: ' VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1894. NO. 13B THE WORLD DIVIDED Foreigners Desperate Not Satisfied Witli Hleyelanft ConyentioD. ... THE MISSISSIPPI AT FLOOD. Stromboli Eruptcd-The Cruiser Colum bia Beats the World-'Spokane River Beats the Record. The Standard and Russian Oil Trusts to Divide Territory. ' . Nkw Yoiik, May 23. The World will say tomorrow : The greatest monopoly in Christendom, the Standard oil trust of America and the Russian oil trust of Russsa. are about to effect a new divis- ion of i he world. . The Standard com pany is negotiating with Russian gov x ernment' through a committee, a formal treaty. The immediate effect of this will be to raise the price of oil to the people of the whole world. . This treaty exists at the present time in the form of a "memorandum agreement," drawn np and signed by the the members of the "syndicate of the Russian petroleum re finers," with the consent of the minis ter. ; . ' '' Rebellion in Bamoa. Auckland, . New Zealand, May 23. The ' steamship Mono wal, from Samoa, May 17th, brings important news. When she sailed a largeproportion of the government army had been sent to the front and the rebels were massed at Atna, the battlefield of 18S8. A conflict between the rebels and the government troops was then . probable at any hour. The king, when the steamship arrived, had given the Aana party until May 19th in which to snbmit. In event of their failure to do so, the Savaii .natives and a portion of the Tuamasaga natives were to attack them. The British warship Curaco and . the German warships Buz zard and Falke were at Apia. It was understood, however, the commanders of , these vessels' were without ' orders from their governments as to how to . act in case of emergency. The attitude of the rebels was defiant, and it is ex pected an engagement has been fought before now. The Cralier Columbia. Washington, May 23. The official re ports of the inspection at sea of the cruiser Columbia shows that she is com paratively the most economical naval vessel in the world. No test was made of her ' attainable speed under forced draught, but it was clearly demonstrated to the satisfaction of Commodore Self ridge's board that she has improved con siderably since she ran. within a fraction of 23 knots over the measured course, off - Cape Ann, last November. ' The present inspection was Intended - wholly to dis- , cover the efficiency of the ehip under conditions of practical service; - T- Barrett's Nebraska Division. - St. Joseph, Mo., May 23. Barrett's Nebraska division of the commonweal army is at Seneca, and the men want box car rates to this city. The Grand Island officials, however, accept nothing short of full fare. The men are quiet j- , and orderly and appear to have plenty of money. They have made no attempt to interfere with trains. The Highest Aver Known. I - Spokane, May 23. Warm . weather has brought the Spokane river to the highest stage known since the advent of the white man. At 8 o'clock it was one inch above last year's record, which was 2' inches higher than previous records. The river is still rising. No serious damage is anticipated. . ' . Kelly and His Army. , Quincy, 111., May 23. Kelly says his army will move on to Hannibal at noon tomorrow. Captain Evans, of the army, was indicted by the grand jury today for stealing a watch at a meeting Monday night. , He is held under $1,000 bail. Ten common wealers were arrested for behr drunk and disorderly. ; " Dissolution of .Parliament Probable. " London;, May 23. The Globe says that the conviction is very strong that an immediate dissolution of parliament is probable. Very much importance is Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S.' Gov't Report 11 attached to the fact that the government does not show a desire to push the bud get and the Welsh disestablishment bill, which is apparently shelved in favor of Scotland local government bill. In the house of commons, Sir George Trevelyan moved, the second reading of the Scotch local government bill. The motion was adopted without division. IN THE COKE REGION. Foreigners Are Becoming; Desperate and Trouble Is Feared. . Scottdaxe, -, Pa., May 23. Strxiers 1,000 strong paraded the coke region to day and encamped on Big Tree commons-. An attack is feared. .The opera tors are preparing for it. The foreigners are becoming desperate. " Coal Operators in Session. Columbus, May 23. The coal opera tors met today and discussed the strike situation. Secretary Brooks said they would not follow the ' example of the Pittsburg operators and give the men an ultimatum, - but would wait develop ments. , .. These Will Go to Work.-" : -Charleston, May 23. The indications are that the miners will go to work here soon. They are disappointed over the results of the Cleveland convention. . Were Afraid to Work. La Salle; JU., May. 23. The miners assaulted yesterday by the strikers did not attempt to work at the Union shaft today. Sheriff Taylor is here with fifty deputies.-,; : ' ' . ' g Fears of an Eruption. IJomb, May 23. The volcano on the island of Stromboli is showing great activity. The eruption is increasing in violence and there are frequent earth quakes.' t The people living on the island have left their houses in terror. The government has sent two vessels to the island to relieve the inhabitants in case of need.