Tie Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, T MAIL, FOSTAG PKIPAID, 1M ADVAHCI. Weekly, 1 year 1 50 " 6 months.... 0 75 " 8 " 0 60 0117,1 year. 6 00 " 6 months. 3 00 per " 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE' The Dalles, Oregon. TUESDAY-, - - AUGUST 28. 1894 THE CHANGE WILL COME. Smarting under the action of the senate on the tariff bill recently trefore it, Mr. Tucker introduced a resolution in the house, providing for amending the constitution so that United estates senators should be elected by a direct vote of the people. - This res olution passed without objection, and by the necessary two-thirda vote. To eub mit the matter to a vote, however, would require that the resolution goes by a two-thirds vote of both houses. It is unnecessary therefore to say that the resolution did not pass the senate. Some of the senators are indignant, and ay that the passing of the resolution by the house is a reflection on the moral in tegrity of the senate, and an insult to the members of that body. Well, that's about what it Is, and it will have to go at that, yet at the Fame time it is but the expression of the feelings and senti ment of the masses. The fight on this proposition may be put off, but sooner or later the people will triumph and the principle business of the state legisla tures will be gone. It is only a question ot time. ThcBe our Caesars have fed upon sugar until they have grown so great that they imagine they are above the reach of the common herd. A greater mistake was never made for when forbearance ceases to be decent, the American people know how to apply a remedy. The rights of the people are aold in the open market by traitors in the senate, who coming not from the people, do not hold themselves regponsi b'e to them. Gorman has whipped both the president and the house, but he has killed the senate. A PRESENT OWNERSHIP LIST. The system of assessments in Oregon is decidedly crude. We venture the assertion that thousands of dollars of t ixes are lost each year by every county i the state. Wasco is no exception. The county should have an abstract of titles ' made, both ' from the county records and the. records of the U. S. land office, showing the ownership of all lauds in the county. Deeds are made that are not recorded, and this is especi a'ly true of patents which are taken from the land offiee, but not recorded until the owner of the land desires to aell. We believe that a present owner iip list would add not less than $5000 yearly to the amount received in this CMinty. . There is no man who can, under the existing conditions, make a fair ana tnorough assessment of this county. S nie property is bound to escape ; in fact does escape. Not through either the carelessness or incompetency of the apegfor, but just because it is impossi ble for him, or any other man, to find it all. We believe the county court would do a wise thing in having a pres ent ownership list made of all real prop erty, and we believe it would save every vear more than the cost of making the list. HANGING AT LAKE VIEW. Lakeview had a hanging by a mob Monday evening two weeks ago. A man named Wm. Thompson bad been arrested for pulling a gun on W. Z. Moss ami was confined in jail. Friday of last week a mob of about fifty men, masked, stopped the night watchman, took the keys of the jail away from him, and tikinir Thompson from the jail hanged him to the back steps of the couriliouse. Mob violence is always to be deprecated, but in this case theie seems to have lieen but little cause for ao jtrave a punishment. Thompson was Aid to be a quarrelsome fellow hut he had never hurt anyone. Theciiizens of lakeview feel keenly the disgrace of the affair. The mob was enmpoeed of other than residents of Lakeview, whose citi zens tok no part in the proceedings. The examination into the causes of the i-trike at Pullman brings to liiriit the questionable methods of the Pullman company in dealing with its emp'oyef. Ttie business afTairs'of the town of Pull man were patterned on the Bel lam v plan, with Pullman at the head instead of the government. It was a success for Pullman. The water, the gas, the groceries, the stores, the homes every thing belonged to Pullman, who fixed prii-ee, rents and wages. There was no competition. The men were little bet terllian slaves, although they received fair wages, for under Pullman's ryateiu the-'r wages all came back to him. It if to be hoped the charter will he forfeited and the experiment not attain tried. The advocates of free silver have some pretty strung argument in their favor. It seems that the production of gold is now greater than at any time in the his tory of the world. N"t only is this so, tot with the wonderful . . finds beluir made in Africe, thi gold yield promises to rua up at the rate of twenty to thirty million dollars per year for the next five years, doubling the world's output. The gold yield is increasing much more rapidly than the silver yield, and if this is kept up silver must again find its old place. '"' ' ' ' : The mushroom secret societies are multiplying so fast