The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 28, 1894, Image 1

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i.Lm xxijno, VALVEAjrUi, J1UINUAY. :V1 A Y m2H. InH4- rn lorf
Being a Heretic, How Can He tie Pre-
; seirei Smitli. :
Skirt Divided Against Itself They
Cannot Stand Bifurcated
Th Coal Itinera.
Speingfield, III., May 26. Governor
Altgeld today received many calls for
arms, ammunition and troops. Rifles
and ammunition were sent to the sheriff
of La Salle countv for ue at Marseilles.
also to Danville for use at the Mission
Field mine. The sheriff of Christian
county, at Pana, wired for troops late
this evening, statins; that several thoas
and miners -were gathering there and
that tronble is imminent. The governor
ac b o clock ordered Colonel Culver, of
the Fifth infantry, to proceed at once to
witb. nve companies of his com-
mand. At 11 o'clock Colonel Culver left
here with the following command:
Companies C of Springfield. H De
catur, I of Jacksonville and E of l'vters-
burg, on a special train, over the Balti
more & Ohio Southwestern. They were
joined at Taylorville by company B
The National Guard ot Illinois, outside
of Chicago, is pretty well occupied and
will have all the business they can well
attend to. Adjutant-General Orendorff
has received a telegram from La Salle
saying a mob of 200 from Ladd captured
a train to come to La Salle. The regi
ment met them and cactured 40.
marched them to the county line and re-
aaaou lucui. aii. wenj urujcu, ana are
.- -
held now as prisoners in camp. He
does not ex Dec t anv tfonble tonight.
- - o
General Orendorff and Lieutenant David
J. Baker, jr., of the-TJaited States
- ular army, left for Pana at 11 o'clock to-
"Agio" The Government.
Topbka, Kan., . May 25. At the
"Home Guard" meeting in the populist
league rooms here. G. C. Clemena Hair!
"I do not hesitate to say that one of the
objects I bad in view when I advocated
the raising of the "home guards," was
to have a force available, so in case the
troops or national guard are called out
to 6 top common wealers any where west
ot the Mississippi river, we can stop
the troops or national guard." Clemens
men introduced the following resolutions
which were adopted: "Resolved, That
Captain Hunter is hereby instructed to
tpflHAF tho imvarnn. K a r 1 I
mo utra ui iuo
xiome buard to maintain law and ordtr
at Leavenworth aa acrainnr. f-r.r.Uiot
Justice Crozier, the mayor, the sheriff,
the United States marshal and other
riotously disposed persons."
Painted the Doetor Ited.
St. Paul. May 26. Dr. H. S. Mitchell,
a physician at St. Paul Park, was tarred
ana leathered, red paint used in place
of tar, and otherwise maltreated last
night by half a dozen men, who have
been arrested. John M. Newburg
suspected the doctor of too great
intimacy with his wife, and New burg.
his eon. a relative. Harry Newbnrir.
Albert Figg and another were charged
with enticing the docctor from home
and assaulting him. Two riba wera
broken, and he was stabbed through one
leg ana through the pericardium
The Mob at La Salle.
La Salle, HI., May 26. A mob, dis
persed by the police this afternoon, are
camped tonight in the woods a few miles
oui, ana are exploding bombs as a signal
10 otner miners to loin them. The ohiae.
tive point of the strike is seen to be the
La Salle county carbon coal shaft, where
Thursday's riot occurred. The strikers
are congregating near Canal trt. Th
militia is encamped about a quarter of a
mue distant, lhe miners seem to be in
an angry mood, and are excitedly dis
cussing tae situation.
Judge Ball's Decision.
UBNViiB, May 26. The Baven Gold
Alinine Company, nf Rriimlo r i. -
. -' -r 11 wicdK, in
corporated under the laws of West Vir
ginia, appnea to Judge Hall, of the
united States district court, today, for
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
an injunction to restrainl the strikers
j from interfering with the property and
its employes. The court held that it is
not in the power of the federal courts to
protect the property of citizens of
another state, and that by tho constitu
tions of the country and state police
power alone rests with the state author
ities. In makine this decision, which is
at variance with the decision of another
district court in the Coeur d'Alene case,
the court holds that he regretted that he
had to differ thus, and added :
'If the government of this state has
fallen into the bands of socialists, which
is true, or of imbeciles, which is also
probably true, it is most unfortunate for
the state, but it cannot be held as a
reason for this court to exercise police
power." '
Before the Bar of the Senate
Washington. May 26. It is said that
therecalcitrant newspawer menwho
nave reiusea 10 testitv with regard to
the alleged suzar trust influences in the
matter of legislation, will probably be
cited to appear before the bar of the
senate Monday, on the instance of the
senate investigating committee.' If
they still refuse to give the information
desired they will be committed for
Cruel Man and Modern Woman.
