The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 10, 1894, Image 2

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Tie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
. Weekly, 1 year
" 6 months.
" 8 "
Daily, 1 year. ..... .
" 6 months. . . .
-. per "
. . 0 75
.. 0 50
.. 6 00
.. 3 00
.. 0 50
Address all communication to " THE CHRON
XCLE' The fcuilea, Oregon.
AUGUST 10. 1S94
now we
! The Dalles fi3 ,in iiinny respects "the
beat situated city in Oregon.?; 'Sff$ for
sixty miles8outlr-ior5'one hOmdEgdjjand
fifty the Cascade range presents, alTleast
until further developments, an 5 no passa
ble barrier to communication between
tween Eastern and Western Oregon and
Washington. In consequence the travel
and traffic between the sections named,
forced to and.. tn'ronghTtje J
Dalles. To this faet heretofore the7 city
owes its prosperity. The handling of the
products of Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington, and the supplies for them, has
given us the solid financial standing that
ihakes our merchants rank in Urad
streets as gilt-edged. The same circum
stances that have made-; Portlandwhat
she is, havp , 'been' iat wort on a? emajler
Scale here.Tand'-weiltlt Jias beea'accdm-'
ulated mone'a kltoll-fiacttierer galhersiC
n, than as a producer. ' This cohaifion
Biay exist indefinitely, but if so it w ill
ijequiresome action on ourpart. Xature
lias done much but man must stand in
to close the loop holes left.
With the opening of the Columbia,'
now to be speedily realized, we will be
come the head of navigation for several
jears at least, and .$ith this, advantage
jn our favor it will be Jour ownifault, if
"jre do not continue to hold that suprem
acy which heretofore has been our boast,
to do this, will require action. -.We
must start factories to supply the needs
i)t the country around us. AVe should
have a wool scouring plant, a woolen
tnill, more flour mills, a factory to. sup
ply fruit boxes, a tannery, a distillery
and the dozen of other factories neces
sary in these days to supply the wants
of civilization. . Heretofore"" the- great:
bstacle to .anything of this kind, has
been the high wages ofthe Pacific coast,
as compared to those of the Atlantic seaboard-.--
This has beH-atinged--and the..
freight on manufactured articles from
the East, would 'counter-balance the
slight increase-in' wages. We must stop
the importation of things that we can
produce, and instead manufacture them
for export. As long. as we ship hogs to
Omaha and import bacon Jhaiilaiidiafd;,
the balance of trade is againet us, and
we are building up the cities of the East
snd increasing their pay rollls instead of
oar own. ; (We ship .vast quantities of
frnit in its season, and on every grocers'
shelves in the city, can be found canned
fruits from California, and the East,
canned corn from Maine, and tomatoes
from New Jersey. We can find at times
butter from Iowa, while our mountain
.alleys produce the finest grasses inthe
world.;.; We can find at.' tims" eases of
eggs from Iowa, and at the same time cie
told that 1,000,000 bushels of wheat are
rotting in Eastern Washington because
it will not pay for shipment. We im
port leather and its manufactured pro
ducts, and thousands of hides are wasted
because they "'will Hot bring'enough to
pay for shipment East. We import
glass while the indignant west winds
bury the railroads with the finest of
sand In 8hortf we do those things 'we
ought not to do, and we leave undone
those things we ought to do, and there
is neither energy nor public spirit among
A week ago 'articles' of' incorporation
were filed, and a cannery was promised,
to be completed in time to handle f rnits
and vegetables yet this summer. What
has bec6me bf it? Is the 1 Itock tq ; fie
OTbscrihedlirVis -thelaaiter toend
where it began? It would not take
much capital, and it is perhaps as good
an opportunity to make a start, as any
that will be offered J If ; we -are to bold
our supremacy, to keep up with the pro
cession, we must furnish employment.
3etus commence now,;. ,. . r.( , i
j The election in Alabama Tuesday
i went democratic by about 25,000 ma-:
jorityrIn this case it was the expected
i that happened. The south ia democratict
j and is going to remain that way for an
v indefinite period. The reason . for it is
not foujid in the silver question or the
1 tariff. It is plainly visible, and is nei-
ther rnore nor less than the Negro;,- -The
3 democratic party was not looked, upon
as t Wfriend of the black man, and when
the lattir was given the right to o'te','!he
J nattirsly voted the republican ticket.