that it is impossible to keep trace of them. . There are so many kinds of knights that ' they slop over into the day time, and nearly every man you meet wears from one to half a dozen badges showing that he is knight this sir knight that, or at least that he is be-knighted.' The Oregonian is advocating the pro position that Oregon make a display ex hibit at the Tacoma affair. It is doing this because it is paid for doing it. - PERSONAL. MENTION. Mr. B. F. Laughlin and family re turned from Trout lake last night. Mrs. Corson and Mrs. Peters left for Springfield, Illinois, this morning. Mrs. W. E. Sylvester went to Portland this morning to" visit her daughter Mrs; Oliver. Mrs. A. Heppner and children, Mies Evie and Master Charles, have returned after a visit to Portland and the seaside. Mrs. E. O. McCoy and family, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bone of . Hood River, came up on the local passenger today. - Hon. M. A. Moody and party left' Hood River Sunday morning, reached Cloud Cap same evening. After a few days at the mountain, they will return to Hood River and then make the trip to Trout lake and Mt. Adams. Ed. Williams and Doug. Langille will leave Hood Kiver next Monday for Mt. Adams. They will make the ascent, and look out a route for next summer, when they hope to have the Mazamas hold their . regular meeting on the mountain's summit. Messrs. Jud Fish, Roger Sinnott and DeBrul left Saturday afternoon by team for Cloud Cap, which they reached at noon Sunday. DeBrul and Sinnott made the aBcent of the mountain but Jud was too old a bird to be caught with such chaff, and remaibed at the Inn. DIED. In this city, Tuesday, August 28th, Alpha Omega, infant daughter of J. R. and Ailce McDonnell, aged 8 months and 3 days. The funeral took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. It Should Be in Every House J.'B Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burgj Pa., says be will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack' of "la grippe," .when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Robert Barber i of Cooksport, Pa., ' claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles, at Snipes & Kin ersly's. ' ' . : . . The difference between "meddling" and "investigation" is that you always investigate, while it is the other person that meddles. Fourth Estate. , Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming bo well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. Apurer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidueys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and- other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For - cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit tern. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money, refunded. Price 50c and $1 bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's. Many bodily ills result from habitual constipation, and a fine constitution man be weakened and rained by simple neglect. There is no medicine, for regulating the bowels and restoring a natural action to the digestive organs, equal to Ayer's Pills. NOTICE. No Freight will be accepted for ship ment between the liuara lift I. M. and A. M., except Live Mok and Perixb able Goods. 1., P.' A. N. Co. .Fulv 20lh. IK94. CONTINUATION ' OF THE Special Piano Sale AT Melscn's Book atfd Musi Store. The remaining 3 pianos will befeold very cheap for cash, or on easyyfionthly v. ! payments. Prices as low aa the - great cities East. Pianos are in every respect firtt class. 1 commenced the special sale with 6 pianos, out ; of which 3 have been sold to prominent . . people of the city. Do not miss this . . rare chance, . . but call - early. I shall be glad to show the superiority of my pianos to any others. I. C. NICKELSEN. A Racking Cough Cured by .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. P. D. Hall, 217 Genessee SW ; Lockport, N. Y.f says : "Over thirty years ago, I remember hearing my father describe the wonder ful curative effects of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of La Grippe, which assumed the form of a catarrh, soreness of the lungs, accom panied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies and prescriptions. While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all night in ' my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oc curred to me that I had a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep, and awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and feeling much better. I took a teaspoonf ul of the Pec toral every night for a week, then grad ually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." v Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. P ro m pt to act. s u re to cu re ' Human Passport. The lines on no two human hands are exactly alike. This fact is utilized in China in an interesting' way. When a traveler desires a passport the palm of his hand is covered with fine oil paint, and an impression is taken on thin, damp paper. This paper, official ly signed, is hi" rTiort. Loktl . Five Dollars Reward. Strayed from my -west pasture, one