Tie Dalles Daily Chronicle. , , SUBSCRIPTION BATES BT XAU, POSTAGE PKKPAID, IN ADVAKCZ Weekly, 1 year , 6 months " s Dally, 1 year " 6 months ...... f 1 60 . O 73 . 050 . 6 CO .800 to make a thud when he 'struck the grass. ;. It was a short distance from his ipse dixit to the Coxey exit. ' GIVE US . A SIGN. per " o ou Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. .FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1894 HE SAVAGE IN MAN. A civilized white man, when his nerves are quiet and his passions elum "bering, would smile at his deluded red brother's ideas of revenge. With the Indian the doctrine o "an eye for an eye and a tooth lor a tooth" is about the sum and substance of his religion. To bis untutored mind the doctrine of get ting even is the one(8upreme idea. Kill . -.n Indian, and every member of his tribe will feel it. his bounden duty to kill the slaver. iNor will they stop here. J.I they cannot get a chance at the man who did the killing, they will take a .shot at his best ' friend, and failing in this, will satisfy their revenge and the -ethics of their peculiar code of morals by knocking over any plain, ordinary white man. As I eaid, we would laugh, or do Snncrh. at this idea, vet we indulge in he eame sentiment when our passions Are aroused, and we do it because it is the first thfng that flashes through the mind when the brute instincts are .aroused.' The assassination of Presi dent Carnot is a notable example of ' this. No sooner had the mob learned , that the assassin was an Italian; than, with unreasoning fury, it turned oh all -of that race, reeardless of the fact that perhaps all of them felt as indignant at the cowardly crime aa any citizen or "France. Indeed, it has since trans pired that the assassin was not an Ital ian, but a Swiss from the Italian Cau- ton. The mob ' had as little reason for naaltreatine the innocent Italians as Smit.'in. the mnrderer. had for killing Carnot. It was simply the blind un reasoning fury of the original savage bubbling out through' the hundreds of years of civilization, and showing the i raits, of the original brute from which we sprung.' That trait exists in practic ally all humanity, civilized or savage, for few indeed are philosophical enough to measure events truly and meet out -judgment as they would that it should ... be .measured out to them. We suppose it is useless to say so, but we will not publish, communications unless we know who is responsioie. Our waste basket feeds and- grows plethoric on that kind of copy. We do not want the names for publication, out just for our own -private information. Our regular correspondents are of course excepted from this .rule. we giaaiy pive s Dace to communications, reserving, of course, the right to reject such as we do not deem proper or of sumcient in terest to our readers. Sign your names, and your communications will receive careful attention ; otherwise not. . Sometime ago J was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I 'used Cham berlain's Pain Balm and was completely cured. I have since advised many of my friends and customers to try the. remedy and all speak highly of it. Simon Goldbaum, San Luis Rey, Cal. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton , drug- gists. t-k Nhortace In the English hay crop caused an importation into the United Kingdom of 263,050 tons in 1898, against 61,237 in 1892. Of this supply, 101,132 tons was contributed by the United States. Malaria In any of Its Fnrau, Chills and fever, congestive chills, can be prevented or cured by the use of Simmons Liver Keeulator, a purely veg etable medicine, superior to calomel and quinine. .. - - '- ' The nresent "American house "of lordB"willgo down into" history as the "6ugar-coated senate." It is a bitter pill at best, but in this