Ei, Paso, May 26. The city council
has decreed that no woman shall b
allowed to walk or ride in the street of
El Paso wearine divided skirts. T he
councilmen declared the practice, which
nas threatened to . become epidemic in
certain circles, to be indecent and de
moralizing. An ordinance was passed
embodying these views. t
Situation Growing; Seriona at Pana.
Pana, 111., May 26. The situation is
I O- "-- (5 "vrw nviivuo rici J UVUI A. lie
latest dispatches eay mobs are en route
irom everv seofmn vh wro aa
I J wWw..Vae .a,. WWSQ
here bv th
I w j wu& ai UlIB 1IUUI lU JU UlgUL J lfcj
quiet. The troops have camped and
w..... .
I J&XlllElas. In VJsam n fn A laha n n
Birmingham. Ala.. May 26. Four
military companies went into camo at
Ensey, near Pratt City, today at the
order of Governor Jones, to maintain the
peace in the strike region and guard
property. The situation is more strained
than ever.
In the Houtsdale District
Cleaefield, Pa., May 26. Five hun.
dred miners visited Woodland this
morning to stop Overlev's men from
working. The situation in the Houtsdale
district is grave.
Dissolution Notice.
XT..:.... r. 1 i - . .. '.
uui;b ib iiereuy given mat tne part-
nership heretofore existing between the
undersigned, under the firm name of
Paul Krelt & Co., has been dissolved bv
mutual consent. -Paul Kreft retire
from the business, and the same will be
continued by D. W. Vause at the old
stand, who will assume all the partner
ship liabilities
Dalles City, Or. May 26. 1894.
Paul Kbeft,
D. W. Vause
AT the late in)ilu rv.i.-i j
- . uivauaudu Ml
honor of Labitzky, the Catholic priest
vmpusea a iestival hymn, the Protes
tant minister wrote th wnwio
. " V- lULAO
Jewish synagogue furnished the sing-
How sad to our hearts are some scenes of our
U' uuuwu,
Al OUr TftMlldnKnn. . .
- -w u pincnk mem wj view;
The use of the switch that was biought from the
And vrin... . . ,
But fladrle tnf nli I a ih. v, . ... . i. ... .
! ' " " " uu.DUl.lcUM UIUBL f 1 1 H E II ('IV
. " .i'vuf,iiv Vx lie U 1 1 1 ux.
uiuvner Drougnt out men sue thought we
Ol the (Trip ne. the achln?. the tKTir h
tnrTii..ii f o
Wrapped up In the horrible old fashioned pUl
iiut that 8 all dona nwav urith T,.
regulate the stomach, liver and bowels
ur. i-ierce'a e lets einl. Vnn'li
penenee no nam. nn Hianmfm-f nn
- I T . '(.V 1
results. Children take them as readily
Its thnilflATlfla nt vaa a U,
advertisements for Dr. Saee'a Catarrh
. . , w ta ai vtty LTCBb
xcemeay. au cents; by druggists.
To Buy Saddle
I will be in The Dalles Thursday. May
31st. I want to buy fifty head of saddle
horses, bays and grays, 15 to 16 .hands
high, weight from 1.000 to 1.100 nonndn.
all gentle under saddle.
d&w - ' Wm. Frazikb
Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf
-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
"Ab old aa
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
13 the verdict
of .millions.
Liver Regulator-is
only Liver
:and Kidney
niedicino to
-which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laia
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
a n d Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all .
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to bo taken dry or made into a tea.
The King; of Liver Medicines.
" 1 have nsed yourStmmons Liver Regu
lator and can coascienciously say it is the
klnc of all liver medicines, I consider It a
medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. Jack
son, Tacomo, Washington.
Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
Sale of Bonds.
I will sell on the Slat day of May.
