The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 07, 1894, Image 3

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Have moved back
to their old stands,
at 133 Second St.,
and Corner Union
and Third Streets.
Back at Their Old Stand,
Where they will be pleased to see. all
their old patrons.
The Rose Hill Greenhouse
- Is still adding to its large stock
of all kinds of
Greenhouse Plants,
And can furnish a choice selec
tion. Also
Harry Liebe,
Watchmakerl Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
The Dalles Daily Chr oniele.
Entered a the Poatofflee at The Dalles, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
Amide nd If. T. Tribiae. $2.50 $1.75
" ind ffeeklj Orejoiiai 3.00 2.00
' ui Ceiaopolitai Mafuino. . . . 3.00 2.25
Local Advertising.
10 Ceuui per line for first insertion, and S Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store.
Telephone No. 1.
in swarms and proceeded to individu
ally and collectively make three square
meals and a luncheon every day, at
which green aphis raw was the princi
pal dish. They fed on tbem so raven
ously that in three days the market was
bare, and green aphis a decided rarity.
"The ladies, God bless them," and the
lady-bugs too, for they resemble one an
other in one respect, that anything
green is soon taken in by either of them.
Getting in Shape.
JULY 7, 1894
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
The pile driver to be used in repairing
the trestle across Mill creek was com
pleted last night and hauled out to the
place of its labors. As soon as the piles
can be procured Mill creek will soon
have a Bafe bridge across it, and this
will open the road as far west as Rowena,
or a couple of miles beyond that point.
Next week the only parts of the road
im passable will be from Celilo to Rufus,
and from the Locks to a few miles this
side of Mosier. ' The road from the
Locks to Hood River can be put in con
dition in a week, when once the connec
tion is made between the former place
and Bonneville.
A. R. Wilcox came in from Antelope
The adjourned annual meeting of the
city council will be held at the city hall
this evening at 8 o'clock.
The case of G. V. Bolton against Mrs.
E. B. Rinehart was before Referee D.
S. Dufur today, who is taking the testi
mony in the case.
The steam fire engine pumped away
at the water in the lots north of this
- shop all day yesterday, and is finishing
up the work today.
Mart Waterman came to town yester
day and had Dr. Logan repair the
damages he bad received by running a
pitchfork through one of his feet.
Mr. Stevenson has put men at work
cutting ties and getting the portage
in shape, and expects to have it in con
dition to handle all . freight . within a
week or ten days.
A fire broke out in the timber on
Adam Fleck'B " place yesterday and
spread over into the Rogers place, burn
ing about ten cords ot wood belonging
to Judge Bennett.
The Regulator brought up about forty
tons of freight yesterday, clearing up all
the old lot that had accumulated at the
portage.. The Dalles City brought up
eighty tons to replace it, but most of
that will reach here tonight.
The jury in the Maloney-Snelling case
came in at 3 o'clock, after being out
twenty-eight hours, "with a verdict of
guilty, but recommended the prisoners
to the mercy of the court. The case of
Conroy against Harris was decided for
plaintiff. Court will probably adjourn
lor the term tonight.
Within a week the carf will be run
ning from this place to Celilo and from
Portland to the Cascade Locks. As soon
as this is done the Union Pacific will
resume its daily through service, the
strike permitting, arrangements having
been made with the Regulator for
handling the company's business from
the Cascades to this point.
Lady-bag- Whither Away?
The green aphis, of which we sooke
few days ago, spread very rapidly, being
reported at varions points all through
the wheat section. Before thev did
much damage the gandy lady-bug came
The Salmon Kin.
The salmon run continues without
any apparent symptoms of a strike.
Everding's cannery is putting up about
twenty-five tons of canned fish daily.
The fishermen could easily supply four
times the amount they are finding
market for, and no doubt if the IT. P.
trains were Tunning salmon would be
abundant and cheap in most of the
eastern cities. As it is, the gay blue
backs hie themselves ever upwards, and
they ought to stock the river from its
source to the sea as it never was before.
