The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 08, 1894, Image 1

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m$&0 mum 'sMWWm
NO. 194
The Honse aM Senate Feeling for
Each Other..
The Cholera' Is Raging in St. Peters
burg, But the Death Rate Is
Comparatively Low.
A. Caucus on Tariff.
Washington, Aug. 71 Chairman Hol
roan called the house caucus to order at
3 o'clock today, 119 members being
dreeenti Bynnm offered a resolation re
citing the fact of the disagreement on
"the tariff bill and declaring the conferees
should meet in a spirit of liberality and
by mutual concessions agree upon a
measure that will meet with the ap
proval of both bodies. The resolution
further provides for an adjournment
until G o'clock Friday next, and if no
agreement is meanwhile reached,, the
democratic senators be invited to meet
that day in joint caucus. Bynum said
above all things an agreement was nec
essary. He was not prejudiced for or
against the senate bill, and would give
bis 'support to .any. the conferees migh
agree upon, but he spoke for the people
of his state, who demanded the bill be
speedily passed.' His tone was mild
and conciliatory. Speaker Crisp 'en
tered while he was speaking. Chair
man Wilson Teplied to Bynum. j He
said one of the conferees' greatest
troubles was just such movements as
this for a caucus by which the house
conferees were subjected to fire in
the rear. He deprecated the adoption
of the Bynum resolution. '
Livingston of Georgia offered a sub
stitute expressing confidence, in the
house conferees, and leaving all action
to their judgment.
Race for Her Majesty's Cap.
Cowss, Aug. 7. In the race for her
majesty's cup, in the royal yacht squad
ron regatta today, for all yachts belong
ing to the squadron, over the old queen's
oourse revised the Prince of Wales'
cutter Britannia, Emperor . William's
cutter Meteor, formerly the Thistle,
Admiral Montague's 40-rater cutter the
. Czarina, Lord Dunraven's 62-rater cutter
Ii'Esperanza, W. K. Cookson's 40-rater
Castanet and the 61-ratei Mohawk,
started at 10 a. m. The Brittania crossed
the line before the gun was fired and
was therefore disqualified. The Czar
ina led, followed by the Meteor. The
Meteor finished first, but the Czarina
won on the time allowance.
The House Caucus.
Washington, , Aug. 7. The house
democratic tariff caucus at 3 o'clock to
day and the interview of Senator Voor
hees pronouncing in favor of the house
, position on free iron and coal are the
absorbing topics among the members of
the. house. , Those who projected the
caucus assert they have not intended to
discredit the conferees. The anti-caucus
men denounce the causus, however,
as a flank movement toward a surrender
to the senate. From the general tenac
ity of the caucus, as well as the anti
caucus men it seemed evident at noon
there would be no resolution instruct
ing the bouse conferees to recede or
otherwise discrediting their course.
ITorty-Klgnt Hours to A (Tree.
Washington, Aug. 7. Gorman, in an
interview, say 8 the house conferees on
tariff have just forty-eight hours longer
to agree. If an agreement is not reached
then he says the senate will break off
further negotiations and put sugar on
the free list. He declares a bounty on
sugar,' which the Louisiana senators
want, will not be continued for this year.
Rather than do this, sugar will , be
placed on the free list, and this, he add
ed, will be a loss of $20,000,000 annually.
He declares the president and eenate
conferees want sugar taxed.'
Chinese Seize Japanese Passengers.
Shanghai, Aug. 7. A dispatch says
the captain of the Chung Kiang, which
arrived today, made the following state
ment with regard to the seizing of Jap
anese .by Chinese soldiers. While the
ship was at Tunku the Chinese proposed
seizing the Japanese passengers. They
bound the Japanese and flung them
over on the wharf. Li Hung Chang
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. 5ov,t Report '
when informed of this . outrage on the
British flag, commanded that the Jap
anese be returned at once to the vessel
and that the soldiers who made the raid
be punished severely. .
Bynum and Bprlnrtr Confer. .
