ewioode During this Week. AiR ri ces wit h i n aofal I We hesitate not for Congress to decide,-but have marked our . v goods to please the people. Large stock of jevjloodsS v .... ,'S See our Center ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as Becond-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price ..$2.50 $1.75 . 3.00 2.00 CkroioU asi If. T. Tribiie. ... " til VmIIj Oregoiiai Local Advertising:. 10 Ctniva iror line for first insertion, and & Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices.. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store. Telephone No. 1. MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1894 AUGUST AUGURINGS- Leave From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. The local was an hour late today. . The local field is a squeezsd orange today, dry as a last year's bird's nest, and dull as a senatorial speech. There will be an ice cream supper at the Salvation Army hall Friday evening next, at 8 o'clock. Ice cream and cake, 15 cents. The street sprinkler was late about getting around today, the breaking of a thimble in the sprinkling attachments being the cause. Six drunks were up before the city recorder- this morning, and were fined $5 each, which sum, by the way, none of them could find. Satisfaction of judgment was entered Saturday in the case of H. F. McElroy against H. C. Coe, the judgment and . costs being for $2506. The coal bunkers of the O. E. & K at Pendleton burned Saturday night, together with the tramway, four cars and seventy tons of coal The total loss is about $8000. One hundred and sixty men are work ing on the Clear lake ditch and it is ex pected it will be completed to McCub- bin'e gulch inside of sixty days. This gulch is a natural channel which will ' carry the water to Juniper Flat. Sheriff Driver, who has just returned from Wapinitia, says Wasco county has the largest and best grain crop ever grown in it. Tygh Ridge, Wamic and that neighborhood will have ' grain enough to Keep am tne teams busy un til snow flies hauling it to market. . We received a letter today sending stamps for Thk Chronicle, which is wanted in California by parties who are thinking of locating here. They will make no mistake if they profit by the words of wisdom they will find in the paper, and cast their fortunes and their fate with us. Judge E. A. Wis well of Vancouver, was drowned at Clatsop beach vesterdav He was an exceptionally good swimmer and ventured out beyond the lifelines. It is supposed he was taken with cramps and going down was caught . by the undertow which is very strong. . His wife stood on the beach and saw him drown. An expert gives the following opin ion regarding the recent discovery of gold, in the artesian wells of Pullman : "There is noquestion but that the find MEN SUITS. Make your own selection from our $14.00, $15.00, $16.00 Snits for Window. PEASE ia a rich one. Pullman is thoroughly excited over the discovery, and claims are being located in all directions. A number of companies with, ample capi tal to make developments were formed. It will be but a few days until the lead will be uncovered. Alex. Bowe, owner of the land where the discovery was made, is regarded as a very fortunate man." Walla Walla Statesman. Mnst Be Sold. Several beautiful upright pianos, dif ferent grades. I now offer for sale all my new and second-hand pianos at a great sacrifice, regardless of cost. Twenty-five dollars cash at time of pur chase and on installments of $10 per month. For cash five per cent discount. All pianos are marked in plain figures, and as I have but a few of them, they will sell fast at the price offered. There fore, if you want one of these fine in struments do not delay, but call early Monday morning, August 6th, at I. C. Nickelsen's music and book . ptore. Second street. This sale, commencing on that date, is instituted for the pur pose of making room for new styles and to raise money to purchase fall and win ter goods. The sale, therefore, will con tinue till all are sold. I. C. NlCKKLSKN. To Manage the Oilman. Messrs. George E. Good and E. A. Post, formerly of the Perkins, have taken charge of the GUman house, Port land. Both of these gentlemen are well known hotel men, and will place the GUman in (the front rank for con venience and excellence of service. The Gilman is in the business center of the city, on First street, between Morrison and Alder, making it a most convenient stopping place for business men from the interior towns. Besides, both pro- prieters are men of extended acquaint ance, affable gentlemen, whose whole attention is devoted to seeing every want of their patrons satisfied. Vasnon College. President A. C. Jones, of Vashon Col lege, will be at the parlor of the Colum bia Hotel on Saturday afternoon, the 18th inst., and will be pleased to meet parties who are expecting to patronize that institution the coming year. This is a "non-sectarian Christian school for. both sexes, beautifully lo cated, away from city and temptation, Six regular graduating courses. Ex penses for the year of ten months, $155, You would do well to see President Jones, or write him at Benton, Wash for catalogue; ".'