The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 27, 1894, Image 2

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Tns Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weekly , 1 year. . . . .
6 months..
Dally, 1 year. .".
" o months.
per "
.$ 1 SO
. 0 75
. 0 60
. 00
. 8 00
. 0 60
, Address all communication to " THJE CHKON
IGLB," The Dalles, Oregon.
AUGUST 27, 1894
The political conventions have met in
nearly all tbe states, bave formulated
their platforms, and are ready to go be
fore tbe people on tbe issues made.
We have watched carefully tbe trend of
opinion, yet neither in republican, dem
ocratic, nor populist platform, is the
immigration question touched. Old
parties and new are alike afraid of it.
Afraid of it because they fear tbe for
sijrn-born vote. Yet it is the most im
porta nt question before tbe American
people today. Beside it, the tariff poli
cies fade into nothingness, and the sil-
' -ver craze becomes tame. In congress
the matter has been touched upon
ligbty, a bill baying been introduced to
prevent immigrants landing who were
not posseesed of seventy-five dollars.
The bill is ridiculous, but it serves to
show that the importance of the ques
tion is being recognized, and that poli
ticians approach tbe subject gingerly,
timorous and trembling for fear of an
for Been results. We think it simply a
fear born of selfishness and cowardice, a
fear of tbe unknown.
The fire has been kindled, and it can
not be stamped out. Inside of four
wears it will be the one issue on which
the battle for political supremacy will
be fought, and the party that first ha9
the manliness to grasp the situation will
be the party that will win. The Ameri
can people have no prejudice against
the great mass of white foreigners, read
ily conceding that the Englishman, the
German, the Frenchman ; and in fact
tbe great majority of civilized people
are tbe peers of any nationality on earth,
It is not a question of either the foreign
er's birth place or intellectual standing.
' It is a question simply of the welfare of
the working man now in this country
regardless of nationality. If wages in
this country are to be kept up, immi
gration must cease, and that soon
Every man seeks to better h is condi
tion, and as long as wages here are bet
ter than in Europe, that long the tide of
immigration will set this way, until,
like water, wages in this countay and in
Europe have reached a common . level
Some foreign-born voters would ne
cessarily be lost by the party advocat
ing this measure, but for one natural
ized vote lost a hundred American ones
"would be gained. Tbe intelligent for
eigner would readily see that the meas
- tire was as much in bis favor as that of
the native, for if a man is to lose his
job, what difference does it make
whether he is run out by one of his own
nationality or some other.
This country is growing, and growing
rapidly, and though we have now
nearly a million tramps, a few years
would soon absorb tbenr and set them
to work were the influx of foreigners
ready to take the work as fast as it is
made, cut off. This policy is tbe legiti
mate conclueion, tbe final result of a
protective tariff system. It belongs to
the republican party to set the ball roll
ing, and when it does there will be such
a political tidal wave as will sweep
everything out of existence before it.
The opportunity is ripe. Which polit
ical party shall pluck the fruit?
Both Bradstreet and Dun's commer
cial agencies report increased activity in
all lines of business. Manufacturers
are starting up all over the country ; the
bonded warehouses are full of imported
goods; and a feeling of general relief
seems to pervade the entire business
The queen has prorogued the English
parliament, and the rogues can go home
at the same time ours do. .
Dsfor Doings.
The farmers around here are nearly
through heading and ready for the
thresher. We hear Mr. W. H. H
Dufur will commence threshing Wednes
day, and the steam thresher is at work
for Mr. Darneille.
Miss Pauline Drews from Tbe Dalles
is visiting Mrs. Warren.
Rev. Ed Baker and wife from Prine
ille, formerly of tbie place, stopped
here on their way to conference. They
remained over Sunday and Rev. Baker
preached a very interesting sermon to
bis listeners, who were pleased to meet
him again.
Mr.. Cbas. Fritz from The Dalles is
spending a few days in the berg.
Rev. Barnhart .and family are absent
attending conference at The Dalles;
Mr. Geo. Town from Washington is
-visiting his sister, Mrs. W. H. Moore.
Mibb Claypool of Prineville passed
through here on her way to The Dalles.
Rev. Horn, of the Lutheran church,
preached here Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Esther Menefee has returned
from Sherman county, where she has
been teaching for the past two yearn.
.nVf r-Jv frT fTI f BlVTJ T.
A. "RMn-dowm"
And "used-up" feeling is the first warn
ing that your liver iBn't doing its work.
And, with a torpid liver and the impure
blood that follows it, you're an easy
prey to all sorts of ailments.' ' That is
the time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical discovery. As an appetizing,
restorative tonic, to repel disease and
build up the needed flesh and strength,
there's nothing to equal it. It rouses
every organ into healthful action, puri
fies and enriches the blood, braces up
tbe whole system, and restores health
and vigor.
