The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 10, 1894, Image 3

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W if ft 'v'
I -0'?- S
i $14.00,;
J y J
See our Center
.1 i r ::
. v V .-!-r.'
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
Kntered the Postoffloe at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clnhhing .Xiist
. ' ".'.Kctrular .Oui;
,--s- price prlca
.....$2.50 $1.75
3.00 2.00
Ckrcnide and X. Y. Trikne . . .
" ail Wetilj Orfgonian
Local Advertising.
lOjCeiiui in-line toy first iusrilon, and .6 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.- ;
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following day. : ....... .
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sale at I. C. NickeUen's store.
.. Telephone'No. 1.
AUGUST 10, 1894
Leirel Vtom the Notebook of Chronicle
i' Jleporters.
Leslie Butler .is building a barn on his
property on Fourth street suit. V?;
The Oregonian today says ? the tarfF
matter is as far from settlement aB ever.
We are pleased to note that T. 2J.
Joles, who has been ver ieick, is fe
coyering. He wai 'on the ietteet today
for the first tinie in nearly,; two weeksi;
Owing to the fact that tha Wharf boat
baa to:be''4aCn out of the canal at . the
Cascades, and jthat no transfers of freight
can . bfe made; : the Regulator will not
make another trip until Monday.
5-STbe weather today has been clondy
and sultry, threatening rain, but at "'the
same time withholding it. It is in much
tbe same condition as this democratic
ohgres startiig hfi sweat on all pilhs,
and not doing anything either.
The Regulator took down 400 balesof'
wool this morning, fibout fty;, tors.;
This has been going on for some time,
but 6till there seems to be almost as
much wool in the warehouses as at first. tiKrpar
day by the Cascade Water Company,
the--oirieet o IVthS intor Doratioa belnc-to
fflM$isb ratW to tie towrWo1 fcistaAa1
Locks. The incorporators are H. A.
Leavens, D. L. Cates, C. Gi HickoKi TV
O. Benson and F,. P. Ash
The HeperSaeteysH3ast,
Saturday, while switching in theJBepp
ner yards the engine of the branch was
derailed. " ' The accident,'-" we are in
formed, was caused j by; a naijsplaced
switched. An engine bad to be brought
up frotrt The. Dallas trfptragghtetth thje
wreck; iNbf ,6n 'Mrdi hnrt; aoiP
damage-.w-js-done 'to the engine.
e nave Deen asKea wnetner we
meact. wlLt.if eaid. the other .jlay-UiatJ
45 pounds of wheat could be bought in
the Caucasus fpr a cept and, three-qHar-
ters. That is exactly whawe.ineabt to
say; inotherIwprdp, (.htrSa "bueljeljpf
wheat could be bought for about two
cents and half. That -4s nqt-trftnso;
hpwete' tfi fit cart il bought thp
sta5k,a3t? year's gravfav-Rronnd5 'the Pa'""
louse, for six cents a bushel.
Mr. EdMarUA and.a partv o lhree
others will':'leave' Monday fof the;Ma-f
l tL B' '
? 1 TOiMT
VXJU1T v3 v.
toies lor a month's outingjJaas4jaeuligeated Jay children.
all oyer: that, country, knows all . the
choicest trout streams and good' hunt
ing grounds. -Besides he knows how "to
rnn a camping outfit, can eat lots of
fish, as well as catch them,, and will
El . !.-: Hi! -
t-i i - -'-'-
f V
o'h no An
? lylake your own selection from our
$15.00j: $1600 -Suits
.j ; c. 0 . at Kill u) acir
have just, a splendid trip. He has
promised to catch the modarch of the
creek for naand Jo eat; him too, 'which
is as near as we will come to 'oruament-
at'rout streja'i this demdcratic'sticti-
i Fatal Uooiins Near ;rotuery,
Kintal Ci. . n I -I .'lkL Tr -. 1 ..1.J .
i. t
Jasper A. Mills, brother of
Theodom .Cart wright of this city, was
kiflidjjaeair bi$JbCtne twelve miles from
August 1st. ,;: He. and"a neighbor had
been having trouble over water for an
irrigating bitchy which was taken from a
creek bri Estes' land, 'and on 'the day in
question, he had gone ' to turn the" water
into the ditch notwithstanding the com
mand of Estes that he refrain from
touching it. Both men were armed and
the same time. Mills was shot through
the heart and killed instantly. The
IRieetingas jaccidental, and thejfact
tliatiBotBlwereirmed, caused the death
of Mills and the imprisonmeiifnof Estes.
