Tcs Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY mo, POeTAGX rmXFAID, IH AST1XCI. Weekly, 1 year. f 1 SO " a months. 0 75 8 M 80 Dally, 1 year 00 a months. . 8 00 Der " 0 SO (Virata all communication to ' THE CHRON fCLB," The Dalles, Oregon. SATURDAY, - AUGUST 25, 1894 IN DEEP WATER. It strikes tratbat the Columbia Con-; ference now in -session here will have to get out a search warrant to find just -where they are at. This morning a res olution was adopted in substance de ' daring that the conference repudiate all affiliation wkb all political parties that are sot in favor of temperance. The sentiment 4n favor of temperance ia un doubtedly the sentiment of every mem ber of the conference, bat the wording of tkat Teselution 'virtually prevents the members fronrvoting for any party that 'das not a temperance plank in its plat form. Political platforms are about the wnoet unreliable things on earth. Like tAo cruet.-such nromises are made for .the express purpose of being broken Then there-ia another pbase to it. Sup poee for instance the republicans should adopt a platform with a plank declaring in favor of temperance, and should nom inate candidates who were not temperate :jaaen, and the democracy should leave oat the temperance ;plans: but nominate tmen that did not Jrink, which side would the members "vote for? We ad nmit that 'the latter -supposition is far letched, bordering on the impossible, but still it might happen. Besides such resolutions are (whether for the best or sot) observed mote by their violation ' than otherwise. Men may "resolute1 as a body, but the individual votes to euit bilBself regardless of resolutions 'passed for his guidance. There is another side to the case too, ; and that is that -euch resolutions are in line' with the movement known as the A. P. A. and tend to bring the churches as such, and religion, into politics. We believe this will not tend to purify poli- ; tics and that it will inure to the injury of religion. We believe it to be the duty of every Christian to teach both by pre- - cept and example temperance in all things, but we doubt the expediency ot trying to make the question a political one, except by the individual members of the churches, instead of by the - churches themselves. It eeenis definitely settled that con gress will adjourn Tuesday, and that no more legislation will be possible at this session. The senate has barely a quo rum, and it is expected enough senators will leave Washington tomorrow to de story that. -Congress ia simply waiting the action or inaction of the president on the tariff bill. It is conceded that the president will allow the bill to be come a law without his signature, yet he is a law unto himself. There is such a splendid opportunity for a brilliant po litical pyroteehnical display that could be set off t once by a small veto, that it seems a pity to miss it. Should the president veto the bill the aurora borealis and Falb's tidal wa7e would not be in it. The democrats of California have nom inated their candidates for state offices, . adopted a platform and are ready to meet all comers in the political battle -this fall. What the result will be no -man can foresee, for there are three j parties in the field. The populists, with straight populist platform, the repub licans with an anti-republican platform of populistic parentage, and the demo crats with an anti-democratic platform -that was sired and -dammed by the pop ailists. You pays your money and takes .your choice, which at the best will be populism, broiled, fried or fricasseed. The carload of fruit shipped from this point to Chicago a few weeks ago did ot .yield the returns expected. .The prices ranged from fifty to sixty cents, -which will about pay the freight. The eaetern market is flooded with fruit of this kind from California, and it seems settled that it will be of no value to us. The Northwest Pacific Farmer, com menting on this, advises fruitgrowers to graft their early plums to later prunes which will come in after the .California crop is disposed ot. The Oregon ian occasionally reprints an editorial that first appeared in its columns Nov. 3hl, 1892. As it predicted ia that article that, "We shall now have a free trade policy," we suggest that it letup. Jta prediction was way off, for w are having a protective tariff policy formulated by Havemeyer in his own interest. The Oregonian was misled, because it supposed the democracy , would do what it said it was going to do. Brother Scott should remember that the democratic party is cross-eyed and does jiot shoot the way it looks. There was quite a lively debate in the conference this morning over a resolu tion, which was in eubstanca as follows : "Resolved that the Columbia River Conference repudiate all affilition with any political party that is not in favor of temperance." The debate grew tropical as the members expressed their ideas -copceming it, but it was