The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1894, Image 3

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- . O
Long Cloth,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
pi ice price
Chronicle aid If. I. Tribnie $2.50 $1.76
' ind Weellj On goiiu 3.00 2.00
' aid Coinopolitan Maeuiie 3.00 2.25
Iioul AdTertlslng;.
10 Ceuu tier line for first insertion, and S Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and "Weekly Chronicle may
be found on ale at I. C. Nickelsen's store.
Telephone No. 1. ' .
JDLY 10. 1894
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
The Regulator brought up . a large
amount of farm machinery yesterday.
A lot of the men employed in repair
ing the TJ. P. track struck this morning.
There was another small-sized row in
the East End. this morning, someone
calling someone else a scab.
We are told a saloon will be started at
Trout Lake soon so that fishing parties
can get medicine for snake bite, so abso
lutely necessary on fishing excursions.
,We print the tabulated county elec
tion returns on our fourth page today.
It is somewhat late, but owing to high
water and other causes we could not
get it sooner.
Mr. Whealdon let bis fi9h-wheel run a
few moments for the good of the public
yesterday, and as a result had a big boat
" load of salmon, which he gave away to
his friends and acquaintances. "
l "Our Coffee Club" will cive a lemon
ade social at Kellar's hall Monday even
ing next. Lemonade and cake will be
served and a short programme ren
dered, followed by dancing. Admission
25 cents.
Commencing tomorrow, the Union
Pacific will run regular daily trains to
Celilo, connecting ' with the boat for
Arlington.' It is expected the trains
will arrive from the east about 5 o'clock
each evening.
, Parties who are thoroughly posted and
reliable tells us it will nearly a million
dollars to repair the damages at the
locks, caused by the flood. The rip-rap
work is destroyed and - it is thought the
heavy masonry has been undermined.
Sheriff Driver got back Salem last
night. There was no truth in the state
ment that he had lost his commitment
papers, and that the prison authorities
were holding both the sheriff and his
prisoner until the former could be
Alvin Sigman, of whom we spoke yes
terday a9 being arrested by Constable
Underhill charged with stealing cattle,
had his preliminary examination before
Justice Davis yesterday and was bound
over to appear 'before the grand .jury,
with bonds fixed at 4400.
"We are informed that an attempt will
be made 'to prevent the construction
train going out in the morning. We
think this is an idle rumor that "has
grown from nothing. . Those who are
engaged in the strike here are law
abiding citizens, and besides there
would be nothing gained by the action.
Wool is coming in very rapidly, and
the Wasco warehouse begins to show
signs of getting full. Some heavy ship
ments will be made shortly, the wool
being baled now, which will relieve the
pressure. As it is Mr. -Lord always
finds room for all that comes, the press
running steadily and assisting in the
good work.
In the case of the state against Ma
loney and Snelling a motion for a new
trial was; filed yesterday, and time for
argument fixed at 1 :30 this afternoon,
at which time a further continuance
was given until 3 o'clock. We under
stand one of the grounds for the applica
tion is the testimony of Captain Buschke
to the effect that he eaw Maloney pay
the money to the Indian for the horses.
Work is being pushed as rapidly as
circumstances will permit on the Union
Pacific, but it is slow at best. The pile
driver on the Mill creek trestle keeps
steadily at work but as the end of the
trestle is still over the bed rock and
every piece of timber has to be braced,
the work progresses very slowly. When
two or three more bents are in place,
piles can be driven and then the gap
will be closed very quickly. .
In mentioning the fights that occurred
yesterday we stated that Mr. Lewis,
who has charge of the construction work,
was in one of them. . It seems our
informant was mistaken as to the man.
Mr. Lewis not being engaged in the row
in any manner whatever ,or .even near
it. Having had a few minutes conver
sation with Mr. Lewis, who is a' . very
clever gentleman, we take pleasure in
saying he was not -the man struck.- .
A Picnic.
Rflrmrm .Tnvpnllp TpmnlA Yn A. .an1
Independent Temple will give a picnic
on Thursday at the academy grounds.
All children are invited to come and
have a good time. The members of the
temples are requested to be at their re
spective halls at 9 o'clock a. m. to
march to the grounds.
Mas. J. E. Baenktt, G. S. J. T.