All a pistol is good fort a toy to get
its owner in trouble, gf p M4 ;
z.-r-. j7; rT ti
f . Real Eftate TrnnsactioiR.
ThiES.';5;followJ4g deeds' were filed for
record yesterday and today :
Robtv'i Kelley, of Kingsley, Or., to
Patrons of Husbandry, Highland grange,
50x120 feet in Kingsley ; $25.
United Spates to Isaiah J. Butler, vU
of s;iec.J4i,rltp. 3 s, r 12 e patent.
Uivited States toIsaiah J. Butler,
swjf'sec. 3, tp. 3 s, r 13 e patent.
United States to Alexandei-'Jossiswiii
of net sec. 15, tp. 10;q-p)at6?t. i
Reuben Booten and Maria Eooten, bis
wife, Thomas Burgess and' JSlleiJBar-;
gesshis wife, and John Burns and'' Cor
nelia" Burns!" bis wife, to Joseph H.
Sherar, the property known aa the Fin-
geganyaicbVift SfiefraaTajcounty,. "t-,
Latkirf Lamb toTttlchae! Dichte&mil-
ler, right of way through part of section
1, tp 2, n of r 11 e; $20.
f i Cf iTre ach'eirKlamlnatlon.
The teachers' examination, will be con
cluded tonight. Some bright Oregonian
used in the examination Wednesday and
fehev-aooeared in that raDer .-vfatT1rv .
.l: ' a:i..L. !s....i;v ftvzv::' j
dti -cuii sequence Dupenmenaeot'toDBliey
was compelled to change the queetions
in aritbaietic and some other branches,
lestthgmjejes qung ladies, who are,
supjjjbsejd (p i&t&iM&b.onld take'
advantage of the information, and work
their examples at home. We judge fronx
tho list iti tbeOregohlanTrl that the list of
questions is an exceptionally hard one.
During ;thejdp-ay.season the drain o ,
n'44vousi? bn itifall m&gi "S4yi be
cou.nteract.ed by . the, of Ayer's
Sardapai-ilta; 'inrifyingT'the bldod it
acts as a superb corrective and tonic, and
en abTestfi e8y ste m to' dgfy malarial "and
other climatic influences.
SAsjr. youpBgrecer for Farrell & Co.' a
sweel(cloveitv&ney,trobk-fjifcandy drips
and Puritan maple syrups. The,se
f yrups guaranteed ? f
t 5
iAskrijfpar grpceritprsitarremdei's
iSKSZSjE? sweet clover honey, Tock
l"1" "" a"u ranvm mapie'
Farrelt Cbs table ifmps are easily
In my mules and horses, I give Simmons
Liver Regulator. I have not lost ne
I gave it to.
E. T. Taylok, Agt. for Grangers of Ga
iff ii J2! if sRTVm fr .fg
nmwutM its
The Trespass Lair.
The.last SKslonXipf the Oregon legisla
ture enacted a "trfcjjasg law, fthe provi
sions of jwhiiaPs"toj; genesaljy known,
and sport mfeEyfpj syf jcCt-jb read ip g
the .ame.-toujeisuu ;
the law byrequesi in fuE::- .: . '
Section ,1, It.,iill. Jiijj.unlawfnl for
any pergon'otnerfeniari bfBcer on law
ful business, being armed with a gun,
iiaUuKy iolopjaoi.t or
lands without the consent of the owner
or-possesV-theripdF. -TjcuC
'ihMk pawfl 'forri ;
highwavja'iKf i-immi tiivft &'.tJ. i,ta s
ipS'.-STfT rariarrf be . nhfaf ul ,i6Vnj ,
souj.j ... uciujj.afeu -ti . ?UIfi luer
firearm, to cause, permit or suffer &ay
dog, accompanying sub; person, to go or
enter upon amy enclosed premises with
pitfthe' consent of the owner otp6gse"66Qr
thereof; provided, that this section shall
nokjapply, to dog3.inpursviS ot.deer:or' ta"aiU if.gsaH
Sec, 4. An v person violating the pro
visions 61 this , act i aiuait be . Adeemed
giiiMy of a misiemeWbj",'-ahd upon con-f
viction thereof ' shall' -be 'punished, by a
fine not less than $15 nor more than $50,
and via ?