For every disease caused by a disor
dered liver or impure blood, it is tbe
only - guaranteed remedy. If it doesn't
beneft or cure, in every case, you have
your money back.
$500 is offered, by tbe proprietors of
Dr. Sage's Catarrh. Their remedy per-
fetly and permanently cures the worst
Grigsby Why does everybody cry at
weddings? Bangson Well, I imagine
the poor people who have been married
themselves start it and the others join
in. Truth.
it Should Be In Every House
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps-
burg, Pa., says be will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for consurap
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his
wifewho was threatened with pneumonia
after an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several pby
sicians bad' done her no good. Kobert
Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr
King's New Discovery has done him
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin
The gold-bugs make tbe laws, the
straddle-buga make the platforms, and
humbugs make tbe speeches. Tbe
doodle-bugs indorse the whole thig.n
National Reformer..
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing tbe same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kiducys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit'
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1
bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's.
Xo Vrelght will bo accepted for ship
ment between tbe hours of 5 P. IMC. and
V A. M., except Live Stock and Perish
able Goods. !., P. A. N. Co
July 20tb. 1894.
The Prices
on the remaining
New Pianos range
from ...
$238 to $288
The Instruments .
are first-class in
every detail, fully
warranted , and can
nowhere be bon gh t
at such low prices.
Pursuant to the command of a writ of
tion Issued out o the Circuit Court of tbe Siate
01 Oregon lor wasno County in a suit therein
pend ng wherein L. I McCartney is pi i it iff
uiiu j 1 111 11 AaHms ana u. r.. rtaignt are aeteno
ants, daled August 2d, 1894, commanding me to
sen an me rignc, uue ana interest ot said ae-
ienaanis ana cacn ot tnem in ana to the south
Mrtnna,ta,nf uutHnn nina tnw n uKln frnrn bm,.V.
of range lourteen east, W. M., to satisfy the sum
of S921.70 and interest thereon from June 26th.
1894. at the rate of ten ner cent Tier annum and
the lurthe' sum of $90.00 attorney's fees a d the
sum u coses ana aisDursements, aue to
said plain 'iff ftom said defendant John Adams,
and to aoiilv the sumlue if anv in navmentof
the sum of $313.65 and interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent, per annum from said June
26th. 1894, and $40.0 attorney's fee, due f om the
defendant John Adams to the defei daut C. E.
Haight, I will, on Saturday the 8th day of 8ept-
emutsr, io, at me nour oi z o clock in tDe aiter-
nnun, at the courthouse door in Dalles Citr,
Oregon, sell all of said above described Tea.
property at public sale to the highest bidder for
essoin nana. T. j. DK1VKK,
aug4-5t. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Notice of Administrators Final Account
Notice is hereby eriven that J. w. rvmrton- H.
mlnistrator of the estate of Harrison Corum, de
ceased has filed his final account of the adminis
tration of said estate with theclerk of the County
wjun vi ui" Diaie oi uregon, ir wasco ounty.
and that said Court has amointed 10 o'clock a. m
of Monday, bentember 3d. 1894. belnor the first dav
of the regu ar September term of aid Court for
tbe year 1894, at the County Court House in
Dalles City. Oreon. as the time and nla e for
toe bearing of objections to such final account
ana tne settlement tnereot.
This notice is published by order of said
county oouit maae ana ente ea Juiy 77th. lb84
All persons are hereby n tilled not to hire or
keep Marlon Hurst, a lad 14 years old, about
their premises, as his services are needed at
A Racking Cough
Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Mrs. P. D. Hall, 217 Genessee St.,
Lockport, N. Y., says :
"Over thirty years ago, I remember
hearing my father describe the wonder
ful curative effects of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. During a recent attack of La
Grippe, which assumed the form of a
catarrh, soreness of the longs, accom
panied by an aggravating cough, I
used various remedies and prescriptions.
While some of these medicines partially
alleviated the coughing daring the day,
none of them afforded me any relief from
that spasmodic action of the lungs which
would seize me the moment I attempted
to lie down at night. After ten or twelve
such nights, I was
Nearly in Despair,
and had about decided to sit up all night
in my easy chair, and procure what
Bleep I conld in that way. It then oc
curred to me that I had a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a
spoonful of this preparation in a little
water, and wae able to lie down without
coughing. In a few moments, I fell
asleep, and awoke in the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec
toral every night for a week, then grad
ually decreased the dose, and in two
-weeks my cough was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, If bm.
Prompt to act. sure to cure
Lost! Fire Dollars Reward.