I Nowhowever much Southern people
maySiffer on political issues, and they'
I do differ much more than the votes in-
dicafethey are a uniton one thing andl
i tnatig-to prevents egfo dominations v l.
the ballot was placed in the
i handf a million and a half of ignor-
ant (voters at once, a race but recently
euu iroiu eiavery, ana DUt little more
i rem
,eTy removed from eava?erv. that
votejbticome a threat and a menace to
the jjyTbeVty and property of, their jute
I neigh bots. Byibemidofhie vote.'Lou-
lsiana, South Carolina and some other
oTTEe Southern states wef6'aa"eDa"hk'
rnpt, and the question ceased to be one
of politics and became one of eelf-preser-
vation. , White republicans,. voted with!
the democrats, preferring democratic i
rule.. to pegro domination-; This cbndt- t
tioni-stiil. :exist3, ana j&s long as it :ioes
t.h iririt.ft wiltremain solidhr demoer-Atir
The-Caueiisiarl will nbt;enbmit:''to
raled . by the African, nor will civilizar.
tion bow its necfe to tne yoke oi ignor-
ance. . ... ... ..
Xegro. Indeed, we consider bati!
4 rat;a.,haa--juaJa.fih.eQOaiRi)al,,advAaCfiS.
The' will continue to" advance, until
some day they will perhaps stand side
by side with, their white brother in the
scale of intelligence. ,They do not do
so now, and Until -they do'1 the survival
of the fittest a VfieVnleot- intelligence
will continue to keep the Caucasian to
gether, and on top.
See tlie Worltt's Fair (or Fifteen Cents
Upon receipt of your address and fif
teen cents inpostage .stamps, we will
mail you pre'pai4 our souvenir por-Qolio
of the"' worlcfs ''Colnmoian exposition,
the regular price is fifty cents, but as we
want you to have one, we make the
price nominal.. You will find it a work
of art and a thing' to be prized. It con
tains full page views of the great build
ings, with descriptions of same, and is
executed in highest style of . aft ;:- If not;
1i. E. BlCKLEX iJo Co.,
Chicago, 111
Mast Be Sold.
"Several beau ti f ul "u prigh t rpiari'ois,',d'if-'
ferent grndee' I nbiv oCer" for eale-all
my new and second-hand pianos at a
great sacrifice, regardless of cost.
Twenty-live (jlollars-eash at tine:of pur
chase and oti iustallmenis'oftlO pr
month.1 For cash five per cent discount.
All pianos are marked in plain figures,
and as I . have but a few of them, they
will sell fast'atlhe price offered. ''There
fore, if you want one of these fine in
struments do not delay, but call early
Monday morning, August 0th, at I. C.
Nickelsen's music and hook store,
Second street. This sale, commencing
on tiiat date, is instituted for the pur
pose of; making rOoni for new.styles and
to raise money to pnrchnse tity and iri
ter gooda.The sale, therefore-, w.ill Con
tinue till all are sold.
I. Ci XlCKELNKiti -
S T R AN q E CJJ Pyfl A J IC p I F F E R E N C E
Kxplanation of the Canses of .Florida's
Varying. Temperature.
People who visit the cast coast of
Florida, and especially the Indian river
and the Lake Worth region, often won
der why the climate of that section is
so delightful at all times of the year
and 60 Tdifferent-,,ia .almost every, par
ticular from what One1 would expect in
those latitudes. The explanation is
simple enaug-hJ.7 ;;The diffei'ence be
tween northern and semitropical Flor
ida, apart froni the ..latitudinal dis
tance, is due to the elevation of the
former -and, the distance from it st the
(fait stream. The waters of the Gulf
of Mexico temper the immediate coast
line. Their effect does not extend far
inland. The stream is pressed close, to
the east coast shore nlonjr Dade-y coun
ty ' by the Uahaniai " banks "-Atlantic
steamships southward .-bound, to avoid
the force of the current, stand in' so
near the shore, that they can at some
points be hailed from. land. ..'The gulf
stream is an old story, but it is a great
fact. This vast, deep blue ocean river,
a thousand times .the. volume of the
Mississippi, is thirty miles wide, two
thousand feet deep, and lias a velocity
of five miles an hour the year round.