. , Real Xstate Transfers. The following deeds were filed for record Saturday : - H. C. Coe and wife to A. E. Blowers, fifteen acres near Hood River and the Hood River waterworks-; $12,000. H. F. McElroy to Kittie Coe, parts of sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, tp.3 n, r.10 e; $3250. - ' - When baby was side, we gave her Oastoria. When she was a r9nAl she cried for Oastoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. ' When she had Children, she gave them Onatocia. Feed wheat for sale cheap at Wasco Warehouse.' - ti, $12.00, $9 95 & MAYS. Shntt the Winner. This Time, The foot race which took place at An telope last Wednesday evening, between the professional, Harry Stevens, and the Antelope puddin', E..M. Shutt, for $500 a side, resulted in the latter, coming out winner by about 6 feet. Stevens con ceded Shutt 15 feet on the start, and the former's backers, besides many others, judging from the race run on Sunday, July 30th, were confident of Stevens ability to win the race easily, even with that handicap. Early in the morning, Steven's backers, Billy Hunt, of Tygh -valley, and C. D. Beach, an insurance agent from Illinois, tossed their $50 bills around promiscuously, but did not find the Antelope boys willing to bet much until later in the day I when the strangers' money amounting to about $750, was all covered, and a great deal more of Antelope's money could find no takers'. . Beach lost a $C5 gold watch and chain, a finger ring, a pocket knife and his hat, besides his money; Billy Hunt lost his $30 overcoat, sleeve buttons, pocket knife, two fine.finger rings, and many other trinkets. By about 3 :30 the race track west of town was occupied by about 300 spectators from all parts of the country, and they were pretty evenly divided as to the result of the race, though the letting thenwas two to one on the Antelope man.' . After the necessary . preliminaries - were gone through with, the runners took their respective positions, with Grant Mays as starter, and E. D. Mc Arthur, E. M. Wingate and Wm. Menefee as judges. When the pistol cracked, both runners broke from the line as though they were shot out of a cannon, and made for the goal with all the speed at their com mand. Stevens gained slightly on Shutt until within 25 yards of the outcome, when the latter made a splendid home spurt, and passed the line about 6 feet ahead of bis competitor. - At this stage the Antelope crowd took on another of their victorious, ' enthusiastic ' "war whoops," and such' yells have not been heard since the time of the memorable baseball game on June' 16th. Shutt was tossed in the air and carried by the boys to his tent, where he was dressed and attended by his trainer, Mr. Roderiquez. The crowd then dispersed, and left for town, Btill yelling, "Hurrah for "Antel ope." ; .', . A fine ball was given that nighty and the fantastic toe was tripped with a great deal more life and mirth than usual. Antelope is now giving baseball a much needed' rest, and is talking foot race. Antelope Herald. . . . ' - See the. World's Fair for Fifteen Cents Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world's Columbian exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, bnt as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It con tains full page views of the great build Logs, with descriptions of same, and is executed in' highest style of art. If not satisfied with It, after yon get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address ' ' . H. E. BUCKLEN & Co., Chicago, 111 Notice. - All parties having claims against the late Cbas. E. Haight, are - requested to present the same at once to the under signed. lmo. ' ' Mrs. C. E. Haight. We have again on hand an abundance of strictly dry FIR WOOD; which we will sell" at the lowest rates. , ..' : MAIER.fi BENTON. PERSONAL MENTION. Hon. E. B. Dufur is home again from the mountains. Mrs. Will