The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 04, 1894, Image 1

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NO. !9l
Santo Sentenced After
So Says the Cabinet Officers, But the
Conferees Deny the Truth of
the Statement.
Doomed to Deatb on the Guillotine.
LYON8t-Aug. 3. There were few peo
ple around the palace of justice -when
the trial of Santo, assassin of President
Carnot, waB resumed today. The
prisoner was even more defiant than
yesterday, and took his seat with a
mocking smile upon his face. Leblanc
a fellow-prisoner with Caesario at Mar
seilles, testified that Caeeario told him
he intended to kill President Carnot,
probably at Lyons when the chief mag
istrate visited that city.
"That is a lie," imterrupted Caesario
excitedly. "I never told you or anyone
else anything about my plans." Le
blanc continued: "Caesario confessed to
me he was designated by lot." "That
is untrue," shrieked Caesario.
"How untrue?" aeked Leblanc, turn
ing to the prisoner. x eiu 10 jou
after you had made that reniaik, 'But
who would be so bold as to kill Presi
dent Carnot? I saw him in Paris sur
rounded by troopa and police. You
answered : 'He will be chosen by lot.'"
There was great excitement in court
while the prisoner and Leblanc were
shaking to each other. Later Leblanc
said: "Caesario told me he had often
seen King Humbert in the streets, but
he added that to kill him it would be
necessary to have a rifle and shoot him
from the street, . as he ould be sur
rounded bv soldiers."
'It is a lie," shouted the prisoner.
I was never chosen to kill President
Carnot. Moreover, absolute liberty of
action prevails among anarchists."
The prosecuting attorney reviewed
the details of the trial and demanded
the jury not to hesitate to do their duty.
M. Dudreuille, for the defense, made an
appeal for the prisoner. At noon the
jury reared, ana atter an aDsence 01
fifteen minutes announced the verdict,
Guilty, without extenuating circum
stances." Presiding Judge M. Brenil-
lac pronounced the sentence, "Death by
the guillotine." Cteario exclaimed
,'Vive la Revolution Sociale!" The
prisoner was immediately hnrried to his
cell. As he left the courtroom he cried.
"Couraire, comrades ; rive la Anarchie."
In spite o the prisoner's defiant attitude,
his habitual smile disappeared when
sentence was pronounced.' M. Dubreu-
ille gave notice of appeal, and asked
that the presiding judge's charge to the
jury at the opening of the session be en
tered on the records.
Th Tariff Situation.
Washington, Aug. 3. After the meet
ing of the cabinet today, four members
announced, each to a different person,
that an agreement had been reached by
the senate and house conferees on the
tariff bill. The basis of the agreement
was not disclosed, but one of the more
distingnibhed members of the cabinet
said to a press association representa
tive: "You can announce that the presi
dent will sign a tariff bill within ten
days "
This statement was bulletined by the
association. It spread rapidly through
out the city, and caused much excite
ment.!1 No one of the cabinet officers
who spoke of the settlement would di
vulge the terms, bnt the inference was
strongly conveyed that the senate bill.
with not very material concessions, i
the basis of agreement. The paramount
reasons that seem to have brought about
an adjustment were stated to be the ab
solute necessity for the cessation of the
period of uncertainty in order that gov
ernment finances miicht recunerate.
gold exports stop, and the country be
given an opportunity to resnme busi
ness, which has come almost to a stand
still because of ihe long-drawn-out de
A radical free .trade memher ot the
house is quoted as saying that if he were
in a desert famiehin frin thirst he
would not refuse to drfnk of a ool of
water because it was not as -l-ar as
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
I I V "-S J i f I 111 1 i a x ? I
Vs. " Wi-J
Li Va Cf,aa
crystal, andf that if the tariff bill was
not altogether foul be; would accept it,
and hope for better in the future.
Newl From Correspondents.
