The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 24, 1894, Image 4

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" ought to cause yoa
f no discomfort what-
? ever. " If it does,
m ' i r r .1
. any trouble after
eating - take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. .They're
a perfect and con
venient vest-pocket
remedy. One , of
these tiny, sugar
coated, anti - bilious
grannies at a dose
regulates and cor
rects the entire sys
tem. Sick or Bil
ious Headaches,
Constipation, Indi
gestion, Bilious At
tacks, and all de
ran erements of the
liver, stomach, and bowels are pre
vented, relieved and cured.
They're the smallest, easiest to
take, cheapest and best. They're
guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money is returned.
Which is. the best to try,
if you have Catarrh a medi
cine that claims to have cured
others, or a medicine that is
backed by money to cure you?
The proprietors of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy agree to cure
your Catarrh, perfectly and per
manently, or they'll pay you
$500 in cash.
Easily. Quick.
Permanently Bettored.
and all the train of avlla
from early error or later
results ok
loesses, the result of
orrv.etc FullBtrenaTth.
deTeiopment and -tone
given to every organ and
portion ot the body.
Simple, natural methods.
Immediate Improvement
aeen. Failure impossible.
8,000 references. Book,
explanation and proofa
mailed (aealed) free.
Glass, Lime, Cement,
Picture Ffames,
Shafting, Pulleys, Belting,
Engine and Boiler,
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portlani ani A&teria
Navigation Co.
Bat Fe of Them Are Polionou and
Those Can Be Ulatlrjgulshed-
All snakes are naturally vicious,but
they are not all poisonous, ays the De
troit Free Press. None of the larger,
varieties are poisonous, and you canal
ways f tell a poisonous snake by the
formation of his head, -which is shaped
round. Back of the eyes there is a high
lump rising from inside the head. The
harmless snake has a long head, and it
kills by crushing', while a poisonous
snake darts at you.. The anacondas
hardly, ever bite, and in Brazil it is quite
common for a householder to keep a
few of them around his residence for
the purpose of . killing the rats, which
are a great pest in that part 'of the
world. '. '"- 'v". . .. v v-,:-
Among the poisonous snakes there is
the variety, known as tho coral, which
is found in Venezuela. Anyone bitten
by a coral snake dies in the most horri
ble agony, his blood bursting oroozing
out through the pores of the skin. . Any
snake that measures over seven or eight
feet is not poisonous; in fact, I do not
know any that grow over six feet long.
The rattlesnake is the largest poison
ous snake we . have - in this country.
Then there are .the deaf adder the
black water snakev the ' moccasin.
These are about the only 'poisonous
snakes we have in the United States. -
The men who call themselves "snake
charmers" do not handle poisonous
snakes. If they have a rattlesnake they
extract his fangs, and in that way ren
der him perfectly harmless. This oper
ation is easily performed, by means of a
silk handkerchief, which is waved in
front of the snake, who snaps at it
viciously, "when the handkerchief is
suddenly pulled ' away, bringing the
fangs with it. Or you can cut the artery
that feeds the poison bag and thus de
stroy the source of supply. This is a
rather difficult operation, however, al
though I have often had occasion to
perform it on rattlesnakes. Something,
generally a piece of cork, is put . in the
snake's mouth to keep it open; the
teeth of the reptile become imbedded in
the cork, and you have a chance to cut
the artery. Taking the teeth out of a
rattlesnake is like pulling feathers out
of a bird; they will form again.
This Exacting landlord Had Queer Ideas
or His Own.
The owner some dozen years ago of a
rather dilapidated dwelling in the Rue
Neuve des Mathurins a fussy little man
being informed that an applicant for
his vacant third floor had presented
himself, says .Temple Bar, desired him
to be shown up, in order that he might
treat with him in person.
. "Monsieur," said he, when the terms
had been discussed and agreed to,
"there arc ' two. conditions on which I
insist as a sine qua non."
"Indeed!, Pray, what are they?" ' '
"You shall hear. First, it is. expressly
stipulated in my house that the grand
staircase shall, be exclusively reserved
for distinguished visitors.' Common
people, such as artists and literary men,
can only be admitted by the back
stairs." - ..
'.'By all means," assented the appli
cant. ''I am a literary man myself, but
that doesn't in the least signify. What
is the second condition?" '
"That my lodgers, either on going
out or coming in, make a point of oc
casionally stopping for a little chat
with my concierge, who is a sort of con
nection of mine, and not absolutely
illiterate, I assure you. It flatters the
poor fellow" .