- " V - i - ; i I; ,; .. . .. The Bimetallic Convention. . : Washington, May 23. The bimetal lic convention adopted a "resolution in favor of the free coinage of silver, at the ratio of 16 to 1, are declaring to support only candidates who pledge themselves to vote for free coinage. The BiRtesv Since J8S3. '.. ; La Crosse, Wis., May 23. The Miss issippi here is at a stage of 12.2 feetr, the highest since 1882, It covers the rail road tracks and the sawmills had to close. ,: , .... .., . The Presidential Party. ' Norfolk, Va.j May 23. The presi dental .party ; arrived from North Caro lina today and left fqr Washington. 1 Persons who sympathize with the afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in con sequence has had another attack. "It came upon me very acute and severe," he said. "My joints swelled and became inflamed ; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent request of my mother-in-law I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm to . reduce ' the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable sur prise, it did both. - I have used three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swellings extant.- For sale by Blakeley oc xiougnion, aruggists. Keep your eye 'on 'this, proposition We will give free to every new cash tub- scrtoer to me weekly chronicle a year's subscription to ' the great New York Weekly Tribune. This offer will be open until the first of July. Don't forget it You get The Chronicle for one year for $1.50 and the Tribune as a premium. Old subscribers can have both papers by paying up arrears and renewing subscription at $1.7o. - , Look at This. - All county warrants registered prior to May 1, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after the 21st inst. Wm. Michell, County Treas. Dated May 19, 1894. 2m. Rambler bicycles are the best. Good second-hand wheels for sale cheap. Mays & Crowe, Agency F. T. Merrill Cycle Co. . Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf rrry , n Know a when they see it. That's why .BRIGHT HOUSEKEEFERSJJSK the New Sliortening, in place of lard. That's why Phy sicians. RECOMMEND lt -,. i GOTTOLENE the Healthful Shortening, in place of lard. That's why cooking Experts Endorse the . use- of, .v ,...-..- ,- GOlTOLENE ' the Vegetable Shortening, in stead of lard.'and that's why Competitors Imitate - GOTTOLEf.E instead of selling lard. Watch the name. Get Cottolene. .Accept no "something else." RCFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANK S CO., Sole Manufacturers, . ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK. BOSTON. CORRESPONDENCE, Neighborhood. News Contributed by Lo cal Writers. VICTOR. " .... May, 22, 1894. , Crops"are looking fine, the wind has quit, and the weather is perfect. : x Most of our farmers are working on the White, river hill,' and have it in good shape tor ' travel, L. B. Kelly being in charge of the work. ; -', P. Snodgrass and- family started for the city today to visit friends. Frank and . Joe.: Batty, while hunting hogs, on their fatber's,rented farm, ran across a bear with two cubs, capturing the latter after killing their mother. Dr. Campbell started for Portland last Sunday, ' and - will extend his visit to Texas. ' Fred Crabtree is dangerously ill. J Brown was kicked by a horse last Fri day, one rib being broken and another cracked. ' If any one has lost a love letter signed "Harve," he or she can get it by calling at this postoffice. Li. C. Henegan "had three horses run away with a plow, but after they had jumped a fence he caught them. No damage. T. M. Heneghan found his race horse, three-legged Dan, dead in the stable last week. B. C. A MARINE WONDER. The Great Coral Harrier Keel Off Aus tralia and Some or Its Features. One "of the' marine wbnders of the world is the great barrier reef of Aus tralia. This stupendous rampart of coral, stretching: in an almost unbroken- line for twelve hundred and fifty miles along the northeastern, coast of Aus tralia, presents features- of interest which are not to be equaled in any other quarter "of the globe. Nowtfere is the action of the little marine in sect, which builds np with untiring in dustry those mighty mountains with which the ' tropical seas are studded, more impressive; nowhere are the wonderful constructive forces of na ture more apparent. By a simple proc ess of accretion there has been reared in the course of countless centuries an adamantine wall against which the billows of the Pacific, sweeping along in an uninterrupted course of several thousand miles, dash themselves in in effectual fury. ' Inclosed within the range of its pro tecting arms is a , calm island sea, eighty thousand square miles in ex tent, dotted with a multitude of coral islets and presenting at every turn ob jects of interest alike to the unlearned traveler nd the man of science. Here may be witnessed the singular process by which the wavy, gelatinous, living mass hardens into stone, then serves as a collecting ground for the flotsam and jetsam of the oceap, and ultimate ly develops into an island covered with a luxurious mass of tropical growth. Here, again, may be seen in the serene depths of placid pools ex traordinary forms of marine life, aglow with the most brilliant colors and pro ducing' in their infinite variety a be wildering1 sense of the vastness of the life of the ocean."1 . for Colio and Grnbs In my mules and horses, I give Simmons Liver Regulator. I have not lost one I gave it to. -'E. T. Tatlob, Agt. for Grangers of Ga. It Will Pay You .'