Londox, Aug. 3. The Daily News
correspondent in Berlin says that the
German colonel who commands the
Japanese forces in Corea, Major Freiherr
von Gotschreiber, formerly of the
Corean general staff, is organizing the
national geneial staff of Japan
The Shanghai correspondent of the
Times says: "The inquiry into the Kow
Shung affair was conducted by the com
ruisaioner of customs in Tien Tsin in the
presence of the foreign consuls. It was
concluded today. orty-nve survivors
stated that the morning of the 25th the
Japanese ordered the Kow Shung to an
chor off the island of Shopa. The trans
port remained there until noon, being
twice boarded, when, having given no
provocation, she was struck with a tor
pedo and sunk. The Japanese fired
with gatlings at the swimmers long after
the Kow Shung had foundered.''
The Russian and British ministers in
formed the correspondent that China
had shown the utmost moderation and
had won the sympathy of foreigners.
The Times says editorially: "If the
declaration of the Russian newspaper
that no power will be permitted to oc-
cupy a portion of Corea is a hint to
England, it is scarce y necessarv, for
not even the most sincere desire on our
part to see Corea decent ly governed
would lead us to interfere with that in
teresting but dangerous country."
An Answer to Japan.
Tien Tsin, Aug. 2. The emperor of
China has issued a manifesto in re
sponse to Japan's declaration of war.
The manifesto says that he accepts the
war which Japan has thrust upon him,
and orders the viceroys and com
manders of the imperial forces to "Root
these pestilential Japanese from their
lairs." The emperor throws the blame
for the shedding of blood on the Japan
ese, whom, he asserts, are fighting in an
unjust cause, Uhe emperor has ex
pressed a de'ire to come to Tien-Tsin in
order to be near the center of intereet.
but Viceroy Li Hung Chang is opposed
to the movement on the ground that
Tein-Tsin does not afford suitable . ac
commodations for his majesty.
Woe and Desolation.
London, Aug. 2 A dispatch to the
Daily News, from Vienna, save: "A doc
tor of the Galician town of Caleszcyky
reports that sometimes people who at
tend the funerals of persons who died of
cholera are attacked with pains on their
way home, lie down and die in a few
hours. The town is isolated. There is
no commerce or industry. All the
nhops and factories are closed. The
rich have fled, while the working
people waik the streets in a starving
condition, take the disease and die."
An Investigation to Follow.
Great Falls, Aug. 3. Every wheel
in the yards of the Montana Central
railroad stopped at 12 o'clock today and
the west bound train was delayed two
hours. The American Railway. Union
decided in the forenoon they would up
hold Engineers Bowker and Murphy,
and the strike was inaugurated because
the master mechanic refused to reinstate
them. About 4 o'clock the men decided
to go to work, pending an investigation.
A Hardened Criminal.
Los Angeles, Aug. 3. An old man
named Henry Hunt, who enticed
Samuel Holroyd out in the country July
22. 1 and tried to kill him with a piece of
lead pipe, for robbery, was brought into
court toay. Officers say they have dis
covered that Hunt is one of the most
hardened criminals on the coast. He
has killed several people, robbed banks
and stage coaches and has been in the
penitentiary many times.
Lost His Yellow Jacket.
Shanghai, Aug. 3. The emperor has
rHvested Li Hung Chang of the yellow
jacket, in consequence of his supposed
remissness in proserHting the war.
Twenty thousand Chinese have crossed
the Yellow river, and 8000 have left
Moyden for Seoul. Ships' officers have
been promised double pay as a douceur.
Deserters from Tien Tsin have been be
headed. " "
To prevent the hardening of the sub
cutaneous tiseueu of the scalo and the
obliteration of the hair follicles, which
cause baldness, use Hall's Hair ' Re
newer. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report
"As old 88
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
i3 the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Regu
lator is the
only Liver
and Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The Kins of Liver Medicines.
"I have used your Simmons Liver Regu
lator and can coiiscienciousl v sv It is the
kins of nil liver medicines. I consider it a,
mejiine ohest in Itself. Geo. W. Jack
son, Tacoma, Washington.
flas the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
Fire Cansed by an Bxploslnn.
