The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 09, 1894, Image 3

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Prints, '
. Cheviots,
a "Long Cloth,
MM &
Have moved back
to their old stands,
- -
at 133 Second St.,
and Corner Union
'v' -----
nd Third Streets.
Back at Their Old Stand,
Where they will be pleased to see all
-: their old patrons. '
The Rose Hill Greenhouse
la still Adding to ita large stock .
" of all kinds of
Greenhouse Plants,
'. And can furnish a choice selec
tion. Also
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker-t Jeweler
MRS. C. L. PHILLIPS, street
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted. ;
Can now be found at 162 Second
.The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
(entered a the Postoffiee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Cl-abbiiig List.
Regular Onr
price price
Chronicle ui N. T. Tribnae .$2.50. $1.75
" tad Weekly Ortgoiiii 3.00 2.00
' ui Coimopolitii laeaiiit 3.00 2.25
Local Advertising.
ID Ceuu per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
cr line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices. t
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store.
Telephone No. 1.
JULY 9, 1894
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
' Reporters.
The Regulator left the Cascades
3 :40, and should be here at 8 o'clock.'
The Columbia is 36.7 feet above low
water mark today and going down
The county court has ordered the de
. linquent tax lists of 1893 and 1894 ad
vertised. The Portland "mail came up from
Hood River overland yesterday evening,
being the first since Thursday.
The county court fixed the salaries of
the deputy sheriff and deputy clerk at
$75 per month.
County, court adjourned Saturday
night until the 20th. The appointment
of a stock inspector was put off until
that time.
Reports from Astoria are to the effect
that, another tremendous run of blue'
backs is in the river, and due here in
about ten days.
Walter Rowe Saturday afternoon with
drew his plea of not guilty and entered
a plea of guilty. He is indicted for lar
ceny from a store. . '
Mr. William Euskirk has found a
watch, and will turn it over to the
owner on his proving property and pay
ing tor this notice. '
That big hole over the sewer near the
courthouse should be filled, before a
serious accident occurs. There . have
been a couple of close calls there already.
That well known caterer, Jack Dona
hue, has moved back to. the old quarters
on First street, and the Baldwin restau
rant is again running nnder his super
John Doe got on another of his
disreputable sprees yesterday, in spite
of the fact that it' was Sunday, and
this morning he put up $5 and was dis
The pile driver is at work on the Mill
creek trestle, but is not driving piles be
cause the bedrock won't permit it.
Bents are being put in, but the work is
very slow.
We managed by slipping in to the
clerk's office at noon to get the minutes
of the county court, except the bills,
which we will publish as soon as thev
can be procured.
Saturday we inadvertantly used the
. word plaintiff Instead of defendant in
an item concerning the case of Conroy
against Harris. The defendant, Mr.
Harris, won the suit.
Roby Ordway, son of D. K. Ordway,
aged about 15 years, was drowned in the
Columbia about a mile east of Hood
River, at 4 o'clock vesterday afternoon.
He was on a raft and accidentally . fell
Those posted on the habits of the sal
mon say they die when the big runs are
on by crowding so close together in the
spawning grounds that they close one
another's gills, and then literally
A big tree in the street opposite the
court house reminds one that there was
a flood in the Columbia this summer,
This and a few rock piles in the East
End are about all that is left of the
flood signs.
A passenger train came in from Celilo
last night, bringing twenty-seven pas
sengers who came down on the Almota
This was the first train over any part of
the road between Ruf us and Bonneville,
since the flood. The same train went
out this morning carrying passengers for
the Almota.
The eastwind started up this morning
and wafted a whole wagon load of com-
bativeness over from Chicago. Mr,
Lewis and one of his men had a fight ;
Conductor Burns had a . knock-down
with a man named Skelley and I. D.
Francisco and another -old gentleman
bad a fight in the Sunset cemetery.
Judge Bradshaw has been engaged to
day in cleaning up the "odds 'and ends of
the docket. In the case of Mitchell
against Taylor the demurrer was over
ruled, and in that of Anderson against
Si.' Baldwin the demurrer was sustained
Walter Rowe wiU probably be sentenced
tomorrow, after which court will ad
There was a bit of a row in the East
End this morning between the foreman
of a lot of railroad men and one of bis
men. The foreman ordered the man to
do something in a way the latter did not
like, which led to a discussion and end
ed by the foreman getting knocked out,
Those who saw the affair said the man
who struck "was evidently a striker.