Real Katate Movements. -
The following deeds were filed for rec
ord today : ,
T. A. Ward, sheriff, to Fen Batty ej
of nwi and e of sw sec. 28 t 2 n of
r. 10 e; $310.
R. R. Thompson to F. H. Wakefild,
lots 7 and 8 block 8 Bigelows addition to
Dalles city.
' Meeting; of the Fire Board.
Members of the fire board will please
be prompt and punctual at the meeting
of the board which takes place in the
council chamber this evening at
o'clock, as matters pf .importance will be
discussed. . -
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became lliss, she clung to Castoria.
When sne had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Ask your grocer- for' Farrell & Co.'s
table syrups sweet clover honey, rock
candy drip j and Puritan maple.
Subscribe for Tim Chronicle.
Dufar Doings.
The weather . has been very sultry,
causing the grain to curl somewhat and
in some sections the aphis is working. .
Miss Mary Douglass has returned from
visit to relatives at . Eagle creek,
Clackamas county.
Miss Maud Gaunt left for her home at
Centerville, Wash.
Mr. O. K. Butler made a flying trip
on business to our berg the other day.
The Fourth was celebrated here by a
spirited game of baseball. In the even
ing a ball was given at which a large
crowd was presentl Nearly fifty couples
participated in the mazy tread of the
light fantastic. . All who attended ex
pressed themselves as well pleased with
the evening. V
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balch,
Wm. Vanderpool and family and several
others went camping a short distance
from Shell " Rock, where , they spent
several days fishing, hunting and enjoy
ing the scenery. One special feature
was a shake drive in which Wm. Van
derpool took out.between 2000 and 3000
shakes that were floated for the distance
of over half a mile and caught at the
lower end by a dam and piled in place.
The ladies partook of the pleasure as
well as lending their assistance.
Quiz "will be absent for an outing of
two or three weeks and will leave
Query to gather the usual weekly budget
of Dufur bon-bons of business, love or
Mr. Geo. Dufur spent his Fourth
among us.
Mrs. Frank Menefee . is in town visit
ing Mrs. Slusher and,will remain some
Vic. Travltt's Monument.
A correspondent of the Astorian, writ
ing concerning Vic. Trevttt proves to be
as cheerful a prevaricator as the balance
of the Western Oregon crew, who floated
the Umatilla house and brought up the
Baker. This gentleman says that Vic's,
monument is 21 feet high and 6tands on
a 15-foot block and that the water went
within a few feet of the top of the shaft.
He also fays that "Vic. devoted half his
life to the amelioration of the condition
of poor Lo." As a matter of fact the
water came only fairly up to the baBe of
Vic's, vault, but there may be some
truth in the other statement, though we
nevepr heard it expressed just that way
, Notes from the Glacier.
There was about 125 tickets sold at D
company's ball the night of the 4th, and
a very pleasant time was had.
Mrs. Langille expects to go out to
Cloud Cap in a day or two. . A party of
young ladies are coming down from The
Dalles for an outing at the Inn, and she
will go out as soon as they arrive.
Returns from the shipment of straw
berries to Denver, made by the Fruit
Growers' Union, showed that ' tiiey
lacked just $24.05 of paying the express
charges. The commission house that
received the fruit, in consideration of
the hard ludr-of our fruit men, paid the
charge;. -
. Sufferers from chills and fever, who
haVe used quinine as a remedy, will ap
preciate Ayer's Ague Uure. This pre
paration, if taken according to direction,
is warranted a sure cure. ' Residents in
malarial districts should not be without
it. . i -:
Have moved , back
to their bid stand's,
at 133 Second St.,
and Corner Union
and Third Streets.
Prof. Gilbert and Mr. S. J. La France
are up from Hood River, ,-
. John H. McDermied and A.' D. Mc
Donald are in from Monkland.
Mr. James McKay is up from Port
land looking after his buildings.
Mr. E. Y. Judd, of the Pendleton
scouring mills, passed up this morning.
Mr. M. Herrick, one of Astoria's
principle cannerymen, is visiting Mr.
Taffe. '
Mr. Frank Allen of Mitchell was in the
city yesterday and departed for home
this morning.
