Ready for Business V ' 1 J0LES, COLLINS CO. i! woo Our m New More, Fifth and The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntereds the Postoffice at The Dallas,, Oregon, as second-class matter,. Clubbing List: Regular Our price price Carotiilt ind If. T. Triiaae $2.50 $1.75 ' ' and Weekly Oregoaiai ....... 3.00 2.00 ' . u4 Cuaopolitia lafuiae , 3.00 2.25 lioeal Advertising;. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. ' The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store. Telephone No. 1. MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1894 JUNE JUNGLINGS. leet From the Notebook of Chronicle , Reporters. Fresh bread Wednesday morning at a. cellar's. C. F. Stephens is moving back to his oia stand today. Sam. Thurman has sold his fish wheel to the Winans Bros. . At 1 :30 the vote was very light, show ing 160 in the Second and 63 in the First wards. .-. Salmon are being sold to the cannery at 2 cents per pound. The run. is ex cellent. . . .. w County Clerk Crosaen administered " the oath of office to Justice Davis this .morning. The steamer Regulator will land at the foot of Washington street until the water recedes enough to let her use the wharf. Friendship lodge, K. of P., will hold its regular meeting this evening for the election of officers. A full attendance is desired. The telegraph lines Deing down it was impossible to get any report from Port land concerning the weather or water ' east of us. . , Deputy Sheriff Hailey arrived from . Umatilla this afternoon bringing with him four prisoners on their way to the penitentiary. A rattlesnake, the owner of twelve rattles, was found in the Baldwin opera house in cleaning it up Saturday. It was dead, drown-ded. ' The Dalles City took down fifty tons of fish from Cascades Saturday. The company talk of putting on an extra boat to accommodate this trade. ' As the water goes down the portage at Cascades becomes much easier, and to night it is expected the Regulator will bring up a large amount of freight. There was a bit of a discussion on the streets today between Jim Crate and a Mr. Alva. Words led to blows, and blows to bruises, but no serious damage was done. - - The sidewalks are being cleared, but rocks will not be removed ; until the water goes down enough that they can be put on the grade below the D. P. & A. N. Co.'s wharf. The river was about as rough today as it ever gets. The waves)were big enough P) ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Washington. ( : PEASE to do credit to the Pacific. With Bttch a swell a few days ago, considerably damage would inevitably have followed The place where the Oregon rolled a few days ago is now dry and decidedly dusty. The strong west wind blowing today is playing the dickens with the slickens, but it is conducive to health, so we have concluded to let her blow. At 3 o'clock the vote in the Second ward was 225, and in the First 94. Un less there is a rush just before the close of the polls, the total vote will not be more than 550. It may reach 700, but 600 will probably be nearer the mark. Joe Riley was brought up from the Locks Saturday night, by Constable Trana, to serve out a sentence of sixty days in the county jail. He was con victed of stealing a watch, and when arrested it was rolled up in a newspaper and in his hat. The fishermen between here and Ceiilo are fairly in it now. and are catch ing whole lots of salmon with dip nets. me winans Bros, expect to push this branch of the business, and hope to recoup their losses, besides putting some money to their credit. We hope they ' may. for they deserve to win. The polls opened this morning at 9 o'clock. In the First ward C. M. Fouts, J. F. Snedaker and Geo. A.' Liebe are judges, H. H. Smith and E. P. Fitz Gerald clerks. In the Second ward C. L. Phillips, J. L. Story and John Cates judges, 1. 1. Burget and C. E. Bayard clerks. There being four candidates for marshal in the field and two for recorder, their friends put some life into the elec tion and a pretty full vote will be polled. Ileal Estate Movements. The following deeds were filed for record this morning : .-' James H. Hickman and wife to Martha A. Stearns, sw J, nw, ne of sec. 13, tp 1 north, r 12 east ; consideration $6. Same date, same property, I.' A. Burke, trustee, to J. H. Hickman and wife ; same consideration. Same date, same property Jules E. Sabin to I. A. Burke; same consider ation. , . . Same date, United States to'R. D. Pitcher, se J "of sec. 26, tp 4 south, r 13 east. A. Doused Glim. The old Wasco Sun office is the worst looking wreck left from the flood. Everything was covered with water, and is now covered with mud. The cases floated around, dumping .type in all di rections. The presses are rusty, the cases with type level full of mud. The rollers are melted on the presses, the stock of legal blanks soaked, Tables have lost their legs, unlocked forms their shape. It is a sea of pi mud-pie. Unless the presses are cleaned at once they will be good for old iron only. