C3 2 OUR QPECIH SKLE Satorday,Aag.Hth. G()BI)a0BJ! Joles, o 1 1 i 17 s 9 Qp. ar Our tripe po rcacto MEN'S See our Center The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Sntered a the Poatofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price fkroikle ui S. Y. Irikat. $2.50 $1.75 " id Vtttij Ortgoiim ...3.00 2.00 Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for Ions time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock rlll appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on tale at I. C. NickeUen's store. Telephone No. 1. SATURDAY, - AUGUST 11, 1894 AUGUST AUGURINGS- Leaves From the 'Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. The west bound passenger arrived at 7 o'clock this morning and bore away James B. Crossen, bound for California. The teachers examination being over the young ladies who were in attendance departed for their respective homes this morning. Hood River is going to have a pheno menally large crop of apples. Thia will brace her np for the loss on the straw berry crop. The board of examiners are busy going over the work of the applicants for cer ticates to teach, but will not have their work concluded before Monday. Mr. C. V. Lane of Antelope today filed his certificate of appointment as notary public and can now scoop in the scads while some other fellow swears. The city recorder thia morning passed his judicial opinion concerning the guilt of three individuals charged with being drunk and disorderly and fined them $5 each. The local passenger arrived only half an hour late today, the earliest since the road was opened. Thia indicates that the road is rapidly being put in better condition. The Astorian saya Governor Pennoyer went to the circus and drank a lemon ade. This is about the lowest-down thing our good and great executive was ever accused of. The Salvation Army will hold "drunkard's meeting" at their"hall on J-irst street tonight, at 8 o'clock. Holi ness meeting Sunday at 11 o'clock public meeting at 3 and 8 p. m. A fine bank of thunderheads appeared over the mountains down the river about noon, and gave promise of rain, but they were evidently democratic, for they couldn't agree and so did nothing, The Cascade Locks is te have a series of grove meetings beginning AuguBt 9 th and lasting ten daya. These meetings will be conducted by Rev. E. A. Hold ridge of Portland, assisted by singers from that city and the Locks. , The Sun day schools of Hood River will attend and everybody is invited to "come down and camp with us." With but little care and no trouble, the beard and mustache can be kent uniform brown or black color by using Jiuckirifrbam's Dve for the Whisker". i ALL GOODS MARKED IN I S I PLAIN FIGURES. I SUITS. Make your own selection from our $14.00, $15.00, $16.00 Suits . for Window. PEASE B. F. X.anghlln Resigns. Yesterday afternoon a rumor became current on the streets that Mr. B. F. Laughlin had resigned his position as president and manager of The Dalles,' Portland & Astoria Navigation Company. It was a matter of surprise and naturally caused considerable comment. " A Chronicle reporter was sent to aBcer-. tain the truth of the matter and found that the rumor was correct. Mr. Laughlin's reasons for tendering his res ignation can best be judged by his letter which is as follows : . The Dalles, Or., Aug. 10, '94. To the Board of Directors, Dalles, Portland & jLsionu navigation company, ine uaiies, Oregon: I hereby tender mv resignation as president, manager and director of this company to take effect at once. I have come to this conclusion after due delib eration, for the following reasons : My actions in my official capacitv have been suDjectea to much unjust criticism, and a prejudice created against me by some of the members of the board, to such an extent that action has been taken during my aDsence tending toward tne appoint ment of a new manager, which renders it impossible for me to continue my present relations with the company. Kespectiuily yours, B. F. Laughlin. We know nothing, of course, of the business of the company nor of its inside workings. We do know, however, that Mr- Laughlin has filled a very difficult position v for three years with credit to himself and the company. The boat line has had much to contend with ; on the one hand was the Union Pacific, represented by shrewd, sharp business men, and backed by unlimited : wealth, using every effort to control traffic, and requiring constant and untiring watch fulness to hold them in check. On the other were elements at heme inimical to the ' interests of the company.' Mr. Laughlin's management has been 'con servative, and his work conscientious, his sole aim being to