finally adopted. We understand that certain parties were looking for the writer hereof last night for the purpose of patting a head on him. As we 'peruse the scant col umns of our local page we almost wish they would " do it, provided there is something in it. We insist on being al lowed to pick out the head, if it is going to ornament our shoulders. Wamic Warble. X am very busy, but will take time to give you a few items, which may be of interest to your readers. Two threshers are very busy now threshing, and have been for about ten days. Grain is turning out good, in fact better than expected. A special school meeting waa held to day for the purpose of electing a di rector in place of T. J. Driver, who re signed, which resulted in the election of W, H. Farlow. Mr. F. is an old band at the business, and always gives good -satisfaction. - ' The farmers are selling quite a lot of gram to tne Jumper iiat aitcn people, who have over 200 men at work pushing it as fast aa possible. Rbpokteh No. 9. Wamic, Or., Aug. 23. '94. The Moat Gorgeoai Treasure -of A-rmbla. What a splendid picture it brought before your mind 1 Yob read the glow- ing descriptions of the secret treasures which the genu ot tne ring spread be' fore Aladdin's gate. You perused this favorite story of yours in "Arabian Nights" when a boy, and your imagina tion pictured brilliantly for you every thine that the words suggested. That was when you were a boy. . To day, possibly, yon are unable to do it. Shall we tell vou the reason why ? Most probable because your liver is sluggish, and aa a consequence you suffer from sick headache, dieeinesa, and constipa tion. Do you want to cure all these troubles permanently, make your liver active, your imagination lively, and in general enjoy things as you did when a hoy? All you have to do is to use Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, purely vegeta ble, perfectly harmless, the smallest and easiest to take, and they are tne cheap est because they are guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned What more can you ask? "Rise in the worP all you kin," said Uncle Eben to the young- man, "but doan fohgit yob repytation. Hit do come in bandy for er parachute." Washington Star. f Sbld Be In Every House J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done ber no good. Robert Barber, of -Cook sport, Pa., claims Dr, King's New Discovery has done, him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin ersly's. . Jasper .Do you think Stead's book "If Christ Came to Chicago," will have any success? Jumpuppe No; the idea is too wildly improbable. Puck -Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that ia claimed Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood, Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well aa cure all malarial fevera. For cure of headache, const! pation and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's. Lostl Fire Dollars Reward. - Otrayea irom my west pasture, one iron-grey horse, branded (half circle) on left shoulder and two S'a crossed on right shoulder; rather thin cinch sore on left ribs; foretop roached back to the place for halter. Probably went tow ards Tygh Ridge. Will give $5 reward tor nis return to me at mv ranch, or liberal reward for any information lead ing to nis recovery. A. S. Roberts, 1m Prospect Ranch NOWCK. Bo Freight -will be .-accepted for ship ment between the ho-ara of 5 P. M. and 9 A. M., except 11 v tocl and Porltih able Good. 1, p. A. N. Co Jnlr 20ih. 1894. The Prices on the remaining New Pianos range from .: $238 to $288 The Instruments are first-class in every detail, fully warranted , and can nowhere be bought at such low prices. I. C. NICKELSEN'S. Mrs. J. IL HortSNYDEit, 152 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, CaL, writes: ! " Whea a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain lever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urged me to use Ayer's Ilair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and X now have as fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how ever, from blonde to dark brown." ' " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recom mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, 1460 Ilegina St., Ilarrisburg, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made." C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by 1 )r. J. C. A y er & Co., Lowell, Haas. Bis; 'Waterworks Projects Abroad. A plan for supplying Paris with wa ter from Lake Neufchatel is under con sideration by the municipality. It involves the building of an aqueduct 300 miles in length and sat an estimated cost of 860,000,000- An, earlier plan proposed to use Lake . Geneva as a source of supply, the estimated coft being' 100,000,000. The engineer of the Neufchatel plan proposes to tun nel the Jura mountains, and give a head of 394 feet in Taris. One of the greatest engineering works of modern times is the artificial lake impounding the waters of the Eiver Vyrnwy, in Montgomeryshire, to supply Liverpool, sixty-eight miles distant. The lake has a storage capacity of 1,500,000,000 gallons, and power is given to supply water over a certain belt of country on each Bide pi tne line. .Liverpool is thus placed on an equality, as to water supply, with Glasgow, which has laid Lock Katrine under contribution, and with Manchester, which is doing the same with Thirl meer. Notice to Taxpayers. The county board of equalization will meet in the assessor's office on Monday, Sept. 24th, and continue in session one week, for the purpoBe of equalizing the assessment of Wasco connty for 1894. All tax payers who have not been inter viewed by the assessor will please call at the office on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat urdays, as all property must be assessed. Joel Koontz, County Assessor. for Sale. A. K. Byrkett, at White Salmon, Wash., has a number of pure bred reg istered Al C. C. Jersey bulls of all ages. Pedigree furnished on application. Ad dress or call on ' A. R. Byrkett, Hood River, Or. . Notice. All -lty warrants registered prior to January 2, 1892, are now due and pay able at my office. Interest ceases after this date. I. I. Bceget, City Treas. Dated Dalles City, Auk. 1, 1894. CorU Wood. v , We again have an abundant supply of dry fir and hard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be fayored with a liberal . share of the trade. Jos. T. Peters it Co. ; Little Ethel fa pa says my doggie has fleas. What shall I do? Little Johnny W'enever visitors call take him to them to pet. tiood News' Frr Voile ad Gnba In my mules and horses, 1 give Simmons i.iver .regulator, i nave not lot ne I gave it to. E. T. Taylor, Agt. for Grangers of Ga For Kent. The Union street lodging house. For terms apply to Geo. Williams, admin istrator of the estate of John Michel bach. lm. John Pashek, The Merchant Tailor, m ib Old Rvmovy Building, Washington Street, between Second bet. Second aud Third, asHa Just received the latest styles in Suitings for Gentlemen, and h-s a large assortment of For. ten and Araer lean Clothe, which be can finish To Order for those that favor him. . Cleaning and SepairiBg a Specialty. DOES NOT The -war in China does not cut any figure in comparison with Charles F. Stephens' attractions in Dry (jopd5, lotfyir, laee5, Embroideries, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ETC., Since the passage of the Wilson Tariff Bill. Free Wool Basis. Low Prices for Everybody. Special Fat on Tour Glasses and Look: at This. From $100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to Geo. W. Rowland, 113 Third St, The Dalles, Or. rttOFBSSlOMAL. H. EIDDKLX attoiwt-at-Law Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. s. a. Duma. rains. Hiram. UFUR, dt MKNEFEE ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW Rooms 42 and 43. over Post iffloe Building, Entrance on Washington Street rhe Dalles, Oregon. S. BENNETT, ATTOBNE Y-AT-La W. Of .V. floe In Bchanno's building, up stairs. The lalles, Oregon. . J. B. CONDON. J. W. CONDON.' CONDON & CONDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office on Court street, opposite the old court house, The Dalles, Or. b. (.Bwrraeias. H. s. wrxsoH. HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOBNBTS-AT-law Offices, French's block over relist Na tional Bans. - Dalles. Oregon. w H. WILSON Attobhbt-at-law Booms French dt Co.'s bank building. Second street, fne Dalles, Oregon. J SUTHERLAND, M. I C. M. ; F. T. M. C. M. C. P. and 8. O.i Physician and Sur geon. Booms 8 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thombury 's, west end of Second Btreet. D R. EBHELMAN (HOMEOPATHIC; PHYSICIAN And Rnunn.TAlla answered Tironmtlv lay or night, city or country. . Office No. 86 and .unapman Dioca. wu R. O. it. DO AN B PHYSICIAN AND SUB- nioir. Office: rooms 6 and S Chapman iiock. Residence: . earner xurt ana Fourth streets, sec .nd door from the oorner ffice hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 4 P. M rtlDDALL Dbntibt. Gas given for the . rainless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on Bowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of oe uoiden Tooth, second street. SOCIKTIEB. t ASCO LODGE, NO. 16, A. F. fc A. M. Meets nrst and third uonaay oi eacn monw at v DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. . Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday f each month at 7 P. M. ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. .VI Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ns;of each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 .80 p. m. COLOMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, L O. O. F. Meets eyery Friday evening at 7 :80 o'clock, in K. it P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. 