1894, 18,000 in bonds of Hood Eiver
school district, bearing 7 per cent inter
est, payable semi-annually. . They will
either be sold in parts of $1,000 each, or
the entire $8,000 ' at one time nr anv
number of the eight bonds of $1,000
each, to the hiehest bidder for cash.
These bonds are redeemable in twenty
years or after ten years. if convenient for
the district. William Michell.
Cnilnf.V TrpflBlirot
The Dalles, May 9, 1894. davtftl5
AK antianarian iz too oftnn a. wrcAn
who'spends hiz whole life stocking a
junk shop, and when he cums to die
the sale of his traus and kalamitim
won't more than haff pay hiz pUuneral
expenses. If. Y. Weekly.
Bsckln'i Aruiu uitd.
The best salve in the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively curea piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to srive perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale hv Snipes & Kin-
Malaria in any of Its Forms.
Chills and fever, congestive chills, can
De prevented or cured bv the use of
Summons Liver Regulator, a purely veg
etable medicine, superior to calomel and
quinine. -
The artichoke a weed? Yen mnn
or less, we think. '"
Give us barn cellar
than barnyard manure.
Narrow London streets.
A Tironofied law that anv new li ring
ing erected in London shall have its
front not less than twenty feet from
the middle of the street has brought
out the fact that there are in the heart
of the city .thirty-two miles of streets
less than forty feet broad. If the prin
ciple were generally applied, on a plan
of reconstruction of streets,' land to
the value of about forty million dollars
would be sacrificed.'-
A "damp-dktkctob" is the latest in
vention to make miserable the travel
er's life. It is a silver trinket, not un
like a compass in appearance. At the
back are small holes in the silver,
through which the damp passes and
moves the needle until it points to the
word "damp." By. the aid of this un
aired sheets can be detected.
Madaoascab has a palm called the
"Traveler's Tree." The footstalks of
its leaves clasp round the trnnk. aind
are filled with water, which flows out
readily when the stalk is pierced with
a knife. Each receptacle yields from
a pint to a gallon.
The Great Eaaikh BantJ,.
promptly and permanently
cures an forms of Kcrvcwm
I Wam,KmiMHima. Sperm
atorrhea, Itnpotmcy and all
electa ofAtwe or Kmcenet,
xen prescribed over SS
larsra uonaanas or easesi
efortOtd After. " BeHobUaaAEo
dracsist for Wool's Phosohodlnei If he offers
some worthless medicine In nlAoe of thla. bin hi.
dishonest Store. lHf3kMA nrlnA in lfw -
we wiU send by return man. Piioe, one package.
at, six, so. tn vruipleaae, sto vOl cure. Pamph
let in plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage.
. no iidoii vnemieal Co..
. 11 Wood ward avpnuo. Detroit.. AUch.
Sold in The Pallea nv Rnlnes t Kluersly.
All city warrants regiotrred nrinr to
December 3. 1891, are now due and Dav-
ahle at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. I. I. Bdbgbt. Citv TrM.
Dated Dalles City, May 15, 189-1.
ftMT IS FMl?
tfi n
0 nnr-
Y::y:'::"":''::'- colorI
The Latest in STYLE We Keep Them
For Gentlemen's Russet Shoes,
Heavy Ocean Waters That Swept Over a
Steamer's Crow's N'egt. '
The 2f ew York daily papers all re
corded the facts that the steamship
Majestic, on her eastern trip, caught a
sea that demolished - her crow's-nest
lookout, and that tho Teutonic, which
caught the same -gale coming west, had
one sea which combed over the crow's
nest and carried away her forward port
lifeboat as it went over the rail. But
none of the .daily papers took the
trouble to mention just how the crow'a
nest on these ships is situated, and con
sequently how high that sea was.
Inquiry by a Marine Journal repre
sentative discovered that while in men-of-war
and many other ships the cus
tom is to have tho trows nest in the
foretop or n t rifle nbove, the White Star
ships have it at :tn.altitudo of twenty
five feet above the main deck on the
foremast,; reached .-by an iron ladder
from the forward hurricane deck. In
sxieh a shi; ar. the Majestic or Teutonic
the height of the main cteek at the fore
rigging is about . forty feet above the
level of tho sea, which would make the
height of the wave that carried away
the crow's nest in this instance about
seventy feet. This is. a pretty big roller
for, the north Atlantic, . but in other
parts.of the ocean such waves are often
encountered in a storm. Supposing the
ship to have been in the trough oS the
sea . t.t the time thiu, wave swept her
the luean height cf the wave might be
calculated as not greater than forty
feet, but it was certainly ' a . body of
water- nearly seventy feet high from
where the ship floated.