give the public, the best and cheapest - services possible, while doing justice to the stockholders. Whatever opinion others may hold now, we believe that all the stockholders will learn (if they do not already know) that the solid financial condition in which the company finds itself is largely due to the personal efforts of the retiring manager, whose every thought and every moment was devoted to its interests. When Mr. Laughlin took charge of the company's affairs there was a bonded indebtedness of $20,000 and a floating debt of $6400, all of which has been paid, and there is now a handsome surplus in the treasury. Until the meeting of the board of directors Mr. Allaway will act as general manager. ' In Suspense. Julius Wiley's little black -and-tan dog is no more. : Last night he passed from a dog's life here to such as nature may have provided hereafter. He was chained near the kitchen door, and had a box fixed np for 'a kennel. Jumping into the box some time last night ' his chain was caught on a projecting nail, and this morning when J alius found him he was quite dead having committed suicide in a neat and artistic manner. Julius thought he might not be dead yet, probably reasoning that as the dog was hanged, it might be a case of "suspended animation," but it wasn't. He was dead; bis bark was on the sea, and his tail was told. ' - The Chronicle is prepared to do all kirKl" of fob r'nntrr. ' $12.00, $9.95 & MAYS. The Commodore's Pin. Owing to brilliant services in direct ing the fleet during the recent flood, Commodore Schenck was promoted to the office of admiral,. and Mr. J. S. Fish, in the line of promotion, was raised to the rank of commodore: As an addi tional token of the esteem in which the new commodore is held, and of appreci ation of his efforts to keep track of the coaling stations of the Umatilla House fleet during the flood, the admiral robbed bis chandelier ' of one its pris matic pendants, had the same mounted, and at 11 o'clock today presented it to the commodore. A dozen of the com modore's friends were invited to be present. Arriving at the Umatilla House, the unsuspecting gentleman was surround ed, and Captain Lewis, stepping to the front, said : "My distinguished friend : In behalf of hini whose merited promo tion to the high rank of admiral, has also caused an equally meritorious pro motionthat of yourself to the rank of commodore, I desire to present to you a i small token of his esteem and apprecia- tion. No sooner had ' your promotion! occurred than your worthy admiral, ! with that keen perception of the eternal fitness of things, and that unselfish and generous outpouring tof a kindly heart, for which he is famed, determined to make the occasion one long to be re membered. ' Realizing your peculiar fit ness for the office, as well as the proud position of hotel clerk, to whom all the world bows in homage; the hotel clerk, whose clothes are the admiration of the world the dreamful hat, the flowing sleeves, the mosaic Test, theT creased pants, that are at the same time the ad miration and despair of emulous dude dom, and the peotic tie, that like a sprig of mint, gives flavor to the tout emsem ble realizing all these things, he tele phoned to Brazil, and from her deepest mines an all . but priceless gem was brought. Under special guard it was conveyed to Rotterdam, and there by the most skilled artists it was cut with perfect faces to match your own. It is an inch and a half up one side and the same distance down the other, making in all three inches. It is surpassed by only one stone , in all the world, the Kohinoor, the mountain of light, and bo a nave presumed to give this also a name of light, the Nourmahal. .May its flame prove ever a lamp to your feet, a guide through the thorny by-ways ol life, until its gleams are quenched in the bright effulgence from the great white throne, across the divide." And then the speaker reached in his stocking, where he had concealed the valuable gem, and gracefully fastened it in the recipient's tie." : 'The captain said much more, and said it ; much ": better, but a treacherous memory prevents us giving either his exact language, or all of it. The com modore was "taken aback,'' but grasp ing the situation, responded, in . a neat speech, the substance of which was to take something. The pin reposes in the commodore's necktie, and the last we saw of him he was hanging a brick on the back of his neck to keep his balance The Flremens' Tournament. An effort is being made today to organ ize a team and raise f ands to send it to the firemens' tournament at Oregon iiy. xne Doys ieei tnat tney are in honor bound to attend the meeting, and would have made