Nfe Wifc?h?i!; "iniied jto.'tlje -:
Cpuntv jail'fwfc'-jtbe iottutsun !whkb'the
offense is committedne day for every
two dollars jofai4 fine.3r
,,-,.bEC. a-o-Juatices of tbe peace for the
proper county shaba, jurisdiction of
the trial i.p.ffenaeajierein defined.
Fkidav, Aug. 10th The "business of
the week bas-aorneWbBtfallerji off in all
linear "XbeihAi'ketaftrBateady, Country
prodoceiain JflUjRply and prices are
nominal. Tbafruit .-.movement is fair.;
There are no changes nrquptations. - p
Tbe wool market Jias bcea active dur
ing the paet week, and sellers b'vereal-'
j, ne ja-aat- action:ot; jtaft cQnperenoe poffrl
mitteaon; the tariff .meaaureia believed
tofhTe ctfa;'aHnSa(J ia-Lvalnes ;
rV(Oabenf & steady' '
yr8L&ayei;ijnp!d tiepportnnlty5
ofa pnshlagaalbfiio)urhi8ee fipti Jthe
!Eastern3 marSets?0 T'',f3 ?J !
for eporbjba3siiot aaoyetj:giyea any.
activity of 'encouragienient tOb market J
The outlook for an eirly &4Va'n'cels:ar
loaf is the promise.
- The Salmon Catch,
This is the "Sday" cjhe salmon
fishing season rAfthifjjijf Was so dis
astrous in the" beginning, the season has
been better than -last year, the catches
being- about 285)00 casea last vear as
NBfkilOOO thisnj l)ef Jofr
river the unprecedented floods made the
seasoil'sbBriand' 'also decreased the
catch", by1 ; carrying 'a'way Ca 'somber of
drift'; ' j'et. tjie'p.hendeaal run 'sufScfed
to overcome"' 'this!' 'The' 'loss of , three
fouths of the-wtieel6fr here -was a serious
oneiithojigljtbe- pivgs di w.a.tQT-, would
have . prevented their .being used the
greater part of. the, season,; However,
the ..cannery was kept running to its
have been larger., if. Jt could have been
handled. Many of the' wheels will be
replaced a 3 Boon as tho stage of water
will permit, and tbe fall rnn will add
conciderable to the total catch.
an abundance of strictly
dry FIR WOOD, which
we will sell at the lowest
1 11
;-Wii.. P R S ON A t.; JVI ENTIO N ' ','
hbtn'. tQday,,',from, a trip through Sher-
man.cwqtv.. :, TJiev, telt.vs harveeting is
.being , pushed .rapidly, and:,.the,,.crop is
-'VMTi. james I'-CrdsBen leaves1 for Eort-i
lanq. tomorrow, aadtnencojor caiiioraia
Jop 'a .lm.pnitb's.isiU !? to. -get
him ;to-; adont os;aii take ns alons. but
flfot'; Wahrtng, 'to start a-famine in South-.
era Aaniornia- on top ot.ajae otiier niis-
s:'ho refiised.
"Advertised' Xetiejri.
Followinglstheilist of letters remain-
ing' in the - postoffice ait' The .Dalles un
called lor' 'Friday' August' 11 tb,
Persona calling fqr satne tiYLV give'- date
6b .wliich ibeyr were ad vertiaed :: 4-j
Saesett Hii's W;$. Baylo w;;H; 'S' V "Vf.
Backus,-C (3) );-; Back E-'-K:--.-'- v
Beaeelfey, Ben-"', r.' -Birdsely- W-""'
CinerMra'-ftL'V :'Ja:tapIeir,' Ar I
Cochran-;'Chas-(ilJ)f; .-Dixon Chaa .;, w
Fough'ti E-Cij- -:!.;; Furgesoii Jaines- '
Gusta-fsoa," Aug.-i .1. IFansori,'-Fred . . ' '.
