The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 06, 1894, Image 3

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ew ioo
Saturday, Sept. 8th.
'S -
Remnant Day. -
Perhaps you will find"
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Catered a the Postoffioe at The Dalles, Oregon,
as Becond-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
..$2.50 $1.75
. 3.00 2.00
fbroicle ui K. T. Tribue. .
" ui Veeklj OrrgonUa
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion. ,
Special rates for long time notloes.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
rill appear the following day.
Leave Fruin the Notebook of Chronicle
Grain Backs for Bale at the Wasco
warehouse. tf
Staate and Nolin will start their
thresher Monday morning next at
Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach at
Dufur Saturday evening and Sunday
morning and evening.
Jos. H. Warner will be examined by
the county judge and Dr. Hollister this
afternoon as to his sanity.
Blakeley & Houghton have had their
drag store thoroughly repainted by that
master artiet Paul Kreft. It is good for
the eyes just to get a glimpse of it.
One by one the boys dr ift home from
" Oregon City, but as the tickets are only
good until tonight, it is probable most
of them will be here on the next train.
Henry Pitman broke his arm last Sun
day morning his team running away and
throwing him out on the hill near En
dersby postoffice.
Salvation Army Saturday night, dedi
cation of the flags, Sunday night swear
ing in recruits at Congregational church.
Everybody welcome.
The regular monthly business meeting
of the Epworth League will be held at
the M. E. church, Friday evening, Sept
7th, at 7 :30. Members are requested to
be present.
. George Nolin fell off his house at
Dufur, but outside of tearing his thumbs
received no damage. He was cleaning
out s Btovepipe and got the usual reward
for Buch -work. . '.
But little wheat has reached the
market yet, farmers all being busy
threshinsr. The price remains at so
cents a bushel, though choice lots have
Drought 31 and 32 cents at the mill.
The case against F. M. Bean, of which
we spoke the other dav as beine held be
fore Commissioner Huntington, was
dismissed after the evidence was all in.
It seems that the whole matter is one of
persecution instead of prosecution, and
Mr. .Bean is to be congratulated on com
ing out on top.
' If the lady who put a notice in this
family journal the other day stating that
sue wanted wort in a small familv and
requesting those needing her services to
can atxierrins gallery, will call' there
herself she will find several dozen
chances to sro to work awaiHnc .-
Mr. Herrin says she forzot to lea.v hr
address, and unless she can be found he
iears lie will have to go out as a hired
girl to save Ms life.
John C. Hertz, the popular young
merchant, gives notice today in our
Low Prices
something of interest.
advertising columns of a special sale of
neckwear tomorrow and Saturday. Just
go down and treat yourself to a hand
some tie and see your wife 'smile when
you get home. It works just the same
way on your beBt girl provided you have
no wife.. He has also some of the ties
that bind our hearts in love, etc., and
warranted to make your mother-in-law
look pleasant. .' .'.-".'
The -party consisting of Ed Martin,
Charley Clark and Billy McCrum ar
rived home the other day from an ex
tended trip to the southern part of the
state. They went as far as the head
waters of the McKenzie river, and had a
splendid trip. Mr. Martin tells us they
only saw one newspaper from the time
they left until they returned, and that
was a copy of the Weekly Chronicle,
which they found at Mr. Rigga' place,
near the Three Sisters. The boys ab
sorbed that paper, which is one of the
reasons why they took on fat and caught
fish. Thb Chronicle - is good, to take
whenever von find it.
Beppncr Notes.
Circuit court convened at Heppner
yesterday. The docket is light and will
be cleared this week. The contest case
of Hayes vs. Harrington was thrown out
of court. -In the case of Ed Hall, who
was bound over to the grand jury from
Lexington lor buying votes, the jury
found not a true bill.
Wheat is beginning to arrive at the
warehouses, and is of splendid quality.
Reports from all parts of the county are
that the yield is greater than was ex
pected, 33 and 40 bushels being nothing
Real Estate Transactions.
The following deeds were filed for
record today :
John W Watson and wife to C C Fall
mins, 32 lots in Erwin and Watson ad
dition to Hood River ; $300. "
John W Adams to Edward Wilson,
sej sec 9, tp 2 s of r 14 e ; $2000.
Irving W. Laimore, physical director
of Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, says
he can conscientiously recommend
Chamberlain's Pain Balms to athletes,
gymnasts, bicyclists, foot ball players
and the profession in'general for bruises,
sprains and dislocations; also for sore
ness and stiffness of the muscles. When
applied before the parts become swollen
it will effect a cure in one half the time
usually required. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton Druggists.