Strayed from my west pasture, one
iron-grey horse, branded (half circle)
on left shoulder and two S's crossed on
right shoulder; rather thin cinch sore
on left ribs ; foretop roached back to the
place for baiter. Probably went tow
ards Tygh Kidee. Will give $5 reward
for his return .to me at my ranch, or a
liberal reward tor any information lead
ins; to his recovery.
A. o. Kobebts,
lm Prospect Ranch!
Notice to Taxpayers.
The county board of equalization will
meet in the assessor's office on Monday,
Sept. 24th, and continue in session one
week, for the purpose of equalizing tbe
assessment of .Wasco county for 1894.
All tax payers who have not been inter
viewed by tbe assessor will please call at
the office on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat
urdays, as all property must be assessed
. Jokl Koontz,
County Assessor.
For Troot Like.
The great fishing resort of the North
west. Parties can procure teams or con
veyance the round trip by writing and
statins time they wish to start, number
of the party, amount of baggage, etc.
Address A. 11. JBWtrr,
lm White Salmon, Wash,
For Sale.
A. R. Byrkett, at White Salmon,
Wash., has a number of pure bred reg
istered Al C. C. Jersey bulls of all ages.
Pedigree furnished on application. Ad
drees or call on A. R. Byekett,
Hood River, Or.
All ity warrants registered prior to
January 2, 1892, are now due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. 1. 1. Btjbget, City Treas,
Dated Dalles City, Aue. 1, 1894.
Cord Wood.
We again bave an abundant supply of
dry fir and hard wood for immediate
delivery at tbe lowest rates, and hope to
be fayored with a liberal share of the
trade. Jos. T. Peters & Co
Minnie She was engaged, but there
was a cruel misunderstanding. Mav
What was it? Minnie He understood
her father had monev. Pn-h.
Little Ethe 1 Papa ea a my dogzie
has fleas. What shall I do? Little
Johnny W'enever visitors call take
him to them to pet. Good News"
For Colie atid GmbH
In my mules and horses, 1 give Simmons
Liver Regulator. I- have not lott ne
1 gave it to.
K. T. Taylor, Agt. for Grangers of Ga
. For Kent.
The Union street lodging nonce. For
terms apply to Geo. Williams, admin
istrator of the estate of John Michel
bach. - lm.
John Pashek,
The Merchant Tailor,
Old Rvmotry Building
Washlrnrton Street, between Second
bet. Second aud Third,
Has ast received tbe latest styles in
Suitings for Gentlemen,
and hs a large assortment of For- im and Amer
lean Clotbs, which be can finish To Order ior
those that lavor him.
The war in China does not cut any figure in comparison
with Charles F. Stephens' attractions in
Dry (jood5, lotriipcj, laee$,
Since the passage of the Wilson
Put on Toor Glasses and IooJt at This.
From $100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to
Geo. W. Rowland,
113 Third St, The Dalles, Or.
Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. .
a. B. DTJFTJ&. FRANK MlMinli
uw Rooms 42 and - 48, over Post
moe BuiiainK. Entrance on wsamnxton street
rhe Dalles, Oregon.
.V flee in Scbanno's building, up stairs. Tbe
iallos, Oregon.
Office on Court street, opposite tbe old
court bouse, Tbe Dalles, Or.
Offices, French's block over ?iist Na
tional Bank. I alios. Oregon.
H. WILSON Attornbt-at-law Rooms
French & Co.'b bank, buildinc. Second
street, rhe Dalles, Oregon.
J SUTHERLAND, M. L C. M. ; F. T. M. C.
Id.. G. V. and 8. O., Physician and Sur
er eon. Rooms 3 and 4. vnapman Diocn.
Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second
street. - -
u ana bo
and Stjbsboh. Calls answered promptly
lay or night, city or country. Office So. 86 and
'.Chapman block,
0CON. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman
-l'.ck. Residence: S. E. corner Court and
fourth streets, seo nd door from the corner
J luce hours sioua, oi., i to a ana iwir.ii
pv jJIDDALL Dsntist. Gas given for the
! . painless extraction oi teetn. Also teem
et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign oi
be uoiaen Tooth, second btreet.
A SCO LODGE, NO. 16, A. F. B A. M. Meets
first and third aionday of eaca montn at i
Meets in Masonic Pali the third Wednesday
f each month at 7 r . M.
.VI lit. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even
neof eacb week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 :90 p. m
COLUMBIA LODUE, NO. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets
J every Friday evening at7:wo-cioca,in n.
f P. ball, corner Second and Court streets.
4oioaming orotnors are welcome.