Haras, -Geo: . j.-.- r, HolbrookT Bart '. i
Keel, Deo'--1.'1 JCr ug,; :Atig' -':- -;
LarsaonV Abraham SMcCartney, tj F (2)
Nich.olia, M .- iy.-; :NewhamvJaRob..'i
F-ickham; ThoS: "! "hPrOtriei-J 1
PaweU,'ir .' ::. '..': , "jSmitU,.Geo V ; :'.'.,'.
eturgess, MissrLilUeSmitb, B &:;al-.y-,j i.i
Vogler.'Tesa ,J :J. -.' ' Toomey'Jim' -v :! '
Topmey. LM. 47, 1,' Turner, Albert' :
Waltersi Jaa j fi.Waiiamaon, Tim-vi-:
.Tt 1,1
3: Al-jCioafiEx..M;:,;
:!.--. it;
a? Chlncstf Taekers Irlviv Away; 1; i
i'-' Santa: RoBA-,V'CalVi " Ang. t9lCTrpuble j
has ocCiirrd atbo Itudolpb! fruit pack'.-1
lag warehouse.7' ;Te ownef; of 'tlip ea
tablishtaeAt, -Tvhicli .opened today '.liad
procured. about lOO Chinese f rOta .Sacra
mento for packing fruit; and a large
crowdfOjihijte raaithierttvat the
from tbe. bu.Uding.j nThe .managerwas
forced to send them away from ..tbeity.j
:iG0gY.Tljo grealVcies'
engine in hPH-n.hopfaoper.
Med Ltoday ? for-.-tbeVfi
itaabtba 3f wqinO-eirJetf J'were
?Dne'di'-2i'About OpOmsa; wref safr prlt.i
ccun try stating t'flTei-8tikp;i,wW'l'W
iii tt cn fce cdadn'u
.are etaryjng. v, ; , r. ,:i ;
c;st -ji' --fi: if. l'Al':ti,iks& -"Jii s.' :
tr.ut -vJaii:'"' IAm ore trjuiw foivyr: 'to (
::ftipyiiia iyffygrj 1 King's ..New
DiacOvery-kapw :its valua, and 'those who
have hot; have now' the.- opportanity-io
trvit Jre6:i:C4rl bn: evprtr.dr-IJ
gist and -'get a trial bottle,- vfree..: henct
your name and address to H.. E. 'Buckjdri
&. Col, Chlrago , and get a . sample box of
Dr; King's Mew Life Pills free, as well
as a ci5pSif nidtIIiIEK8Bi5U8e-;
hold Instructor, free.. All of which is
guaranteed to do you gopd and,. cost ,you
nothing. vS6ld- b-?'-Suipe8& KLineralyJ
.'."WobTtAsb:;Xai:'XWg'..Vh u
tralo iwrecking :';cae 'i this j mOrning-i the1
-.mis. .-u.r : ior.'!.r,fi-:i-!.i-j,J 'UV-'UMii
aossion. ot; courfe wae yvwti-uwry.o-wf
.ji,'ineit of, attbi-ny i,?Hlilfe.",.1itbe
evideheo in sabatantiatioh ot chslrgesi-;of
,urji,tx-:nvi 1 -itiuiti ,
V -1 i,v; -'( .1.1. i .'1 ; . ij.
When Baby was sick, v gawa her Caeteria. V? ;
itHBM mm wb mi i"v, : "7 ;
Woen she became SIfes; 6h0 cfang to storia, i i
Wbetl sbe bad Children, she gavetbem Castoria.1
t:; rr r
wiyajLBj 11 a M&
t ." -
with -a.-iresh stocfeLor Gri'Oceries5:,i:!ln51" 'i; x-
Jfcp . r
'jui i-.oi'."-' ,0'--iX"
B tij !.?& ci.; rrr.J
r - s'w.tfsm 'fcfili iu vrir BlACONt 'aickitat). ?..,ir icrq il
Best Hotel in'MSp:.
A ,-.;-,
MIT;';-"? is's3i-,iifi
1 vi :
. 1 1
Summer i
1,,. . 1 :: '
"J J :-
Shoes!, r Etc., Etc.
'!! i- ftoi)'XS"if:i Vvt illfV j ni : .. ; . i:
''' ' "' '' ;!. 'T .:i .... -AVn.1. BE Clk.feKD OIJT AT A'
.-'" ! :!.!'.: N..iu:.- ,--T:lVK'f Hfixi I iii U-.-i-j .; )-:
v-'vi':-'i;-2t".'.:i ia!?Mr;cf orii j-.-jI: j ''.jh-j.-J-.-. n
.f . . r. , . 1 . t?itui-& 1 -c 1 .