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria? When she had ChildrenShe gave them Castoria. Great rednoHnn 5t t.ha Torino rf cr-r a nitn. ware. See our center window. Prices marked in plain figures. Mays & Ceo we.. Subscribe forJTHK Chkoxiclh. & MAYS. Pennoyer's Letter. Canby Post.G. A. n'., of Hood River, having requested Governor Pennoyer to change the date of his speaking on political questions oh that day at that place. The governor sent the following characteristic reply v : "The resolution of your post was duly received and considered. Although the Savior of mankind, while on earth, allowed on the holy Sabbath the pulling of an ox or an ass out of a pit, yet your post objects to any -effort on Decoration Day such as the pulling out of the pit of financial disaster the starving men, women and children of our unfortunate country. I, however, cancel my appoint ment at Hood River pursuant to your request. Sylvester Penjcoyer." Hawthorne la Jail. Sunday afternoon five Indian police' men from the Warm Springs Agency, arrived here, bringing young Hawthorne with them. The latter was in a hack propped up on a mattress, and two of the Indians were riding with him, the other two being on horseback. As they drove up to the jail a crowd of men and boys trotted along beside the wagon to get a good look at the young criminal He is at present locked up in jail, being neid on the charge of killing Hayes. Just tv hat will become of him is bard to say, though it is probable the federal courts will take charge of his case in the killing of Karpolis. ' He is wounded in the side, a flesh wound only and will be all right in a week or so. Of Hearts Attuned. Marriage license was issued Saturday to William Penn Carter and Mrs. Eve Jine Mills. The parties both live near Duf ur and we are told the wedding will take place next Sunday. The snows of eighty-four winters and the suns of an equal number of summers, have bleached the groom's hair, and whitened his whiskers, while the blushing bride that is to be, has ex perienced the joyous springtime and the dreamy autumns for sixty-six times in circumference. . Yet they are not too old to love. i' "Loye rules the court, the camp, the grove, And men below and saints above, For love is heaven, and heaven is love," Killed a Bear. J. O.Eastman killed a large cinna mon bear at hia place Friday evening last. The bear was first' seen by Mr. Eastman's little boy, Roy, near the barn. Bruin : was ' casting longing glances toward a calf staked near the barn and paid little attention to.Mr. Eastman when he came with a gunj but leisurely retreated some distance tow ards the brush until he found an ant hill and proceeded to gather the ants. Mr. Eastman waited for him to turn his head again in the direction of the calf and then gave him a shot through:the heart. Glacier. Boils, abscesses, tumors and even cancers, are the result of a natural effort of the.system to expel the poisons which the liver and kidneys have failed to re move. Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates all the organs to a proper performance of their functions. Notice. All city warrants registered prior to December 3, 1891, are now due and pay- Rhlft At TY1V "friOO Tn fnnoaf Acnann f . hthis date. 1. 1. Burget. Citv Dated Dalles City, May 15, 1894. We have just received one scow load of. Choice DRY FIR WOOD, cut ..especially for family use. Orders filled promptly. Office in basement of the Baptist Church. MAI ER & BENTON. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Russell Sewall of Portland spent yesterday in the city. . T r -c t t -i T-i t r y . iucsrra. rrnun Aiders ana Xj. vt. pio- cum. mercnants oi Jieppner, are in the city. ' Mr. Glenn, Miss Grace Glenn and Ed Williams were among the passengers on tne regulator thii morning: Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Snedaker returned yesterday from a week's visit at the Orilhousen ranch, near Deschutes. ' . Mrs. J. E. Barnett was a passenger on the Regulator this morning. She goes to Eugene to attend the meeting of the grand lodge of Uood Templars, repre senting the Juvenile Temple of this place. : . Mr. Jamison, superintendent of con struction for the Western Union, spent Sunday here and went east this morn ing to look after the repairs from Arling ton to Umatilla, that part of the line at present causing mncU trouble. The.line from there to Arlington is in working order, Mr. Balfe Johnson having just returned with a crew- of nve men from repairing it. ... . - . bokn. . : ' In this city, Monday, June lStb to the wife of