Died Happy.
It seems from more recent informa
tion concerning the Indian who was
drowned near the coal bunkers on the
Fourth, that our statement was only
partly correct. We stated at the time
that he had a fit, but it seems now that
it was a drunken mis-fit. Parties called
to him to bang on and they would get a
boat to him but- he flourished one hand
and reviled them in Chinook and bad
Chinook at that. He went down, loaded,
full of fight and fire-water and conse
quently happy.
County Court.
.The commissionrs' court will proba
bly conclude its labors today. Nearly
all bills have been acted upon, and a
great number of petitions for assistance
in repairing roads have been read and
decisions reached. Owing to the record
books being constantly referred to it
was impossible for ye scribe to get hold
of them long enough to get a good start
on them, as there are over -400. docket
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Ask your grocer for Farrell & Co.'s
sweet clover honey, rock candy drips
and' Puritan ; maple syrups. These
syrups guaranteed pure.
Ask your grocer for Farrell A Co.'s
table syrups sweet clover honey, rock
candy dripj and Puritan maple.
Mitchell Notes.
Mitchell's improvements are still
going on. We are to nave a cabinet
shop. , Mr. Andrews is the proprietor.
Sheep shearing in the Bridge Creek
country completed today. '
Mr. Carnett relinquishes his right to
the stage line between here and Ante
lope today, and the new proprietor
starts on his first trip tomorrow. Also
Mr. Seigfort, the contractor who carries
the mail from here to Canyon, has made
his last trip, and Mr. Marion Gillan
takes charge. Mr. Gillan is well known
by every one in this section, and all
wish him luck.
The weather notes of the last ten days
have been, changeable, with a few days
of last week quite cool. At present it
is oppressively warm, with thunder in
the distance and clouds banging thick,
having a very threatening appearance ;
but, with the abundance of rain that has
fallen all spring and summer, the
ground at present is dry, and a shower
is much needed.
The general health is very good at
present. Although there has been
much complaint, there has been no seri
ous illness. Mr. Sassers children have
been complaining ' some the past week
with a slight attack of the grippe.
Grandma Mansfield passed out of this
life the last day ot June at the ripe old
age of 72 years Let us not mourn for
one upon whom so many years have
been crowded, with the multitudinous
cares that muBt come to one that has
tne management of a borne and is
Sponsor for the well being of a family,
which has been numerous. Let only
the tears of a pleasant memory course
the cheek as you smooth the snowy
locka of that aged mother. Let no re
grets come to you that she has passed
over to the mystic shore. Her life work
is done, and it has been done as well as
she knew. She was so tired, so weary
Let your voice rise up in a thankful
ness that her tired feet will stumble no
more over rough and uneven ways ; that
her toil-worn hands will loose their
weary tenure as she is piloted on by
loving guides to her haven of security,
of peace, of quiet, of rest that comes to
all that have lived a life of worth
Farewell, but for a time.
Mitchell is making as many prepara
tions to entertain as sumptuously as
these hard times will admit on the
Fourth. I do not think there will be
any fireworks, or, in fact, not anything
of much dimensions, for you know
Mitchell has been one of the sufferers
from high water, and there is no room
left for such displays.
.Mitchell, July 1, 1894.
A Lively Runaway.
One of the liveliest runaways of the
season occurred this morning about
10 :30. The team belonging to Charley
Denton, and used by him in peddling
fruit and vegetables started from near
the Umatilla house and in a moment
were making racing time np Union
street. They turned east down Third
and sprinkled that street with cherries,
raspberries, peas, beans and new pota
toes in a most astonishing manner,
The air was filled with misdirected gar
den sass, and as the turn was made
from Third down Court the boxes, bas
kets and bas abandoned the wagon and
took to the road. . The wagon struck
the awning posts in front of the Masonic
building, - taking out several of tbem
This failed to check the animals, but it
gave tbem a turn over toward the other
side of the street, and here a serious
difficulty met tbem.. The near horse
wanted to go np the alley for a change,
while his off mate desired to sample the
iidewalk, and so between two hastily
formed -desires, they ran on opposite)
sides of the same tree, and the wagon
being unable to follow; brought up the
whole outfit with a yank.
