The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 19, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 152.
Woolen Manufactures
all AroM
Death by the Tlague-'Colorado Catches
Hail Qua- Buys Sugar Stocks,
and Will Again.
Are Tinkering With Wool.
Washington, Jane 15. In the senate
today, Teller asked unanimous consent
to consider the house bill approving the
negotiations of the United States com
missionera with the Southern Ute In
dians. and eon fir mine the treaty rtrnvis
ions of June, 1890, for the allottment of
lanes in se eralty. Vilas did not like
to consent to a bill that would overrule
the treaty and take from the Utes two-
thirds of their lands, giving in return a
tract of less extent. Teller decided to
allow the bill to go over until Monday
A bill was passed authorizing Com
. manaer uennis W. Mullen to accept a
medal from the Chilian government.
Annother bill was passed fixing i)
price of desert lands at $1.25, and author
izing the refunding of payments in ex
Peffers amendment to the tariff bill
to transfer all manufactures composed
wholly or in part of wool to the free list
i was defeated, 3 to 45. Allen, Kyle and
Peffer cast the affirmative votes. Hans
brought announced he would vote "aye'
bad be not been paired. The senate
then plunged into actual consideration
. of the wool schedule. Vest explained
tbe finance committee had been moved
to place a duty on shoddy and waste to
exclude them from the country. One of
the purposes of placing wool on the free
list was to discourage the manufacture
of shoddy, which under the McKinley
act naa doubled last year and reached
Quay Bought Sugar Stocks.
Washington, June 16. Senator Quay
was before the sugar committee juBt be'
fore 4 o'clock. He told the committee
that he had bought sugar stocks for
speculation ana that be would do bo
again. He had been dealing in stocks
more or less all his life and for the past
20 months had been buying and selling
sugar stocks. The day before the vote
was taken be sold all he had at a loss
so it could not be charged that it had in-
nuenced bis vote. He said he had not
been furnished any information aa to
what the nnance committee would do
with the sugar schedule and that formed
no part of bis basis of purchase or sale
He saw no reason why a United States
senator should not avail himself of i
plain business proposition and h in
tended to transact any such business in
me iuture as be bad in the past. A
number of other senators were examiner!
but none of them except Ransom gave
any testimony beyond the denial of the
categorical questions concerning th
purchase and ownership of sugar stocks
or Knowledge of any purchase by any
one connected with them either officially
or otherwise.
" Kelly and hlg Army.
Evansville, Ind., Jane 16. Kelley's
1,100 'wealers left here about midnight
last night. Kelley was offered $200 to
go, but refused, as it would not carry
him to a city big enough to work. He
iaid he intended to stay until he received
$700. Today the matter was com
promised by payment to Captain Doug
lass Jones, of the steamer Rosedale, of
$700 to transport the army to Leaven
worth, Ind., with the promise that for
an additional $125 he would carry them
to Louisville. The army had nothing to
eat, and most of them left camp and
went through the city begging from door
The Stars and Stripes.
Chicago, June 16. The first official
celebration of the anniversary of the
adoption of the American flag by the
continental congress in 1777 took place
today under the auspices of the Ameri
can Flag Day Association, an organiza
tion incorporated under the state laws
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
1 A. J&S3&f
and which has for its object the setting
apart of the third Saturday in each June
for an annifal national celebration, with
the view of fostering patriotic sentiment
among tne children in the public
schools. This morning the school chil
dren of the various sections of the city
assembled in Lincoln, Garfield, Douglas
and South parks. Every little one car
ried an .American flag. Exhibition
drills were given and patriotic orations
delivered. At each park an immense
flag was run up to the staff, and tbe
children saluted it as they marched by
' Ills Own Executioner.
Little Rock, Ark., June 16. Messen
eer Aronson arrived from Monroe. La.
last night, bringing particulars of prob
ably tbe most sensational self-execution
on record, nor six or eight weeks Mon
roe has been stirred to white heat over
fires of an incendiary origin. Several
bouses have been burned, entailing the
loss of a considerable amount. Althongh
efforts were made, to discover the fire
bugs, they escaped detection until Wed
nendav. wh
small buildings in the outskirts of the
town, bloodhounds were put on the
track of a man who had evidently left
the burning buildings. The dogs finally
ran down a man named Kay. who was
arrested and confessed, saying he had
fired different buildines to eet even
with persons who had either refused to
give him employment or discharged
mm irom tneir employ. Kay had been
night watchman for various companies.
The jail was broken open, and Kay was
tnL J A 1 .
t.a&cu Duma uiobuzicB away , escorteu Dy
a crowd of 400 to 600 persons. Kay dis
played great nerve. He said he knew
his time had come, admitted his guilt,
and declared that perhaps he deserved
his fate, bnt he besought his captors to
allow him to execute himself. After
some parleying this was granted. Kay
had the rope, which was around his
neck, flung over the limb of a tree where
it was securely fastened: then he
climbed up the tree and jumped from the
first branch, breaking his neck His
body swayed to and fro. while a shont
went up from the crowd that awoke the
echoes of the surrounding woods. The
spectators at once dispersed'.
