Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BY MilL, rOCTAOC rBCFAID, IN ADVANCX. Weekly, 1 year. 1 60 . " months. 0 75 4 ' 0 60 WaSly, 1 year. 6 00 "6 months 00 per " 0 80 Address all communication to THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. ' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1894 A HOODOO YEAR. This has been a hoodoo year. From midnight of December 31st, when it kicked tip its infantile heels and tried to pat its little big-toe in its mouth, it was a captious, capricious, cantankerous infant. It lay awake to cry of nights tnd bad more trouble cutting teeth and Setting weaned than any of its illustrious predecessors. It has been subject to colic, - and had to have its nasty little pug nose held to make it take medicine administered by this administration. It has devastated us with fire, drowned with flood, swept with cyclone,, struck with lightning, and d d with a demo cratic congress. And it isn't six months .old yet, either. We believe it has done its worst. The floods are about over, the season of cyclone the same, good crops are grow ing, and congress is approaching ad journing time. Carlisle will probably cut loose from Cleveland, and Gresham wants to be senator from Illinois. There as promise of a good many things, but we cannot believe that 1894 is going to reform, at least short of a death-bed re pentance. .. 'IT VAN'T BE DID." The Athena Press advises its readers to "hold their butter." This may be all right in Athena, but .some butter we have seen in Oregon ; nay ! some we Iiave. not seen, but only become cogni sant of its presence, not through the eves, but the nose, would bother its own creator to hold ! A healthy roll of butter, after it has sprouted whiskers .-and become emulous of Sandow, can tdown any dairyman or maid, without tsjntting in its hands. Butter, like our -glorious union, is the casket of strength It can't be held, because it can't be downed. It is enough to behold it. Verily the glory of a man is his strength, and the glory of a woman is her hair ; but the glory of Oregon butter, in the full pride of its mature years, is both. Asa gennine amateur batter, some of, the two-pound rolls can give a billy-goat ..odds, and Knock him out. Chena people may hold their butter, osc 'Lue average tarmer, it tie Knows A r -It 1 I 11 wiroa tie wsu. on, wui nire a miuuie ynan to hold his for him. It has been claimed for years that salmon would not bite- in Oregon. Yet l fn, viiarB fhpv havA hpAn talrpn with a hook at Oregon City, in the Sandy at Hood River and doubtless at other places. At the same time it is claimed rthatihese fish do not eat anything from i Ihe tiBie they enter the Columbia until they 'die. We have never believed this, i nor do we believe it now. If they were mot hungry and disposed to eat they would not take a fly. Besides there is no person on earth that can convince -any reasonable man that a salmon can make a trip a thousand or fifteen hun dred miles up a swift stream, the jour .ney. occupying three months, without Ihavicg food. When the fish can do that, a man can lift himself over the same river by his boot straps. We cannot agree with them.' There was an old party died in Oregon June 4th, but it was the other party, and his name was democracy. The populist vote, according to the returns, has nearly doubled in two years, the democratic vote in the. same time been divided by two. What the populists may do in the next two years we do not pretend to say, but surely a party that adds 80 per cent, to its vote in two years is neither dead nor dying. PERSONAL MENTION. to British C. K. Bone is up from Hood River. Mr. D. W. Fierce of Goldendale is in the city. Hon. C. J. Bright of Sherman county is in the city. Mrs. J. Whisler left this morning foi Denver, Colorado. Mrs. LeBallister has gone Columbia for a short visit. Mrs. T. W. Sparks of Portland is in the city and ill remain a few days. Mr. G. D. Snowden left this morning for a visit with his parents in Tacoma. Mr. George Conover of Virginia, 111., is registered at the Umatilla. He is a cousin of Mr. C. B. Bone of Hood River, whom he has been visiting. Hon. W. R. Dunbar of Goldendale came over yesterday to meet Mrs. Dun bar, who came up on the Regulator Monday, on her way home from the Midwinter fair. They left this morning for home. In the olden days, when Prince Bis marck was wont to make lengthy speeches in the reichstap, a supply of refreshing drinks was maintained by a relay of waiters running between the ministerial benches and the kitchens of the building. Provision is to be made for greatly enlarging the British museum. Five and a half acres will be added to the nine acres already occupied, through purchase from the duke of Bedford. Thk first meerschaum pipe was made and smoked by Kavol Kowates, a shoe maker, in 1823, in Pesth, Hungary. It is still in a museum there. Boils, abscesses, tumors and even cancers, are the result of a natural effort of the system to expel the poisons which the liver and kidneys have failed to re move. Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates all the organs to a proper performance of their functions. BICYCLES. We sell the celebrated "Rambler" Bi cycles. We also have good second-hand wheels for sale and rent, vv heels sold on the installment plan. MAYS & CROWE. All warrants registered prior to May st, 1890, will be paid on presentation at my office. This is the second call for these warrants. Interest stopped May 21st. " Wm. Hichell, Treasurer. Fnt on Your Glasses and Look at Thin. Uext week the. senate will, in all (probability, pass the tariff bill as amended by it. Dolph, Quay, and the -others who had serial speeches running 'through this volume of congress, will Test np their thinkers. Brice, Gorman i 4 1 .3 . : T 1 . 1. rt 34.1144 iue uciuutmia win gcb i.ut7 sugar dseraped off, and then the fight on the tariff bill will commence. The confer nce committee from each house will meet and disagree. The house will stand pat on the Wilson bill, and refuse 'to budge an inch, and the whole "bilin' .of democrats will be glad of it. Failing -to earrv out the Dledces of the nartv. ..congressmen will prefer going before the country for reelection without a tariff -bill than with one. The McKinley bill " -will remain the law until a republican .congress changes it. A gold-headed cane. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leavine the same at this office. - Great reduction in the price of granite- ware. See our center window. .Prices marked in plain figures. Mays & Csowe. The Oregoman this morning comes out in a new dress, and one we confess . we do not like. Whether it is our per verted taste or just because any change in the old stand-by is offensive to old' timers, we don't pretend to say. The type for the telegrams at least is I set by machinery, and the balance of the paper has a new dress lo make it cor respond. It gives the paper rather a pale look, the face of the type being somewhat lighter than the old, but it is clear, clean print and more easily read. It is no doubt an improvement. but it pleases not our eyes. We have & great big nickel that we bave not yet had time to otherwise die pose of, that we will risk on the hazard and die of a wager to the effect that the railroad will be repaired and trains run ilng the whole length of the Union Pacific before the Baker is brought over the cascades, or is in tbe middle river. That is when we expect the Baker up. Some of our exchanges, in speaking of the recent republican sweep in this Estate, sav the populist party is dead Interest Ceases. From $100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to Geo. W. Rowland, . 113 Third St, The Dalles, Or. A. A. Brown, Keeps a (all assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figures. E. JACOBSEN AT THE OLD STAND fflasical Instruments, fllusie, BOOKS, STATIONERY, And everything to be found in a first-class book ana music score. 162 SECOND ST. Do You Want Soda ? Do You "Want Syrups ? Do You Want Anything ? CQlNERfllt (HATES, CIDEH, or anything cood for hot weather beverage? If so, call on OSEPH FOLCO, THE BOTTLER, 238 Second Street, East End. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBACT A GEKEBALBAKK1KU BTJ81NE88 SPEGIflli :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Hiilest Cash Prices for Ees ani otMr Proince. . 170 SECOND STREET. j. s. SCHBNCZ., President. J. M. Patterson. Cashier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted, on day ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban Francisco and Port land. t ' DIRECTORS. D. F. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lixbs. H. M. Beaxl. PHOTOGRAPHER Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon I have taken 11 first prizes. For Infants and Children. Castoria. promote! Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " ' Caatoria is so well adaDted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aeohxb. M. D., Ill Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, 24. x. . For several rears I have reeommeiTSed your Castoria.' and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial results.' , Emm F. PutDix.H. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., Hew York City. The use of ' Castoria,' is so universal and its merits so well known that it poems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." UULM JOABTTV, U. V., New York City. Taa Ckhtaqb Compact, 77 Hurray Street, N. T. -IS BACK- With a line selection of -In the shape of- Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Ixrais, San Francisco, .Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. - Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DEALERS IS- Pure Drugs - Chemicals, FIXE L.IXE OF JttPOHTED and DOMESTIC CIGRSS Their store is located for the preseut . . 1 - 1 r y- rr , at me resilience oi j. rvineroiy. irre scriptions compounded at all hours. MAYS & CROWE Are in shape to supply their customers with t Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, ETC., ETC., ETC. riome A gam. I desire to inform the public that I hare moved "back into old quarters, -with my complete line of . . Dry Qood5, lottyii, lee5, Embroideries, Give nie a call and be convinced that I can give you rare bargains in my line. Railroads. In effect August 6, 1893. BAST BOUND. o. I. Arrive. 10:56 r. M. Departs 11:00 r M. WEST BOUND. no. 1, Arrive 3:39 a. m. Departs 3:44 A. K. LOCAL. '' " Arrives Irom Portland at 1 p. jr. Departs for Portland at 2 V. M. Two locai frehrhts that carrv nassensrers leave ,ue for the west at 8:00 a. m., and one for the mmt at 5:30 A. M. J SUTHERLAND, M. D C. M.; F. T. M. C. M. C. P. and S. O., Physician and Bur geon. Rooms 3 and 4, Chapman block. Residence Mrs. Thornbury's, west end of Second street. nR.E6HELM.AN (Hoxjcofathic; Phybiciah anA CnnavnM Thalia AnHWRred TirOmntW lay or night, city or country. Office No. 86 and PLUMBING AND PIPE WORK. Now located in their new building. opposite and a little above the Method ist church, on Washington street. FAST FREIGHT EXPRESS COMMENCING FRIDAY, JUNE 8th . THE D., P. & A. 1ST. CO. Will carry Express Matter f Coin. Jewelry and other valuables included, limited in weight so uxty pounas per pacKa;?ef oetween i ne vaues ana roroiana, tnrougn witnoui aeiay at irans- ter. unarges wiu inciuae aenvery u consignees, W. C. ALLAWAY. B. F. LAUGHLJN. lien. Agt. Manager FEED AND GROCERIES CHEAP FOR CASH. MUST HAVE MONEY. At OLD ELECTRIC LIGHT HOUSE J. H. CROSS. W. A. KIRBY, -DEALER 1N- Has moved into the basement of the Methodist Church. , 3E3TO. TIME TABLES. STAGES. oi PrlneviUe. via. Bake Oven, leave dally 1 6 A. M. For Antelope. Mitchell, Canyon City, leave ally at 6 A. X. For Dufur. Kineslev. Wamlc. Wapinltia. Warm springs and Tygh Valley, leave daily, except nnaay, at e A. m. CML UUUiCUUHW. TY O.U., KBVC t.WIJ U.J v. eak except Sunday at 7 a. a. Offices for all lines at tbe Umatilla HonBe. PROFESSIONAL. . H. R1DDELL attobnbt-at-IjAW Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. , B. DTJFTJB FRANK. M CNKFBI. DUFUR, it MENEFEE ATTOKMBTS - AT law Rooms 42 and 43, over Post tfiee Building. Entrance on Washington btreet fhe Dalles, Oregon. 4 e. BENNETT, ATTOHMtl-AT-LA . UI rV. nee in Schanno'a building, np stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. ' r. r. mats. b. s.huntinstoh. h. b. wilsoh. f AYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB V1 nbys-at-law OftieeB, French's block over lrst National Bank. rlif Dalles. Oregon. H. WIXSON Attobkbt-at-law Rooma French & Co.'s bank building, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. VV laily and Weekly Ihronicle. ".Chapman block. wtf DR. O. D. DOANEPHTSICIAW AND 8UB sbon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman 4ivk. RflHldence: S. E. comer Court and ffminh .trAAtjt. RMind door from the comer Office hours 8 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, anJ the satisfying f effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Kliclitat and other re- gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. ine jJAiiiY chronicle is pubiisnea every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00, per annum.. The Weekly Chkonicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address a JCxg TJallos, Oregon. Iv slDDALXi Dbntist. uas given lor ma J. nainlesa extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: bignol iie Golden Tooth. Second Street. SOCIETIES. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meeta first and thud Monday oi eacn monin ai t DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHArTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday f each month at 7 P. M. CODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. .VI Mt Hnnd Camn No. 69. Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in Fraternity Hall, at 7 :80 p. m. C COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets J everv Fridav evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, comer Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. U. CLOUQH, BOO y. n. A. oua.atji. vr CRXENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets ii UnnHaw JhwAnin. 9fiO n'olrwW In ichanno's building, comer of Court and Second treats. Sojourning members are cordially In vited. -F.. jAwnaBpi, D. W.VATISB, K. of R. and p. C. O. A SSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes lavs of each month at 7:80 p. m. s WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCJt UNION will-meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. rvTHE DALLES LODGE No. 2, I. O. G. T. Reg J ular weekly meetings Friday at 8 P. Jf-.a K.. ot f. uau. J. o. v, j. a. sinsmobb f abibmi secy. TVEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets i in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, an Second treet, xnursoay evenings aw . W. 8 MTBBg, Financier. M. W TAB. NE8MITH POST, No. 82, G. A. R. Meets tt every Saturday at 7:au r. m., in ine j. oi r. HaU. AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION, NO. 40. Meets second and fourth Thursdays each month in K. of P. hall. J. w. rbady, W. H. JOMBB, Beo'y. rrea. B OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon In the K. oi P. iiau. GE8ANG VEREIN Meets every evening In the K. of P. Hall. Sunday - rift T,. v. DTVTSION. No. 167 Meets in 13. K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes- lay of each month, at 7:80 P., M. THE CHTJRCHEB. ST. PETERB CHURCH Rev. Father Bbons eBBST Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. X. High Mass at 10:80 A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. SutcUffe Rector. Services very Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 p. K. Sunday 3chool9:4a A M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:80 TTMRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. TAT- A? lob. Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11 A. M. Sabbath School, immediately after morning services Prayer meeting imaay evening at rasior s rew lence. union seryices m uui cvvn uouwj P.M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C I. J Curtis. Pastor. Services everv Bundav at 11 4. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School after morning wrvice. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. f E. CHURCH Rev. J. Whiblbk; pastor. !! Services every Sunday morning at 11a.m. Sundav School at 12:20 o'clock P M. Ed worth League at 6:80 p. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. A cordial in vitation la extended by both pastor and people to ail. CHRISTIAN CHURCH RBV.P. H. McGCPFKT Pastor. Preaching in the Christian church each Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. All are cordially invited ; Tjv-VNGELICAL LUTHERAN Ninth street, ri Rev. A. Horn, tuuitar. Bervlces at 11:80a.m. Sunday-school at 2:80 p.m A cordial welcome 9 every one. - 1 H1B Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and ia a thriving, pros perous cityl ITS TERRITORY. : It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which . will be more than doubled in the near future. . The products of the beautiful. Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. . ! ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary , to any other city in. Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these jorner stones she' st-inls. THE CELEBRATED AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery ia now turnin oat the best Beer and Porte - .. - t l . I I 1 . U east of the Uasctvaes. ine latest ippusuvra wr mo ....v.. ful Beer have Wn intro1ucel. and on r thr tirT.-clHa article will be paced o b mark1" ' D . B U N IN! Pip WoiR, Tig Bepairs agfl Ropfing MAINS TAPPJID UNDER PRESSURE. Shoo on Third Street, next door west of Youne Kusa' - Blacksmith Shop. , ;