The horses were thrown down and
everything loose in the wagon, that had
not quit it before, did so then. The
horses were evidently greatly surprised
at the sudden ending of their wild
flight, and were as docile as lambs
while . being extricated from their pre
dicament. The damage, with the ex
ception of a broken strap or two and
the disseminated vegetables, was nothing.
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Friday, July 6tb, 1894.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised :
Anderson, John Bins, Mr J C
Burch.Miss Jershua Carter, Mrs Lulu
Cuffee, Mr Win Denning, Miss Ethel
Faurie, Mrs Mary decides, Mr ienry
Gasaway, Miss Lo- Hays, J C
rena Kim pie, Luther M
Knll, Mr George Kelly, Mr E J
Martin, Mrs Amiss Pearcy, Mr H
Sumnor, Pownie Scott, Mr James
Spear, Geo M Stanley, Dr
Young, Ferz Whipple, Hon Mr
Wegman. H Wilson, Mrs N J
Wilson, Oliver M Walker, Mrs Julia
Tucker, S
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
Real Estate Movement.
H. C. Coe and wife to school district
No. 3, lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, section C, town
of South Waucoma; $400.
A. S. Blowers to H. C. Coe, same
property as above; $1.
J. H. McElroy to H. C. Coe, same
property as above ; $1.
Gilbert W. Woodruff and wife to
Sarah E. Taylor, tract 75x198 feet in
Jenkins donation land claim, near Hood
River; $300. .
A. J. Swift and wife, Amos Richard
son and wife, W. R. Cantrell and wife
to Sarah McAtee, nwj, sec. 24, and s
of flw, sec. 13, tp. 4 a of r e quit
claim; $1. -
A soft, fair skin is the result of pure
blood and a healthy liver, to secure
which, .Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
Superior Medicine; ' Ladies who rely
upon cosmetics to beautify their com
plexions, should make a note of this,
bearing in mind that they can't improve
upon nature.
eaod qsrrSna ot no saan-joax jo asanoo
b SauoAjiap si ,,'opo s.phoaa,.
aqojA. oqA. 'aoHNOK laraavn ssij
Sufferers from chills and fever, who
have used quinine as a remedy, will ap
preciate Ayer's Ague Cure. This pre
paration, if taken according to direction,
is warranted a sure cure. Residents in
malarial districts should not be without
iet Tour Money.
The Only Thing
Ever high in our store was the Columbia,
and. that is marked down; but it is not
yet as -
Low as Our Prices.
We can give you bargains in everything
in Ladies', Gentlemen's ? and Children's
Clothing from Hat to press. - Call and
see us at the old corner. '
F" .JLJL m
To TJonV Qt tllO fllfl Qtflflfl and will be glad to welcome all his old custom-
10 UUUA. Ul U1U U1U UIU11U,
ers, and as many new ones as possible.
Hag, Grain, Feed, Flour. Groceries and Provisions,
' Fruits, Ees, Poultry, Potatoes, Bee Sullies.
Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge.
Complete and clean in all its furnishings, and
oeisttXjXj-st located.
All county warrants registered prior
to August 1, 1890, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest ceases
after July 12th. Wm. Michkll,
County Treasurer.
Farrell & Co.'s table syrups are easily
digested by children.
Subscribe for Thk Chboniolk.
The Culinary Department is under the immediate super
vision of Mrs. Frazier, and the table is better supplied than
any other in the State for the money.
Union Street,
Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north
east of the Fair Grounds. If desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac
tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent will call and secure your order.
BARRABAS. . .By Marie Corelli .
THE KING'S STOCK BROKER . -By Archibald Gunther
M ARCELLA By Mrs. Humphrey Ward
MARION DARSHE. . By Marion Crawford
SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT .... .......... .By Beatrice Herraden
I C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles.