The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 30, 1894, Image 1

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    C 1 3
NO. 186
The Senate Will Not, and tee
House Won't.
The Largest Stock Shipments Chicago
Has Ever Had. Chinese Army
Marching Into Corea.
A Disastrous Storm In 'w Hampshire.
Manchester, N. H., July 30. From
5 :30 yesterday afternoon until this
morning this city was entirely cutoff
from the outside world by telegraph
and telephone, as a result of the most
disastrous storm that has visited this
section in years. At lake Massabesic,
four miles from the city, a cyclone
wrecked buildings, blew down large
trees and destroyed much property.
There were scores of pleasure boats on
the lake, and it is feared some did not
reach the shore. Two small steamers
were unroofed and another wrecked.
' At Goffstown hail stones as large as wal
nuts fell. As far as learned no lives
were lost, although several persons
were injured seriously.
It's Going; to Be a Deadlock.
Washington, July 30. The demo
cratic members of the tariff conference
are still wide apart and will go into full
conference without being prepared for
concerted democratic action. The house
members declared today that they could
not accept the senate sugar schedule.
The senate conferees refused to change
the schedule. The republicans seem to
think the deadlock is not likely to be
broken very soon.
- China Sendias; an Army to Corea.
Shanghai, July 30. A large Chinese
army has crossed the northwestern
frontier of Corea and is marching down
the peninsula. A eecond army is being
hastily equipped.
No details have been received of a
battle said ' to have taken place at Asan
between the Chinese and Japanese
forces. It is reported that several Chi
nese steamers have been captured and
others destroyed at Taku. .. '
Immense Stock Shipments.
Chicago, July 30. The live stock re
ceipts today were the largest ever
known. Ot hogs there were 60,000;
cattle, 25,000; sheep, 12,000. This
extraordinary movement is attributed to
the failure of the corn crop. Twenty
five hundred men went to .work at the
Illinois Steel Company's plant today.
One thousand more will be employed
Bscaped from Jail.
Portland, July 30. Five prisoners
escaped from the county jail this morn
ing. Three of them have been re
captured. The prisoners were petty
offenders except E, Uollingsworth, who
is charged with counterfeiting. lie is
still at large. The prisoners escaped
through' a door left unlocked by the
jailor. '
Conferees Met and Adjonrned.
Washington, July SO. The full con
ference committee on the tariff met
shortly after 11 o'clock this morning and
on the suggestion of Wilson it was de
cided to adjourn to meet at the call of
the chairman. The statement is being
made that the democrats are unable to
agree as yet.
So 111 Feeling: In It.
Washington? July 30. Gozzo Tateno,
the Japanese, minister, presented his
recall to President Cleveland today.
There was an exchange of speeehes
which made clear the fact that the min
ister's recall is in no way due to friction
between the two governments.
- Congratulating; the Baby.
Washington, July 30. In the bouse
today Boutelle presented a resolution
congratulating the people of Hawaii on
the establishment of their republic and
recognizing it as a free and independent
republic: Referred to the committee on
foreign affairs. '
Nothing; to Caucus About.
Washington, July 30. Representa
tive Springer is proceeding with his
petition for a house caucus on the tariff.
Springer has not consulted Speaker
Crisp or Chairman Wilson -as to the
caucus and said he did not 'eel called
upon to do so.. ' .
Highest of all in Leavening Power-r? Latest U.S, Gov't Report
LA W cy "ssssa K
The Republic Becogmlzed.
Washington, July 30. The president
today eent congress another installment
of the Hawaiian correspondence, the
most important feature of which was
Minister Willis' recognition of the new
republic aa accorded by the provisional
' Fired on the British Flag;.
London, July 30. News that the Kow
Shung was flying the British flag when
she was sunk is received with great sat
isfaction at the Chinese legation. It is
said Great Britain and Germanv will be
bound to notice this breach of neutral
ity. .. ' . ' '
The Asses and the Thistles.
Washington, July 30. The report of
the conference committee on the agri
cultural appropriation bill except as to
the Russian thistle item was agreed to
in the senate today and the conferees
directed to insist upon this amendment.
Will Protect Him Mo Longer.
Chicago, July 30. Mayor Hopkins
said today that unless he is informed
before night whether the Pullman Com
pany intends to start its works this
week, the troops in Pullman will be re
moved within twenty-four hours.
The Oreen-Kyed.
Portland, July 30. Cornelius Mees,
a Belgian, killed his wife early this
morning with a hatchet while she was
lying in bed. Mees then hanged him
self. The murder was prompted by
jealousy. - .-
A Dalles Man In It.
Portland, July 30. Multnomah
County today began suit against G. B.