arrangements long ago only In at the flod and oonfcnrjpnt We have again on hand an abundance of strictly dry FIR WOOD, which we will sell at the lowest rates. & BENTON. losses by our business men, makes the raising of the funds a hard matter. In this connection, we append a clipping from the Salem Statesman : "The old volunteer firemen of Salem have arranged for a hose company to go down from that citv and win the prizes. At least fifteen of the swiftest men at pulling a cart and handling hose will go into training at once and nightly drills will be in order until the contests are run. Both the racing carts formerly used by the Capital and Tiger hose teams have been cleaned up and are in splendid condition for racing. It adds it will seem like old times to see the teams get out and make Rome howl once more. It used to be considered a very . dull tournament without the Salem and As toria teams taking part. C. J. Curtis, of the latter city, was in Salem recently and in conversation with a Statesman reporter said he did not think a team would come to Oregon City from Astoria ; he did not know then that Salem would be represented there, and it is eafe to say that the "city by the sea'.' boys will now organize and attend the tournament simply to meet the capital city's team. THE CHURCHES. The Baptist church, Rev. O. D. Taylor pastor, will hold services at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. All not worship ping elsewhere are cordially invited. Sunday school follows the morning ser vice. No service in the evening. Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. J. Whisler pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school after ..morning service; Junior League at 6 p. m. ; Epworth League at 7 p. m. ; class meeting Sunday at 10 a. m. and Tuesday: at 8 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at 8 p. m., A cordial welcome to all. , ' The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth street Sunday ser vices as usual: ' At 11 a. m. and at 8 p. tn. worship and a sermon by- the pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school immediately after the morning service j and meeting of the Young People's ! Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. ; topic, Whole hearted service, Eph. vi:5-8. ; All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. PERSONAL MENTION. Prof. Frazier is in from Dufur. Col. Parker, of the Walla Walla States man passed through this morning, bound for his famous ranch on the Yaquina, where he says he intends to "stake out" his boys. The Col., in reply to our questions, said the most tiresome job he ever undertook was keeping an eye on Pasco. '. , . ' ..All Free.. : ' i ' Those who have nsed Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get - a trial " bottle,1 free. : Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pilla free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost yon nothing. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly . Ayer'a Hair Vigor is cleanly, agreea ble, beneficial and safe. . It is the most elegant and the most economical of toi let preparations. By its use ladies can produce an abundant growth of hair, causing it to become natural in color, lustre and texture. with a fresh stock of Groceries. In our large stock of General Merchan dise we have many special "bargains in STOCK SALT, DREED FRUIT, BACON, (Klickitat) CASE GOODS. 390 to 394 Second Street. EUROPEAN HOUSE, Best Hotel in the City. NEW and FIRST-CLASS. -OF The Balance Summer Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats. Shoes, Etc., Etc., WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT A TERWS STRICTLY CHSH, The Only Thing Ever high in our store was the Columbia, . and that is marked down; but it is not ' yet as : Low as Our Prices. We can give you bargains in everything - in Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's . Clothing from Hat to Dress. Call and see us at the old corner. 1ST. HARRIS. When the Train stops at. THE DALLES, get off ob the Sooth Side . ;. rt , ...... AT TH - JlEW COLtUjVlBlfl HOTEL. This large and popular House does the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any , , . Houae n the city, and at the low rate of .............. . $1.00 per Day. - first Qass Teals, 25 Cepts. 1 Office for mil Stage Twines leaving Dalles for all 1 points la Kastera Oregon and Xastern Washington, In this Hotel. ' Corner of Front and Union Sts. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health, ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on PHOTOGRAPHER. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.' I have taken 11 first prizes. OUR- T.'T. NICHOLAS, Propr.