"So I should imagine," dryly replied
the other, making an effort to preserve
his gravity; "we all have our little
weaknesses and no one more than my
self. Tenez, whenever I come across
an idiot who wastes my time with in
tolerable absurdities I feel an irresis
tible impulse exactly as I have at this
moment to open the window and
pitch him out!" "
" lief ore the astonished proprietor.had
recovered from his stupor his visitor
had disappeared, and, for all I know to
the contrary, the third floor in the Rue
Neuve des Mathurins may have - re
mained unlet to the present day.
Freigiitaun Passenger line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City' leaves Portland
(Yamhill et. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
lie Uvea In Itojcotw and Ids A Re Is One
Hundred and .Eighty Years.
The oldest man in the world is "a citi
zen of Bogota, in the Republic of San
Salvador. This new Methuselah, . says
the Chicago. Tribune, declares that he is
one hundred and eighty- years old, and
it would seem he flatters himself, for his
neighbors give the assurance that he ,if
older than he says he is. , .
He 'is a half-breed named Michael
Solis, whose existence was revealed ta
Dr. Louis Hernandez by one' of the old
est plasters in the locality, who as e
child knew Solis as a centenarian. ;Thej
have found in 1713 his signature among
those of persons who contributed to th
building of a Franciscan convent which
exists near San Sebastian. His skin is
like parchment, his long hair- of tht
whiteness of snow envelops his heac"
like u turban, and his look is so keer
that it made a disagreeable impressior
on the doctor. '
Interrogated by iho doctor, he an
swered eomplaisantly tliat his great age
was due to" his regular mode of living,
and to his never giving up to any ex
cess of any sort whatever. ' .
"I never eat but once a day," said he
"but I never use any but the strongest
and most nourishing foods.- My me ah
last a half hour, for I believe it is im
possible to eat more in that time thar
the body can digest in twcnty-foui
hours. " I fast tho first and fifteenth daj
of each month, and on those days 1
drink as much water as I can bear. J
always let my food become cold before
I touch it. It is. to these things that
attribute my great age."
Deafness Cannot he Cured
By local applications, as they cannot
reach' the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only' one way to enre Deafness,
and that , is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed Deafness is the result, and unless
the inflammation can be taken out and
this tube 'restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (.caused by catanh
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Care. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O-
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Mug. Xkklvwed "I'm sure we arc
going to have warm weather now."
Mr. Newlywed "What makes you
think so?" Mrs. Newlywed "Why,
the heater is working just splendidly."
-Philadelphia Record.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy ' is becoming so, k well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use' Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise.-r-A
purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all. that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all . diseases of
the . liver and kidueys, will . remove
pimples, boils, salt , rheum and.: other
affections caused bv impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well, as cure all malarial
fevers. For care of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle at Snipes & Kinersly'si .
. It is announced that an international
exhibition of fine arts and electricity is
to be held in Rbmc, Italy, from Sep
te.mlKT 20, 1805, to June SO, 18IM5. Ap
plications for space should be made to
the executive committee bef ore Novem
ber :5()-next. . : -' :'
Small-Mouthed, Koch: Bass. :
Indian river, Michigan, has among it
fish one that no one seems to have found
in any other : water a . small-mouthed
rock bass. The rock bass of the No re
York lakes is especially remarkable for
its enormous mouth . and glaring rsd
eyes. Tho Indian river rock bass has
the red eyes and every other marking of
tho lake rock bass, but its mouth is.less
than half the size. It isvery gamy,
and takes the trout fly so readily that ifc
is as great an annoyance sto tiie trout
fisherman on Indian river as its big
mouthed relative is to anglers for black
Usa on Lake Keuka and Seneca Lake.
Clover Ilono-. --."-s-i.'Ari
enthusiast cr. th f.ubjent'-tntrs '
that each heed of e!.-.-.r- is jS.-rniasji'd.-of
about sixty distinct flower . 1 ulji'S." and
each of these contains suytir not to ex
ceed the five hundredth part if a grain.
The proboscis of tho honey beo must
therefore be inserted into five hundred
clover tubes before ouc grain of sugar
can. - be obtained. '"' There are . seven
thousand grains in. a . pound, . and as
honey ' contains three-fourths of ite'
weight of . dry sugar, each pound of
clover honey would represent the in
sertion of the proboscis- into two mil
lion five hundred thousand clover
heads. .
"Bummer" Not American Slang.
Americans get credit for a great dea.
of slang which originates on the othei
side of the .Atlantic. The word "bum
mer," for instance, is not an American,
but an English expression, being found
in the - market laws of two hundred
years ago, where it was used to desig
nate a retail dealer in fish who peddled
-his goods outside the market and with
out a license. A transition from an un
licensed peddler to a disreputable loafer
was one which came easily and natural
ly in the course of time.
To Whom it May Concern: .'