Dr. S. F. Scott, BlueRideo. Harriiinn
Oo.,JVlo., says: "For whooping coaeh
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel
lent." By using ft freely the disease is
deprived of all dangerous consequences.
There is no danger in giving the Remedy
to babies, as it contains nothing injur
ious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists.
The Cbsoniclb prints all the news.
MEN'S Tailor-Made SUITS, MEN'S
MEATS' Tailor-Mad e PANTS, MEN'S
' At Valnes
On the feet of most of the bestrdressed
Ijadies of this town yon -will find the
iw ' rr n n ts ra
DTHS B., C and
It Generally Came to tho Nodders DurtcrJ
the Old-Time Church Service. . .
In the olden time church services
were so long prayers, hymns and ser
mons that it i.-i" no wonder that many
of the hard-worked people- in the con
gregations could not keep i awake.
Both in the eld world and in the new
various dcvii cs were resorted to for the
purpose of barJiiliing' sleep from the
church. , Aijoncf these was not the
modern one ef tiuldng the services
short and l .Urcr.iingv Our English
father;; trit-tl ficveml' methods of break
ing r.p tlv.' oficssiro practice. . One
method va-s llir.t' lxown as "bobbing,"
a terr.i th v. explained by a writer in
Notes and Queries:
"IMy mother can remember Betty
Finch, a very masculine sort of woman,
being the 'bobber at Holy Trinity
church in the jear 1810. She walked
very majestically along the aisles dur
ing Divine service, armed with a great
long -stick like a fishing rod, whie.h had
a bob fastened to the end of it, and
when she caught any sleeping or talk
ing, they got a nudge. "
Dr. Thirl wall,, bishop of St. David's,
gives in one of his "Letters" an amus
ing account of a Kerry custom for
awakening sleepers in church:
. 'It is by ancient custom a part of the
sexton's duty to perambulate the
church during service time with a bell
in his hand, to look carefully into every
pew, and wherever he finds anyone
aozing to ring the bell. '
"He discharges this duty, it is said,
with great vigilance, intrepidity and
impartiality; and consequently with
the happiest effect on the congregation,
for as everybody is certain that if he or
she gives way to drowsiness the fact
will be forthwith made known through
the church by a peal which will direct
all eyes to the sleeper, tho fear of such
a visitation is almost always sufficient
to keep everyone on the alert."
For Rent.
Five-room . house, in good order and
pleasantly situated, for rent. Inquire
at this office. . '
TTnprecedented in The Dalles; also
ir uji ijii LLy )
Come to U s.
For Infants and Children.
Caatorlav promotes IMgeatfoa, and
. overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, : and Feveriahness.
Thus the child fa rendered healthy and its '
sleep natural. Castoria contains nc
Morphine or other narcotic property.
' "CaKtoria is po well adapted to children that
I recommend it as anperior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Abokkb. M. DT,
' 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
' " aBveral years I hae reoommenaed your
Otstoria,' and hall always continue to do so,
as it has invariaMy produced beneficial remits."
Errwm F. Pirdix. M. D.,
12Sth Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City.
VThe use of 'Oastoria Is so universal and
its merits ro well known that it reems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."., ...
I GiaiXM MiKTTIC, T. D.,
. ' New York City.
Thx CEtnuna Compaxt, 77 Murray Street, N. Y
5 Caveats, and TnuJe-Marks obtained, and all Pat-j
f ent business conducted lor Moderate Fees.
jour OrncE is Opposite U. S. patent Office
I and we can secure patent in less time than tliuse J
i remote from Washington. J
? Send model, drawing or ohoto.. with descrio- 9
ition. We advise, if patentable or not, free of j
r cuarse. un lee not due tut patent is secured, j
I A Pamphlet. "Bow to Obtain Patents." with
Scost of some in .the U. S. and foreign countries J
Opp. Patent Office. Washington. O. C.
Gloves and Collars,
Hats Suspenders,