The temperature of the stream is
eighty-four. .degrees, :,or nine degrees
higher than the waters of the ocean
through which it flows.'-.. The .trade
winds blowing nine-tenths of the time,
winter and summer, from the eastward, ;
bear the stratum of warm air formed
by the'; gulf s'treamj west ward across :
the land. This is why the east coast is
milder -and more epiabl,e; than the west
coast in" the same latitude. With ' tKe
gTilf . stream- pre founft' three other
equalizing1 'agencies the trade'winds,
the everglades-with - a- water surface
preventing a land breeze, and the zone
of high baronietriii pressurd; '"ITieinid
'suinmer heat, thal'mightdtnerwise "be
ninetj'.-fiye degrees, ia reduced to some
thing like eig-hty-eight dtgrees. The
mid winter chjll, which-mipht gct4pwn
to' thirty deFees, , L j warinel '".Bp i..t
something like forty degTees.
A receni--discovery Vr, an. old
physician. ' ucccseful:J ttsetl
wnfiili ' ha c- thotav3s "tOf(
ladies. Is the only pcrfecay
y rtopr, safennd rcllnblo picd'duia dls-
covered. Beware of nnprlnclpled' drunistS whef
oflsr: totflrJor ntedlolpiM la place ot Cite. "A's'bfbi'2
Cook's Cotton Root Coinooand. take no suhsti-
i ivte, 6y JnoJcwo. $J and cjaapiji f viio fir Ibtter ,
Sold in The Dalles bv f-.nipes & Kluersly
All parties having' cfaims against h
late Chas. E. Haight, are requested
satisfied wita itafter yon get i we jvilj
bkiM the stijbs and let fefHhl
t t
present thsiene-rtt tithe under-i C-tt s- -iT--..
signed. ' J-f iiC2 r.UliSJ XOil 1 3 1
Mrs. C. K. Haight.
-'-To prevent Ihe hardening- of the vsub-'
cntaneous tissueu of the scaln and the
obliteration of the hair follicle?, which
caupe baldness, use Hall's Hair Re
oewerY ; ,'" & 'f:
; 1
No Freight -will be accepted for ship.
nt- brtt4li.liour, JJIL-aad
O A. At., except Live Stock and Perish
able Goods. !., p. S: A. N. Co.
July MOth, 1894.
, i p mj
v'i I' ""-T :4 tr j
- tJ,"i 'k
ffe ffestTWfedTclne.
.7. ). Wir.sox, Contractor and
!;iiil(l-i-, Sulphur Springs, Texas,
tiuis speaks of .flyer's Pills:
" .Ijvr's ViUs are the best medicine I
vjw-.ii-ic'; aii'J, in nii'-inlgment, no
jfttter yfufr.i fyW''-y Iultl be devised,
'"l i'r.irfr irsCd iftn irf'iii iny family and
n: oriiincnded theiu to my friends and
employi'S for more than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many cases .
of the following complaints have been
completely s'.iul
Permanently Cured
by the u$e of Ayerls Piils alaiid Third :
lay glillfllif ri.jFiS.feven :
S!Ol-:a(lfeikiBi,i-trifetiitlir, dys- :
pprsyeon-!rijiii'i-i,i3. i;
kutlK4-4imrMt 4ic1iAyera I
Pills, continued for a few days or weeks,
n.s the nature of the complaint required,
would bs found r.n absolute cure for the i
Sdncrdcrs I Imvc numcd uhove."
P?" I have been KclHiif nudieinA for '
ciLjht years, anil I can safely say that
Aycr's Pills jrive better satisfaction;
than any other Till I ever sold." J. J. :
Perryi'Snottsylvanfai Q.:ir Va. ' '
3' Ky BR ? S-4 P! LLS
J'r-rcd by Dr. J. C. Ay er & Co., Lowell, Maes. .
Every Dose Effective
r.ot! five Dollars Ken-aril. ;
Strayed. -from-' -rhyL -west pasture, one-iro-rey
Qjorse; bra-naedt ;hIf circle);
on left shoulder: and two S's crossed on
right shoulder; rather thin cinch sore'
on left ribs ; foretop roached back to the;
place for halter. Probably went tow
ards Tygh Ridge. Will give $5 reward
for his refurn to me at my ranch, or a
liberal reward for any information lead-i
ln6"1ii?rreTWem " '
Prospect TtauchT j
Petwoen , tbetctbe hiLff by'tfae
brweryf an the &prAfei-'ciiiAg o:is
arid iinall lifti&iiLfitf&rfyfy confer
a favor byeaygjt.ePpTumbia
Packing Cp.'s.., ' .
"1 1 .IJ!