. The feller who kicks an' squirms tew
git a front seat at a circus is the one
who takes a back seat at the prayer
meeting. "01' Nutmeg's Sayings."
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a CSilld. she cried for Castoria.
When she became MSas, she clung to Castoria. .
When she had Children, the gave them Cant aria.
Notice. '
All city warrants registered prior to
January 2, 1892, are now due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. . 1. 1. Buhget, City Treas.
Dated Dalles City, Aug. 1, 1894.
For Rent.
The Union street lodging house. For
terms apply to Geo. Williams, admin
istrator of the estate of John Michel-
bach. . im.
Death of Emil Schutz.
A letter from the secretary of Hobah
lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F., to. Columbia
lodge of this city, received yesterday
brought the sad news of the death of our
old townsman and friend Emil Schutz,
at Canyon City, Monday morning at 2
o'clock. . The funeral took place under
the direction of the Odd Fellows, Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'cleck. ' ,
Emil Schutz was one of God's own
noblemen; the most genial, the. most
generous,, the most charitable and the
most unselfish of men. He was a pioneer,
coming to California in 1850 as a sailor.
His first venture in California was in
unloading ships at which he made
money rapidly, but spending with both
hands he saved but little 'then he drifted
into the mines at Yreka, and in 1862
went to Canyon City. He operated a
stage line between that place and The
Dalles, and ' finally . located here. . He
was city marshal and so well did he fill
the office that he was elected sheriff of
Wasco county, at that time almost an
empire in extent, filling the office two
terms. '" '
A short time ago he went to visit his
son, at Caleb being indisposed and believ
ing the trip would be beneficial.' About
a week ago he wrote Dr. Logan that he
was going to the hot springs and that if
he was not better soon he would strike
for home. Poor, eenial, generous Emil !
he has indeed, gone home. . And at the
glorious portals of the heavenly mansion,
as he waits, unknown' to him, the angels
will see in both his rugged hands the
evidence of generous deeds, of kindly
charities, of acts unselfish, of other's
burdens lightened and other's sorrows
ministered to; of' love, and sympathy,
and tenderness as pure and deep as ever
flowed from out the human heart. And
theEe shall weigh against such frailties
at he; being human, had, and will ont
weigh them full an hundred times.
' Haw Barnard Hilled Hamilton.
The. following account of the killing
of Hamilton by Barnard at-Condon, is
clipped from the Telegram, . being its
correspondent's statement of the affair:
"Monday morning at 10:40 Myron
Hamilton was shot and killed at this
place by James Barnard. Both are res
idents of the south end of this county.
Barnard was tried and convicted here
last spring for cattle stealing, andvsen-
tenced to two years in the penitentiary.
After being there a few days he was re
leased by the supreme court for a new
trial at Condon this month. Hamilton
was a witness against him, and was at
Sheriff Wilcox house.. Monday, when
Barnard rode into town, he put his
horse in a stable, walked up to Wilcox's
and shook hands with Mrs. Wilcox.' He
called Hamilton out, walked up the
street with him, then back, and when
near Wilcox's front gate, drew his re
volver and shot Hamilton in the back of
the head twice, once in the back and
once in- the left arm. - One shot went by
and struck the residence of G. W. Rine
hart. Five shots were fired., Hamilton
fell dead against Wilcox's gate. Barn
ard then ran to the stable, mounted his
horse and rode out f town, waving his
revolver at the citizens to frighten them
back. A posse started in pursuit.
"News came in' late last night that
Barnard was, at 2 o'clock p. m., twenty
five miles from here, .his horse nearly
fagged out, and the posse within a' mile
of him. Barnhard was within a mile
of his brother Elmer's, Cant Zachary's
-We have again on hand
an abundance of strictly
dry FIR "WOOD, which
we will sell at the lowest
and his brother-in-law, Brown's, beyond
Bntte creek and on West Fork. '
"The Barnhards and Zacharys are the
same' chaps that earned fame in connec
tion with the Roslyn bank robbery. In
dictments were out against two or three
of them now in this county.
"The coroner's jury teturned a ver
dict of 'premeditated and deliberate
murder,' and named James Barnard as
the murderer."
: .
Barnard Kills Himself.