iron-grey horse, branded (half circle) on left shoulder and two S's crossed on right shoulder; rather thin cinch sore on left ribs ; foretop roached back to the place 'for halter. Probably went tow ard h Tvoh RiiiirA. Will fviv iS murnrfl for his return to me at my ranch, or a liberal reward lor any information lead ing to his recovery. A. S. ROBKBTg, '.. , lm ' Prrvapect Ranch. - Notice to Taxpayers. The county board of equalization will meet in the assessor's office on Monday, Sept. 24th, and' continue in session one week, for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of;Waeco connty; for 1894. All tax payers who. have not been inter viewed by the assessor will please call at the office on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat urdays, as all property must he assessed. Jokl Koontz, ' County Assessor. Fur Trout Ltkr. The great fishing resort of the North west. - Parties can procure teams or con veyance the ronnd trip by writing and stating time they wish to start, number of the party, amount of bamraee, etc. Address - . A. H. Jjcwktt, , :. lm . .White Salmon, Wash. ' For Sale. , A. R. Byrkett, at White Salmon, Waf h., has a number of pure bred reg istered A 1 C. O. Jersey bulls of all aires. Pedigree furnished on application. Ad dress or call on ' A. R. Bykett, Tlnrwi River, Or. Notice. All ity warrants registered prior to January 2, 1892, are now due and pay able at my office. Interest ceases after this date. I. I. Bcbget, City Treas. Dated Dalles City, Antr. 1, 1894. . Cord Wood. We again have an abundant supply of dry fir and hard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be fayored with a liberal share of the trade. Jos. T. Peters &. Co. For Colic and Orub In my mules and horses, I give Simmons Liver Regulator. I have not lott ne I gave it to. K. T. Taylor, Aet. for Grangers of Ga. For Kent. The Union street lodging house. For terms apply to Geo. Williams, admin istrator of . the estate of John Michel bach,., . , - '. - lm. Snbscr'be for Tax Chboniclb. .. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, Kf THI Old Rttmoiry Building, Washington Street, between Second bet. Second and Third, ACS--Hai lust received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and h-s a large assortment of For- Iprn and Amer lean Clotbs, which he can finish To Order for those that favor Mm. Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty. DOES NOT Th.Q war in China does not cut any figure in comparison with Charles F. Stephens' attractions in ' - Dry 0,05 101911,3665, Embroideries, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ETC., Since the passage of the Wilson Tariff Bill. Free Wool Basis. Low Prices for Everybody. Special Bargains for the next Thirty Days. , Pat ob Your Classes and Look at Tills. From $100 to $2,000 to loan. A pply to ; Geo. W. Kowland, 113 Third St, The Dalles, Or. if B. RIDDELL attobmbt-at-Law Office I 1 Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. - a. b. Doruit. rBAn mum. DC FUR, A MENKFEK Attorn its -at-uw Rooms 42 and 48, over Post trice Building, Entrance on Washington Street "he Dalles, Oregon. ' 1 S. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. Of V flee In 8channo'a building, up stairs.-The miles, Oregon. J. B. CONDON. J. W. CONDOM. CONDOt & CONDON, ATVORNEYS A i' LAW Office on Court street, oppobite the old court house, The Uulles, Or. B. S.HUHT1N6TON. - H.8.WTXAOH. HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attokhbts-at-law Offices, French's block over 'list Na tional Bank Dalles. Oregon. H. WILtlON ATTOBSBT-AT-LAW Rooms r French dc Co.'s bank building, Second itroel I'he Dalles, Oregon. J SUTHERLAND, M. !., C M.; F. T. M. C. li. C. P. and 8. O., Physician and Sur geon. Rooms 8 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second street. Da. EHHKLMAN HoiJoriTBiC; Physictah and Subgbon. Calls answered promptly lay or night, city or country. Office No. 86 and "Chapman block. wtf B . Or i. DO A N K rHTSICIA AND III- eaoN. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman 1 lock. . Residence:' a. K. Corner uri auu fourth streets, see nd door from the corner ffice hours 9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M .ilDDALL Dsmtist. Uas given for the 1 oainless extraction of teeth. Also teeth er on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of i? women inotn. Merona street. dol'lfcTIKs. w AfiCO LODOE, NO. 15, A. P. A A M. Meet nrst ana tmra Monday 01 eaco monin at DALLE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hal the third Wednesday f eaoh month at 7 P. M. - - . - - ' f ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. 1 Mt. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even-n-of eanb week In Fraternity Hall, at 7:30 p. m. C COLUMBIA LODOE, NO. 6, 1. O. O. F. MeeUt every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. 