Tneir General is Hissing;.
Kansas City, June 16. General Ben
nett left the camp of his commonweal
army in the east bottoms Thursday
night, with $103, collected at the con
vention of Kansas populists, savinz that
he was going to purchase boats to trans
port bis men down the Missouri river.
He has not been Been since. Some of
the men believe the general has been
murdered and robbed. Others believe
he has skipped out. Colonel Gannon.
Bennett's first lieutenant, is also miss
ing. , The men said if he returned to
camp they would ride him ont on n. mil .
but they will gladly welcome Bennett
DacK. lhe camp is in treat disorder.
There is no money and very little food.
The men asked Lieutenant Artz today to
ieaa tnem on, but be declined until
some trace of Bennett can be found.
The Democratic Silver Conference
Omaha, June 16. The secretarv of
the democratic silver conference, which
is to be held here Jane 21, announced
today that Representative Brown will
speak on "We favor the immediate res
toration of the free and unlimited coin
age of gold and uilver at the present
ratio, without waiting for the consent of
any other nation on earth." Other
speakers of national repute will be
Clothed Him In a "Motner Hnhhar.l
Wichita, June 15. At Kinsman last.
night, when Editor Brown arrived from
the populist state convention, where he
bitterly fought woman suffraee. he was
met at the depot, taken from the side
of bis wife, clothed in a "Mother Hub
uaro. aness and compelled to mr?.
through the streets before a brass band
The friends of woman suffrage did it.
The Continuance for Prendergrast.
Chicago, June 17. All
continuance for Prendergast until Nov
ember have been dispelled by Judge
urane this, afternoon announcing that
ne would bold to bis former ruling that
tne motion lor the continuance be over
ruled. The trial is set for nextWednes
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
. University Extension is
good, but Kitchen Exten-
sionis better. Wider knowl
edge of better cooking pro
cesses means better health
and comfort for everybody.
Science can never do us
better servicer than by the
multiplication of the cook
ing schools which make
healthful means and meth-
ods available for even the
most modest home.
The vegetable substitute
for lard, is science's latest
gift to the kitchens of the
world. Every woman who
has ever cooked a meal,
knows that lard is disagree
able in use and unhealthy
in its effects.
Cottolene is a most satis
factory substitute clean,
delicate and far more eco
nomical. At your grocers.
Tne Hail Storm In Colorado.
Bbighton, Colo., June 16. The hail
storm yesterday was the worst known
.here for years and destroyed all crops
in its path, its track was from four to
six miles wide and from eight to ten
milea long. The loss to crops will reach
many thousand dollars. As an evidence
of the intensity of the waterfall, the
Platte river rose one foot in ene nnnr
over an already high stage of water.
Sherman Now Holds the Record.
Washington, June 16. Senator Sher
man, was congratulated bv many of his
associates on the floor of the senate to
day on the fact that be had reached a
term of service in the senate
length to that of Senator Benton, whose
service had hitherto held first runt m
duration, covering a period of 29 years,
a months and 27 days.
'Killed by the Plague.
Honq Kong, June 16. The mortality
caused by the plague here so far ia 1900.
the British soldiers have been attacked,
two oi them having died. Upon the ap
pearance Ot the Plaeue. 8.000 nnranno
ned to the highlands in the interior. infected district is now closed.
.who, auticeaees, tumors and even
T.:i- -i
cancers, are the result of a natural effort
of the system to expel the poisons which
the liver and kidneys have failed to re
move. Aver's SarsAnnrilla of,'mv.loto
- " " uulUJUlUUa
all the organs to a proper performance
of their functions.
Tkn I t -
poisonous snaKe is but a
slight remove from being more danger
ous than the poison of scrofula in the
blood. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla purifies the
vital fluid, expels all poisonous sub-
tances, sand supplies the elements of
we, health and strength.
South Africa
summer known in fifty years. During
canj, fan oi last month the aver
age snaae temperature at Cape Town
was 90 to 95 degrees, the heat in the
sun ranging1 from 1D0 to 150.
Some inhuman wretches hve just
orresiea m insicupitz, Austria,
who pursued a shocking calling. They
stole children, then deformed them, for
Charles XII. of SwHon 10 ,
ernably rash. He often regretted Ms
yemuauj, out never reformed it.
A recent discovery by an old
physician. Suctxs&ullt vaed
fnonthlg bjf thouwandm of
Ladiei. Is the only perfectly
ttfAfttlll MllnhlA MMlfnlnA -4 -
covered. Sewmre of unprincipled dragsists yvho
offer Interior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, tate no mubMU,
tte, or inclose tl and 0 cents in postage m letter
ana we WW send, sealed, by return mall. Pull sealed
psmcnlars in plain envulopa, to ladles only, 8
(tamps. Address Pod. Lily Corananr.
No. 3 richer ninrfe. "t. lllch.
Sold in The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersty.
The hicrhest mountain i'n .Tan. :
1 uimuia, Wllicn IS thlrtocn V,lc.j
feet high.
The averajre trip around ya twii
. - " . V&Al
comprises about twpntu.tmn j
miles of travel.
To make the hair erow a nat.nml nW
prevent baldness, and keep the scalp
' - 3. was lit-
vented, and has proved itself successful.
neaunv. Ma i'n Hair pUt.on.. .-
For This Week Only.
The Best Shoes Made ,
. - , .
At prices within the reach of all. ' - '
Deafness Cannot be Cared
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased tortion?of the oar.
There is ' only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused bv an inflamed con
dition of ' the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube rets
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or:
imperfect hearinc and whpn it-, ia antSroW
closed Deafness is the result, and unless
tne inflammation can be taken oat and
this tube restored to its normal Condi
tion . hPflH n cr' will Ka lMtrnvoH fnMBiw
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which ia nothing but an in-
namea condition ot the mucous surfaces.
We Will ffivA OnA HnndroI rknllaro fn.
any case of Deafness (.caused by catarth)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
vure. oena lor circulars, tree.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
001a by Urnggists, 75c.
. Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between the
undersigned, under the firm name of
Paul Krett & Co., has been dissolved by
mutual consent. Paul Kreft retires
from the business, and the same will be
continued by D. W. Vause at the old
stand, who will assume all the partner
ship liabilities. ' .
Dalles City, Or, May 26,, 1894.
Paul, Kreft, .
D. W. Vause.
The mortar and pestle still in use in
most parts of Asia and all over Africa
is the prototype of the modern flour
Bucklen's Arinca salve. '
The best salve in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhmm bum
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.
corns, and all skin eruptions, and . posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
Per box. For na.ln tnr Rm'nci Jtr tr?n.
- j .a.
ersly. .
MEN'S Tailor-Made SUITS, MEN'S
MENS' Tailor-Made PANTS, MEN'S
Misses' and Children's
Be sure and take advantage of this,
your last opportunity, of securing
How sad to our hearts are some scenes of our
As our recollections present them to view :
The use of the switch that was brought from the
And various nnnishments most of na knew.
But saddet of all is the thoueht of the Dill box.
. That mother brought out then, she thought w
were ui,
O! the griping, the aching, the twisting and
Wrapped up in the horrible old fashioned pill.
But that's all done away with. To
regulate the stomach, liver and bowels
Dr.f Pierce's Pellets excel. You'll ex
perience no pain, no discomfort, no bad
results. ' Children take them as readily
as peppermint drops.
Its thousands of cares are the best
advertisements for Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy. 50 cents ; by druggists.
Intaglios of sard set in gold are used
as double link sleeve buttons by peo
ple of artistic and quiet tastes.
New tiaras are built like crowns.
The centers are at least four inches
high. Talk about American queens!
A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick
with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a
' prominent merchant of tbe town gave
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He
saya she was well in forty minutes after
taking the first dose. For sale by
sjakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Keep your eye on this proposition
We will give free to every new cash sub
scriber to the Weekly Chronicle a
year's subscription to the great New
York Weekly Tribune. Thi8 offer will
be open until the first of July. Don't
forget it You get The Chronicle for
one year for $1.50 and the Tribune as a
premium. Old subscribers can have
both papers by paying up arrears and
renewing subscription at $1.75. .
Malaria In any of Its forms.
Chills and fever, congestive chills, can
be prevented or cured by the. use of
Simmons Liver Regulator, a purely veg
etable medicine, superior to calomel and
At Values Unprecedented in The Dalles; also
, Gents' Children's Shoes.
June 23d.
Persons who sympathize with the
afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of
1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. . . He
is an old sufferer from inflammatory ;
rheumatism, bat baa not heretofore been
troubled in this climate. Last winter
be went up into Wisconsin, and in con
sequence has had another attack. "It ;
came upon me very acute and severe'1
he said. "My joints swelled and became
in flamed sore to touch or almost to look;
at. Upon the urgent request of my",
mother-in-law ' I ' tried Chamberlaina
Pain Balm to reduce the swelling anf -:
ease the pain, and to my agreeable sur
prise, it did both. . I have used three
fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the
finest thing for rheumatism, pains and
swellings extant. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists.
It is reported that Salvation Army
field officers receive a maximum salary
of seven . dollars a week, and they are
not always sure of that. ' :.
Sometime ago I was troubled with an
attack of rheumatism. I used Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and was completely.-
cured. I have since advised many of
my friends and customers . to try the-
remedy and all speak highly of. it. .
Simon Goldbaum, San-Luis Key, Cal.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. . - '
A gold-weighing machine in the
Bank of England is so sensitive that a ,
postage stamp dropped on the scale .
will turn the index on the dial a disT
tance of six inches.
Dr. S. F. Scott. Blue Ridsre. Harrison
Co., Mo., says: "For whooping cough
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel-;
lent." By using it freely the disease ia
deprived of all dangerous consequences.
There ia no danger in giving the Remedy
to babies, as it contains nothing injur
ious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists. -
Gloves and Collars.
Hats Suspenders,