5. Clotjoh. Ber'y. . H. A. BiIXS.N. G,
IRIENDSHIP LODttK, NO. 9., K. of P. Meet
1 , every i outlay evening at .ou v viu;, iu
4channo's building, corner of Court and Second
.creeis. . uoiournina mernners are (toraiaii) iu-
.ted. . W. L. BRADSHAW,
D. W.Vaube, KT. of R. and S. C. C.
V6SEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets In K
of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes
lavs of each month at 7:30 p. m.
UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
. f S o'nlnok et the reading room. All are Invited.
A? 25. Meets In Fraternity Hall, Second street,
every Wednesday evening at s o cioca.
.Mrb. B. J. Russell, Financier.
rpHS DALLES LODGE No. 2, L O. H. T. -Reg-
X ular weekly meetings Friday at 8 r. u., a'
K. of P. HalL J. S. WINZLBB, C. T.
DiNSMOBB Pabish, Sec'y. -
I'KMFLK LODOE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets
in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, an Second
'reet, i nursnay evenings at 7 :su.
W.eJ Mtsbb. Financier. - M. W
IA8. NESM1TH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets
J every Saturday at 7 :30 r. u., in the K of P.
i Meets second and fourth Thursdays each
month in K. of P. baiL J. w. kbadt,
W. H. Jones, Sec y. Pres.
OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in
the K.. of V. Hall.
I l EANG VEKE1N Meets every
I I evening n the K. of P. Hall.
OF L. F. DIVISION. No. 167 Meets In
K. of P. Hall tbe first and third wednes-
tay of eat'h month, at 7-3(t r. h.
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
Si U N N 5 CO., who have had nearly fifty years'
ezperienoc In the patent business. Common lea .
tlons strictly comrdentiaL A Handbook ot In
formation eonoeming Patents and how to ob
tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mi.hfl.
leal and sdentifio books sent free.
Patents taken through Mann 9c Co. receive
special notloelnthe ttaientifle American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out ost to the Inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in tbe
world. S3 a year. Sample oopies sent Tree. .
Banding Edition, monthly, S2 so a year. Single
copies, 25 oenta. Every number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
booses, with plana, enabling muidera to show this
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
MUNN A CO. Mr Yoiik. :! BROltjwiT
Branner's Restaurant
Is again opened at
And ererythinj? the market affbrda
couataiitly ou hand.
Party Suppers a Specialty.
Come and See Us.
Tariff Bill. Free Wool "Basis.
bargains ior tne nexi xniny
We have just received a large invoice of
93 Model Winchester Shotguns
and "Take-down" Rifles,
Agents for
.Rambler" and
'Conrier" Bicycles.
o". zht:. o
19 K3PY 3t tnP Din t3Hn andwill
ere, and
Hag, Grain, Feed, Mi Groceries. airi Provisions;
Frmts, Eass, Poultry, Potatoes, Bee
Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side ;
ftEW COliUjVlBlfl tf OTEIi.
This lanre and vopnlsr House
and is prepared to furnish
Bouse irs the city, and at the
$1.00 per Day. - pirst
Office for all Stage K.lnea
Solnts In Kastern Orecon
Ibis Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Ets.
At the
east of the
Ad. Ktller is now
located at W. H.
Butts' old stand,
and will be glad
to wait upon his
many friends. .
The Rose Hill Greenhouse
la etill adding to ita large stock
of all kinds of
Greenhouse Plants,
And can famish a choice selec
tion. Also
Low Prices for Everybody.
lays. ,
which yre are prepared to sell at prices tip
to (be times. Call and examine oar
We will be pleased at all times to show oar
goods. See center window for display of
that we are offering for prices that defy
All gon repair work executed with neat
ness and dispatch. Guns for rent..
be ((lad to welcome all his old eastonx-
as many new ones aa possible.
does tne principal hotel business,
the Best Accommodations of any
low rate of .
Qass Ieals, 25 Cegte.
lsavlnc Tlse Dalles for all
and Kastern Washington ,
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north
Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being .finished. (Jail at the lac
tory and examine oar goods, or drop a card in the
office, and oar agent will call and secure your order.
r.iH antTrade-Msrfcs obtained, and all Paui
ent business conducted Sot moocrstc Fees, i
Ous omcc is Opposrre O. S. patent orricr J
snd we can secure patent u less time tnaauioaej
tMiwtfii from Washmfrlon. - 2
Send model, drawing or photo., with descripvS
tkm. We advise, U patentable or not. free of
coaree. Our fee not due till patent is secured. J
m BuMiLrr."Hnr to Obtain Patents," with i
cost o same in the U.S. and foreign countries J
sent tree. Aonress,
Off. Pstcnt Omcc, Washington, d. C.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker I Jeweler
All work promptly attended to, '
and warranted. .
Can now be fonnd at 162 Second
.nanJ-g-V ,, , ,, , i mm inn .i h,,.I-JlJ; 0.-SUrT.-.'.'.2