V C3) x Just Arrived Ginghams, . Prints, Cheviots : ' ' ' Long Cloth, Muslins, Sheetings, ' Tuckings. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. BENTON ! . t Something newjn this space tomorrow. Have moved back to their old stands, at 133 Second St., and Corner Union and Third Streets. The Rose Hill Greenhouse Is still adding to its large etock of all kinds of Greenhouse Plants, And can furnish a choice eelec- tion. Also v CUT FkOWEHS and FLORAL DESIGNS MRS. C. L. PHJLLIPS. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, . and warranted. Can now be fonnd at 162 Second street. ' ' The Dalles Daily Chronicle. iCntered a the Postoffice at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price Ckronitle aid S. T. Tribal $2.50 $1.75 " and Weellj Ongoniai ..3.00 2.00 ' ui Cotmopoliiaa Xaeaziie 3.00 2.25 focal Advertising:. 10 Cents ier line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. 8pecial rates for long time notices. All local notices .received later than 3 o'clock ill appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on sale at I. C. NickeUen't store. Telephone No. 1. SATURDAY, JULY 14. 1894 JULY JINGLINGS. Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Lawler, in front of the Butcher's Ex change saloon. Lawler held on to the lines, and bad the team about . stopped when he stumbled and fell. Other par ties stopped the horses, and although Lawler juBt escaped being run over he was not seriously hurt. It is reported that Receiver McNeil will appoint Captain James Troup superintendent of water lines, the posi tion now held by Captain Peagram. Captain Troup was almost raised on the river, standing at the wheel on his grandfather's boat, the old Vancouver, almost before he could see over it. , He is a thorough steamboat man, and Mc Neil shows he has the interest of the company at heart, in making this ap pointment. ' Numismatics. Debs ordered a strike in Kentucky to day, but the order was not obeyed. The Irma came up last night about 11 o'clock bringing the mails, and left this morning at 5. A dispatch to the railroad boys liere from Debs says in substance the strike is still on and to hold the fort. Three tons of express matter came up on the Regulator last night, and five men worked all night getting it assorted and ready for distribution or forwarding. Mrs. L. E. McNeill fell ' from her crutches to the floor yesterday after noon, and sustained a . fracture of the right arm near the wrist. Dr. Suther land attended to her injuries. John Roop was arrested and tried Wednesday in 8-Mile precinct, charged with, assault with intent to do bodily harm, the offense being the'whipping of .his'own child. Justice Fleck dismissed the case. The Regulator brought np a big cargo last night. Owing to the inconvenient arrangement of the wharf, it takes all day yto get it cleared. When the river gets a few feet lower this difficulty will no longer exist. Mr. Laughlin tells us Governor Pen noyer and the other members of - the board in control of the portage road at the Cascades, have ordered the road re paired and the inclines rebuilt just as soon as the work can be done. ,JThe pile driver has been at work on the trestle across Mill creek has been idle for two or three days on account of lack of piling. There is some on hand bnt it is not long enough to reach from the driver to the bottom of the creek, which makes it inconvenient. Ed. Williams, W. K. Corson and C. E. Haight, who went out to Trout lake on a fishing excursion a week ago, returned last night. They report the fiehing good, having caught about a thousand which they sent or brought in, and pro nounce it one of the most delightful of trips. '. Mr. Pague, of the weather bureau, sent us a dispatch this morning giving the weather forecast for today and to morrow. For today he called the turn, saying it would be fair and warmer, and it was. For tomorrow he says it will be fair,' with tbe exception of probable thunder showers. This afternoon about 2:30 an engine frightened a team belonging to Louis . This morning while ye reporter was doing some bard dipping for an item in the sheriff's office, J. B. Crossen started . the subject of numismatics by producing an English coin made in the reign of William with the three eyes in 1698. It was a handsome coin, and according to Mr. Crossen's very interesting storjk of it, has a history. The coin was first thrown on the stage by William him self, as a slight token of appreciation of the actor's talent ; , the actor being an uncle of Mr. Crossen's by marriage, at the close of a Hood River celebration in which the actor bad repeated those re cherche lines entitled, "Carfew Shall Not Ring Tonight," or "Who