The bids for building the schoolhouse
at Hood River will be opened today
The district has purchased a beautiful
site above the state roadLand near Capt
Coe's house, and have commenced get
ting the grounds ready for the building
Hood River should have a very hand
some building, as it will cost about
$8,000. Mr. C. J. Crandall drew the
plans and will supervise the work.
Pease & Mays got a big lot of goods up
from Portland Saturday. They sent
twelve horses and seven men down to
the portage at their own expense, made
arrangements with Mr. Stevenson to
furnish them an engineer and as soon as
his crew quit for the night Mr. Pease
put his men and teams at work and by
the time Stevenson wanted to use the
road next morning Pease & Mays' goods
were at the upper landing.
County Court Proceedings.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became liss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Farrell & Co.'s table syrups are
digested by children.
In the matter of the county road peti
tioned for by W. E. Husky and others,
report of viewer and surveyor filed,
claim f jr damages filed by D. A. Sturgis
and M. Dichtenmuler. ' S.R. Husbands,
Amos Root and George Sellinger ap
pointed to appraise damages on both
cases. i -
In 'the matter of the county road
petitioned for by Geo. W. Covert and
others, report of viewers and surveyor
filed, read first and second time and no
claim for damages or remonstrance filed
said road is hereby declarsd to be a
county road and public highway.
Road petitioned for by Hugh Farmer
and others, in the matter of the claim
for damages by J. A. Fleck ; no action
In the matter of delinquent taxes for
1892 and 1893 ordered that the clerk
attach an alias warrant to the delinquent
tax rolls commanding the collection of
safd taxes by levy and sale of property
thereon assessed, and that the sheriff
proceed at once to advertise said delin
quent rolls. '
In the matter of the county road
petitioned for by G. T. Porter and
others, amended report of viewers and
surveyor filed, report read second time
and there being no claim for damages or
remonstrances, said road is hereby de
clared a public road and highway.
In the matter of - the county road
petitioned for by A. F. Erick and others
amended report of viewers and surveyor
filed, read first time, reports read second
time, and being no remonstrance or
claims for damages, road declared public
The same action was had in the matter
of the road petitioned for by Edward
Both wejl and others.
Lieut. Benjamin of Warm Springs
Agency for Karpolis' heirs reward for
Hawthorne, $66.66 allowed for Karpolis'
heirs, for return of Hawthorne, propor
tion of reward offered. '
Bond of A. M. Kelsay, county clerk,
Bond of T. J. Driver, sheriff, ap
proved. '''.".'
Bond of W. H. Butts, coroner, ap
; Bonds of Surveyor Sharp approved.
Bonds of justices of the peace and .con
stables approved as follows: G. W
Fligg, 8-Mile ; J. A. Soesbe, West Hood
River ; Henson McCoy, Naneene ; R. H
Birnie, Falls ; L. S ' Davis, The Dalles ;
R. B. Gilbreatb, Columbia; S. R
Brooks, Columbia; A. A. TTrquhart,
The Dalles; J. R. Underhill, Nansene:
Samuel H. Edmonson, Dufur; Henry
Ryan, 8-Mile. '
License for two months granted to N,
A. Anderton to sell liquors in Antelope
precinct. .
Petition for road by L. L. McCartney
and others filed with proof of posting
remonstrance and bond filed. J. M
Marden, E K. Russell and E. F. Sharp
appointed viewers.
One deputy allowed county clerk at
$75 per month. One deputy allowed
sheriff at $75 per month.
In the matter of the county road peti
ttoned fo by A. S.- Roberts and others
petition, proof of posting and bond filed,
Read first and second time, and W. F,
Flovd, Fritz, Clawsen and W. L. Ward
appointed viewers.
Petition presented by W.-R. Winan
and 123 others asking for assistance to
build road from Tucker's Mill to Forks
of- Hood river. Two hundred dollars
appropriated for that purpose.