case the sugar coating does- not seem to improve the taste. The effect on the country, now- ever, is drastic for evil. PERSONAL. MENTION. t;do Pnnnw w)ir hasi been visiting ,i.K Mm T K RnVionnk far the nast few nibu iam.o. - i weeks, will depart for her California home in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Cleveland, O. . t H.. A T fif enroll nf finlHen. dale, arrived last evening and will leave lor Cfoiaenaaie in me morning. Mr. J. C. Egbert of Douglas Hollow is in the city. tie lntorms us nis locality, is not effected by either the grain aphis l V. - thannntrarlA fhAArnn And fruit prospects were never as flattering smcfi nis residence in vhckuu us mo are this eeaaon. MARRIED. Brainier s Restaurant Is again opened at THE OLD STAND At the Methodist Episcopal church n,; ;t TnnoQR 18Q4 Mr. f). (). Hnra ing and Miss L. M. Rand, both of Hood River, by Rev. J. Whisler. MALTHUS COBItECT. in .St. IVUTshiivj,' bho-.vo.l the rigidity oi me ivussi.i.i i;iv. an i e-orea.m venoei nacii-i! ' !.. f-ii. '-t wa : i: iaht peddling nis wa.ro '..'.;;'ia. v.iUio it is the ens torn of tiuch their loads' or. tiuui "write, n the Prairie Farhief Cncter takes to dispsACQ. Malthus and the prop- j osition that "rae limit ot population is the abilitv to obtain food," and in de fense o hie stand cites the fact that ..England, Germany and other European - countries now have several times the -DODulation thev had in Malthns' time, " the limit beine supposed to be about readied then. Unconsciously he but emphabizea Mathus' statement. The writer overlooks the fact that this very ..ondition exiuts because human ingenu iU.v riaa made the grain fields of America, Em!, fnr that matter, the agricultural products of the world, available for Those countries. Famine conditions .-can no longer exist in civilized coun tries throueh failure of crops, tnougn .hv mav from lack of funds to purchase with, as occurred in Russia two years acrn. V.ntrlnnd and Germany can support a larger population than a hundred years ago, because the immense acres neces onrv to prow breadstuffs are not neces sarily taken from their own limited jmrea. Dense populations can exist in -thnsn countries iust as - they can in cities, because the population can en- gage in manufacturing, and at the same .;nr.n'v.ara iha wnrld for a eranarv; " ' v..w - w - .- The limit of population is yet a long Bsv off for this country, and yet fur ther for the world. At the same time . ft close student of Malthus is forced to oicquieece in his theories. . 31 AIL AND FAREWELL. to carry aboul councillor ncC'is'ii poor Tnygunoff oi actin:r cotitmry to the citv ordinance. The jndc, I;oivcvcr, toolc a different view of tho- uii'.t.T. '.-zs the vender, Tsysr."Jiu, ".rr.i l!"-od tj sell ice cfeam, r.tzd sinco I.'. iiw paper does not prci.crilK! in whul :nr.nnci' ho houlc carry a'jovst !;13 w;. . J c.izjot impose a puni::.::a-jnt on hir.-. - c;iri-vinir aboul his heavy hr.rro! it .:. . z:r.i. The pris oner is ll:sc:i!i;"rcM," o;i..l the judge Hereupon ti.a i. ' ' cov'-.:ii!or declarcc that Kia-sy i'js-SK ..i v.sidera had, ap plied Kir y risjt.to2 t. csirt their bar rels instead ot warrvhrr Cuii on theii Tipafls. but the juniorities could nol errant them t.utt v't'iuidon because th question had :;evs--.- cocao before the senate to ft.vr.13 -.-"rxsi:. .-ivrranofl was warned not t; TJjddlcs ids rcbin in s wagon ajr-ii- xlome J gam. Dry I desiro to inform the public that I have moved back . into old quarters, -with my complete line' of (Jood5,-loti7i9, laee, Erbroideries, -ly'LJ JLrLJgriSBCXJXTQr C3KZOXS, ETC. G-ive me a call and be convinced that I can give yoxtrare "bargains in my line. JVIERIiS COOpD TO Oty)E$, And cverj-thiiif? the market affords constantly on hand. i Party Sappers a . Specialty, . Come arid See Us. t. L. BRANNER, 87 Second St. A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of . Staple ai Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which heoBeratLow Figures. SPEGIflli :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Highest Casl Prices for'EnpL and w Miice. .170 SECOND STREET. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRAK8ACT A GENERAL BANKlNtt BBBINE3S Sometlilng Unusual, la a moAtnirtc in T)r. Pierne's Golden Medical Discovery. And, because of . . - . T i that, tnere s eometnins unusuai in mo rnn nf aAllirirv it Whprfl ftVfirV Other medicine of its kind only promises, this . , T C it. tt hanoRfc or cure, you can have your money back. It's the only guaranteed remedy for every-disease "caused by a disordered ,i i Ti : .. liver or impure dioou. isynycptsm, DfKAMan acq tha mnat afriVkhnrn ftlrin. llUUUSUCt3a, HIV "' F Scalp and Scrofulous affections, even uonsumyuon vor iiuiig-ouruiuin.; m earlier stages, are all cured by it. It purifies and enriches the blood, rouses every organ into healthful action, nuu CVlvl.f,u.. v.uu -n . . . - 1 .1 ry 1 1 nAnnl. " DUllaing Up DOin hbbii uuu gucugu pale, puny, Scrofulous children, or to 'JGrippe," pneumonia, fevers and other nrnntmt inc nc.nte diseases, nothine can equal tne "JJiscovery." Catarrh is Dositively . cured by Dr. Sage's Jttemeay. UisBolatian Notice. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States, j Sight Exchange and Telegraphic m . C 1 A TJt "VTnt- rri.IliTv Si".- ITtUlDlcrHBUJUUil J..5T b. vim-, Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle wasn., ana varioaa puiu' " v WoolliflfrTATl. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. TIME TABLES. '. Railroads. , in effect Angnst 6, 1S93. . ' " . AST BODND. o. . Arrive 10:55 T. M. Departs 11:00 P M. WJE8T BOUND, o. 1, Arrives 3:8? A. M. . Departs 8:44 A. M. LOCAL. ' ' Arrives from Portland at 1 T. jr. ueparis ior roruanu . r. m.. r V r.a. nomr naasanBinr. TMVfl iae for the w3t at 8:00 A. M., and one ior the STAGKS. rfui FriuKi-ilJe. via. Bake Oven, leave daily i6a.h. TTnr A ntolnne. Mitchell. CanVOn CitT, leave laily at 6 A. K. . For Dufnr, Kine&lor, Wamic, wapiniua, n ann iHn ar.fi TVcrh V'Rllev. le&V6 daily, except lunday, at A. si. For Qoldendale, Wash., leave every dayjoi we Offices for all lines at tne J mania House. FBOFKS9IONAL. H. RIDDEtL Attobkey-at-Law Office (Jourt btreet, xne uuics, uicg1" a. B. DDI WB.W VIVETIC M.ENEFEE ATTORNEYS - AT f Jfl ..nit J 'J AVM PnAl ufub. rr ctt T - h I ) t t-m' RnnmH M2 and 43. over Poet LAW UU1I1B - x " ' . - rHr. Rnilrlinz. Entranoe on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. k o. BENNETT, ATTORNE Y-AT-LtATf . -A., flee in Bchanno' building, up stair. Of The Jalles, Oregon: M.va n iTTr-VTTItnTOK. H. H. WIXJKN f AY8, HCNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB .VI nk ys-at-law Offices, French's block over first National Jianx. t rauen. Kim&uix. T H. WILSON ATTOBNIY-AT-LAW XMXJnio itreet, 1 he Danes, uregon. - . -- J SUTHERLAND, M. V., M.; r. i. jji. v. . M. C. P. and S. O., rhyslelam and Snr eeoo. Booms 3 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, wes end of Second street. WI-ARlv BACK At the old stand, and ready to supply our cuspmers-with anything in the line of Implements, Etc. . . Everything iii our line....-..?!..., MAYS & CROWE. D R. EBHELMAN (HOMEOPATHIC) PHYSICIAN ana ?.-.T"?2ir: -d"- lay or night, city or country. wtf DR. O.D. DO AN E PHYSICIAN AND SUB gbon. Ofiice: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman, asock. Kesidence: S. E. corner Court and Fourth streeta, secmd door from th corner Omoe hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to a P. M DdlDDALL DsNTisT. Gas given tor the painless extraction of teeth. Also teetn .