P. A. Johnson, a daughter. Edgab Fawcett, the poet,' play wrig-ht and novelist, is a bachelor forty years oi age. lie . likes society, the theater and the opera. He is of medium height, dresses in the latest style,, is English in appearance and keeps his own carriage. . . " She "What a fitting token of mar ried love is the wedding ring! He "It is. A ring has no.end, and it also has no beginning. r - It. is absolutely without variety, and much easier put on than taken off." Harlem-Life. A wondekftji, nugget of tin has been discovered in the mines of North Dun das, . Tasmania. It is estimated to weigh 5,400. pounds. The assay of a small piece shows that the large mass of ore contains 67 per cent, of metallic tin. .' . - "' . . . Covers for cups and glasses usd in a sick room can be made of cardboard and covered with , a croche, cover of either- white silk," wool or cotton, as preferred.?' a small loop being put in the middle of the top to lift it by. -' Pneumatic tires three - and . a half inches in diameter SOtne Of the launtinrr sn vo n..i,i: Ireland. ; . " V. : Hercules, from the Greek, was the glory of Hera or Juno. . Citloe . comes from the Greek, and signifies a green herb." - - -, . - Interest Ceases. ' All warrants registered prior to May 1st, 1890, will be paid on presentation at my office.. This is the second call for these warrants. Interest stopped May 21st. ' .. Wm. Michell, Treasurer. 'Watch Lost. One silver hunting case watch. The inside plate is engraved "Presented by Troop E, 2nd.U. S. Cavalry,' Louis Burkhard." A liberal reward wilj be paid for its return to the Skibbe hotel. Notice. Will' the merchants holding bills against the D. P. & A. N. Co." for the month of May kindly .'drop them in the postoffice. W. C. Ai.IiA.way, Agt. The Dalles, June 9, 1894. , i Xost. "A gold-headed cane. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office." ' ' The Chronicle prints all the news. . Back at Their Old Stand, " . '-. : ' 1 390-394 SECOND STREET, Where they will be pleased to see all their old patrons. The Rose Hill Greenhouse Is still adding to its large stock . of all kiuds of . . Greenhouse Plants, And can furnish a choice selec- - ' tion. Also . UT FItOWERS and fliOrJflh DSIG5S MRS. C. L. PHJLLIPS. Just Reeeiued MRS. M. LeBALiliISTER, The Dalles. What? Where? THE KTETJITESST BOOKS barrabas ... . . ;. THE KING'S STOCK BROKER . MARCELLA TOM SAWPER ABROAD, ..;- ...v MARION DARSHE 1 . . ... MONTEZUMA'S DAUGHTER ... .... SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE'NIGHT X C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles. FAST flffll EXPRESS COJuTOcmC FSIMY, ;JUjlE 8th, . . ' the- .'; . ' ."': ;.V D., P. & A. N. Co: Will carry Express Matter' fCoin, Jewelry and other valuables included,- limited in weight to fifty pounds per package, between The Dalies and Portland, through without delay at trans ler. Charges will nclude delivery to consignees. W. C. ALLAWAY, W B. F. LAUUHLIN, . - Gen. Agt.' - . . Manager MAYS & CROWE Are in shape to supply their customers with flafdmare, Tinmare, Stoves, 'ETC., ETC., ETC. ., PLUMBING AND PIPE WORK. g Now located in their new building, opposite and a little above the Method ist church, on Washington street. - FEED and GROCERIES CHEAP FOR CASH. MUST HAVE MON EY. At OLD ELECTRIC LIGHT HOUSE. J. H. CROSS. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL UftWftlftr All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now; be found at the residence of Geo. A. Liebe, on Third street. . " Watchmaker A FRESH LOT OF NEW STYLES SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS. STILL LATER STYLES OF - Summer Hats and Bonnets. Something New in Flowers. Hand-Corded Corsets, -Health Reform Waists. Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waist, Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order. : t - At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment , will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the - office, and our agent will call and secure your order. . - .By Marie Corelli ; By Archibald Guntber . .By Mrs. Humphrey Ward : . -. . . -. . . . By lark Twain - By Marion Crawford .. .v. : . . . . ... . .By Rider Haggard ..... .By Beatrice Herraden ' . . 7 ' . . Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. DIALERS IN- Pore Drags Cfiemioals, FINE LINE OF HHP05TED and DOJSIESTIC CIGflBS Their store is located for the preseut at the residence of O. Kinersly. Pre scriptions compounded at all hours. House Moving I Andrew Velarde . IS prepared to do any land all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. . Has the . largest house . moving , outfit in Kastern Oregon. .- ' f Address PO.Box 18I,The Dalles . PHOTOGRAPHER. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. I have taken 11 first pHzes.'