en ' .'. " :::: V . ' :JIV 1 UU VOL. VII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1894. NO. 172 1 1 1 1 ' DEBS WILLCALL IT OFF ' if the General Managers will Re instate Employes. THIS THEY REFUSE TO DO A Cowardly Crime at Sacramento Two Killed and Six Wounded There This Morning. Shot From Arabuh. Sacramento, July 11. Train No. 4, bound for San Francisco, was ditched two and a half miles west of Sacramento. Fireman Clark was shot by the strikers and three soldiers wounded. Four of the cara are in the water under the trestle. The engineer, Bremen and three sol diers were shot and killed by the strik ers after the train was wrecked. The strikers did the shooting from ambush. It has since been ascertained that the strikers, after tearing up the rails, waited the approach of the train. They were concealed behind the dense brush which skirts the road at that point, and as the train was a short distance from them they opened fire on the regulars with their Winchester rifles. Engineer Clark fell at the first fire, and before the regulars could respond the train was ditched. A later dispatch received at the railroad office states that four regu lars were injured by the ditching of the train. Engineer Clark was shot in the shoulder and will recover. The fireman escaped .uninjured. The supports of the trestle had been sawed away, but the rails were intact. The moment the train' went on the bridge it was ditched. Strikers then fired, into the engine and killed the en gineer, fireman and several soldiers. Reports in regard to the number of killed are conflicting, but the above comes from authentic sources. Immediately on receipt of the news here General Graham ordered a com pany of cavalry to the scene. They were instructed to carefully watch the strikers and prevent them from inter, feriug with the trains. The fact that only a few strikers are in the vicinity of the depot indicated that they have de termined to prevent the moving of trains from distant points. It is known a large number of strikers left here last night for Davisvtlle, and railroad officials are positive that they are responsible for the ditching ot the train this afternoon. At 2 :30 this afternoon railroad omcials were notified that three men were killed in the wreck. They were Privates Burns, Dugan and Clarke, of battery L, Fifth United States artillery, Captain Roberta commanding. A soldier named Wilson had his arm cut off, and two others are missing. It is supposed that thev are under the wrecked train. . Done Upon Olney's Instructions. Washington, July 11. The action of . Judge Grosscup in Chicago today, in di recting Debs' papers seized last night be returned to mm, was the result of a telegram sent to Special Assistant Dis trict Attorney Walker, this morning, Attorney-General Olney, upon reading the press dispatches of the seizure, im mediately indited a telegram, took it over to the preeident at the White House and filed it himself by 11 o'clock. The telegram read ; "Seizure of Deb' paper's is not accord' ing to law. . It should be publicly dis avowed and the papers at once returned. Even if the seizure were strictly and technically lawful the papers should be returned. The government in enforcing the law, cannot afford to be itself lawless, nor even if it be within its strict rights should measures be resorted to which are unusual and come dangerously near invasion of personal rights. The govern ment is too strong and its cause too righteous to warrant or require anything of that nature. Please wire at. once what has taken place and what, is done in pursuance of these instruction." i Debs in Court. Chicago, July 11. Judge Grosscup sent for Debs and District Attorney Mil christ today. "Mr. Debs," said the judge, "stands accused in this court of a grave crime, but he has all the rights of a private citizen. . His private affairs are not to be inquired into, and if you - have in your possession any. private, papers or 'Highest of all in JLeavening Power. Latest U. Si Gov't Report. V ' If V "'so. . letters or other documents of that char acter it is your duty to return them." Milchrist said the officers had taken papers which they should not , have seized. This was due to the excitement of the moment. He stated the letters had 'not been opened. Debs said he was satisfied with this statement of the district attorney. "I desire to thank the court," he said, "for the kindness and consideration and protection given me." ' He then accompanied Milchrist to the latter's office and the letters whi-ih were seized last night were given him. All the, books of the railway union and records filling a large basket were kept for the use of the grand jury. The indictment -against Debs and others contains but one charge, that of inter fering with the mails. The L'nion'n Caution. Oakland, Cal., July 11. President Roberts has issued the following notice to nrembers of the American Railway Union : "It is rumored that a secret organiza tion calling itself "the Avenger" has in anticipation a project to dynamite and mutilate Pullman cars, pretending to be doing such unlawful acts in sympathy with our association. Now, I take this method of warning you all of tbe danger to our cause by countenancing such acts of violence and lawlessness, and charge each and every member of our organi zation to closely guard and protect all railroad property in whatever place it may be, and for whatever purpose it maybe used, so far as it is in your power to do so. While we are all pledged not to handle or haul ' Pullman cars, it is none the less our duty to use all reasonable efforts to prevent the distraction of property and all acts of lawlessness. And we furthermore call upon all good citizens to Aid US' in bur endeavors until such time as all these matters can be amicably adjusted." , Started for Sacramento at Iast. San Francisco, July 11. Governor Markham arrived from Los Angeles on the steamer Santa Rosa this morning. He did not waste a moment, but boarded the steamer Modoc and started for Sacramento. He will council modera tion and do all in his power to have the whole matter submitted to arbitration. One of the strikers said this morning : "Governor Markham is a great iavor- ite with all ot the railroad employes. He has a lot of influence with them, and he may succeed in persuading them to arbitrate. He is to use all his influence with the Southern Pacific, and be may be able to settle the trouble, but I doubt it." ' . A Restraining- Order at St. Joseph. ' St. Joseph, Mo., July 11. Leading members of the American Railway Union here have been served with an order by the United States marshal re straining them from interfering with or obstructing the business of any lines of railway entering St Joseph. The order was- entered upon application of the railway companies to United States Judge Philips, of Kansas City. The de fendants are summoned to appear for examination at Kansas City the first Monday in August. The Cruiser Chicago Damaged. Washington, July 11. A cablegram received at the navy department con firms the report that the cruiser Chicago was in collision this morning at Ant werp with the steamer Azoff.' The dam age is estimated at $12,000, and as the Chicago was at anchor at the time, the owners ot the Azoff will have to pay the damages.. The collision, occurred off Austerweel. The . bow of the Azofl struck the Chicago amidships on the starboard side, bending and breaking the latter's plates: ' ' Mow it i the General Managers. Ch icago, July 13. Special. The an nouncement made this morning that the strike is off was premature. Debs offers to call - the - strike off if the generan managers will accept proposition to re instate employes, but this, they refuse to do. Debs will not act further unless this proposition rs accepted.