to teste VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1894. NO. 1331 SITUATION IS SERIOUS A Sengs of Lively Battles and a Mine ASTORIA FISHERMEN ARE HAPPY Senators Exonerated for. Not Taking a . BribeGladstone's Eye Operated On Successfully. Union-town, Pa., May 24. A riot oc curred at Stickle Hollow, in the coke re gion, this morning. The exact nam Der . killed and wounded , cannot be ascer tained yet, aa they were carried from the ground as thongh mowed down by Win chester. At least three are dad, and half a dozen are seriously wounded. Shortly before midnight 2,000 rioters as sembled at the Stickle Hollow plants of the Washington company. Some were armed, but the majority were not. They went into camp near the plant. . At 3 o'clock they adjourned to a public road over which the workmen would have to - pass. They stopped the first delegation of miners, who after a little persuasion turned back. At that moment tb" dep uties were ordered to shoot at a lange of about fifty yards. At the first volley the strikers ran in every direction. The deputies fired two more volleys, and were shooting when the last striker dis appeared. Officials of the company say four strikers were picked up dead, and about half a dozen wounded carried away by their comrades. Other reports say six were killed and sixteen wound ed. The company officials say the strik ers served notice on them that they ext pected to assault the works, and the deputies considered the interference with the workmen the beginning of the as sault. The strikers had made a demon stration all night, even threatening to visit the houses of workmen and give them the choice to quit work or die. The shooting was not all on one side. The workmen were about to comply with the command, "Go home!" when the deputies rushed into the midst of the strikers, got possession of the work men and marched them to the pit. A deputy sheriff -fired the shot which opened the battle. Volley after volley waB fired by each side at close range. The strikers' ammunition gave out and they were forced to flee. It is said the strikers were advancing on the deputies when the latter fired the first shot. - . A large number of the strikers were arrested today who had guns and am munition. Five are known to be killed and eight wounded. The killed are all strikers. Three deputies are among the wounded. Rainey has ordered four Gat ling guns for his plants. Strikers Wreck a Mine. Cbntralia, Jll., May 24. Five hun dred striking miners from the Duquen and St. John's mines arrived here today on a freight train, and -at the Big Four mine, operated by Potenger & Davis, de molished the machinery, filled the shaft with about 10 feet of debris, and smashed all the glass and sash. The total damage is estimated at $2,000. The Big Four mines have been running with about 30 men, who yesterday refused to come out at the request of the local committee. The strikers left the city on foot for Odin, eight miles north, to shut down a mine there. The sheriff swore in 50 deputies, who were equipped with Win chesters from the armory here and left for Odin on a special train. The miners are armed with pistols and have plenty of ammunition. . Among Astoria's Fishermen. Astoria, May 24. The gill-net fisher men continue to make good catches, but, on account of the muddy condition of the jwater, owing to the freshet, the trapmen and seiners are not so fortunate. Esti mates of the pack to date, based on re ceipts at Kinney's cannery, which made the first shipment on the river, indicate that the figures are equal to those for last season at the same time. There have been a large number of small fish taken, owing to the greatly increased number of small-meshed netw in use. The disbursement of money for the manufacture of cans will be mneh this season than last, for the reason that Highest of all in Leavening Power. the egg-shaped can, a device patented by M. J. Kinney, and the oval cans used by other packers, cannot be finished by machinery, a fact which renders neces sary the employment of additional hands in this branch of the business. - Will Bxonerate Kyle mod Button. Washington, May 24. The senate bribery investigation committee , has sent the testimony taken in the first part of its inquiry, relating to the attempted bribery of Senators Kyle and Hut ton, td the printer and will report to the senate within a few days the . result of its investigation. It is understood the report will entirely exonerate Senators Hutton and Kyle in the matter. ; The New Line to Australia. - London, May 24. Hnddart, promoter of the Canadian Pacific mail route to Australia, said today in an interview that the British government bad not promised to grant a subsidy to the new line, but he was very hopeful it would. He expect 8 to put ships on the new line as fast as built. He will sail June 1st for Ottawa. ' ' ' Gladstone's Eye Operated On. London, " May 24. Gladstone's right eye was successfully operated on for cataract today by Drs. Nettleship and Harbershon. No anesthetic was used. Gladstone bore the pain with fortitude. He is resting in a darkened room, and has no feverish symptoms. ' A Series of .Battles. La Libebtad, May- 24. There has been very fierce fiehtine since the 15th A series of desperate battles have been fought. More than 3,000 troops have been killed and many more wounded. Decisive battles are now being fought. A Servian Conspiracy. Belgrade, May 24. The authorities have discovered a secret cartridge fac tory, and that millions of cartridges have, been sent to the interior of the kingdom. The radical