. .11 ,-; ! vrf .'ii;'.f,-f;-.
V , Ever, Ineh'.iri'our store Was'the- Columbia,:
t tiii ..-j and that is marked
1 ri-jt Miivr '. :! !''. Jin v.n-Jf .rf-i-fv
ri-A, :r j;;u; .";We.-can" give) you
7 T, .in JLadies;'GeritlemeTrs 'and -Children's -- w.
;';;-f Clothing; troni-tiPfes Wltfria;? flf',J c!
:..viT i::;; .V rrcf '
: :::v ': i
c-.i i.-j
I.. .' ..rv'-v'U- 'jitoxri ti,t?ia
:i'a -'.'-ioi :: Ji);.:; .-iisv i
-jv ;--.. -q iiv-jj:-. -j ti voi u :-..;rv..
L-. '..' ;-21iii Wit' AT. 71(1 tit .'Ji-.'.lift
ai.'t U'liif. f. Jl
r.uu'a.J-jr,, "ti'if1, 1.
..Cf.;:r, lt v,!..vl(
. a'tijr-r-i-iri Vrvi-av,
ftvjtio.i .'l-itzihntaw.l .caul r, t;;o::-if
rj"iht.-"w s i'' "nis liirgeandpepulsr Honse does the principal hotel business, '
,'" ." .'. ' iind'ls prepared .to' furnish theBest Ancaamtdatioji6iol tuiy;l Vii.i T
,K . 'Houw 1a he oity, 'and a thd lo.rot of,..;,;. .,,,,,,. ..; ,.,v,)(r.; , .
tlttoir ;i ror..'0 s-.ui l -i'jJr.7.- jlt-;jti i . ,,.
f - r pdnts li .Eastern Orf torf 'anil Kastern? Washington. '"J iJAll,jfl"
f.'ji:i:f.'u I'!j'. .Kwrnj'-iq "U'.-ar b:i;rr bail . . , , ".r .
bo-5omp.'Ml.wlB9i.v'Mli jifi K,,",1TJ:TrldHotIr4'8f. Pk-'6br.L!
'"--7 V' J -'J-- j j.otij j.... T..j;'j si ; ;CLj;-t ,J jfi.-j&uA o.;
v' '.'Thia:reil-knowii Brewety fi'py turning, ou$ . tbe best Been aad Porter
eaetof the Cascades The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will, be placed on
be market. '
. :v." i--" '.'-. "3 -1
. .. .
Cbaptnan Block; "The Dalles, Oregon.
S k'U1'1' ''-j .-''-J-J "'-'-'-
: ''! '' ':l;" . ! tl0-!iU ii :'f vl''aj:ij
a ia tsi?i !..;-:.': ds.-o f 'faiH4i
i I' V.'IT 1 1 : - it , t t . V i t: ti :
Dry Goods,
J m.'7 !!!!) ;;itj
J 1 ' v- ft:.:'. ..:
i::-'.1 . i I.
1 .i 1 i 1 : I''
T T v,.-:,. 'j cy I .j:-! i-,.t;t j.-r-J . 1' ..
Z iTiiri.-iTV- '' 'J-'--' 'u "');Ti T-ST;j-'JOOH
TSfiR : t . .......
3o B
.'i's,V Ji SJil;L"II'.!tOI F''0;ii,'.'ill VJi.-i :-)--
. - . ... K
down;'bttitM'svhbt'" ' !''y' "' ' t!l
; iJ:ilJ-S 'ilj'il f'; ;:r s JI -1 -i' k ! j. '.' i f rV- f 1 ' i
I -"Wil3 fctftwbX oH'l ''."HWfMH i"hyil'l -
bargains in 'everything ki:t ,
rJ(B emit.. .'unlAwt
taui j- ,t.t..,it ,mi
I .UniCHJ.llW ,6J)U.rf !rfOQt.i:j ,T.'j.1t-i .S.'i'lO?
r l.2..Hf'...1:.?llq Oi 0o:.nmiP St 1
o..c-j Mj3 1 ii rwutKon W s-3vi':i Il'(.r,-----.p i.-
OJ !;. U; il ,?!IOi!irVtJU lJ ia.;l.- H.'Jli:'.
.) Vl'l' '.'Kiig f)K ri97u't Oli
...... .pr k
i r ti t-A i1' " l l!L'TS ""' ' '
s 1 Inn