VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1894, , NO. 156. GOLD JJEAR UNION A Fonr-Foot Leflp Bicli in Goll and Silver. HE CAUGHT THE FULL CURRENT The Senate Committees' Job of White washing About Done and They Are All Clean. Free Silver Democrats. Omaha, June 21. There were 1000 delegates in the democratic conference which opened today for the purpose of organizing a state free coinage league. After the election of W. R. Thompson, of Grand Island, as permanent chair man, and J. H. Galvin of Atchison as secretary, :;tid the appointment of a committee on resolutions, the conference adjourned until evening. The report of the committee was as follows: "We send greeting to our fellow democrats of Nebraska, and invite their earnest co-operation and aid in electing delegates from every county in the state to the democratic state convention of 1894 pledged to vote for the insertion me democratic state platform of inn following plank: 1 "We favor the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth.' . " In the effort to obtain a fair expres sion of democratic sentiment, we urge upon every democrat who believes in the principle herein enunciated, to par ticipate actively and vigorously in the selection of delegates to the state con vention. We recommend that in every county of the state the democrats who oppose this proposed, plank be invited to a thorough discussion of its merits to end that the democratic party may act intelligently and harmoniously upon this great question. "We propose that this contest shall be fought out upon clean lines, and with intelligent methods, but, confident in the correctness of our position, we also propose that the fight ' shall be vigorous, and that no effort shall be spared to place in the platform 6f the , democratic party the same emphasis, the same unmistakable utterance con cerning the great questson of finance, that has been lastingly imprinted upon onr party platforms concerning the great question of tariff reform." ' Supposed Wheat Pest. The larmer of Douglass county are at present considerably exercised over the appearance of a very small green insect upon the wheat. A close inspection of ine neaas snows them to be very numer ous between the rows of grain, and it is feared they are some species of destruc tive pest. They were first discovered on , the lower Calapooia, but seem to be general over the county, and samples of infected heads were left at the Boseburg Review office Saturday from Looking GlaBB, and also from fields up the river east of town. As nothing of the kjnd was ever seen in the county before, the farmers are naturally very anxious to know just what the result will be, and what the little visitors propose to do. Some think them harmless and believe they will soon disappear without doing any damage. A. E. McGee, of Looking Glass, however, says that he is sure they are the eame kind that he saw in Indiana in 1889, where they were known as the "wheat aphis," and totally de stroyed thousands of acres or grain, rendering it unfit even for hay. We can only hope, that he is mistaken otherwise the loss to the farmers may be very heavy. Possibly the unusnal amount of rain at this season of the year is responsible for the appearance of this insect. ' A Lineman Killed. i Rochester, N. Y., Jnne 21. Stephen Kirk, a lineman employed by the Bell Telephone Company, was working on a telephone line over which there was a network' of telephone, electric light, tel egraph and street car trolley wires. A fellow workman let the wire on which Kirk was working sag too much and it Highest of all in leavening Power. Li . ABSOlSSTEIStf JsyiSE touched the trolly wires. Kirk, who was grasping it, received the full force of the current from the trolly wires. Agonized screams broke from the man's lips as he endeavored to free himself from the wire. He struggled a moment, then toppled over, and was caught by the heels. The current was so strong that it held him fast to the wire almost by the heels. He hung head downwards fully five minutes, until his fellow work man located the wire among the net work and cut it. The body was secured by ropes and lowered to the ground. Contrary to expectations of all who saw the accident, Kirk was alive when be reached tne greund. He was placed in an ambulance, but died before the hospital was reached. The Report. Submitted. Washington, June '21. When the tariff debate in the senate was concluded for the day the reports from the investi gating committee occasioned considera ble debate. Hill entered a motion not to receive the report. He contended that a minority report , having been made as to the material character of the questions asked Hayemeyer, Searlea and McCartney, it was within the jurisdic tion of the senate to decide whether the questions were material before having these witnesses certified under the stat ute as contumacious. Davis, a member of this committee, thought that since the newspaper men had been certified to the district attorney, the sugar mag nates should be treated in the same way. The question was left undecided, and the senate at 6 o'clock went into executive, season, and then soon ad' journed. . The Texan Populist.. WAcoTex., June 21. The populists nominated John L. Nugent, of Fort Worth for governor. The platform ad vocates the abolition of all private banks ; the construction, ownership and