. J entlemen The Largest : . . Something for Everybody, At Prices to Suit You. Comment Needless. " ' , The following incident is said to have happened in a school 4n that ' part of Brooklyn known as Dutchtown, uixd the Outlook, in relating it, truthfully remarks that comment is needless. .. ! The teacher of a class was asking questions" in arithmetic when the prin cipal of the schciol came in. He lis tened for a moment, and then said: - "I can ask a question in subtraction that every pupil in the class will an swer.' . ' :, . , VI donbt it;" replied the teacner; "you don't know how stupid some of them are.".--. ', "Children," said the principal, "if your mother sent you for a pint of beer and gave you ten cents to pay for it, how much change would you bring home?" There were forty-six children in' the class,' and all but one of them immedi ately gave the correct answer. : An Ancient Telephone. I It is reported that an English officer named Harrington has discovered in India a working . telephone between the two 'temples of Pauj about a mile apart. The system is said to have been in operation at Pauj for over two thou sand years. Egyptologists have found unmistakable evidence of wire-communications between some of the temples of the earlier Egyptian dynasties, but whether "these served a telegraphic, telephonic or other- purpose is not stated. IIomkh mentions locks and keys, and Pliny attributed the invention of locks to Theodorus, of Samos. 1!. C. 730. - Moorish - 'pottery and vase makers were brought to Italy in 1115.- in order to tearli the trad'-to native workmen. : . - Notioe. ?'' '.- . . All city warrants 'registered prior to December 3, 1891, are now due and pay able at my office. ' Interest ceases after this date. ' I. Ii.BuRGET, City Treaev ' Dated Dalies City, May 15, 1894. j : . MEN'S Tailor-MadefSUITS, MEN'S MENS' Tailor-Made PANTS, MEN'S MEN'S OVERSHIRTS, MEN'S MEN'S UNDERWEAR,; v JOjSfS c At .Values Ladies Gents To look over our Stock of s ) J ! .' We are showing this season Summer and Most Complete Line '. in the: city. v A. M; Ho Time Wasted. . :'' Mr. W. H. Dawson, in his recent book, VGermany - and the Germans," thus describes the peculiar methods of one of his university , professors: The moment he opened the door of the lecture-room,' and before his hat was re moved, he began his discourse, and by the time his coat had been hung against the wall he was deep in his subject. Sometimes he looked at his hearers, but more frequently he turned his face to a side window while speaking and contemplated space. : The clock having struck, he would rise from his seat, and, still speaking, would dress and ad vance to the 'door, and . his last words might sometimes be heard resounding through the corridors. ' Japanese Industries. .It is a matter of singular interest that Japan is now manufacturing mod ern war material for the use of western nations. Six guns manufactured at the Japanese government -arsenal at Osaka have just been supplied to the Portuguese government A month or so since a British firm took the first steps in the establishment of a watch making concern in Japan for the man ufacture by Japanese : workmen of watches for western markets. Shell Mounds of Delaware. ; Interesting relics of dead' and gope Indian tribes are the great mounds of oyster shells formed along the seashore in southern Delaware. Accarding' to local tradition the Kanticokesof Penn sylvania were in the habit of wintering along the seashore in lower Delaware and of eating enormous quantities of oysters. The shells testify to the ap petites of the Nanticokes, and many Indian implements are foUnd in the mounds. . -, A lady at Tooleys, La., was', very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dosei For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. WILLIAMS Unprecedented in The Dalles; also Children Ondes v;eai . See Our Special FIFTY-CENT LINE. & GO. liiM For Infanta and Children. - Castoria, promotes Digestion, and . overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. . C Astoria contains no Morphine e or otfie 6er narcotio property. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known tome." H. A. Abchsr, H. V., Ill Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T. - For several years I have reeommenSedyoor Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwih F. Pardbb, H. D., 125lh Street and 7th Ave., Mew York City. . "The use of Castoria' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Oastoria within easy reach." - CahtiOB Marttx, D. P., . New York City. Turn Cmira Coxpaict, 77 Hurray Street, K. T. l Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- J i cat business conducted tor moocrstc Fees. tntim nmrr Oommit U. S. PATrNT OmCEf t and we can secure patent in less time than those Send model, drawing: or photo., with, descnp- i Hon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J I charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 1 A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with i J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries! sent tree. Address,.- i. A.siyow&co. Op. Patcwt Office, wmhihotoh, . o.. ' HALF HOSE, NECKWEAR, Gloves and Collars, Hats - Suspenders, s - 'Til -. -: '-. . i' '. . : : ;;. I . , . . . -r- irHl iy.iV . -M Shoes