Notice ia hereby given that by-order
of the common-council made and en
tered on the 3rd day of May, 1894, 1 was
authorized and directed to 'advertise the
matters substantially contained in the
docket of city liens of the assessment of
property for the construction of an 8
inch terra cotta sewer in Lincoln street
as provided by - special ordinance No.
285, which passed the common council
of Dalles City March 12th, 1894, and
was approved by the mayor March 13tb,
1894. .
That the assessments which have not
been paid upon the property as .now ap
pears in said lien docket are as follows :
Lots 8 and 9,block 1 Trevitt's Ad
dition, Capt. McNulty ........ $49 30
Lots 4, 5 and 6, block 1 , Trevitt's
Addition, Mrs. Marv Booth. . . 73 95
Lot 3, block 1. Trevitt's Addition,
J. L. Thompson v. . . . :..
Lots 1 and 2 and of 3, block 5
Trevitt's Addn Catholic church 123 25
Lot 8, block 2, Trevitt's Addition
Mrs. T. W. Sparks. . . . . ... .... 24 65
Lot 4, block 4, Trevitt's Addition ,
" Mary Bonzey.. . . . i . . ;'. i . . 24 65
That unless within five days from the
final publication of this notice, to-Wit,
Monday, May 28th, 1894, as required by
Bee. 74 ot tne cnarter ot .Danes vaty,
said sums above mentioned are not
wholly paid to the city treasurer and a
duplicate receipt therefor filed with the
recorder of Dalles City, the council will
order a warrant for the collection of the
same,' to be issued by the recorder and
directed to the marshal.' '
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 8th
day of May, 1894.
Douglas S. Dujppe, .
; m8-14t Recorder of Dalles City.
"24 65
One way.;.
Bound trip
.... 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
-will be brought through, ivith
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p.m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Agent.
. General Manager.
Pathetic Sketch of a Chance Interview
with Robert Browning. .
The love between Robert Crowning
and his wife was ideal, in the true
sense of that much-abused word. - And
her death, after a few short years of
married life, left the poet inconsolable.
To him she remained always the dearest
and most lovely of created beings, and
her gift seemed to him far greater than
his own. A writer in the Christian
Union gives the following pathetic
sketch of a chance interview with him:
I was traveling in Italy. There were
few tourists in my compartment, and
all were absorbed in books or revery,
until the close of the long, tiresome
day. Then it was that the elderly
j gentleman who had sat by my side,
; without moving his eyes from the land
j scape, made a comment that invited
I conversation. .
"You are fond of poetry?" he asked,
when something in the shifting splen
i dor of the Italian skies evoked from me
a Byron couplet. " -
. ."Oh, yes," I responded. ."I love poets
and poetry." . . .-. . .. . ,
The old gentleman grew young, and
never shall I forget the wonderful
thought and imagery that flowed in a
continuous stream from his lips.
"Who are your favorite poets?"-he
asked, abruptly. - .. :
; I named them, and, without further
comment, quoted my favorite poem, one
of Mrs." Browning's. t When I had fin
ished, my companion resumed his post
by the window, and did not degn to no
tice me again. I was much discomfited."
Had I given offense? Before reaching
our destination ventured to say:
"I suspect, sir, that you do not like
Mr a. Browning's poetry." .
" The dark eyes of the stranger turned
pitifully - upon ' me, and he said:
"Madam, that Bonnet is the sweetest,
and its singer the most precious gift
life has given me. She was my wife."
Subscribe for The Cheoniclk.
It Should Be In Every Hoase
J. B. Wiison, 371 Clay' St., Sharps-
burg, Pa., says he will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, thai it cured his
wife who was threatened with pneumonia
after an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several phy
sicians had done her no ' good. Robert
Barber", of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr.
King's" New Discovery -has done him
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it.' Try
it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin-
ersly's: Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00.
Rheumatism v, .
Lumbago. Sciatica ' "
Kidney Complaints,
Lame BacK, ac
WW) Electro-Magnet lo SUSPENSORY
WITl cure without medicine &ii Wnliw raaltlnarrran .
orer-taxatiou ot bnun nerve forces I ejufteeoa or India,
oration, aa nsrrooa debility, leepMsneaa, languor,
rheumatism, kidney, Ufvr and bladder eompiainta,
lame back, lumbago, sciatica, all female eompiainta.
general m health, etc. Thia etectrto Belt contain!
Woaatrftd lpiiniunn orer all others. Current la
lnntantiy fait by wearer or we forfeit $(,000.00, and
will oure ail ot toe above dleeaaea or no pay. Thoa
unds hare been cured by this marvelous invention
after all other remedtaa failed, and we irlve hundred
of testimonials In thia and everyother state.
