., ,. . r 1 ! " " 1,1 ' " ' " ii i , - VOL. VII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY" AUGUST 3, 1894. NO190 FROST IN WISCONSIN The Weather Bureau Says They Will Hare it-Toniht ' SANTO SENT TO THE GUILLOTINE Santo's Trial Commenced Yesterday and Was Sentenced. Today-Senate and House Flirting. The Tariff Muddle. Washington, Aug. 3. The tariff con ference sppean to have reache-t very nearly the point at which either an early agreement will be reached, or a decision to report disagreement. The senate conferees apparently have arrived at the conclusion that there has been already a sufficient exchange of views upon gen eral lines, and the time has come when a direct issue must be raised. It is stated that a sugar schedule has been prepared, which the senate will accept. The schedule, it is said, still provides a differential duty on refined sugar, and in other particulars maintains the pro tective features of the senate schedule, V Representative Bland has introduced a resolution instructing the committee on ways and means to report a bill plac ing all. sugars on the free list, and for raising a $100,000,000 revenueby an in come tax. Bland says, concerning the resolutions : "I have not consulted Mr. : Wilson nor anyone else, bnt have acted on my own judgment in submitting this resolution. My purpose is to press it if there are any indications that the gen eral tariff bill will fail." ' - . The Case at Woodland. Woodland, Cal., Aug 3. At the ' opening of the train wrecking case this morning Justice Fisher apologised for having called prisoner Worden a vile - name during . bis excitement yesterday evening. He said he would have held any of the attorneys accountable for such language as be used. Almost the entire morning session was consumed by . arguments, quarreling and bickering among the attorneys, but for the inter ference of others, attorney Cook and Gaddis would have come to blows. Gaddis openly charched that false testi mony had been given for the prosecu- ' tion and that the attorneys for the prosecution countenanced it. .,, ... Just Nothing at All. Washington, Aug. 3. The only tele gram of public interest received at the Japanese legation today, related to the request made by the Japanese govern ment concerning the protection to be afforded Japanese interests in Pekin by the Americans in charge there. The legation is without official news con cerning the reported repulse of Japanese troops at Asan. Considerable doubt ex ists in the minds of officials as to the exact location of that place. The Dispatches are Correct. Bdrlin, Aug 3. A dispatch from a German official in the service at Tien Tsin says the German gunboat litis witnessed the sinking of the transport Kow Shung. The crew of the litis res cued 150 Chinese who were straggling in the water. The dispatch confirms the report that the Chinese were vic torious over the Japanese in the recent battle at Asan, Corea. ' Burned In a Wreck. Bucyrcs, Ohio, Aug. 3 . A west bound freight on the Pennsylvania line broke in two this morning, the two parts colliding. A car of coal oil and one of gasoline took fire and consumed half me wain also destroying oOO feet of track Four tramps stealing a ride on the oil car were burned to death. Will Hn to W ork or Quit. Omaha, Aug. 3. All the South Omaha packing houses did little killing today, . but few new men having been obtained. The men were notified that unless they reported for. work hy noon tomorrow they would be discharged. Violence is feared should new men be put at work. frost In Wisconsin Tonight. Chicago, Anz. 3. The weather bureau has ordered the frost signal displayed throughout Wisconsin tonight. Last night broke the record for cool weather in August in Chicago, and serious dam age to the crops in the Northwest i fean d. Highest of all in Leavening Power. American . Railway Union Comrentlon. Chicago, Aug. 3. The second days' session of the American Railway Union convention was devoted to hearing re Dorta from local . organizations on the various railroads." President Debs urged a more complete organization. ' . A Close Call for the Passengers. - Holland, Mich., Aug. 3. The Steamer City of Holland with 80 pais? engers aboard was beached here today in a heavy gale. The boat was badly damaged and the passengers were res cued with difficulty. New Mexico and Arizona Next.. Washington, Aug. 3. The senate committee on territories has reported favorably on the house bill for the ad mission of New Mexico and Arizona. A Southern Man for Hawaii. Washington, Aug. 3. Ellis Mills of Virginia was today nominated secretary of legation and consul general for the United States at Honolulu. The Printing Bill Bug Up. Washington, Aug. 3. The honse to day voted non-concurrence in the senate amendments to the public printing bill and it was sent to conference. Quick Returns for a Murderer. Lyons, Aug. 3.