.Washington, Aug. 7. Bynum and
Springer conferred at noon and drafted
a resolution to serve as a basis of caucus
action, ' It does not direct the ' house
conferees, to recede from their position,
but urges that they reach, a speedy
agreement. Provision is. also made, if
this agreement is not effected by Friday
next, that there be another, caucus.
After congratulation among the friends
of the house conferees, it was decided to
introduce a substitute resolution, but to
vote down the ' Bynnm-Springer reso
lution. , ' ' ,
Investigating Judge Kicks.
Washington, Aug. 7. Steps were
taken by the judiciary committee of the
house today for the investigation of the
charges against Judge A. J. Rick?, made
by - the Central Labor Union of Cleve
land. It was agreed that no steps tow
ard impeachment should be taken un
til more was known of the matter, and
the case was referred to a subcommittee,
of ' which Bailey is chairman. Bailey
will-' introduce a ' resolution authorizing
the judicary committee to investigate
the case. '
Changes in tUo Ministry.
Copenhagen, Aug. 7. King Christian
has accepted the resignation of Premier
Jacob Broennum Scavenius Eatrup, who
retires on account of old. age, and has
appointed Baron Reedtz Thott minister
of foreign affairs. Premier Luttichan
becomes . minister of finance. General
Thompson succeeds General J. J. Bahn-
sen as minister of , war, and Bardenfleth
takes the place of Ahgoos as minister of
public works and instruction.
Ihii Britannia Outjockeyed.
London, Aug. 7. The prospects of a
race between the Vigilant and Britannia
tomorrow are doubtful. . Both will prob
ably have to nnnergo repairs when
docked. The Vigilant is now about
Hampton waiting to be docked. - There
is some chagrin at the manner in which
the Yankee outjockeyed the Britannia
Sugar May Be Free.
Washington, Aug. 1 7. Conservative
democratic senators guardedly admit
there is no foundation for the report
that a movement may be made soon to
put sugai on the free list. One said to
day it was liable to come in the shape
of a motion to discharge the tariff con
ferees, and have the senate recede from
the amendment on sugar.
To Die In Ten Days.
Lyo8, Aug. 7. Caesario Santo Gerr
onimo, the assassin ofPresident Carnot,
has persisted in his refusal to. appeal to
the court of cassation and papers were
sent to Paris today for the signature of
President Casimir-Perier, fixing the ex
ecution 10 days hence. . ' . '
Kenneth Bazemore had the good for
tune to receive a small bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea
Remedy . when three members of his
tamijy were sick with dysentery. This
one small bottle cured them all and be
had some left which he gave to Geo. W
Baker, a prominent merchant of the
place, Lewiston. N. C, and it cured
him of the' same complaint... When
troubled with dysentery, diarrhoea, colic
or cholera morbus, give this remedy a
trial and you will be more than pleased
with the result. The praise that natur
ally follows its introduction and use has
maae it very popular. 2o and 60 cent
bottles for sale by Blakely & Houghton,
druggists. ' f .
. ' . Bluefields Captured.
Washington, Aug. 7. Dr. Gusman,
minister from Nicaragua, has received a
telegram from Managua, officially, an
nouncing' that Bluefields, on the Mos
quito coast, has 6een taken by the Kic-
araguan army.
... "I know an old
chronic diarrhoea of
soldier who had
long standing to
have been' permanently cured by taking
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy," says Edward ?hum
pik a prominent druggist of Minnea
polis, Minn. "I have sold the remedy
in this city for seven years and consider
it superior to any other medicine now
on the market for bowel, complaints."
25 and 50 cent bottles of this remedy
for Bale by Blakely '& Houghton drug'
gistS. .- ''' ' V
.-I I I.. I..
"As old as
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
of millions. '
.' . Simmons
' i" " Liver Regu--ts"
lator is the
rT otAj Liver
JLjCrPPGi. nd Kidney
medicine to
' - which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, , an d
purely veg-.
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
j Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a. tea.
The King of IJVer Medicines.
" 1 have used your Simmons Liver Regu
lator and can conscientiously say It Is the
kins of all liver medicines, I consider It a
medicine chest In itself. Geo. W. Jack
. son, Tacoma, Washington. ' .