Our rewermi latpraraa-. klktkw BUVKinwBl, um
B1U. JtaaUaaadVlaarraBtreagtaeCABlCTEBDlBeOta
It's a powerful big statesman that a
lobbyist can't git around in one term
ef he gits started rite. Detroit Free
Tress. - ' ' .
'. Bncfclen'i Arises Salve. ,
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
pores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For. sale by Snipes.Si Kin-
ersly. " ' i " - ' " '"-
Thk Grant Monument association, in
New York, last year expended upon
the work 547,070, and has a balance on
hand of 8483,238.76. - T
SOaarH Send for llioa'd Pamphlet, matlae.snalnrt. area
To. ITS Klrat au-eet, rOBTIiAHO OBJE.
Removed to corner Third and Washington
streets, Portland. Or. -
J. 1 FORD; Eraiipist
Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ot
March 23, 1893:
S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., .
Dufur, Oregon.
OenlUmen;. -5
On arriving home last' week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting, pur
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is
now well, strong' and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S.'B. Cough Gure has done
its work well. " Both of the children like
it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one,' with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, "Mb. & Alsa. J. . iobd,--i
If vou wish to feel fresh and cheerml.and read;
for the Spring's wortbleanse your system with
the Headache and liver Cure, by taking two ex
three doaes each week, .. . ',..'
Sold under a positive guarantee.'
50 cents per bottle brail druggists. 1
A recent discovery by- aa. old
physician. Bueoe&Afully aed
monJtfy by thousand or
ZadicM. Ia the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis
covered. Beware of unprincipled, druggists who
Offer Inferior medicines ill place of this. Ask for
Cook'a Cotton Root Compound, take no substi
tute, or Inclose SI and 6 cents In postage in letter
and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Foil sealed
particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only, 3
Stamps. Address Podf Lily Company.
Ko. O Flftter BlocS. Detroit, ilicb.
Sold in The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly.
The Chronicle prints all the newe.
' wuriruuniQi w--
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
MUSN deCO.i who have bad nearly afty years',
experience In the patent business. Comimmtca
tlons strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of "MWhsn
Isal and scientific books sent Iree.
Patents taken through Munn fe Co. receive
special notice In the scientific American, an
thus are brouRht widely before the public with
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper.
issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far tbe
largest circulation of any scientific work In tho
world. S3 a year.
xsuiiuing Haiu
Sample ooDiea lent free.
de Kdltion. monthly. 2fr a taat. Alnffle
conies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new
bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show tbe
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
l:? v.,,.-
,- I
-. Oregon,
. , "Wasco County, -
' The Gate CSty of the Inland Empire is situated at the head
of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and ia a thriving, pros
perous city. ' - --'. l - - s .
; ITS TERRITORY. ' ""-- i
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural
and grazing country, its trade reaching as fir south as Summer
Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. - v -
The i Xargest Wool Market. . 1
. The rich grazing.' country along the eastern slope of the Cas
cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from
which finds' market. here.' .'.; . . i -
The Dalles is the . largest original wool shipping point in
America, about 5000,000 pounds being shipped last year.
ITS .PRODUCTS. .; ' . vi
The salmon nsheries are the finest on the Columbia,- yielding
this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more
than doubled in the. near future.,
The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley -find- market
here, and the country south and east has this year filled the
warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with
. their products. '"-'
ITS WEALTH. : . : -
: 1 1 is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is -scattered
over and is being used to develop more farming country
than is tributary to any oUier city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. " Its pos- .
aibilities incalculable. , fts resources, unlimited. And on these
i-orner "tonea shi' RtfidR. - ..j.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on tW South Side
. . -' ,V . ...... T THE ' .. " '-. .
r4EW COUpWir3iri HOTELt.
i ' .. ' This large and popular House doe the principal hotel business.
. . ana is prepared to zurnisn to itest Accommodauons of any
House in the city, and at the .uw rate of
- '' - ; . r- ..
$i.oo per Day. - pirst Qass Heals, 25 Cepts.
Offlee for all Stage Llnea learins; Tlxsi Ttalies for all ' '
' points In Kastern Oregon and Kastern Waahlnrton, .
In tKls Botel. f ,
Corner of Front and Union Eta.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
"There is a tide in tie affairs of men which, taken at its fteoA
leads onto fortune." , "
i- ..
The poet unquestionably" had reference to the
.a - - .-
I Carpets
-Who are selling these goods but at greatly-reduced rates.
; V ; y MICHELBACH BRICK, ,.- r . UNJON ' ST. . ; . ' Iv!
vaasasa ': x m '
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kues
, Blacksmith Shop." v