. I ...... . .i J c.f.V5.. f-.f. -T-
"The'-great fishing resort of -the5 "North
west. -: Parties'ca'n 'procure team's or" con
veyance the i'ouiid ttip tryfiting7 and
stating time they wish, to 'starti number
of tho-partv',! amotvot -ofc-b&ggageetc.
Addresi AVHJjjw'krxVilv
-WTnte SaltnohrWash.
A: rl'yrketl lWhite'1 Salinon,
Wash.11, has'- nBtnber'of- pus bred reg
istered.g.CJeybjulls pf, a) 1 ages.
Pedigrefffr-niah Ad-'
r , Hood" itiyer,' Or:"
Notice. -
All - ify" Warrants registered 'prior1 to
January .3,892 a .re no.ue, and jay-
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. I. I. Burget, City Treas.
Dated Dalles Citv. Aui. 1, 1894.
i , ;;:;v . "'r ; v tr.
One span"of:; driving-;horees, one side
bar top buggy, one set' double harness,
one single carriage: harness, i Inquire of
d&w2w. Mrs. C. E. Haight.
Feed wheat for sale cheap at ' Wasco
Warehouse. . . . . tf.
""" rmnt-j9B w u -at-ai- ontpMwB,.mHe to
nlUNN oc CO., who have bad nearly fifty years'
experience in the patent business. Coromtmica--
Uonstriotly oonndential. , A Handbook of Irv
, XormaUan ooneerninir Paitents and how to oh.
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue OX
T' leal ana TOtentitlo books sent free, r-;
-Lialanta. taltna hrouaJt. Munn : Co. receive
special notice in the Scientific AmerfRIn, ana
f tins a eroirehr wiaait Before the pohlic witS
oat-eos to. the Inventor.- This splendid Danei.
ly illustrated, has by far the
Wotta. S3 a year. Bmrpit copies santnree. f
r-j-B.Qilding EliUoii1.moinl)ly. ao a year", Single)
Xopjea. ceo. Every. number contaios beau-
any scientinc work in tab
x piatea, in colors, ana pnotograpas of new
seaj with planseBabtiBg builders to show the
fit desiCTs and secure Contmcts. .'Addrpsn
K--4atestaeSuniaandHecurecontmctK. AHriQ
,JMIJNN CO, New YoiiK, atil BjUswij,
Afe. W4: ;fe;-V' , 5S ;JV f.i ... .--t . --kt ..-5 . f. i
ft i d v i r- I W VA V X ..I - y I I I I 111 7
'.iV'j.3.7s;rwj' jwrr-.-.-t . i - - - . - .
:rr.--A - zrtr y-a i - - - - " 1'" uupiiai; swiemeius ana claims possible,. ! c
- y j T M'p " we couiu say-wmeyDig--xnitnla
fflie Merchant raioii
Old Rrmovy Building-,
Wnshington Street, between Second f
bet. Second and Third, itsMa i
. Silai Just received the latest sti les in
77"" 1
5 Suitings for Gentleirfek,
' -
and h s a laree assortment nf cm on a m
ica.. Clotbwhieh -b&-eaiv.niabh. To-Order- for
those that favor him. -4
Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty.
K .T':."a ,inS-he High
. ; . t modestly tell
rut on Vour; Glasses and LoSpifSrThls. I-
; Fr-om.fifW.tb.OO'b'XAply to
''"' '' il'.;GEo. W.'fiowi,AXD;
113 Third St, The Dalles, Or.
: ' 'Conrt SQ-eet, The DalleB.Oregon;-'
. B. DCFUK. . : - FEAliK SlISfirtE.
DCKUK,' &,. iIEXEFEE Attoksbys - at
law Rooms 42 and 43, over Post
Jiilee Birilding, Entrance on Wushiccton Street
.lie Dllestyregou. ,. ... .
. V i nnein Schanno' building, up Btolrs. The
Cox aos KtteDbs-; at-o rjc e vs at la w
. Dtrice-,in : Court street, opposita' tbe: old
court house, Tlie DallOs, l)r.;.. Jj' .'i', ".''.' i '."...
B. S.HCNTtKGK3f.i r.-A'i. Vi E i ? H. . WILSON.
livnai Brmk-
tainH. urenon. -
i C. Ub-iirt'imvjcr-AlJLxw -Rooms
French ,& Co.'s bank., building,. Second I
1'ne Dr.ltes, Oregon. - "' - !