Cedar Rapids, la.. Aug. 3 A fire at
Marion today destroyed $125,000 worth
of property in the business part of the
town. The tire originated In the gas
and electric light works, and was fol
lowed by an explosion. One of the
principal losses was the gas plant and
hank building owned by . the Daniels
estate. The aggregate insurance is $50,
000. Two banks and a dozens stores
were burned.!
See the World's Fatr for Fifteen Cents
Upon receipt of your address and fif
teen cents in postage stamps, we will
mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio
of the world's Columbian exposition.
the regular price is fifty cents, but as we
want you to have one. we make the
price nominal. You will find it a work
o' art and a thing to be prized. It con
tains full page views of the great build
ings, with descriptions of same, and is
executed in highest style of art. If not
satisfied with it, after you get it, we will
refund the stamps and let you keep the
book. Address
H. E. Bucklkn & Co.,
' Chicago, 111.
A. Denial from the Conferees.
Washington, Aug. 3. The conferees
on the tariff bill denied tonight that an
agreement had been reached.
Bncklen's Annua ealre.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feyei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunaea. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Ov SniDes & Kin-
We have made arrangements with the
San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in
connection with The Chronicle. Hav
ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian
and N. Y. Triujne for our republican
patrons, we have made this arrangement
for the accommodation of the democratic
members of The Cheonicle. family.
Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
Skmi-Wekkxy Ciieoniclb will be fur
nished for one year for $2.25, cash, in
Teachers' Kumlnatlon.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves
as candidates for teachers of the schools
of this county, the county school super
intendent thereof, will hold a public ex
amination at his office in The Dalles be
ginning Wednesday, August 8, 1894, at
I o clock p. m.
Dated this 30th day of July, 1894.
Tboy Shelley,
dw County School Supt., Wasco Co.
For Trout Lake.
The great fishing resort of the North
west. Parties can procure teams or con
veyance the round trip by writing and
stating time they wish to start, number
of the party, amount of baggage, etc.
Address A. H. Jewktt.
lm White Salmon, Wash.
J . tie Your Money.
All county 'warrants registered prior
to August 1, 1890, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest ceases
after July 12th. Wm. Michkll,
County Treasurer.
For Hale.
One span of driving horses, one side
bar top buggy, one set double harness,
one single carriage harness. Inquire of
1.75 to $4.56 per Pair.
' Call early and secure privilege of choice. '
Men's Brown Overalls,
35c per pair.
For Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Cavtoria is to well adapted to children that'
I recommend it as fcuprior to anjr prescription
known to me." H. A. Ahcthkr. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
'" For neveral y ears I have reoommetfiled your
CHstoria, and shall always coutinue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial reralts."
. Edwih F. Pardee, M. D.,
. 1251b. Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The nse of Castor i is so universal and
its merits fo well known that it reams a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Caetoria
within easy reach."
Carlos Habttk. D. D.,
New York City.
The Cbbtasb Ookpaxt, 77 Hurray Street, K. Y.
FfeENCH & CO.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States. -
Bight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all pointe on fav
orable terms.
Ladies', Gents' Children's Shoes.
Ladies or men's snoBs.
Special Values throughout.
Heular prices ranging from
With a fine selection of
fflasieal Instruments, Music,
And everything to be found in a first-class book
and music store.
162 SEOOm ST.
J. M. Patterson,
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check. .
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
land. D1REOTOHS.
D. P. Thompson. J no. S. Schkhck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbk.
H. M. Bball.
Do You Want Soda ?
Do You Want Syrups ?
Do You Want Anything ?
-In the shape of-
or anything good for hot weather
beveragx? if so, call on
238 Second Street, East End.
The sale now on at a Large deduc
tion in Prices of
XTuriiisIiiiis C&ootls,
lass,-Lime, Cement,
PletdFe Ffaimes,
such As-
Shafting, Pulleys, Belting,
Engine and Boiler,
ZE3I. 3-31.E3r3sr.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Pore Drugs CoBmicals,
At Our Old Place of Business.
d&w2w. . Mas. C. E. Haight.