opera tion of railways by the government ; the government ownership and operation of ail telegraph and telephone lines ; the free and unlimited coinage of gold and sdver upon a ratio of 16 to 1 ; the issu ance by the government of legal tender paper money and condemns the issue of gold bonds in times of peace to meet the current expenses of the government. They Corroborated the Senator. Washington, June 21. The sugar trust investigation committee held a brief session today and examined Geo. Ransom, son of Senator Ransom, and clerk of the senate committee on com merce, in regard to their purchases of sugar stock. Their statements were corroborative of that made by Senator Ransom when he was before the investi gating committee. The Gold Reserve. Washington, June 21. Advices from New York state the city banks today deposited $400,000 . in gold in the sub treasury in exchange for United States notes. One million dollars in gold was today engaged for export, leaving the net gold reserve at the close of business today J64.127.969, and the cash balance today $115,155,404. . A Rich Find Near Union. Union, Orl, June 2?. J. A. Myers and Williams James yesterday, after a long search, discovered n. innr.tnnt. quartz ledge a few miles east of TTninn on Catherine creek, which contains ore exceedingly rich in gold and silver. The property will be developed at once. -Weaver's Body Found. Cottage Grove. Or.. June 14. Search for the missing man Weaver, who was lost about ten weeks ago, resulted in the body being found one mile down the stream irom where Downing was found. ine Doay could not be handled and wan buried where it was. An Old Citizen of Union. Union, Or., June 21. Georca O Berts, an old citizen of Union. ApA suddenly while on the street here this morning. He was a brickmason bv trade, and has-lived here since 1877. He was an old soldier, serving from lfi2 to 1865, and was adjutant of the grand army post. Cheap Wall Paper. Over 50 patterns, new and denirsMn designs, with borders to match, at very low prices. Jos. T, Peters & Co. tjull. . ' - ' latest U: S. Gov't Report. "As old aa thehWand never excell ed. -"Tried and proven " is the verdict o f millions. S immo ns Liver Regu yv - lator. is the ttPtt'P'r nly Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a c u re . A mild laxa tive, (and purely veg etable, ' act ing directly on the Liver and Kid an Pills neys. Try it. v Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. " 1 have used your Simmons Liver Regu lator and can conscientiously say it is the -king of all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. Jack- ' SON, Tacoma, Washington. - PACKAGE'S Aaa the Z Stamp h red on wrsppen A corps of women militia .is the latest step in the emancipation of England. The ladies expect to fill ell the war-office conditions of efficiency and promise to be ready to take the field should war Weak out. ' A whaling expedition "is to be dis patched from Australia to the Antare-r tie ocean shortly to test the practica bility of. establishing a whale-fishing industry in soutnern waters. Railroading in Denmark is still in its infancy. An express train there makes not - more than one hundred miles a day. : - ' ' " ' Grippe. ' ', - . During the prevalence of the grippe the past seasons it was, a noticeable fact that those who depended noon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had a peeay recovery, but escaped ail of the trouDiesome alter enects of the malady. This remedy seems to have anecnlia. power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and luners. and has tmre.A caees of asthma and hay fever of long standing. , Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. SPRINQ STYLES. , Bl.UK in dark enlnrs Wine nT. its appearance, though it is early yet Whispers there nf n-it;nn r -- " w.a.ug bAVU- serettes and boating knickers and oh, " iuttujr muigs. nut we snail see Bucklen's Arinca salve. The best salve in the worid for cuts, Draises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all. skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to eive Derfect natiafan tlOr . CT mnnpv rtin-nAaA T..;. or; " J . xilbQutouu per dox. or sale Dy Snipes & Kin ersly. There are in the United States 73,- 045 inmates of the public alms houses. In 1872 there were twenty establish ments of the sisters of charity 'in Af rica. . "It has cured others and will cure von" is true only of Ayer's Saraaparilla. The motto suits the medicine and the merii cine the motto. - What better assurance could you have that a remedy will cure yon, than the tact that it has cured such multitudes of others? "My dear woman, don'tgive up. Cast your bread upon the waters, and it will return to you." "That's just why I don't dare to try it." When the blood is loaded , with im purities, the-whole system becomes dis ordered. This condition, of things can not last long without serious results. In such cases, a powerful alterative is needed, such as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It never fails, and has no equal. -.. The total immigrant arrivalsor tne year ended June 30, 1893", were 439,730; of these 1,630 were, debarred and re turned. wOODrpnOHPHbDINEi The Great Enirllili xromptly and permanently cures au lorms of Ktrvoum otorrhea, Impotency and all Eeen prescribed over 85 .. ff,r-miiIT vases; Before and After. HiaonliiBeliab1ean&nm' druggist for