-t on flowed aluminum piate. Rooms: Sign oi Ate Golden Tooth, Second Street. SOCIKTIKS. J. d. BCHEKCI. iTesiaenr. J. M. Pattbbsok, v Cashier. Fttst Rational Bank. TASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets first and tnvra jiiunuaj ui wvji .... r. St. . - . ALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. I ) Mt. m Miuionie Hall the third Wednesday f each month at 7 P. M. Tn DonV ot fho fllH QtHTlfi and wiU be K,ad to welcme a11 fiia old custom 1S Dull ill Lliu Ulll UldllU, ers, and as many new ones as possible......... .. ' ' - ' DEALER IN . , ; Has, Grain, Feed, Flour, Qrocsiies ana Provisions, Fruits, Es, Poultry, Potatoes, Bee Supplies. . :- Orders Promptly Filled. All Goods Delivered Free of Charge. .Familiar Faces in a New Place...... THE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits receivea, BUDjee w oigui TWhf n, r!rin-lr Collections made and proceeds promptly remitxea on aaj oi wu-enu". Sicrht and Telegrapbic Exchange sold on tana. Yl Mt Hood CamoKo. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7:30 p. m. OF THE WORLD. O R. Ri YARD. Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. E. BARNETT DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompsok. Jho. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. WixjIiIAMb, Ijbo. a. l.isbs. tL. jyi. ceali,. COLOMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, y. 'CtXv i I everv Friday evening at 7 :80 o'clock, in K. rTv v.11. ramer Seeond and cours sireeis. Sojourning Drotners are H . Clopoh. Bec'y. H. A. BIU.B.W. : scnanao s uuuuui, v in i itreeta. Bojourning members are cordially ln- a n n D. W.VAUSH, IN., oi IV. uu o. - r o k.ii theunmd and fourth Wednes lavs of each montn at 7 :w p. m- Jfye Ieal Estate, loai, IiuraQee, COLLECTION ACEKCY. 37 -A. UBIjI'O. IS BACK AT THE OLD STAN D Since Coxey was unceremoniously told to keep off the grass, he has dwindled, winkled, shrunk, shriveled and winked out. without even an expiring flicker, ff. in true he is nominated for congress ?n Ohio. h5l that was the last evidence required to show how small he had be come. His name alone is remembered a tale, and painting a very visible moral. He loomed up. like the m.nt in the Arabian Niahta tale, and like it was mostly fog and steam. In-lii-n ihe noor fisher boy who un loosed tbisgiaut we were all surprised , to think so large an object could have been couiined in a teakettle and a small irrt.l at that "Keep off the grass," was the mystic charm that sent this modern fog-giant eqmrming Dactinto i;tti mt. to be aeain thrown into, nri lost in the sea. He rode his hobby to Washington, and herded his poor ms n,rixl armvof the perennially impecun- ' ious, a march of six hundred miles, buoyed up by hope and handouts to see original Coxey arrested by a eeventy-ii-dollar-a-month hireling of the government, just the same as it ne was only an ordinary tramp. He passed i;ir a meteor across the political eky, attracting attention by his lack of head and abundance of tail, but alter an there, wasn't enough substance to him Notice is -hereby given that the part nArshin heretofore existing between the nndersicrned. under the firm name of Paul Krelt & Co., has been dissolved by mntnal consent. Paul Jvrelt retires fvm tVio Kiiaincpa nr the same will be continued by D. W. Vause at the old m f TnchfamentS. MUSIC, cranrl -a,hn will nnnnme all the Dartner-1 ' . ship liabilities. .' Dalles City, Or. May 26, 1894. D. W. Vacbk A.-nn irrnTuTT A TkT TV.MHKKKNI t s nvinrk at the readine room. A U are invited. w . -r A -v T" V TT' TV T I mi mnira innr.R tin. 2. I.O. G.T. Kesr- K I LX 111 I r. IM 1 ' I ",. 