Markle, D. F. Sherman and E. B. Mc-
Farland, bondsmen of Ex-Sheriff Kelly
to recover tour hundred thoueand dol
And Yet Another Strike.
Omaha, July 30. All the butchers of
the Swift, Hammond, Cudahay and
Omaha establishments struck for an in
crease of wages today. About 3000 men
are affected. ' I
Australian Ministry Keslened. (
Sydney, July 30.--The ministry pre
sided over by Sir George Dibbs has re
signed. Mr. Reid, leader of the opposi
tion, has consented to form 'a new
McAullffe Outclassed.
Brooklyn, July 30. Jack McAuliffe,
the prize fighter, was married this
morninn to Catharine Rowe, who is
known on the stage as Pearl Inman.
Can Agree Occasionally.-"
Washington, July 30. The house
joint leeolution extending appropria
tions until August 14th has been agreed
to by the senate.
Arms for China.
Minneapolis, July 30. The agents of
the Chinese government shipped four
carloads of rifles irom Montreal last
Preparing; for War.
Berlin, July 30. China his ordered
four torpedo boats from German firms.
The Senate Bill or Nothing.
Washington, July 28. Chairman
Wilson arrived from West Virginia this
morning, and soon after received a rnes
eage from the executive mansion , re
questing his presence there. He was
with the president for some time, until
it was necessary to go to the capital for
the opening of the conference. The
president's desire to see Wilson before
the conference opened, coupled with
Crisp's call at the White Couse yester
day and the president, s request for
McMillin to call at the White House last
night, were all accepted as evidence
that the president was willing to let
Chairman Willson and McMillin know
exactly what his opinion was before the
conference resumed. Whea the call of
Wilson at the White House became
known, it was felt on all sides that a
settled policy on the part of the adminis
tration bad been agreed upon, and there
was an eagerness to learn which course
it would take. There was an almost
unanimous expression of members that
only two courses were open in view of
the attitude of the senate and the tie
vote of yesterday, viz. -. to accept prac
tically the. senate bill or to leave the
McKinley law stand. The expressions
were quite general that as between' the
senate bill, with euch modifications aa
could be obtained, and the McKinrey
law, the president and Wilson would
reluctantly accept the former, and thus
end the legislative panic and avert the
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probable failure of all tariff legislation.
A member whose relations with the
president are very close, said that while
he could not speak with authority, he
had no doubt that ' an agreement be
tween the conferees, even though it , be
an acceptance of the senate bill with
some moderation, would be acquiesced
in by the president as the best thing ob
tainable. The : president's letter to
Wilson, said this member, had pointed
out clearly what the choice of the presi
dent bad been, but it did not go to the
extent of committing the president ir
revocably against the senate bill if it
was obtainable from a conference.
Wilson saw several members of the
house during the early part of trje day,
and while avoiding a direct committal
on the fight between the house-and the
senate, the members obtained the im
pression, in a general way, that Wilson
regarded the situation as extremely pre
carious and as presenting a choice be
tween the senate bill, somewhat mod
ified, and a continuance of the McKin
ley law, and that he regarded the former
as the lesser evil. Members of the
house in speaking of accepting the
senate bill, use the words as meaning
coal, iron and sugar. There is no
doubt of compromises on many of the
other schedules. On these, three items
the house members feel that there may
be some slight change in the senate
rates, although the substantial features
will stand. It was significant in this
particular that a leading, democrat of
the house, who expected to start tonight
on a campaign tour, prepared h:s
speeches on a basis, of practically the
senate schedules on sugar, iron and coal,
The house democratic conferees went
to the ways and means commission after
the general conference with the senators
had ended. The stray members and
visitors retired and the four house con
ferees held a secret session. It was the
first time they had met in this way, and
it was taken to indicate a purpose to de
cide On a line of action. It was stated
positively by the house conferees that
the meeting with the senators had. been
confined to a general going over of the
subject, and that no agreement had
been reached on iron, coal or BUgar. It
was also stated that the republican con
ferees would be called in at the next
meeting on Monday. '
At 1 :30 the session of the house con'
ferees had assumed important propor
tions, and it was regarded as the turning
point of the tariff struggle. : The four
conferees had taken off their coats and
had settled down for a long, and it was
believed, a decisive movement. ' It was
stid by those in a position to know the
drift of affairs behind closed doors, that
the meeting would last until 5 o'clock,
and that Chairman Wilson and his three
associates were face to face with the
plaip proposition of whether or not they
would accept practically the senate bill
or nothing. The utmost secrecy was ob
served, but it is said that the final
answer to this decisive question was not
likely to be reached before the house
conferees separated. The democrats of
the conference will meet Monday again,
and possibly in the afternoon the repub
llcan members will be called in.
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Caatoria, promotes Digestion, and
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For several years I have recommended your
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