: M. C, P. tind S. O., Physician and SrirJ
Refideueo Mrs"; Thornnury's, west end of Seconcf
I s ana ouboeon. cans answered, promptly
toy or night, city or country,- Office No. 36 and
eon. Othce; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
iicf-k. - Residence: 8. E." corner Oourv and
.-urth -streete.i second door irom the. corner
jffice hours 9 to 12 A'. II., 2 to 5 and 7 to S P. M"
I rXDDALL Dbntist. Gas, given for Xhe
i ' pal mew extraction ot teem.-- Aio teem
Sowed aluminnm plate. : Rooma blgn of
truiuen loom, becona btreet..
1T A8CO LODGE, fTO15;' A4-F. A.'M.Meets
V first and third Monday oi each month -at V
Meet in Masonic Hall the third .Wednesday
it eacn montn at 7 tr. en.
. L Mt. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even
neof each week In Fraternity Hall, at 7:
p. m.
every Friday evening at 7 :3ft o cloc
l P. hall, corner Second and Court
sojourning brothers are welcome.
g.-CLQP6HBen'y; . H. A. BIIX8.N. G
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO.. 9., K. of P.Meets
k every juonaay evening at v:isu o ciocn, in
ichanno's building, corner of Court and Second
treets, - Sojourning members are cordialVy. In - W. L.BRAD8HAW,
O. W.VaOsb; K. of R. and Hi 1 ; :t -1 : C. O. ;.'-.
. t d8EMBLY NO.'4S27; K. OF; L. "Meets In K
. V of P. ball the second and fourth Wednes
lava of each month-at 7:80 p:m.'- -mX- n ij-;'
UNION will-meet, every Friday afternoon
t S o'clock at the reading room. All are invited.
ular weekly meetings Friday at 8 p. M., a'
K. of P. Hall. mjU l - -J. fi. Wxnzl.KB, C. T.
Dinsmore Parish. Sec'y.
. in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, en Second
tree t, Thursday evenings at 7 ;3t. ! '-'- - ,
JU. . .ij -Ct Ei STEPHENS,:;:?
. W.8 Mybm, Financier. ; t .., ; j.,,,, M-"w
TAS. NE8MITH POSt. Ko.,32. G. R. Meets
O every Saturday at 70Ph in the K. of P.
. Meets second and fourth Thursdays'each
month in K. of P. halL W. Rady; .
t W.:HU JoMEg(8ec'y. n J. ;t?.e:;...' m Vies.
B-vOF L.: E.Meete every feunday afternoon In
the K. of- PHaU. '.! n;i .5 :'.j:;.:.. .
'"A ESANCt." VEREIK Meets . every Sundv
y : evening the K. -of P. Hall. -
rtir t;. -otvtstotJ. nvV; -i7.
-Meets lh
k. ot: P. Hau the first and ihird w ednes-
lay of each-month, at 7:3U
,. i ...
. VT, ETER8 WrJIiCi(SRevl Fatthei. BBOMs-;
j etiBT rastoc low Mass -every Hunday at
'a. K. High Mast, at :i0: 30 i. M., -Vespers at
p. si.
F toa, Pastor. Morning , services every Sab
bath at the academy af 11 A;. M. -.Sabbath
jchool Immediately after : rooming services 1
Prayer meeting; Friday evening at Pastor's res
'.ence. UHion - services Jo xtha court bouse at
MS AJUKi-iB, rasior. tervicesvery ennaay at 1
v. M. and 7. p. m.- . Sunday School after morning
er vice.- Strangers cordially invited-. Seats free.
e;-. CHURCH Rev. Ji Waibxkr, pastor.;
- oervicas everv cunaav mornino-as 11 -m
.Monday, School at12:20 o'clock P M. Epwortb;
Thursday evening at 7:90 o'clock. -r A cordial In--vita
tion is extended by both pastor and people:
Rev. A. Horny pestor. Ber-rldeB at-11 :30 a.m.
sunaay-sco ooi at z: su. p jb. 0 . AoOordiai ; welcome
' i (lltl. - ' ' J. - "'''-'
:s .-".Vi!' lift. -oti-:;; . r,vs- ;,-r-r -lr!;'-''
Jfil; Pi'
7. "t- !iiijii:verythin the niartet aflbrds "riV: "
constantly on hand. a
Party JSiippepsTa: Specialty
; ii'y
vuiiio anu see us.
1. 1. BRANNER 87 Second St.
sdolfs; "However, of our strength aiitlisuDoxioritv. and kiim'"''
iienigencQ:;p6,vir ,iQaJsweNaTp;xcoitent?tou.
of the liew-fitvles- wliieli 'Wg are now showing.