Kissed the Cook." Soon, very soon after the pub lic learned that the said colatteral con sanguinous relative of Mr. Crossen's; had committed the crime to memory, said relative took passage' on the May flower for San Francisco, coming. by the Nicaragua route and The Dalles boat railway. Jimmy says there is a rumor that he would have left sooner, but the Mayflower was the first boat out. By a lengthy and circuitous route, which we cannot give in detail . now, the piece finally came into tbe possession of its present owner, who prizes it highly be cause as long as he keeps it be feels that he isn't broke. .. . But this is digression, which we will pursue some other time. What we was going to say was that Judge Bradshaw, who was checking up the profit and loss on a receipt for taxes, remarked that he had a much more valuable and exceed' ingly rare coin, and then after exciting everybody's curiosity by going first in one pocket and then another for it, pro duced a big yellow twenty-dollar piece." A 'Wholesale Business. Mitchell News. Recorder Dufur had a job lot of prison ers to dispose of this morning, consist ing of fourteen men, arrested for creat ing a disturbance up near the Wasco warehouse, and charged with being drunk and disorderly. John R'uddy and John Hart arrested separate from the others, plead guilty and were fined $5 each. William Drysden and Lew. Shoren were discharged. -.Ten pleaded not guilty, and their trial was set for 5 o'clock this afternoon. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. -When she became Mies, she clung to Castoria. . When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Subscribe for The Chbonicue. Weather extremely warm, with a cloudless sky, a slight breeze and very dry. ' . Mrs. Dr. Harick returned after an ab sence of more than two months. I. N. Clark returned to his old haunts for a few days last week. The ravages of time are very noticable. His hair is almost white. His home is in Cali fornia. He came with horses belonging to Lou Kiton, which Kiton purchased in lower California. Hard times have put the people daft. Hardly a day passes without someone passing east or west. Some of them have small - bands of stock. Going, going, and seeking what? . At such times as this the old adage "the rolling stone" should be well weighed, for surely now - there is but little moss to gather, and that is better gathered where you know its haunts. . July 4th, 1894, is a thing of the past, and dwells in oar memory as-a vivid dream, with many pleasantries and a few unpleaiantries to fix it firm in our minds. It' was hailed very quietly. Not with the boom of the cannon's hoarse peal, nor from the loyal throats of- a thousand, stalwarts. Only the clarion notes of a barnyard solo rever berating from cliff to cliff awoke the July morn. At 10 :30 the Declaration of Independence was read by W. H. Sas ser ; also an oration by H. Luny, which was .patriotic to the core, in iact excel lent. In the afternoon we were -further entertained by the Mitchell literary society. - A solo, "You Know," by Max Patz and Miss Stella Boadman was ex cellent in execution.' A recitation, "In dependence Day," by Allie Keys, was very nicely done. Recitation, "Curfew Shall Not RingTonight," by Rita Cham berlain. Little Rita deserves extra praise. There seemed to be nothing wanting to make her speaking perfect for one so ' young. One's heart could stand still when Bessie had mounted to the topmost round on the ladder in the bell tower and looked over the street be low ; and when she dauntlessty clung to the bell as it swung far out into space we could almost cry aloud for sympathy, and when she had received the assur ance that her lover should live there were tears in our hearts, if not in our eyes. A cornet and organ duet by Miss Sella' Board man and . Frank Chamber lain and instrumental music, songs and recitations filled up tEe time- for two hours. At night a ball was given, which was the nicest that has been here, believe I can safely say, in years. The hall was crowded to discomfort, but with all there was one round of mirth and good will the entire night. These are the pleasant things we will like to remember on this 4th of July, 1894 The unpleasant things I will tell you. The bitter must be mixed with the sweet to : make the sweet the sweeter. But doeB it?. During the day, as is usual, someone must try to put to shams this our inde pendence day. This time "one man hit another a solid lick over the head that stunned him a ' few minutes, but noth ing serious but arrests, if that is serious, came of it. At night about 2 o'clock Jim Holm an stabbed an old gray-head ed man, by the name of Scott. In this case only a