Wood's Ptaosvhodlaet if he offers some worthless medicine to place of this, leave his dishonest , store. Inclose price la letter, and W6 Will RAnd hv fMl.l Mali T4w 1 ...vg, foujuagt, Sl;slx,S5. One vriUpUasc, six Kill cure. Pampu- joi in piain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. Address The Wood Chemical Co.. 1SX Woodward avenue. Detroit, illoh. Sold in The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly. Our Great Ladies' , Expires FIN E 3H317,03El.Ai3 For This Week Only. - The Best Shoes TvTa.de 'At prices within the reach of all. ; AM. WILLIAMS k CO. Deafness Cannot be Cured . By local applications, as they cannot teachthe diseased portionjof the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an inflamed con dition bf the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or iiuperieub rearing, ana wnen it is entirety closed Deafness is the result, and nnless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused,by catanh'1 that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. - F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ov. sCS"Sold by Druggists, 75c. " Policemen in uniform and the public generally are permitted to use the tele phone pay stations in New York city free of charge to call an ambulance or a physician in case of an accident on the stre.et. ." r ' ' '. "Many of the citizens of Rainsville. In diana, are never without a bottle - of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house,'.' says ' Jacob Brown, the. leadine merchant of the place. This remedy has proven of so much value for colds. croup and whooping cough in children that few mothers whn are willing to be without it. For sale oy xuaiceiey s Jtioughton druggists. - Keep, your eye on . this proposition We will give free to every new cash sub scriber to the (Weekly Cbboniclb a year's subscription to the great New York Weekly Tribune. This offer will be open until the first of July. Don't forget it You get This Chronicle for one year for $1.50 and the Tribune as a premium. Old subscribers can have both papers by paying up arrears and renewing subscription at $L75. MEN'S Tailor-Made SUITS, MEN'S MENS Tailor-Made PANTS, MEN'S 9X? v MEN'S LIEN'S UDEITWEiAR, V MEN'S CtOS I N At Valties Unprecedented in The Dailes; also Ladies Gents Cut in OF OUR STOCK 0F Misses' and Children's SHOES Saturday, ; June 2 3d. Be sure and take advantage of this, your last opportunity, of securing Persons who sympathize with the afflicted will rejoice with D..E. Carrof 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in con sequence has had another attack. "It came upon me 'very acute and severe,", he said. 'My joints swelled and became inflamed ; sore to touch or almost to look at.. Upon, the nrgent request of my mother-in-law I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm to reduce : the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable sur prise, it did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swellings extant. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. , . FARMING IN FOREIGN LANDS. A correspondent of the Farmers' Gazette, 'Dublin, writes recommending Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus) for making- silage. Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Ridge, Harrison Co., Mo-., says: '- '.'For whooping cough Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel lent." By using It freely the disease is deprived of all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in giving the Remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injur ions. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. ' - . - A cat belonging to Mrs. Mary Brown well, of Wilmington, Del., has a habit of ringing- the bell whenever it wants to bejet out of the cellar. A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave' her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking - the first dose. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. IHTjIilM-Cr ' Children's Shoes. Pr ices Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of' Paul Krett & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. Paul - Kreft retires from the business, and the same will be continued, by D. W. Vause at the old stand, who will assume all the partner, ship liabilities. . Dalles City; Or. May 26, 189C. . Paul Krkft,- v. ' D. W-Vaubs . freseni tfteniV It having been, publicly circulated that I am owing various bills in The Dalles, and no such bills having ever been presented, I ask that they be pre sented at once. Joseph Frazirk, Hood River, Or. Look at Tnts. All county warrants registered nrior to May 1, 1890, will be paid at my cfflce . Interest ceaees after the 21st inst. - , Wh. Michell, County Treas. Dated May 19, 1894. 2m. Notice. - All city warrants registered prior tc December 3, 1891, are now due and pay able at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. Bdhget, City Treas. Dated Dalles City, May 15, 1894. Pat on Your Glasses and Look at This. From $100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to Geo. W. Rowland, .113 Third St, The Dalles, Or. For Voile and Grubs In my mules and horses, I give Simmons1 Liver Regulator. I have not lost one I jrHve it to, . E. T. Taylor, Asrt. for Grangers of Ga Feed wheat for sale cheap at Wasco-. Warehouse. : ' - ; tf. - HALF HOSE, NECKWEAR, Gloves and Collars, Hats tp Suspenders,