VOL. VII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1894. xrn. 175 CHARGE OF MURDER This js the Position in Which' Knox Stands. - ' vV' A STRUGGLE TO REGAIN PRESTIGE The Conferrees Have Not Agreed, and Senator Brice Emphatically Says They Will Not A Desperate Straggle to Kegain the Prestige Lost. Chicago, July 15. The American Railway Union officials have determined to make a desperate struggle to regain for tbat order the prestige it haa lost in the great strike now rapidly approach . ing a close. The executive board of the nnion held a meeting this morning, the object of which was to map out a course for the future. After a long discussion it was decided to send out "revivalists" to all important sections of the , west. Six agitators were sent out Saturday, and it was decided to augment this number. Debs said in an interview : "The names of those sent out Satur day will not be given out. for fear of inciting a riot." It was learned elsewhere, however, this morning Director Kern was sent to St. .Louis to rally, the forces there. Hogan was sent out over the Northern Pacific to stir up the employes of that company, and Goodwin was . sent over North western to use 4iis influence with the employes of that, system, and if possible induce them to go out. These delegates are all members of the execu tive board of the nnion. Other emissa ries were sent out to work with em ployes of many lines entering this city. After the executive committee ad journed an enthusiastic - meeting was held in Ulrich'a hall, President Debs presiding. He made a rousing speed, reminding one of the early days of the strike. He said : "The strike is now, right now, more prosperous and encouraging than ever ' before. We can and must win.. The men whj have gone back to work will again come back to us, and victory is ours. . Grand Chief Arthur, of the en gineers, Is a 'scab' jobber, and he . will go down in history as a traitor to organ ized labor. He instructs his men to work with .'scabs,' he tells them that scabbing is honorable. He is a tool in the hands of the general managers. The strike is weaker in Chicago than elsewhere, but it will grow stronger, just as in the west it is growing stronger every hour.'' Fifteen meetings were held in differ ent parts of the city during the after noon and evening, several of which were addressed by- Debs. He will to morrow give oat a statement in answer to the one made by Pullman. Debs said that several of his com mitteemen had reported to him that the Bock Island, Lake Shore, Eastern Illi nois, Grand Trunk and Eastern Indiana men would all be out again tomorrow. Nothing could be' learned outside to verify this assertion, however. DEBS VISITED THE STRIKERS. President Debs visited the strikers to day and addressed a crowd of them, who, have, for the most part failed to secure their old ' positions. He urgad them to continue the strike, which he declared was never nearer to a victory than now. The men agreed to stand by Debs, but at the same time, expressed themselves violently ' against the men who have taken their places. The switchmen and enginemen were espe cially loud in their protest against a surrender. The butchers also had bitter words. All these men had seen their positions filled the day before by non union and imported men. ' The opinion was expressed that the war was only be gan. .. ' , A. KNIGHTS OF LABOR PLACARD. Daring the day the district was plast ered and recovered with bills and post ers reading as follows : "The. executive board of the Knights ot Labor does hereby advise all workmen to kep away from the stockyards Mon day, as it is the desire of all organized bodies that all honest workingmen should do so, and we - further condemn the actions of the coopers in returning to work as high-handed and selfish, without asking concessions for "" Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report laborers, and that all men found work ing in the parks Monday will forever be branded a organized enemies to labor." " DEBS CASE IN COURT. ' ' : District Attorney Milcbrist said today that the contempt proceedings, against Debs and the other officers of the union would probably not begin in the United States court until Judge Grosscup. re turns to the city,' the latter part of the week. Judge Seeman, of Milwaukee, will tak his place liere Tuesday, when 20 indictments against the destroyers of railway property and those who. stopped the trains will be presented. To Report Nttt Week. Washington, July 14. The con ferrees on the tariff bill have agreed on the following: Pottt-ry rates are in creased 5 per cent, making thera the same as the house bill. Glassware is reduced to the house rates. The cotton schedule is scaled