JOLES, GOLLINS & GO. MM r I ALL GOOOSMARKEO INj J I PLAIN FIGURES. I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a the Poatoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, aa second-class matter. Clubbing List. Regular Our price price 6kroiiel ni If. T. Tribue .$2.50 $1.75 " atd WtMj Oregosiai 3.00 2.00 ' ui Ctwopolitu Ia?JiiWi . . . 3.00 2.25 Iioeal Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. 8peciai rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store. Telephone A'b. 1. TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1894 JULY JINGLINGS. Leaves Prom the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. ' Ad Keller has moved again, and is now occupying the old stand of W. H. Butts. Rev. Potwine willjconduct services at the Episcopal church tomorrow evening at 8 o'clook. County court meets Thursday. Have your bills all in by that time if you want them acted upon this term. The Dalles baseball team will cross bats with the Hood River" nine at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. C. L. Richmond's wagonette will leave postoffice corner at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning: for 3-Mile picnic. Round trip 50 cents. Hon. J. F. Moore assumed his duties -as register of the U. S. land office yes terday. Up to date there has been no change in the clerical department. Mr. T. A. Hudson left a couple of branches from his cherry trees at this shop this morning. The cherries were fine, and the limbs resemble each a huge bunch of grapes. Don't forget that the Smith Bros, will give one of their old time parties to morrow night at the Umatilla house. Good music and floor and besides it is the coolest place in the city. Mr. Henry Bolton returned from Mt. Angel college last night. He tells us that Bertie Baldwin received the gold medal for efficiency in music; and Mathew Thorburn the silyer medal for good conduct. -There seems to be considerable life about the East End but nothing that will make an item. - Wool is coming in lively,, and the blacksmithshops are busy shoeing horses and repairing machinery. The express company loaded four four' horse teams with express matter and sent them np last night to Celilo. One four-horse team was loaded with mail and another with baggage. Besides this eight or ten vehicles all carrying . passengers left at the same time. It looked like old stage times. The Maloney-Snelling case is being tried today. This morning the defend' ants, jury and attorneys all went out to the graveyard where the horses were found to get a perfect understanding of the situation. They got back about 10 T JIOVIJMGI PEASE o'clock, and after the bailiffs had led them all to water, the trial proceeded. The jury in the smuggling case against Lotan and others retired to consider their verdict Saturday afternoon but up to the hour of going to press by the Oregonian Monday morning had not agreed. It is not probable therefore that any agreement will be reached, and it is probable that the cases will be dis missed. Not Tomorrow. Tomorrow on account of it being In dependence day and - The Chboniclk force being decidedly independent, there will be no paper issued. We extend our best wishes to oar host of readers big and little old and young, and much as we desire to get items we sincerely hope we shall not have - to chronicle the loss of any ringers, burned faces, or confla gration caused by the omnipresent fire cracker. The day promises to be a hot one and we ohall hie burself onto the quiet shades of Hood River, and advise our readers to do likewise. A Broken !.; Dr. Sutherland was called to Sherar's bridge yesterday afternoon ' to attend Mr. Richard M. Powell, who had the misfertune to break his right leg just above the ankle Sunday evening. He was riding on a load of wool and it tip ping be jumped to the ground, a dis tance of about ten feet, breaking both bones and so close to the ankle that the fracture is a bad one. The doctor at tended io his injuries, and reached home this morning. Real Estate HoTeminti. Robt. Rand and wife to Thomas Jeff reys seven acres in sec. 2, tp 2, n, of r 10 e. $500. v Horace Rice and wife to Wenceslaus Pashek, aw , and sw of nwj sec 30 1. 1 n of r 15 e. Consideration $1,000. - .ost. Two notes, one for $200, indorsed, paid $65, signed by A. J. Anderson ; one for $50 ; indoi sed paid $10, signed by John Krier. Both payable to F. S. Klimpt. Finder will be rewarded by returning the same to me at The Dalles or to The Chronicle. F. J. Klimpt. Compubgation When he was going to have anything1 done to him, and if he could get anyone to say not innct centi he was let oft. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. ' When she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. For Sale or Rent. . A two story house, 9 rooms, with a well kept garden surrounding it and only 15 minutes walk from the business center, will be sold or in the fall rented. Inquire at this office. 2ts dtw. Cord Wood. We again have an abundant supply of dry fir and hard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be fayored with a liberal share of the trade. Bos. T. Peters & Co. , Th Chboniclb prints all the news. & MAYS. City Council. The regular annual meeting of the city council was held last night at the council chambers at 8 o'clock. Present. Hon. G. V. Bolton, mayor, W. H. Butts, G. C. Eshelman, C. F. Lauer, M. T. Nolan, S. S. Johns and ThoB N. Joles, councilmen, and D. S. Dufur, clerk. The mayor examined and approved the bonds of the marshal, recorder and treasurer. Appointment of standing committeer being in order, they were named as fol lows: Judiciary O. F. Lauer, S. S. Johns, W. H. Butts. Finance Thos. N. Joles, W. H. Butts, G. C. Eshelman. Streets and public property S. S. Johns, M. T. Nolan, Thos. N. Joles. Fire and water M. T. Nolan, W. H. Butts, Thos. N. Joles. Health and police G. C. Eshelman, M. T. Nolan, C. F. Lauer. Member of the board of health G. C. Eshelman. The mayor 'delivered his message to the council, touching on the financial condition of ..the city, and recommend ed different measures for reducing ex penditures, in order to keep the the expenses within the receipts. The petition of A: C. Stevens and others asking that one month's team license be remitted, or credited on the coming quarter, by reason of the fact that during the high water teams not licensed were allowed to haul for hire, and asking said remittance as a redress for alleged wrongs sustained thereby, was read. On motion the petition was laid on the table. On motion the council proceeded to elect a street commissioner and two night watchmen. W. A. Maddron, W. H. Butts and C. M. Fouts were nomin ated for street commissioner and six ballots taken without a chice, where upon the matter was . postponed until next meeting. The following were nominated for night watchmen : R.V. Gibons, G. C. Bills, F. G. Con nelly and J. S. Schooling. On first ballot R. V. Gibons was elected, receiving five votes, Schooling one. On third ballot F. G. Connelly was elected second night watchman. The annual financial statement of the recorder was read and on motion was accepted and placed on file. ' A petition from 1. 1. Burget, asking that the part of the ordinance relating to the reduction of the city treasurers' salary be repealed, and that said salary be fixed at $25 per month instead of $20 as at present was read and on motion the same was laid on the table. Special ordinance No. being an or dinance transferring moneys out of the general funds to pay the warrants out standing against the same, was read and on motion placed upon its final passage. Thereupon the rpll being called, the ordinance was duly passed. On motion it was ordered that when the council adjourn, it adjourn to meet Saturday night, June ,7th, at 8 o'clock p. m. There being no further business, the council, on motion, adjourned. , Financial Statement. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council op Dalles City : The undersigned, your recorder, here with desires to hand you a'statement of the financial condition of Dalles City, sources of expenditure, sources of rev V BENTON Have moved back to their old stands, at 133 Second St., and Corner Union and Third Streets. enue, etc. for the fiscal' year, ending June 30th, 1894, as follows : classified expenditures. City officers salaries....... $ 5,418 00 Mdse, etc., fire department. 249 20 Street and office lights 2,874 70 Police department, meals for prison ers, etc 474 42 Printing and stationary, furniture and - fixtures 359 86 8ewer department, materials. 140 44 Sewer department, labor. 98 41 Street department, materials 470 08 Street department, labor. 3,176 10 Superintendent of streets.. 895 60 Water lent 384 00 Sundries 296 30 1 rock crusher and freight on same 755 00 Operating expenses of rock crusher. . . 215 95 Insurance premiums 201 90 Incidental expenses of recorder's court 64 10 Surveying 82 60 City jail repairs 513 85 Expeuses for judges, clerks, for city election 50 25 Donations for charitable purposes 18 92 Repairing city pound 9 90 Incidental expenditures for minor articles., 12 67 Total classified expenditures $16,701 54 WARRANTS drawn on the different FUNDS AS FOLLOWS : Streeet lamp fund 2,760 5-i Fire department. - 307 90 Current expense fund 2,076 40 Sewer and street improvement fond.. 4.247 88 Citv officer's fund 4,689 50 Police fund 2,679 86 k- . Total drawn on different funds $16,701 54 CASH RECEIVED FROM ALL SOURCES AS FOLLOWS : Fines in recorder's court $ 165 45 Bar licenses 4,250 00 Team licenses 161 75 Kunner licenses . . . . : ; . . . . 