" Urn. the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
- : .Evicted Tenants BUI.
s London, Aug. 7. Member of Parlia
ment Russell, of Tyrone, urges that the
evicted tenants bill be amended so as to
make the. reinstatement of evicted ten
ants voluntary. ;This, he thinks, will
appease the house of lords, and the bill
be passed.' ', '
Above Everything Else
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
purifies the blood. By this means, it
reaches, builds up and invigorates every
part of the system. -Tor every blood
taint and disorder, and for every disease
that comes from an inactive liver or im
pure blood, it is the only remedy so sure
and effective that it can bq guaranteed.
If it fails to benefits or cure, you have
your money back.
These diseases are many." They're
different in form, but they're like in
treatment. Bouse up the torpid liver
into healthful action, thoroughly purify
and enrich the blood, and there's a posi
tive cure. The "Discovery" does this,
as nothing else can. Dyspepsia, In
digestion, Biliousness ; all Bronchia,
Throat and Lung Affections ; every form
of Scrofula even Consumption (or Lung
scrofula) in its earlier stages ; and the
most stuoDorn bKin and Scalp diseases
are completely cured by it.
Mild, gentle, "soothing and healing is
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Only 50
cents ; by druggists.
Cholera Kaging In Russia.
Warsaw, Aug. 7. During the iort
night ending August 4th , there were
nearly 5000 cases of cholera and over -300
deaths in St. Petersburg, and in Warsaw
in the same period '394 cases and 213
deaths. ' ' '
. Deafness. Cannot be Cared
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear,
There is; only one' way to cure, Deafness;
and that is by constitutional, remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous , lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
inflamed ycu have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely
closed Deafness is the result, and unless
the inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrn, wnicn is nothing but -an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (.caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
uure. eena tor circulars, free. '
F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
. The Forto Alegre All sight.
London, Aug. 7. The German steamerN
Porto Alegre, supposed to have been
sunk last night by the steamer Lismore
Castle off the French coast, passed the
head last evening in an'apparently safe
All Free. 7 -
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free-- Send
your name and address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Get Tour jttooey.
All county warrants registered prior
to August 1, 1890, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. - Interest ceases
after July 12th. '. Wm. Michxix,
- County Treasurer.-
4 wscrs p
$1. 7 '5 to $4. 5 O per Fa ir.
; . .. Call early and secure privilege of choice.
Men's Brown Overalls,
35c per pair.
for Infants and. Children.
- Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, - Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and sits
sleep natural. Caatoriav contains nc
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is o well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ajiohsb, M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, ". Y.
"For several years I hare recommedaed your
' Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial reBUits."
Edtck F. Fardbb, M.
125th Street and 7th Ave New York City. :
"The use of Castoria is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it raems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. - Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep, Castoria
within easy roach."
Carlos SLikttn, D. D.,
.. . New TTork City.
Tax CxKTACm Cohpastx, 77 Hurray Street, K. T.
Letters of Credit issaed available in the
, . . , (.Eastern States. .
- . -' . . - . f a : -- -i is f i
' Sight ' . Exchanee and Telegraphic
Tranaferssoldon New. York, Chicago, St.
Lotii, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle, Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points On fav-
orahl tvrmit. , . .r"
Ladies', Gents' Children's Shoes.
Ladles' 01 men's
Special , Values throughout.
Reular prices ranging from
With a fine selection of - v
(Dasical Intpoments, Music,
And everything to be found in a first-class book
and music store.
J. M. Pattbksom,
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sisrht and T
hie Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port-
D. P. THOJtpsoif . . Jno. S. Scoxnci.
Ed. M. Wiixiams, Gko. A. Likbb.
H. M. Be all. v.
DoT cm Want Soda ?
Do You Want Syrups ? ,
Do You Want Anything ?
or anything (rood for hot weather
. beverage? If so, call on
238 Second Street, East End.
The sale now on at a Large Reduc
tion in Prices of , r '
i . , -
Picture Ffamcs,
Shafting, Pulleys, Belting,
Engine and Boiler,
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co:
dealers rs -p.
Pare Drags Gfieicals,
! fikk i.iw nv
At Our Old Place of Business.
fii liinift liAlTlftTlt