down about 5 per cent from senate rates. The woolen sched ule is brought down considerably, mak ing it more in accordance . with the house rate. The house rate of $1. on wrappers in the tobacco schedule is substituted for the senate rates of $1.50 to $2.50. The metal schedule is not changed materially from the rates fixed by the 'senate. Neither iron nor coal has been carried back to the free list, and probably the senate rate of 40 cents a ton will stand. It is quite definitely settled lead ore will remain at three fourths of a cent ft pound, " as fixed by the senate bill. Senator Brice was laconic tonight asked for information as to when the tariff conferrees would report. He said : "The report will be made to the two houses Wednesday of next week. The conferrees will report a disagreement, and both houses will instruct another conference." Other senators 'also declared a report would be made during the week. The Deserted Cook. - - . . Missoula, Mont., July 15. The Col gate searching party,' sent out by the Evening Missoulan under the direction of Ben F. Keeley, the trapper who es corted the Carlin hunting party out of the mountain fastness last fall, and which left the city June 6, returned un expectedly this afternoon. The party made a thorough, search of the river banks and surrounding country for a distance of seven miles in all directions from the spot where the unfortunate cook was deserted by his companions. Not a single trace of the missing man could be found, nor, was there anything to indicate he had wandered from the camp There he had been left. The Keeley party encountered many hard ships on the trip, but stuck faithfully to its task until all hope, of findjng Col gate's bones had to be abandoned. It is now generally believed that the old man perished near the spot where he was deserted, and that bis , remains were carried away by the waters which attained a hight of ' 40 feet above low water mark during the spring. All Trains Wlll.be Banning: as Usual - This Morning;. Tacoma, July 15. Assistant General Superintendent Dickinson, of the North ern Pacific, returned tonight' on No. 1, the first train through from the East, and says the entire road will be open as usual tomorrow.. All passenger trains were run on this division today and a solid train of tea, which has been side tracked for two weeks, was started for Chicago. Today there was a stampede of old employes in making applications to be taken back to work under General Manager Kendrick's bulletin., .the time expiring at noon today. Many engineers, freight clerks, trainmen and fifteen fire men applied for their old positions, so the officials say tonight. They say tha they now have enough men to fully, man all trains and that .a complete freight and passenger service will be main tained, beginning Monday. Of the old emploes . making applications today, only,tbree or four were union men. ' v v Bucklen's Ariucs salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to' give perfect satisfac tion', or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.. For . sale Dy Snipes & Kin ersly. . : " - - . . . .... Feed wheat for sale cheap at .Wasco Warehouse. - ' tf. '. i MM 1 - A II "Aa old as thehills"and never excell ed. "Tried ' and proven " is the verdict of, millions. Simmons Liver Regu y lator is the . r?T"f2?fmonly Liver JLJOl'l'Gf and Kidney medicine to .which you can pin your faith for a c u re. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- Th 'an Pills- neys. Try it. . Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King; of I4er Medicines. "I have vised yourSlmmons LI ver Retro-' lator and can conscienciously say it Is the king of all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. Jack son, Tacoma, Washington. SJ-EVEKY PACKAGEH Has the Z Stamp in red. on wrapper. A Board of Arbitration. Washington, July 14. Representa tive Springer of Illinois has introduced a bill to create a national board of arbi tration, which follows in its main fea tures the suggestions on the subject in President Cleveland's message of 1886. The board is to be a part of the depart ment of justice, and is, to consist of three members appointed by the presi dent, or two appointed members and the commissioner of labor. The mem bers shall hold office for six years, at a salary ot $5000. They are to be em powered to settle controversies between railroad or other companies engaged in the transportation - of property or pas sengers among the states, or to foreign nations, and their employes, which dif ferences may hinder the transportation of property, passengers or mails. It- is proposed that the board shall have the power to investigate all differences, whether called upon or not, and