70 00 Auctioneer licenses 10 00 Road tax. city taxes, ground rent, etc. 5,916 00 Total cah receipts July 2d, 1894. . . . . $ 10,552 26 July 3d, IS93, balance and total on hand 3,865 4G Grand total 114,417 72 ' - CASH DISBURSED. Warrants redeemed from July 1, '93, to July 2, '94. .. 19,937 62 Interest on same. . . 1,880 74 $11,818 36 Balance on hand July 2d, 1894 $ 2,599 36 ACCRUING LIABILITIES. Interest bearing debt July 2, 1894 $41,128 04 Accrued interest on same July 2, 1894. 4,330 08 RECAPITULATION. Warrants outstanding July 3, 1893 $37,185 90 Warrants issued during fiscal year, 1893 16,761 54 Accrued interest on interest-bearing debt.., 4,330 08 Total $58,277 52 Warrants redeemed from July 3, '93, to July 2, '94... $9.937 62 Cash on hand July 2, 1894. . . 2,599 $12,537 08 Net liabilities July 2, 1894 $45,740 44 COMPARATIVE RESULTS. Net liabilities July 2,1894 $45,740 44 Net liabilities July 3, 1893 37,185 90 Increase in indebtedness i... $8,554 54 Explanatory The accumulated in terest on the warrants outstanding July 3, 1893, was not figured nor added to the net' principal " at that time, and the in terest would increase the indebtedness on July 2, 1893, about from $3,500 to $4,000 leaving the actual increase of the fiscal year of 1S93 over that of 1S92 about $5,000. Warrants Issued for the fiscal year, IS93 $16,761 54 Warrants issued for the fiscal year, 1892 16,558 73 ' Increase In Issue of 1893 over 1S92 $ 201 81 Respectfully submitted, Douglas S. Dufur, Recorder of Dalles City. Something; Unusual. As a medicine, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. And, because of that, there's something unusual in the way of selling it. Where every other medicine of its kind only promise, this is guaranteed. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you can have your money back. : It's the only guaranteed remedy for every disease caused by a disordered liver or impure blood. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, the most stubborn Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous affections, even Consumytion (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, are all cured by it. It purines and enriches the blood, rouses every organ into healthful action, and restores strength and vigor. ' In building up both flesh and strength of pale, puny, Scrofulous children, or to invigorate and brace up the system after 'JGrippe," pneumonia, fevers" and other prostrating acute diseases, nothing can equal the "Discovery.". Catarrh is positively cured by Dr. Sage's Remedy. Back at Their Old Stand, 390-394 SECOND STREET, Where they will be pleased to see all their old patrons. The Rose Hill Greenhouse Is still adding to ita large stock . - of all kinds of Greenhouse Plants, And can furnish, a choice selec tion. Also CUT F&OWERS and fhOKh DESIGNS MRS. C. L. PHJLLIPS. The Only Thing Ever high in our store was the Columbia, and that is marked down; but it is not '. yet as . Low as Our Prices. We can give you bargains in everything in Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Clothing from Hat to Dress. Call and ', ' ' see us at the old corner. N.HARRIS, just leeeived. MRS. M. LeBALLISTER, The Dalles. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Complete and clean in all its furnishings, and OS3STTIlT.31.-" LOCATED. The Culinary Department is under the immediate super vision of Mrs Frazier, and the table is better supplied than any other in the State for the money. . Union Street, What? Where? OTEliES MBWEST BOOHS. BARRABAS. '. IBy Marie CoreLU THE KING'S STOCK BROKER By Archibald Gunther M ARCELLA . . . : . '. By Mrs. Humphrey Ward TOM SAWPER ABROAD By Mark Twain MARION DARSHE. By Marion Crawford MONTEZUMA'S DAUGHTER , . .By Rider Haggard SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT .................. .By Beatrice Herraden I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles. Harry- Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker t Jeweler All work Tiromntlv attended to. and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. A FRESH LOT 0E NEW STYLES SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS. STILL, LATER STYLES OF Summer flats and Bonnets. Something New in Flowers. THE DRLtLtES, OREGON- Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists, Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists, Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. ' At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac- ' tory and examine oar goods, or drop a card in the office, and our agent will call and secure your order.