1. CLoneH. Seo'y. H. A. BlIXS.N. G. JRiEND8HlP LODGE, NO. 8., K. of P. Meets r every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in 4channo's building, corner of Court and Second treeta. Sokmrnlng members are enrdiall in rited. W. L. BBAD8HAW, D. W.Vaubb, K. of R. and B. C. O. ; VSSEMBLY NO. 4827, E.. OF L. Meets In K of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes lavs of each month at 7 :8Q p. m. T OMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE V UNION will meet every Friday afternoon r It o'clock at the reading room. All are invited: FERN LODGE, DEGREE Of HONOR, NO. 25. Meets in Fraternity Hall. Second street, every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mas. Mamie Briogs, C. of H. Mrs. B. J. Russell, Financier. THE DALLES LODGE No. 2, I. O. I. T. Reg ular weekly meetings Friday at 8 p. u., a K. of P. Hall. J. S. Winzlbb, C. T. Dinbmobjc Pabish, Sec'y. rEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. 0. W. Meet In Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, en Second treat, Thursday evenings at 7 :80. C. F. STEPHENS, W. 8 Mybbs, Financier. M. W JAB. NESMITH POST, No. 82, G. A. B Meets every Saturday at 7:30 r. m., la the K. of P. IalL AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION, NO. 40. Meets second and fourth Thursdays each month In K. of P. halL J. W. Rbady, W. H. Jones, Sec y. ' Pres. B, OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in the K. of P. HalL i ESANG VERELN Meets every Sunda 1 T evening n the K. of P. Hall. OJL. DIVISION. No, 167 Meets In 13. K. of P. HaU the first and third Wednes- lay of each month, at 7:3U p. M. COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to M U N N fc CO., who have bad nearly fifty years' experience hi the patent business. Common 1 ca tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation conoenune Patents and how to ob tain tbem sent tree. Also a catalogue OX "'-"-loal and sclentinc books sent free. Patents taken through Mann ft Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, sod thus are brought widely before the public with, out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Bunding Edition, monthly, t2M0 a year. Single copies, '23 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure eontraots. Address- MUSS ACO-. Nmr YoitK. Xtil BboadwsT- Brannen Restaurant - Is again opened at THE OLD STAND EflliS COOKED TO Of?DEl?, And everything the market affords constantly on hand. ; ' Party Sappers a Specialty. i. . . , Come and See Us. L L BRANNER 87 Second St. Bargains for the next Thirty O- LEV. mzl Jb JL J5KTs3- SPORTSM , We have just received a large invoice of SHOTGUNS and RIFLES, 93 Model Winchester Shotguns and "Take-down" Rifles, POCKET KNIVES, SHOTGUN SHELLS LOADED TO ORDER. AgentB for "Kambler" and "Courier" Bicycles. JT. E3C. o T! PppV flt tllP fill Qtanfl and will be glad to welcome all bis old custom la DuOl 111 Ulu Ulu ULUilU, ers, and as many new ones as possible. .. DEALER IN Hag, maty, Feed, Floor, Giocents aM Fiovlsioos, - Frnits, lm, Poultry, Potatoes, Bee Supplies. . . Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge. When the Train stop at THE DALLES, get off on the'Sonth Side ' - AT TH ...... fiEW COLttijVlBlfl HOTEli. ' . -of. This large and popular House does the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House in the dtj, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - first Qass Teals, 25 Cerjts. Office for all Stare X.lnes leavlns; The Dalles tor all points In Kaatern Oregon and, ICMtorn Washington, -In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sts. What? Where? Ad. Keller is now located at W. H. Butts' old stand, and will be glad to wait upon his many friends. The Rose Hill Greenhouse Is still adding to its large stock of all kinds of Greenhouse Plants, And can furnish a choice selec tion. Also CUT FLOWERS and FRIi DESIGNS MRS. C. 'L.'' PHILLIP'S. ANY FIGURE. Days. MTEIlTIOIlI wbicb we are prepared to Bell at prices sp to the times. Call and examine oar We will be pleased at all times to abow onr goods. See center window for display of that we are offering for prices that defy competition. All gan repair work executed with neat ness and dispatch. Guns for rent. MAYS & CROWE. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists, Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north- " east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the office, and our agent will call and secure your order, j iDViVirldMl 0: Careats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted tor Moontarc Fees. Ous Omu is OPFoarre U. S. Pmirromei and we can secure patent in less Urns than those remote from Washington. Scud model, drawing; or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of eharse. Onr fee not due till natent la secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, m mm w m -mm -saw w w sw w - J Om. patient OPficc. Washington. O. C. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now - be found, at street. 162 Second