Seventy-five dollars were appropnaieo.
for repairing road to Mosier, to be ex
pended under direction of F. Lapier. '
'Will Give a Reward-
I received the following letter July
4th, and will, pay $100 reward to any
person who can prove who wrote the
letter, as I am innocent of any charge
made therein. ' Martin Jaksha.
The Dalles, Oregon.
To Mr..Marten Jaksha, The dalles :
owing to remarks Imade by your own
mouth, also propositions that you made
to the prosecuting attorney Of giving
him a bones if he would work bard to
prosecute William Hurst some time ago.
has been given away to some ot tne
cow boys of 'your community and that
vou would swear false to help convict
Urn also' to convict others.
Now then you fool-headed dntchman
and sneak thief ought to know that this
is against the law and unlawful for the
prosecuting attorney to accept sucn
money, the same law applies to Jury
men Therefore you have commited a
crime and we 12 stockmen who are tax
payers of this county, and secretly or
ganized to look into the develment that
you and - some others are raking up
against the stockmen will be likely to
visit you some night and teach you to
hold your tongue your hogs always wear
an nnhonestv mark what remarks have
vou made about the Brookhouse boys
that they have got hold of
We have cattle, and horses ranging
from Hood River to the John Day River
and propose to protect our rights.
' K. K. K
Sirs I have been frequently and
much in -Mr. Jaksha's company, ana
never heard him say or hint anything
charg'ed to him in that letter.
Archie Wilson
Ever high iri our store was the Columbia,
and that
yet as
is marked down;
but it is not
Low as Our Prices.
We can give you bargains in everything
VJCllblCULlU ' J - .
w -1
m ladies
Clothing from Hat to
see us at the old corner.
Dress. Call and
', O J .2E3C -:. : O 3BL O
Te UanV at Hid fllfl Qtmirl nwi11 beglad to welcome all his iqld custom
1S, Jjdll dl Ulu Ulll UldilU, ers, and as many new ones as possible. . . : . . . .
v ', '--DEALER IN - ., ' .' :
Hay, Grain, fbbU, Flour, GroceiiBS and Provisions,
Fruits, Ees, Poultry, Potatoes, Bee Sullies. " '
Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge.
, Complete and clean in all its furnishings, and
. Arrested for Cattle Stealing..
J. R. Underbill, constable Nansene
precinct, arrested a man named Aivin
Sigman of Dufur, charged witn steating
six head of cattle, which he tooK irom
Mr. TJnderhill. Sigman had rounded
the cattle up at Phipps' place Tuesday
evening, and Phipps, thinking it was
one of the Underhill brothers, spoke to
him. He made no reply, but drove the
cattle off. Phipps reported the matter
to Underhill the same evening, who got
up and took his trail, catching him with
the cattle near the Henderson school-
bouse. Underhill brought his prisoner
to town this morning, and he has his
preliminary examination this afternoon
at 4 o'clock. -
A Moninr Dltpitcb.
The Culinary Department is under the immediate super
vision of Mrs. Frazier, and the table is better supplied than
any other in theState for the: money.
Union Stfeefc,
At an all-night meeting of the Union
Labor League at Chicago Saturday night
it was decided that if Pullman did not
arbitrate -with his employes by 4 o'clock
this afternoon every member of all labor
organizations, to include building-trades
and all other workers would, be ordered
out. ;
At Portland this morning all trains
left on time with Pullmans. Not a
wheel is turning at Seatco.
-Ask your grocer for Farrell & Co.'s
sweet clover honey, rock candy drips
and Puritan maple syrups. t These
syrups guaranteed pure.'
Ask your grocer for Farrell & Co.'s
table syrups sweet clover honey, rock
candy dripj and Puritan maple.. -
1 - '
Subscribe for Thb Chroniclk.
' Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Wajsts,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
. At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished. Call at therfac
torv and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent will call and secure your order.
BARRABAS. .... ... .
MARCELLA . ... . , . . . . : ...... v.
... . , ..... ;;: -By Marie Corelli
BROKER . ........ . . .By Archibald G anther
;'...'..... . ..By Mrs. Humphrey Yyard
,Bv Mark.Twain
: .By Marion Crawford
By Rider Hujtunrd
.By Beatrice Herradea
I; G. NICKELSEN, The Dalles.