'a,' 7,C.Hn, Frici.v at 8 r. K.. a' A" AAW I vf- ' J. 8. WlKzua. C. T. DlKSMOttH JARISM, sec y. Parties having Property they -wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, c. ... .9 . , " . , , -n n J -j. o. ai ; 1 tics "Abstract ot Title xwnisnea, iu una ii w tucir k"iijd w " Ve shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contcsti t UC1UI O HUD UiUTO . . With a fine selection of BOOKS, STATIOUEET, And everything to be found in a first-class book j - CU1U II1"""- oimav . PEOPLE ACROSS THE SEA. B 162 SXICOIVI ST. TpKMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meet A. in Fraternity xiaii, over rveucia, treet, Thursday evenings W. 8 Mtm. Financier. : r M. W TAB. NESM1TH POST, No. 82, U. A. K. flieew fj every Saturday at v:isu r. m.., m wail. - : . i . . . . tttwa-V TTTsIIOV- KO. 40.- A. Meets second and fourth Thursdays each I m?t?ri,T :J ? Pres. OFU E. Meets every Sunday afternoon In the K. oi r. xiaii. . 85 Washington St. THE DALLES. OR. E8ANQ VE REIN Meets every evening m tne a., oi r. am. 8unda tTto m!a4f.s;t.Tr of Porturral. in consider- IPninnn l!nnroltf ririlry Pfl ation of the small size of his kingdom, Ol.ljJC;-IIIIGI Oljf U1U& UU. contents himself Willi, gbJ4,44u a year. TiTir. pmneror of China is re joicinrf in the arrival of an heir. The baby has been temDorarilv named Ah Goo Prit- tee-Prittee. ROF L, P. XlViaiON, JMO. 1D( mntLo iir . tt t Troll tun first and third Wednes day of each month, at7.Jir.. DEALERS !" THE CUTJKCHKS. '.T&.CELEBRTtTED; GGLUMBIa BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. mi. ii un..n uiran, i nn tnrnitii' oiiL the best Beer and ?orte lato n,eiininmu . . . v. v. . ... cast of the Cae.de. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health , ful P.r hnvW m IntrtHluewl. and on v ttw firBt claas article will be p seed ' Piiie Drugs WiBinloals, FINE LINE OF When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Cord Wood. We again have an abundant supply of dry fir and hard wood for immediate rleliverv at the lowest rates, and hope to be favored with a liberal share of the trade. Jos. T. Peteks & Co. ipiPOHTEO and DOlrTESTIC CIGRS At Our Old Place of Business. Do You Want Soda ? Do You Want Syrups? Do You Want Anything ? . - ; In the shape of or anything good for hot weather beverage? If so, call on Gkau Wall Fr. t - EA . on1 rlaailBrilA designs, with borders to match, at very JOSEPH FOLGO, THE BOTTLER, low price. a . a 1. , at v T- t.-4.. Tnr Mass AVftrTV HllTWiaV &t aj flfiO 1 A OOWl . wt a..- . I 5a. k. HiKh Mas at WK30 A. M. Vespers at 7T.U. . . ; L I OT. PAULS CHTJRCH Union Street, opposite -ru.i. tj T.-n ii antifrn Rpo.tnr. Services iP, Snn'dav at 11 A. M. and 7:30 . K. Bunday School 9:45 A. Jf. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:30 nrnoni d . IMQT i 1.1 IT TJ r TT QaT. O 1). TlT n lok. Pastor. Morning services every 8ab- I Tiath Hi thn ROjinemv at iJ. a. douuo. 1 school Immediately alter b1!'! ."""7 Prayer meeung T" 'TZa'Z lence. u mon surviuco - . P. M. Mn.Tnni.Aii.iAI,T rfTTTTr!TT Rev. W. C . n . OMimiaMArTfllindnTBtll A.M. and 7 P. sc. biiiiohjk''"' I tervlce. 6 tr angers cordially invited. Beats rrea. M- E. CHURCH Rev. J. Whislbb, pastor. League at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Titatton Is extended by both pastor and people w aii. - CHRISTIAN CHURCH RBV.P. H- McGtTFFBT Aoni. Twi'a r.v t 11 n m. and 7:80 p. m. All arepeoroiaiiT inviiou. Tv ANGELICAL LUTHERAN-Ninto street, JU KfiT. A. Horn, paawr. ow"" SnndaT-scbool at 2:30 p.m A cordial welcome o eTry one. v - BUNNELL., Pipe Won, Tin Bepalrs ajyi aoofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. - . . ' 0 Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kus' - DiacKsmiui oiiup. JK. A.. DIETRICH, , Physician and Surgeon, DUFUB, OREGON. - ah TirnfpRslnnal calls nromrjtlv attended to, day and night. . aprl4 ESTRAYED. .9. From Hood River, one Brown Mare, branded S T on left hip. Any one finding or hearing of such a mare will be liberally rewarded by send ing me word. J. B. bah a.