- Caesaro Santo, the murderer of President Carnot, was found guilty and ' sentenced to be ex ecuted by the guillotine. All Things Possible, In franco. Paris, Aug. 3. Dr. Cornelius Hertz, the Paris lobbyist was sentenced today to five years imprisonment, and fined 3,000 francs. The Wheat Market. Portland, August 3. Wheat un changed. San Francisco December. 1.01; Chicago Cash Sept ember, .53 - . Sharp Medicine. London," . Aug.'' 3. A dispatch from Tien Tern says that all deserters from the troops; marching to Taku will be be headed today. Going- to Work at Pullman. Chicago, Aug. 3. The force in the Pullman shops, was increased today. At noon 552 men were at work. Agreement Reached by Rler and Harbor Conferrees. . Washington, Aug. 1. (Oregonian office, Corcoran building.) Dolph has had a rather hard struggle, but he has pulled out of the conference committee with all the Oregon appropriations in the river and harbor bill. Practically an agreement to that effect has been reached, and the agreement will prob ably be reported tomorrow. The amount for a boat railway at The Dalles has been reduced to $100,000, but Dolph says that will be sufficient to acquire the right of way and begin the work. The. main thing is to have it started. The other appropriations for Oregon re main undisturbed. Washington is aleo fortunate. Every increase made by the senate remains in the bill, aa also does the provision made for the Lakes Union and Washington waterway. The Oregon and Washington delegations are feeling very jubilant. Oregon has a $400,000 increase, nearly double the amount in the house bill, with the entire amount foe the completion of the work at the mouth of the Columbia. Dolph says boats will be passing over the dalles of the Columbia -in four years. Refuse to . Indorse Cleveland's Ad - ministration.-- St. Paul,' Aug. 1. Some time ago the democrats of Minnesota issued an ad dress standing by the president and de nouncing the 12 United States senators as Benedict Arnolds. Today at a meet ing of the democratic state central com mittee, attended by many of the men who issued tbo celebrated address, a resolution commending the president for his stand on the tariff in his letter to Mr. Wilson and indorsing the action of the house on the tariff bill, was tabled by the overwhelming vote of 20 to 3, Some of the members of the committee explained that they voted against the resolution in the interest of harmony A resolution opposing fusion with the populists was unanimously adopted. . May Build a Pacific Cable.. Montreal, Que., Aug. 1. The out break of war between Japan and China has revived interest in the proposed Pacific ocean cable between Vancouver and Japan. C. K.Hosmer, general manager of telegraphs of the Canadian Latest U. S. Gov't Report You Saw Your Own Wood and saw enough - of it, your digestive organs may perhaps be equal, ostrich like, to any task you impose even to the digest ion of lard-cooked food. If however, like thousands of other people, you have learned that you must ' ' draw the line at lard," this is to remind you that there is a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable substitute, COTTOJ.ER1S which if used in place of lard, permits you to eat pies, pastry, .patties and such " good things " without fear of dyspeptic con sequences. There's abundant proof, but none so convincing and so pleas ant as a trial for yourself. We invite it. For sale everywhere. . RErtlSC ALL SUBSTITUTES. , '".' Geaoiae made only by N. K. FAIR BANK &. CO., ST. LOUIS and . CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON; :' Pacific railway said in an interview to day - that sufficient 'progress had been made financially in 1891 for putting through this scheme, had the Japanese government given it the assistance that was expected of them. He believes the present war will extend to other nations in the far East, and that it will result in the laying of a Pacific cable : either to Japan,-China or Australia, as the ex isting cables pass through so many for eign countries where serious com plica. tiona are likely to arise at any moment. The distance from Vancouver to Japan ia 3,600 miles. A cable is estimated to cost less than $4,000,000. Will Try the Law. Fort Wayne, Aug. 1. Today some of the dischargod strikers on. the Penney! vania and Nickel Plate roads declared they would file affidavits against all men employed on these roads who work Sundays. The strikers, say they have the names of the men who will probably work next Sunday, and they will be ar rested Monday for Sunday desecration It is said the threat will be positively carried out. Fort Wayne is very puri tanical on Sunday, under the new muni cipal administration. Under Which Flag. Yokohama, Aug. 1. The declaration of war puts in a peculiar position those English army officers who were taken recently into the Chinese ports. The officers in question will be liable to arrest nnder the foreign enlistment act the moment they come within the jurisdic' tion of British authority in any treaty pt- At the same time they will have no valid claim upon Great Britain's protection, if they are caught by the Japanese. . :. (' y See the Worla's Pair for Fifteen Cents , Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents in postage stamps, w will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world's.. Columbian exposition, ihe regular price is fifty cents, bnt as we want you to have one, we make 'the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It con tains full page views of the great build ings, with descriptions of same, and 'is executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Addrees ; H. E. Bucklen & Co., - Chicago, 111 - We have made arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in connection with The Chronicle. Hav ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian and ,N. Y. Tribune for bur republican patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic members of The Chronicle - family Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Semi-Weekly, Chronicle will be fur nished for one year for $2.25, cash in advance. - Bucklen'a Arinca Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satis fac tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents m oo TAKE Mien's. ' Call SPECIAL. , Men's Brown Overalls, 35c per pair. For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and ' Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains nc Morphine or other narcotic property. . " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior toany prescription known to me." H. A. Aiohib, M. D., 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K.T. For several years I hare reoommerlcted your ' Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results.' Emm F. Parbsk, M. D., 125th Street sad. 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach,' -v CuuMKTTir,D.D., " Hew York City. Thx CxaTAOB Coupjjrr, 77 Hurray Street, N. T. FRENCH & CO., V BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BOSIKE88 Letters oi Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Bight' Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St: Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. PUS' (FlisSiffi. Ladies', Gents' Children's Shoes. M. ONLY -IS REQUIRED TO" YOTJR -OF A PAIR OF- Lafe' ot fden's shoes. Special Values throughout: Regular prices ranging from early, and secure privilege of choice. A. M. E. J ACO BS E N IS BACK- AT THE OLD STAN D With a fine selection of fflusieal Instruments, Music, BOOKS, STATIONERY, And everything to be found in a first-class boot I , ana musio store. 168 szsoomi ST. J. B. seniles., i President. J. M. Pattbbsos, Cswhlwr. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly , remitted on day of collection. Sight and' Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- land. DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Juo. S. Schjcnck. Ed. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Lisbx. H. M. Bk aii- Do Ton Want Soda ? Do You Want Syrups ? Do You Want Anything ? -In the shape of- fniflERfllt lUflTEl?, CIDEH, or anything Rood for hot weather beverage? II so, call on . JOSEPH HUGO, THE BOTTLER, S3S Second Street, East End. . WIL-LMMS The sale now on at a Large Reduc tion in Prices of AlliOR-MADE HOSSS YXAI 5r 00 t ir. THOSE WHO WISH lass, Lime Cement, PLASTER, LATH, Picture Frames, -AN! -SUCH A8- Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, call and sbe IE3I. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. " OIUCU IX - For Drags cinilcals, FIXE IJNE OF ; IJ5P0RTED and DOflffiSTIC GIGflSS At Our Old Place of Business. SEE3LI!Q,Cr OFF I CLOTHING, per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersiy, . .