little bad blood was drawn Good came of that. There is one thing I would be glad for the readers of this paper to know that not in many cases is it citizens of this little town that carry on this warfare. In one case this time it was, but generally they are bloodthirsty- men outside some distance who come here to show us the brave side of a cowardly life. In most cases our men are quiet and law-abiding. Mitchell has the name of being one of the most vicious towns in the state. It is not an Eden, neither does it belong to the suburbs ; - but it is not. so bad as tbe name it carries. Once more must I chronicle the going out of a noble life. July 3d at his home in Bear valley E. B. Allen passed on to a higher sphere. Since he- was hurt two years ago he has been partially par alyzed, and for the past few months has been gradually growing worse," until all is over and he is at rest. . He had passed tbe alloted time of three score and ten, and until he met with an accident by falling from a load of hay, he was very strong for one oh his age. Do ' we grieve that he has passed over the silent river and his feet now stand on the mystic shore of the beautiful beyond? . Do we grieve that those chilled numbed hands are cold andvnumb no more? Do we, can we wish him back where sorrow, toil and care bent his shoulders and were silvering his hair? Oh, happy rest to you who have gone before into the beyond faith made so inexpressi bly splendid! A, noble, loving, true husband is gone; a dear, kind father is out of our sight, but noi dead. He waits for us with outstretched arms and loving smile beckoning us on to a higher, a truer life, tshed not a tear in sorrow for his going. Let'yonr tears fall for those that are left behind alone. ' ' j y Mitchell," July 9, 1894. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. C. J. VanDuyn is in from Tygh Valley. . " , Mrs. Hugh Baxter . of. Kingsley is in the city. ' Col. Nye and wife went to Portland this morning. ',- Mr. W. H. Wilson returned on the boat last night. Mr. A. B. Craft, the popular merchant of Rufus, is visiting friends here. Col. Eddv. the energetic and good natured railroad commissioner, left this morning for Pendleton. Mr. B. A. Benedict, train dispatcher here, who has been away for some weeks, arrived home last night. - " ' W. O. Johnson came up from ' Port land last night and will give the tele phone line a thorough repairing. . ' Miseea Jeanette Williams and Matilda Hollister left. on the Regulator this morning for a week's stay atj .Cloud Cap Inn. ' XT. TTal KVnnnli wnnfc to Portland yes terday and expects to spend a few weeks at one of the seaside resorts before re turning. : T.. W A WMlinnn. th Preahvterian minister who skipped from Portland SonfamKor niter borrowing laree turns from his friends, was arrested at Joplin, Mo., recently, and last night arrived here in charge of an officer, leav ing by Regulator this morning for Port land tnis morning. xiia who auu daughter are with him. Ask your grocer for Farrell & Co.'s sweet clover honey, rock candor drips and Puritan maple syrups. xnese syrups guaranteed pure. ABk your grocer for Farrell & Co.'s table syrups sweet clover honey, rock candy dri pa and Puritan maple. Farrell & Co.'s table syrups are easily digested by children. The Chronicle prints all the news. The Only Thing Ever high in our store was the Columbia, and that is marked down; but it is not yet as Low as Our Prices. We can give you bargains in everything in Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Clothing from 'Hat to Dress. Call and see us at the old corner. N. HARRIS, To TJqpV ot trio fllrl QtOTIfl ar,d will be glad to welcome all his old custom- 10 UUUA Ul LUU UiU UlUUU, ers, i , and as many new ones as poesible. -DEALER IN - Hay, Giain. Feefl, Floor, Grants ana" Provisions, ' Fruits. Eggs, Poultry. Potatoes, Bee Supplies, Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Complete and clean in all its furnishings, and The Culinary Department is under the immediate super vision of Mrs. Frazier, and the table is better supplied than any-o'ther in the State for the money. Union Stfcet, THE. DRIiIiES, OREGON. What? Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists, Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. Where? At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the office, and our agent will call and secure your ord?r. 'THE. CELEBRATED COl'JMBIk BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER. PropV. This well-known Brewery is now.turnia(: '.n Uif ;-! iw t eat of t! Cascades. Tb latest appliances fr 'tM r.infiMtn ui t fu! Bw havtt N-en !nf ro'1i.-ftl. -und nt r ! trt. irteU wilt in- i.- ' be ma.rk.rt. . ' -