The killing of Hamilton by Barnhard
at Condon caused intense excitement' in
that neighborhood, and a posse at once
started in pursuit of the murderer. A
telephone from Arlington this morning
states that . yesterday , the '.posse bad
tracked Barnhard to his brother's house,
that as they approached Barnhard placed
a revolver against his forehead and blew
his brains out. .,
We had quite a long conversation with
Judge Bennett last night concerning
Barnhard, The judge had just returned
from Portland and was at the Umatilla
waiting for the train, being bound for
Heppner.' He had not heard of the kill
ing of Hamilton, and was shocked at the
news. He was Barnhard's attorney and
describes him as of a kindly nature, but
disposed to be morbid.' From him we
leain that Barnhard's wife had grieved
herself to death over his troubles, leav
ing a baby of a few months old at her
death. That he was devoted toliia wife,
and Mr. Bennett is firmly of the opinion
that brooding over his misfortunes had
unsettled his mind.
The dispatch in 'question states that
Barnhard said just before killing himself
that there were seven other men he in
tended to kill the dav he'killed Hamil
ton, but that be could hot find them.
Bill Allowed.
The following bills . were . allowed by
the city 'council at the regular meeting
Tuesday night;
Douglas Dufur, recorder. ...... $ 75 00
Jas H Blakeney, marehal ... 75 00
Geo J Brown, eng nre dept To OU
W A Maddron, street commsr. . 90 00
I I Burget, treasurer. . ..... 20 00
John Blaser, ire warden. 10 00
Times-Mountaineer, . printing... 2 50
C G Munson, sawing wood 75
Mays & Crowe, mdse 1 80
Dalles El Lt, Tel & P Co, lights
fire dept. .:. . .. 6 40
Jos T Peters & Co, wood 5 50
Wm McCrum. labor 5 20
Farley & Frank, mdse 1 25
Dalles Lumb Co, mdse. 48 11
Jos T Peters & Co, mdse 3 09
Mays & Crowe, mdse .... . . . 5 85
J L Thompson, labor : . 2 20
J Like, labor 52 00
N Eaton, labor . . r . 8 00
Bert Eaton, labor 7 00
E Riggs, labor 10 80
L S Richardson, labor 1 00
F Pieper, labor ' 1 80
Alex S Cathcart, hauling 27 00
Dalles El Lt. Tel & P Co, street
lights . 240 00
Dalles El Lt, Tel & P Co, office
lights'..'. , 5 40
D W Vause, mdse . . .. 2 70
Oregon -Telephone & Telegraph
Co, telephone rent. '2 00
Dalles City Water Works, water
rents'.-... .'..,. ....:' ,. 32 00
Chronicle Pub Co, printing 7 00
Maier & Benton, mdse 5 50
Mays & Crowe, mdse ..... 1 00
L P Ostlund, special police. . . . . ' 2 50
M Finch, special police 2 50
Prinz & Nitschke, mdse. .' . . ' 4 25
M T Hanceck, special police. . . 2 50
T T Nicholas, feeding prisoners. 40 71
R V Gibons, night watchman. . 60 00
F G Connelly, night watchman 60 00
No Freight accepted for ship
ment between the hours of 5 P. M. and
9 A. M except Live Stock and Perish
able Goods. - 1)., P. & A.- N. Co
.Tuly 20th. 1804. '
We hesitate not for Congress to decide, but have marked our
goods to please the people. Large stock of
Gents' Furnishings,
Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Hosiery,
Ladies' Kid Shoes,
Ladies' Underwear, '
Children's School Shoes,
A Thorough Clearance Sale!
Watch our Center Window for Bargains.
Order Groceries,
Telephone No. 20.
Best Hotel in the City.
fit a 5aerifiee.
Summer Dry Goods,
, Clothing, Hats,
Shoes, Etc., Etc.
Special Sale of HeeMeaf
Friday and. Saturday.
-worth. 75c and spl, will be sold at
35c and 50c Ties -will be
Second Street,
' . When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
This large and popular House does the principal hotel business,
aud is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
, House in the city, and at the low rate of.. " .
$1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass (Ieals, 25 Cepts.
OfHee for all Stage Lines leaving The Dalles for all
' points in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington,
. ' " in this Hotel. ' . .
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
On. aii, Kerns S Mertsiiii's Iter? StaMs, a Essai St. -
Second-hand Furniture Bought - Sold.
Money Loaned on Jewelry and other Valuables.
erty placed with me at reasonable commission. Give me a call.
Men's French Calf Shoes,
Oxford Ties,
Outing .Flannels,
Quincy Cloth.
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
I have taken 11 first prizes. '
sold at 25c. ',
The Dalles, Oregon.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
. 33 HOOD.