Woodworth is visiting friends in Hood River. i Mrs. O. D. Doane went to Hood River this morning for a vist. Mr. A. Scherneckau of Portland is visiting Hon. George Liebe. Mr. R. H. Lonsdale left Saturday for a week's outing at the seaside. - , Manager Allaway, of the. D. P. or A. N., went to Portland this morning. Mr. B. F. Laughlin and family went to Trout lake this morning for a few "weeks' outing. Mrs. N. Harris and children were pas sengers on the Regulator thiB morniDg, bound for Ocean Park. . - Mr. E. L. Thompson of Portland is in the city, on hia way. to Centerville to adjust the losses by the recent lire. Fred WilBon, purser of the Dalles City, spent Sunday here, exchanging places with Frank French, of the Regu lator. Ed Martin. Billy McCrum and Charlie Clarke left this morning for a month's outing on the Alatoles. They have a two-horse rig, well loaded down with tent, bedding and provisions, and are prepared to enjoy themselves thor oughly. '" -. Above Kverythlng le. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood. By this means, it reaches, builds up and invigorates every part of the system. For -every blood taint and disorder, and for every disease that comes from an inactive liver or im pure blood, it is the only remedy so sure and effective that it can be guaranteed. it it fails to benebt or cure, you have vour money back. '.. ' These diseased "are many. . They're different in form, but they're like in treatment. Rouse -up the torpia liver into healthful action, thoroughly purify and enrich the blood, and there's a posi tive cure. The "Discovery" does this, as nothing else can. Dyspepsia, In digestion, Biliousness; all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Affections ; every form of Scrofula even Consumption (or Lung scrofula) in its earlier stages ; and the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases are completely cured by it. ' Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh . Remedy Only 50 cents ; by druggists. . . - DIED. "' - . August 4th, Minnie,' infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Green. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know ita value, and .those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Drl King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Ayer'a Hair Vigor is cleanly, agreea ble, beneficial and safe. . It is the most elegant and the most economical of toi let preparations. By its use" ladies can produce an abundant growth of hair, causing it to become natural in color, lustre and texture. - ' - The London Chronicle says . that on several occasions of late a lovely lady has dressed herself up as a flower girl and sold violets in Bond street, Lon don, in the early hours of the evening. With but little care and no trouble, the beard and mustache can be kept a uniform brown or black color by using Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. Gents' Furnishings, v Boots : and Shoes, Ladies' Hosiery, Ladies' Kid" Shoes,' Ladies' .Underwear Children's School Shoes, A Thorough Clearance Sale. . Watch pur Center Window for Bargains. Order. Groceries, . Telephone No. 20. EUROPEAN HOUSE, Best Hotel in the City. NEW and FIRST-CLASS. -OP The Balance. Summer Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc., Etc., -WILL. BE CLOSED OUT A A- GrttttJrr f .SACBIFIGBl TERWS STRICTLY CHSH. The Only Thing Ever high in our store was the Columbia, and that is marked down ; but it is riot yet as Eow as Our Prices. v We can give you bargains in everything ... . in Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Clothing from Hat to Dress. Call and . see us at the old corner 1 N. HARRIS. When the Train stops at THE DALIES, get off on the Scath Side JiEW COLiUlVlBlfl HOTELi. This large and popular House does the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any , ' ' ; House in the city, and at the low rate of -. , $i.oo per Day. - pirst Qass. teals, 25 Cetyts. Office for all 6ta;e Lines lea-ring; The Dalles for all points In Eastern Oregon and Kastern Washington, in this Hotel. ' - Corner or Front and Union Bts. THE CELEBRKTED , COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery ia now turning bat the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on hA market.. Calicoes, Men's French. Calf Shoes, Amoskeags, : -Oxford Ties, -Outing Flannels, . Quincy Cloth. : JOLES, COLLINS & CO. PHOTOGRAPHER. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. I have taken 11 first prizes. : OUR- T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.