Mr. J. M. Russell came up from Port
land last night to look, after his wool
interests here. ' " : ' ' '.-
Mr. J. W. French and family will
leave" Thursday morning for llwaco, to
spend the summer. , "
Mrs. E. M. Leslie went out to her
home, Moro, this morning, having been
visiting mends in .roruana.
Mr. A. Tilzeri formerly with Blakeley
& Houghton, bnt at present living on
the Sound, is visiting friends here.
Mr. J.' W. Matlock," the Pendleton
horseman, came up from Portland last
night, bringing his-horses,, which had
been in the races there.
Mrs. Amy Heonner returned from
Goldendale yesterday afternoon, where
she has been for the past week the
guest of Mrs. Hugh Gourlay.
f!nl. V.. W. Pike and familv. accom
panied by Misses Amy and Effi'e Trotter,
came up from fortiana yesteraay ana
left for Goldendale this morning. Col.
Pike has been with his regiment at the
annual encampment near Olympia.
Mr. and. Mrs. L. D; Ainsworth, Mr.
Ralph Rowland and the Misses Row
land left this morning, equipped with
camp paraphernalia for the forks of
Hood Kiver, where tney win rusticate
for a few weeks, camping on the banks
of that beautiful stream. .
Mr. Merrill Fish," an old-time Dalles
typo, at present on the Portland Tele
gram, accompanied by Mr. H. C. Loh
man, foreman of that paper, came up
on the Regulator last night and will
leave tomorrow for Wind river for a
three weeks outing. They will be
joined by some fellow prints, and will
nave a princeiy time, ior mey are an
Hon. E. L. Smith and family left
Hood River this morning for Trout lake,
to remain a week or so. Mr. Smith
owns the Stoller ranch and the lower
end and outlet of the .lake, has a fine
boat, and knows how to enjoy life in the
mountains. If we could just get away
from the desk for a week, we know ot no
place where we would so willingly invite
ourself to spend a vacation as at that
self same lake while E. L. is there. He
expects to visit steamboat lake and
mountain beiore coming nome.
W. H. Nelson, who is in the drug
business at Kingville, Mo., has so much
confidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy that he war
rants every bottle and offers to refund
the money to any customer who is not
satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson
takes no risk in doing this because the
remedy is a certain cure for the diseases
for which it is intended and he knows
it. It is for sale by Blakely & Houghton.
Whiskers that are permanently gray
or faded should be colored to prevent
the look of age, and Buckingham's Dye
excels all others in coloring brown or
black. '
Ark your grocer for Farrell & Co.'s
sweet clover honey, rock candy drips
and Puritan maple syrups. These
syrups guaranteed pure'.
Farrell & Co.'s table syrups are easily
digested by children. '
- i '
Feed wheat for sale cheap at Wasco
Warehouse. tf.
Back at Their Old Stand,
Where they will be
. . their old
The Rose Hill Greenhouse
la Still adding to its large stock
" - of all kinds of-
Greenhouse Plants,
- And can furnish a choice selec
tion. Also -' y'
The Only
Ever high in our store was the Columbia,
and-that is marked down; but it is not
' yet as ' , ' "
Low as Our Prices.
We can give you bargains in everything
in Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's
Clothing from Hat to Dress. Call and
see us at the old corner. ,
Tfl TJonV at tVo fllf! QtOlirl and will
la UUUJV. Ill U1U U1U UlUUU,
ers, and
Hay. Grain. Feed, Hour, GroGerits and Provisions.
V Fraits, Eais, PoaltrT, Potatoes, Bee Sntplies.
Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge-
Complete and clean in all its furnishings, and
The' Culinary Department, is under the immediate super
vision of Mrs. Frazier, and the table is better supplied, than
any other in the State for the money. ' .
Union Street,
Where ?
. - . -
BARRABAS...- .. ... ', By Marie Corelli
THE KING'S1 STOCK BROKER ........ f. .. . ... . . . .... .By Archibald Gutither
MARCELLA .......'.............. .By Mrs. Humphrey Ward
TOM SAWPER ABROAD ....-By Mark Twain
MARION DARSHE.. .By Marion Crawford
I. a NICKELSEN, The Dalles.
pleased to see all
Harry Liebe,
Wiitchmakeii Jeweler
1 All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second "
street. -
beglad to welcome all his old custom-
as many new ones as possible.
. Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses Waists, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north
" east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac
tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent will call and secure your order.