- Sufferers from chills and fever,- 'who have used quinine as a remedy, will ap preciate Ayer's Ague Cure. ' This pre paration, if taken according to direction, is warrsnted a sure cure. Residents in malarial districts should not be without it. - i The Chboniclk is, prepared to do all kinds of job printing. .l ' . . - 1 SoclJei Jjastry? Jie rR0BLt is SOLVED - bv.tte production, of" our ftavsT Shortening- , Wnch makes If aht, crisb, healti- fu(.Wfo(esome pastry. ffar7a.nd a.wcto'ffur eJrt QofToltTJ?. YOU can't aford to do REFXlSe ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. The 4 President Also. Cleveland, July 11. At a meeting of the local lodges of the Knights of Labor, held tonight, resolutions were adopted demanding the impeachment of Presi dent Cleveland for high crimes and mis demeanors,' that the majesty of the law may be vindicated. -1 -' Killed at Sacramento. At 11 o'clock this morning strikers took position on top of a high building near the depot in Sacramento, and fired on a train carrying soldiers, but hurting no one. The soldiers replied to the fire with a volley killing two strikers and wounding sis. . drat for Portland Since the Flood. ' Salt Lake, July 11. The Union Pa cific started out a through train for Portland tonight, being the first since the flood 8 of last month. With the ex ception of the Columbia washout, the roadbed has been put in good condition Peace Restored. Chicago, July 13. President Debs after consultation with the otUer labor leaders called the strike off at 9 :30 this morning. MINT MARKS. They Represent Mm I'lnre of Coinage or the Die-31:ker' Name. The "mint mar'.:s-' on our silver coin age are so well Itnowu that almost an school child euu tell you. where a piece was eoined. The "s" means that it is from the San Francisco mint; "cc" that it was made ut Carson City, and "o" that it was the work of the New Orleans money-makers. Besides the above you' will find some very small letters occasionally, espe cially on the standard dollar, the Co lumbian coins, and the 1S93 design in the quarters and half-dollar pieces. On the standard dollar the letter is a microscopic "m" on the left loop of the ribbon which binds the wroath sur rounding the eagle.. . Another, "m" of larger dimensions may als be -found on the same coin at the lower' edge of the hair. These miniature letters are private marks of Mason, the man who made the dies. On the Columbian eoin we find a clear-cut "I!," the initial of Barbar, the die-sinker. I Reference on the subject informs us 'That it was formerly a capital offense for a European die-sinker to mark his coins, but from the enormous size of "the initials now used bv most . trades- xnSn of that craft across the water we s hould jid e that the law was obso lete. , - - Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery far Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest, trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fail trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded We could not make tbis offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. trial bottles freest Snipes & Kinersly's. Put on Tour Glaanes and Look at This. From $100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to Geo. W. Rowland, ' V', 113 Third St, The Dalles, Or. The Chronicle prints all tbe news. 11 0 : tWmciI tvl Friday and opeciai oaie, Julv ST R K W Will be Sold at ACTTT AT COST Wil1 be Soid at ' Come and get a Waist of Irish -Lawn, at 12 1-2 Cents a Yard. Former Price, 16 1 Cents a Yard. For the Next For Infants and Children. Castorfa, promotes "XMgeartion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castorla is ro well adapted to children that I recommend it as Buperior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer. M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. For several years I have reeommedaed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." nwin F. Pardbb, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castorla' is so universal and its merits ro -well known that It reems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach," Carlos SLikttk, D. D., New York City. Thb Cbxtaub Coupaxt, 17 Hurray Street, K. Y. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ; TRANSACT A OENERA1. BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in tbe . Eastern Stages. Sight Exchange , and Telegraphic transfers sold on rew York,vjhicago, fat. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon. Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. 1 Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. (FIlii To Those Whom it May Concern - - IS Our Entire Stock of H A very fine line of MISSES' SAILORS ............included, Two Days Only. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. E. JACOBS EN rIS BACK - AT THE OLD STAND With a fine selection of musical Instruments, Uusic, BOOKS, STATIONERY, And everything to be found in a first-class book and music store. 162 SZ3CON13 J. U. BCHSNCS., President. J. M. Patterson, Cashier. First Rational Baftk. THE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Uratt or unect. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- land. V . D1REOTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schxsck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbb. H. M. Be all. Do You Want Soda ? Do You Want Syrups? Do You Want Anything,? -ln the shape of- 1 - or anything good for hot weather beverage? : If so, call on JOSEPH FOLGO, THE BOTTLER, 238 Second Street, East End. In this Store no business transacted Happy to supply your requirements "business hours of the six long days Saturdays inclusive. VI. HONTWILL Saturday, . a d MTS. THOSE" WHO WISH lass. Lime, Cement, PLASTER, LATH. Picture Frames, - -":.. . Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, CALL AND SEE Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. -DEALERS IN- Pure Drcgs CHemicals, FINE LINE OF IMPORTED and D01KESTIC CIGHBS At Our Old Place of Business. on Sundays. during the Mondays to 6