1 sdi hi),-
i-iq i
.. .- .. . . . . . . . - .' ' An1, ':,:r.. f'l-tj i
. ; 'Atrttie;bld'stiand.;and ready to Supply our :
.- customarsr, Avitltr-anvthin1 in ;:tlie:4i:ne f'of,:)Jir
i.i. jr
vat at
T-i2 hi
V. ;
Is Baci' at leld'
, - -; - - .- 1 . 1
"," and
!i Jers,'and
:t - r.rr i i. )- t
?'J s ;i!LDEALER-ix.-i-f-jcnsa
llau, Gram, Feed, Floury
. - Friiits, Eggs Poultry,
Orders Promptly Filled.
t .:
33 .-TO";
Successor to
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PEAGTICAIi PAINTER and PAPER : HA NGEki vKone trot tbe best brands
J-.-'-W. iMASURY'S ; PAINTSrneed. in alK onrtTrork, - and none 1 but, the
most skilled workmen em Dloved.. Aeents for Maaorv L,iauid Painta. Xo rhp'm
icel combination or soapmixtare'A'
promptly attended to.' ; :-J'i "-v
Stoie and, Paint. Shop -corrjerThird and
t a 1UL
ii i - i - ! - ;
-4 fi. , jnnn t
Fa i.-i-'
At the
Ad. Keller is now
.located f at
Butts' bldflstarLd,
and wiU 3e;"gd;
to waitSupoii Hisi
many friends.
Tlie Rose Hill7 Gfeenhbuse
Antt Can- f rirrilg 1 -a. choice jaelec.
Is, still adding to its large Btocfc
A -Hi, f : of alt kinds. cf. -ii
ca t n,--?-rrfT
' Ssdi
i3 ill
"will "be; clad fco'weTcorfiii "all hm ilil iiotytv.
as mmyneVtmes a nossibleit . at.:Ji.v
. . . ..... .
.iO Kill'' jl'?lC::
! GioceiiES ana : Provisions,
. . -rt-; , -3--;c:i hill b,.'- r. ..,.rr,;;.
Air'Goods:DeIivereclf.F'i'e. of Charge.
'i::.-:U;;:.i v5:.,::.ft.,j iV:,,fi, ,-t... ;.Jjir.
Pntil Kref t & 'Co: c'--- ?i;- -
nl 3 nil
J ;i'f'
' 3 '
first - class "article in aircplors'. 'Airorders
' - tj"--jv cia;.
Washinisrvoii Sts.,,,, j t The.jDalleBi Oirroj
- .
;rn--,-j sr)
- ' ;" ivi-'-'iy. i.'.'J-'f'-WV--i"
, - ..riana-voraea moraets, 4 jtjeaitn iteiprm waists,
' t "Narsing Corsets, Misses" Waists.' Chlldreh'B Waists,
'ft Shoulder Braces and Hoee Supporters-made 60 orde.
5 s;r;,:
vt5t:Sirjsi iirrii rinoa
.0 :1j..-:i1J i:sJ o.-rj-ur in-'
Pacific Corset Company's Factorv. north-
. earn, oi tue r air orounuH. n oeeirea eacn garment
4 ,r.will be fitted before being finished. ' Call at the fae--J
; tory and examine oar goods, or drop a card in the
!,:nd:aaas agep.t srUl call and ecure your tjrder.
'.-.'..-'-.- ' ' ? 'tt f"v-!'-S'f. hT j?. -ffil J;tr!'
I-C,vats,tnd Tradte-Mwlci obtatinod, andall Fftr J
' oiw ririt-4 rri-HifV tl -si. MnnlnWif'rj
1 and we can secure patent, in less time .than those j
i remote from Washington; " ; ' ll- i''--?
f r -Send raodel,- drawineor photo,vwitll desdrip. 5
Lhon.- We advise, if oaten table or not. free oft
puuaiKc.- vui i owwc mi paienc is secured.,
f.-i A PAafPMiKT, "How-to Obtain Patents," with
(cost of same in the U.S. and foreign counuies
sent tree.-1 Address, r- ,;. 'i
opp.-PATENVOmee; wisMiNoTori, r. c. ;
,ii, ::;f :
jj AH work promptly attended to,
Wa tchnm ker ?"Je wclcr
'V-.-r -v,-:-.-' i : ,r V i- ' d---
now be fonnd at 162 Second.