ds SOCIETIES. A8CO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7 SHERIFF'S SALE. Pursuant to thp rnmmonil nf a -..rw ,.t tlOn issued nnt nf th f'imnit r',,- r l o . . " of Oregon for Wasco County in a suit thPi., hJ"?y Pl-intiff ants, dated August 2d, 1894, eommandinir m A seii au tne right, title and interest of said de- TPtlnfinta anil aaaI n-C , j . -i . . . . uiciu in ana to tne south east quarter of section nine, township two south nf qqi r .i T T . 2 .J ' "iy ioe sum ?l!a21;7.and ln,ere' thereon from June 26th, i at the rate of ten per cent per annum and .uc lUfUier Hum OI KNi I nttmnov'. fo ...j j V l-utsus aua oisDursements, due to said plaintiff from uairi HefenHuni ti. . and to apply the surplus if any in payment of the sum of 313.5oand interest thereof at tne rate of ten Mr cent. tr nnnnm fwx. ij .: 9iia,S WO 0 'attorney's fee. due fISra the n f v. . .,r" jiuBinB ro ine aeiundaut C. E Haight. l will, on Saturday the 8th day of Sept ber' at the hur ol 2 "'dock in the after- noon, at the oniirtbrtnwo ta..,, A7Z Oregon, sell all of said above described real property at pubUc sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand. T. J. rRTVB-5 augl-st. Sheriff of Wasco County, dr. Administrator's Sale. min ratt, de ft A. able Goods. July 20th. 1894. F. Jb A. K. Co. Feed wheat Warehonse. for sale cheap at Wasco tf. The Chronicle prints the news. JJB. A. DIETRICH, Physician, and Surgeon, " DTjrrjK, OEEGON. sSSF1 All professional caIIh nwmnti. .H0n o, day and night. . 'aprM NoHce is hereby given that bv an order of the County Court of the i-tate of Oregon hert-tofore made, the undersisned hnv w h.,i JZiT! , ...v me 4 i-itiiiutAj ana acting auiu .Du.arvxa ui me esutie ox nenry A, ceaseu. A'1 P5rsons having claims against the above named" deceased are hereby notified to present TlVlli,. auiuc DUlltttng, , y iiui oxa. uiuutuH irom me date of this notice and all persons indebted to said Ik' tate are herAhv rvmirH tn ,.Mt. ... L . , . ertnoB. tthiw"1 v" "L"i" inaeDt- mKf at, Dalles' City, Or., at Hood Eiver," this 10th dav nf- An mst MiOA ' 1 BUTLEK, deteSed. hC ?State ot Henr7 Pratt, DALLES ROYAL, ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third WeHnmi.. most Skilled workmen emr.W-i rZZt-?ir??' WJT"' . a . n0ne -D Store and fdDt Shoo cotmr Ttba aid Vuttaflra Sti.. The D.U.., Otum No chem- All orders f OllBKN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. ' jjiu nuou ampjNo.aa, Meets Tuesday even mem aicu weei in rTaiernity Hall, at 7 :30 p poLUJttUlA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. P. Meets V i. ,i rnuay evening at 7:ao o'cloclc, in K ji f. ball, corner Second and Court streets, sujuuriuug Drocners are welcome. 1. Clopoh. Sec'y. , H. A. Billb.N. 6. L-KiJSNDBHIP LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meets every monaay evening at 7:30 o'clock, In fChanno's building, corner of Court and Second oojonrmng memners are cordially in ff w , W. L. UKADSHAW, D. W.Vadsk. K. of R. and 8. C. c! riSEMBLY of P. hal lavs of each month at 7:30 p. m. VBonaiBir mo. 4827, K. OF L. Meets In K of P. hall the second and fnnrth WMno. V "t, CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE i 1 i"" rlu meei every tTlday afternoon " " oi ir nawimy riMim. Ail are invited "I7ERN A. 25.- Mks. B. J. LODGE, DEGREE OP HONOR, NO. ccAj t cuueuuay fvening at a o clock. -aims. JMAMIB iJBIGGS, C. of H. Russell, Financier. 'UK DALLES LODGE No. 2, I.O.O T Rest- r ftfD o.. ii ' ' J " r. n., a' w x. nail. J . H. WINZT.KB I"! T DiNKMORg Parish, Sec'y. paairijt LOWiS , NO. 3, A. O. D. W. Meets m. axi rrawriuty tlHli. over Keilnra An finonnri Teet, Thursday evenings at 7:81). C. F. STEPHENS, Financier. m. W W. a Mykrs, I "mmo h POoT, No. 82, G. A. R. Meets -j biwj oamiuav hi v:au p. v in tho u ft i A MERICAN RAILWAY UNION. Kn An JTX. Meets second and fourth Thnr.Ha, month in K. of P. halL w. H. jokes, Sec'y . W. Rbady. Pres. R hr E-7"Me8,t8,?TerT Sunday afternoon in Ad. Keller is now located at "W H. Butts' old stand, and will be lad to wait upon his many friends. 3E8ANG VEREIN-Meets every, Snnda VJT. evening (n the K. of P. Hall. OF L, F. DIVISION, No. 167 Mwt. fr, K. of P. Hall the firnt otiH tK1i ...1 lay of each month, at 7:30 p. m. .. B. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, IN IE! Old Rvtxiqtry Building, Washington Street, between Second bet. Second and Third, iW-Has Just received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and hs a large assortment of Fortlgn. and Amer lean Cloths, which he can finish To Order for those that favor him. r Gleaning and flepaMng a Specialty. THE CALIFORNIA WINEHOUSE. . ALL KINDS OF California Wines at Low Prices. F$EE DELIVE5V TO flflY PflIT OF TJffi CITY. Call on or address CHflS. BECHT' The Dalles, OP. What? Hand-Corded Coraeta, Health Reform Waists Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists bnoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order Where? At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the office, and our agent will call and secure your order. TREATS TRADEMARK COPYRIGHTS. . CA1V T ORTITH X Plimnil " t;- RPt "pswCT and an honest opinion, write to DIUNN & CO.. who have had nearly Shy years' experience In the patent business. Commnw tions strictly eonfldentlal. A Handbook of In! formation ooncerning Patents and how to ob tain thnm umt. fro., a lu . M..inm.A n T. teal andTcienUni rbookTsentfreeT'" Patents taken through Mann Sc Co. reenlM special notice in the Scientific Am erica tbos a brought widely before tl public ?L2,tne. tavej;to: Thl splendid paper! imuiniiiccju, cibkiiuu iiinsxrarea, aas by farthA few? steals, isiasseSS DVi1nc Notice to Creditors. Notice fit hRrpliT tHvAn thof 1 . j o t a iiaio, mc uiiuci n 1 if 11 tm has by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in probate, been appointed administrator of thamtaianf rtivii.rr deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them, with proper vouch rs, to me at the law office 01 Condon fc Condon, The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated July 28, 1894. HANS LAGE, Administrator. , Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- ent business conducted for Modcr atc Fees OUB OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE 1 and we can secure patent in leas time th.n ihna. Send model, drawing: or photo., with descrip 1 tlon. We advise, if natent.hla nr charge. Our tee oot due till patent is secured. , , H PAMFHLaT, nvw ID UDUQ ritSltS, ' WM 1 cost of same in the U. S- mnA Xm: ..im !.A.SnO7iCO. . patent Office, Washington, d. C. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmake r? Jeweler Can street. All work promptly attended to, . and warranted. now be found at ' 162 Second