leader, Ranko lajsic, has been arrested. Have Settled Their Differences. Buenos Aykes, May 24. A corres pondent at' Bio telegraphs that Presi dent Peixoto has sent a message to con gress announcing that the differences with Portugal have been amicably settled. , lUM.sian Lac Stakinir. The manufacture of Rusk! ATI ln.n in which women and girls are exclusively engaged, occupies upward of ten thousand peasant households. The work is done in the isbas or small loo- cottages. The appliances iare very cuuijjic, aim jjiris oegm to worlf lace at me 01 eignx to ten years. The women not onlv make lara fmm A ; ent materials, such as linen and woolen tnreaas ana cotton silk, but they also make lareer nieces, ns shawk or,A dresses. The necessary material is ob- uuucu irum ine raiaaie women, to vprirkm .1,a finiclnul I j , -i , j aouc ib bum, ana who Deddle it all earnings of the Russian lacemakers arc msufmncant. woming eighteen hours per day, a woman earns not more than they-five rufcles, or about eighteen dollars for the whole season. , Frozen on Shipboard. Freezing machinery is provided on the great steamshios rlvinr Ytrxrcn-n Australia and England by means of which mutton, irozen, is preserved and delivered in London in good condition. Australian flowers rjreserrod Iri i also carried to London. At a special meeting 01 tne committees of the na tional chrysanthemum society, held in London, some frozen blooms of chrys anthemums exhibited had .been sent from Sydney, New South Wales. A Connkcticitt man got a divorce be cause "the defendant would not get up in the morning, nor call this plaintiff, nor do anythrr ki -r told." Keep your eye on this proposition We will give free to everv rutin r.a.K seriber to the Weekly Chronicle a year's subscription to the great New York Weekly Tribune. This offer will be open until the first of July. Don't forget it You get The Chronicle for one year for $1.50 and the Tribune as a premium, yjia suDscririers can nave both papers by paying up arrears and renewing subscription at $1.75. . Look at This. All county warrants registered nrior to May 1, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after the 21st inst. Wm. Michell, County Treae. Dated May 19, 1894. 2m. Latest U. S. Gov't Report rr? n A3 cm as the hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven " is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Livev and Kidney '- medicine1 to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild' laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- Th, an Pills - neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. " I have used your Simmons Liver Regu lator and can conscienciously say it is the klngof all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. Jack son, Tacoma, Washington. 3-EVERY PACKAGE'S ' das the Z Stamp 'in red on wrappeik Dnfur Doings. "Frosty Hay" will soon bid farewell ; These warm days though will very soon tell. The farmer straightens up from head to foot, He thinks this fall he'll buy a "six-bit" suit. Fine growing weather and bicycles on the increase. Crops are looking splendid, promising a Dountiiul barvest. Freighters are busy hauling wool. Mr. C. P. Balch is preparing for a trip to Warm Springs to enjoy its scen ery (?) and bathe in the waters. Dr. Deitrich was called to Juniper Flat by Dr. Pounde of Tygh to hold con imitation. Geo. McManemy, of the firm of wrignt S io., was in town Monday He reports business favorable not with standing the times. . The IT. B. church is holding camp meeting -at. Tygh Valley. We wish them every success in their efforts. Mr. A. J. Brigham will give a lecture in the TJ. B. church Saturday evening on the subject of "Government." It will no aoubt be very interesting. Johnston Bros. . have received their new safe, which is considerably larger than the old one. It is burglar-proof, navmg inside a small vault of chilled steel that is impossible to nenetrate. We understand that there is only one other of the kind in the county. Judge O'Dey of Portland delivered an address, which was enjoyed by all as to his ready wit, by which he kept bis hearers convulsed with laughter. Al though on the democratic ticket, we would accuse him of being two-thirds populist, of which his speech was mainly baBeo The May picnic was attended by a large crowd of oeoDle. who all eeemerl t.n be happy and in good spirits.' The grove is very prettily situated on 15 Mile, about one-half Mile above Mr. Bolton's. The day was perfect, and Mother Xsature bad done all in her power to make the surroundings attrac tive. The exercises of the day opened by the crowning of the May queen, who was personated by little Amy Johnstorr, after which the May pole was wound by twelve merry lads and lassies, who wove the bright colors in and out in perfect rythm to the lively music of the band. The next order of the day was dinner, with which everyone was well suDDlied. and for some time the air was filled with merry laughter, accompanied by the clatter of dishes and the delightful aroma of coffee. The small boy waq seen in all directions clutching in one hand a drumstick of some unfortunate fowl that had been slain for the occa sion, while the other was occupied by an orange or other signs of his gala dav. A march or flag drill, which was per formed by two dozen girls or so, was an interesting feature of the dav. Thev bore flags of the different nations of the world. They went through the nirares of the drill with a correctness that told of the. careful . training for which Mr. . mnman deserves , great credit. Messrs. Isenberg, Javne. Adams and Shelley, Judge Bennett, Prof. Frazier ana otners made a few remarks to the crowd. ' Music was. famished bv. the Dnfur 03rass Band. "All who went ex A pressed themselves as well satisfied nith the day's entertainment, which was a! grand success, as is everything Prof. crazier undertakes. In the evening the young people enjoyed a hoo. which end. ed the May picnic that will be remem bered as a joyful event by all who were present. Quiz. Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf iaiamjisn Better It Will Pay You Gentlemen's The Largest Something for Kverybody, At Prices to Suit You. FOREIGN NOTES. An international cat show, has just closed a very successful season in Lon don. A national collection of figureheads oi old ships of war is to be made by the British admiralty. Figureheads will be taken from all old ships sold out of service in future and efforts made to reclaim all such relics from junk shops and scrap piles.' The hard times have been severely felt in religious circles in England. The Additional Curates' society which furnished funds to provide curates for poor parishes where adequate clerical services are not available, has had greatly to curtail its grants, withdraw ing 170 grants in a total of 1,162. This will deprive as many curates of a large part, if not the whole of their income. The society hopes for bjetter times this year. . : - When Joseph. Keppler revisited Vi enna, his native city, a few years ago an editor there offered him a salary of fifty thousand marks -a year for his services, an amount deemed fabulous by the Viennese. The artist in declin ing 'the offer remarked that he was earning two hundred thousand marks a year in New York. Baoklen's Arinca sal ye. , The best salve in the worid for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin ersly. : ' Notice. All' city warrants registered prior to December 3, 1891, are now due and pay able at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. Bubget, City Treas. Dated Dalles City, May 15, 1894. MEN'S Tailor-Made SUITS, MEN'S HALF HOSE MENS' Tailor-Mad e PANTS, MEN'S NECK W EAR, MEN'S OVERSHIRTS, MEN'S Gloves and Collars, MEN'S UNDERWEAR, MEN'S Hats Suspenders, " NOW SXSXiIjZIiu'Gr . JLT M.HON YW 1 1 L-' S C E O S I N G O U T S A ; - ). At Values Unprecedented in The Dalles; also' Ladies Gents 4k.- To look over our Stock of u in in e i We are showing this season and M ost Complete Line A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. DEATH TO HORSES. Sow the Animals Are Used oh tlie Arid rialns of Australia. Mr. Gilbert Parker, in his "Round the Compass in Australia," describes a journey across the plains of the Dar ling river country in time of drought. From this description we extract a paragraph, horribly graphic, picturing the suffering of the horses. ' It is a white and dreary plain. There is a line of straggling gum trees be side a feeble water course. Six wild horses brombies, as they are called have been driven down, corraled and caught. They have fed on the leaves of the. myall and stray bits of salt bush. .After a time -they are got within the traces. They are all young and they look not so bad. We start. ' They can scarcely be held in for the first few miles. Then they begin, to soak in perspiration. Another five miles and they look drawn about the flanks, and what we thought was flesh is dripping from them. Another five, and the flesh has gone. The ribs show, the shoulders protrude. Look! A poler's heels are knocking against the whiffletree. It is twenty miles now. There is a gulp in your throat as you see a wreck stagger out of the traces and stumble over the plain, bead near the ground and death upon its back. There is no water in that direction, worn-out creature. . It comes upon you like a sudden blow. These horses are being'd riven to death'. And why? Because it is cheaper to kill them on this stage of thirty miles than to feed them with chaff at two hun dred and fifty dollars a. ton. And now another sways. Look at the throbbing sides, the quivering limbs. - lie falls. "Driver, for heaven's sake, can't you see?" , "I do, so hlp me God. I do. But we've got to get there. I'll let them out at another mile." And you are an Anglo-Saxon, and this is a Christian land. The Chbokicle prints all the news. Children Underwear. v See Our Special FIFTY-CENT LINE. For Xnfants and Children. Castoria promotes PigorttOn, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Fevorishncss. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Osstoria is so well adapted to children that I reoonunrad it as superior to any prescription known to roe." H. A. Archer. M. D., Ill Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. - " For several rears Ihsre reoommencled your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial reoulta.' Edwoi F. Pardee. M. D., KSlh Street and 7th Aire., New Tork City. - "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." ' - CURTOB Mabttw, P. P., New York City. The Cektabe Cokpast, 77 Murray Street, K.T. Caveats, and Trade-Msrks obtained, and all Pat-J ent business conducted lor Moderatc Fees. Our OmcE is Opposite U. s. Patent Orrtcc and we can secure patent in less time than those J remote from Washington. J Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- i tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of i charge, uur ice not aue till patent is secured, i A Pshpmlct. "How to Obtain Patents." with I cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J sent free. Address, . - - . 3 C.A.SHOW&CO. Opp. patent Office, Washington, D. C. J s 1 Shoes