report to the president. : a Where Knox Is In Jail. Woodland, CaL, July. 15. Every thing about the county jail-wore its usual Sun day appearance today.. Knox and Wor den rested well last night and this morn ing partook of a hearty breakfast. Sher iff Wycoff admits .no one to interview the prisoners except 'their attorneys. Knox was arrested for conspiracy in train wrecking on July 1, but late last night he was charged with - the murder of Engineer Clark. Attorney Bruner, representing the railway company, said that the proofs possessed by the prose cution disclosed a plot that would startle the public. He said Knox's complicity was proved beyond question. The Farmers Will Buffer. St. Paul, Minn., July 15. The farm ers fears they will suffer from a sym pathetic strike growing out of the Pull man strike.. On account ot the strike shipments of. binding twine have been few and far between and the" wheat crop is suffering because it cannot be harvested promptly. Much twine has been secured. But much more is needed and all parts of the Northwest report a a great scarcity. Much of that "already shipped has gone over the ' roads that have been boycotted because - of the Pullman strike and a boycott in the twine trade is threatened on account of such shipment. - Goldendale Wants the Distillery. Golden-dale, July 15. Many Golden dale citizens are making an effort to in duce the Grant's distillery to remove its plants to Goldendale' It is stated that $1,000 subsidy has already' been pledged. The promoters offer much argument in favor of the location of the plant at Goldendale. One point made is that wood can be purchased at Goldendale. Another point made is that there will.be a saving of 7 cents on every bushel of grain purchased. It is further advocated that the savings on purchases of material shrinkage and freights would far exceed the cost of bauling manufactured goods to Grant's station for .shipment. ' Thunder Storms in Nevada. Caeson, Nev., July 15. Carson valley was visited ; by a succession of thunder storms yesterday. The atmosphere was so charged with electricity that expos ure to the open air was dangerous. Two"-y bung Tnen at works ia a barnyard were struck, by lightning and were in sensible 4 for a time.- . The barn was burned and a horse in the stall killed. it . ' ' - -. -, 4 ' ': : j '- ' . , ' Just Arrived. - New and Complete Stock of INFANTS', and CHILDREN'S SHOES." " . : V All Sizes, New Styles, and , . the Latest Prices. Look out for our Special Adv., r V Friday and Saturday. -. , . j - ... , A. M. WILLIAMS El CO. ..,; - . - in - ; . For Infanta and Children. - Castorfa. promote Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, : Diarrhoea, and - Feverishness. Thns the child is rendeued healthy and its sleep natural. Caatoria, contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. For several years I have recommed3ed your ' Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." Edwih F. Pardee, M. D.. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castorla is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Caatoria within easy reach." . New York City. The CiMTACa Coupajtt, 77 Hurray Street, N. T. FRENCH & CO., 4 BANKERS. TKANHAUT A OENEEAt BANKING BU8INE88 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. - . Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San, Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. - . : Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. MEN'S Tailor-Made SUITS, MEN'S HALF HOSE, MENS' Tailor-Made PANTS, MEN'S NECKWEAR MEN'S" OVERSHIRTS, MEN'S Gloves and Collars, MEN'S UNDERWEAR, MEN'S Hats ' Suspenders, . - . . v:. ' . - . . . M . H ONYW 1 iL' S G L O S ING OUT S A LE, At Values Unprecedented in The Dalles; also Ladies', Gents' Children's Shoes. E. JACOBSEN IS BACK AT THE OLD STAND With a fine selection of musical Instruments, Mosie, BOOKS, STATI0ITEBY, And everything to be found in a first-class book and music store. 162 SECOKTD ST. J. B. BCHENCK, President. J. M. Patterson, , Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. .. DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schincjc. Ed. M. Williams, ' Geo. A. Ltebx. . II. M. Beaii. Do You Want Soda ? Do Yon Want Syrnps? Do Yon Want Anything ? In the shape of or anything Rood for hot weather beverage? If so, call on . . , JOSEPH FOLGO, THE BOTTLER, -, 238 Second 8treet, East End. THOSE WHO WISH ' Glass, Lime, Cement; : PLASTER. LATH. Picture, ppames, LTlRCJ-liriEHY Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, ; Engine and Boiler, CALL AND SEE Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DEALERS IN- Pure Drugs Cnenioals, FINE LINE OF IMPORTED and D01BESTIC CIGRBS At Our Old Place of Business.