11 P. nail, corner eecona ana uoun streets. sojourning brothers are welcome. -1 iTifiH. Bep'y. . R. A. BlUJ.N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODOE, NO. ., K. of P. Meet r every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in tchanno's building, corner of Court and Second treeta. Sojourning members are wrrlialH in. r red. I W. L. BRADSHAW, D. W.VansB, K. of R. aud e. C. V6SEMBLY NO. 48-27, K. OF L. Meets in K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes isvti of each month at 7:80 j. m. j It-OMtN'B CHRISTIAN TEMPKRENCE ONION will meet every Friday afternoon t t o'rlrws at the reartfne mnrm. A 11 are invited. FERN LODGE, DEGKEE O"" HONOR, NO. 25. Meeis in Fraternity Hall, Second street, every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. . Mrh. Mamib Bmoos, C. of H. Mas. B. J. Rtjsseli., f inancier. THE DALLES LODGE M). 2, LO.m.T. -Regular weekly meetings Fridny at 8 p. f.. a K. of P. Hall. J S. Wlkilkb, C. T. Dinsmobb Pabibh, Sec'y. IKMPLR LODGE NO. A, A. O. V. W. Meeu in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, en Second rreet, Thursday evenings at 7 :30. C. F. 8TEPHEN8, W.8 Mtbbb, Financier. ' M. W I Ao. NEsMlTH POST, No. 32, U. A. R. Meet J every Saturday at 7:30 r. in the K.tf P. 41L AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION, NO. 4(1. Meets secmd and fourth Thursdays each month in K. of P. halL . . J. W. RbadT, W. H. Joy Kb, Sec y. Pres. OF L. E. Meet every Sunday afternoon in I . the K. of P. Hall. I EbaNG VEKE1N Meet every suuda evening n the K. of P. Hall. OF L. F. DIVISION, No. IK7 Meets in K.. of P. Hall tbe nrst and tluxd wednes- my of each month, at 7-80 p. h. ' COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For Drmrjnt BIIINN A. C.n.. who have had near! v fiftv ?n answer ana an nonesc opinion, write to expert enoe in the patent business. Common t ca tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and how to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken thronprh Munn ft Co. receive special notice in tbe Hclentific Amerirnn, and thus are brought widely before tbe pnbltc with out east to tbe Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tbe largest circulation of any scientific work In the worldi S3 a yean Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 2.50 a year. Single copies, 25 eenta. Every number contains beau- ' tirul plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show the latent designs and secure contracts, Address MONK A CO, Ns-V YottKi HUt BROAD WAT Branner s Restaurant Is again opened at THE OLD STAND JVIEflliS COOKED TO OHDEl?, And everything the market affords coustautly on hand. Party Suppers a Specialty. Come and See Us. I. A. BRANNER 87 Second St. wvr:riu.iiinuLiviriirs- SPORTSPEH, ATTENTION I We have just received a large invoice of ' SHOTGUNS and RIFLES, which we are prepared to sell at prices up to the times. Call and examine oar 93 Model Winchester Shotguns and "Take-down" Rifles, We will be pleased at all times to show our goods. See center window for display of pocket knives; SHOTGUN SHELLS LOADED TO ORDER. Awnta for "Kambler" and "Courier" Bicycles. VF. -EE- CROSS Is Bad at tte Dli StanirnS -DEALER IX - Hag, Mi Feefl, Fleuiv Grocefts and Provisions, Fruits, lust Poultry, Potatoes, Bee Supplies. Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge. When the Tram stops at THE fiHW COLiPMBIH HOTEIi. 00-' This laree and popular House dcea tbe principal hotel bnfineas, and ia prepared to furnUh tbe Best Accummodationa of any House in tbe city, aud at tbe low rate of... $!.oo per Day. - pirst Qlass.Teals, 25 Cepts. Office for all Btaso I.lnea leavlna; The Dallea for all point In KaHtern Oregon and Kaatern Washington, In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Bts. What? Where? Ad. Ktller is now located at "W. H. Butts' old stand, and will be glad to wait upon his many friends. The Rose Hi , Is still adding to its lnrge stock ' of all kiuils of Greenhouse Plants, And can fnrnish a choice selec- tion. -Also . .' CUT FIiOWEHS.and. FbORRIi DESIGNS MRS. C. L. PHJLLIPS. ANY FIGURE. that we are offering for prices that defy competition. , All gnn repair work executed with neat ness and dispatch. Guns for rent. MAYS & CROWE a to welcome all his old custom.-. many new ones as possible. ..: DALLES, get off on the South Side AT TH T. T. NICHOLAS. Propr. Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursinit Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists, ftKkntjioi RaAAOan4 linsa finnnnrfiirfl marlA lil nrHflr. At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be tilted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the office, and our agent will call and secure your order. Caveats. and Trade-Marksobtained. and all Pat ent business conducted for MOOCRATC Fees.-. Otm ri- wm fi.Mi.rrr II s. Patent Omcr and we can secure patent in less lime tban tlkoae remote from Washington. Send model, drawinr or photo,, with descrip tion.' We advise, if patentable or not, -free of caarge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. a b...bui rr. "How to Obtain Patents.'' with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent rxee.- Aaaross,:;- - ' c.A.srjow&co. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAl. ? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can how street. be found at 162 Second