The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 22, 1894, Image 3

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    A Marvel in Silk Weaving.
Portrait of Washington
flepfoduced in a (Qasterpiece of, the Loom.
, i .- ...
' . ... - ' '. ' '
' It takes three expert weavers two and a half months to weave a
single copy. Only black and white silk is used, all the exquisite
" ' shading being obtained by the skillfftl use of the Triple Loom.
It cost $8,000 to transfer the design from the Oil Painting to the
Loom and to produce the first copy.'
" . '. : . - : v .- . ; . "
On Exhibition
In Qur Center Window.
We have some handsome patterns in the new fabric, " SWIVEL
SILK," especially designed for Ladies' Waists. W.e are showing
an Elegant Sample Line of
Printed Silks.
Exclusive Patterns
: K
Fire Lighter.
.?,v,.-v. - -
A great labor- and money-saver, as it
does awap with the necessity for kind
ling of any description in starting either
wood or coal fires. It is always ready
for uspi, and a most convenient house
hold contrivance.
Directions for Use.
Take a can and pnt in sufficient coal
oil to cover the lighter, which should re
main in the oil for three or four min
utes. Then light with a match and
place in front of or under the grate'. If
the blaze goes dfrectly to the fuel, the
fire will be quickly started. Keep the
lighter in the can of oil and it will al
ways be ready for use.
Maier & vBenton,
Successors to Tie Dalles Mercantile Cq. Bros.
" Little Gem" Incubators
( and Bee Supplies.
Come and see the Machine in operation.
. 390 and 394 Second Street,
the xdjlxjXjSS,. ozEZE&onsr.
TO STOdCQHl: We have just received Fifty Ton of
Stock Salt, Lime and Sulphur. - Call before buying.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Poatoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter. -
Clubbing List.
flmicle lid Ji. T. Tribiie.
ail Fetkly Ortgoii
" sis CMBplitai Iaaiii. .
Regular Our
price prico
..$2.50 $1.75
. . 3.00 2.00
.. 3.00 2.25
Local Advertising:.
10 Ctuits per line lor first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices reoeired later than 3 o'clock
irni appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on s.ale at I. C. Nickelsen's store.
Telephone Ko. 1.
TUESDAY, - - - - MAY 22, 1894
Leavei From the Notebook of Chronicle
District court meets next Monday.
' Hood River is arranging for a grand
celebration July 4th. ' t
Today has furnished an excellent qual
ity of strawberry weather.
Hon. J. F. Moore will not be here to
take charge of the land office until July.
Business in the land office is improv
ing, four homestead entries being made
Julius Wiley tells us his strawberries
are ripening, a few big ones being picked
this morning. .
Reports from all parts of the country
say that the grain crop promises to be a
. remarkably fine one.
Hon. C. W. Fulton speaks at Hood
River tonight. He will have a very
large audience, as his fame as an orator
preceded him.
The first thing a regular visitor to our
city notices now, is that the rocks on
Second street are covered with dirt and
a good job it is too , '.i,- ",
The Hood River Fruitgrowers' Union
of Hood River are putting up a ware
bouse opposite the depot tifere. They
expect to handle strawberries in carload
lots this season. ' . '
vine amount of drift- wood coming
down the river ' today, indicates the
streams are higher than ior many years,
It looks as though it was all coming
down this year.r
Coxey, Browne and Jones were fined
by Judge MilleJ yesterday for getting on
the grass, getting each twenty days in
jail, and - the two former to also pay a
nne of ?oyo eacn. . ...-,..
Gottfried Fiaher declared his in ten
tion to become a citizen of the United
States before the county clerk Monday,
. renouncing r hia allegiance -to the em
peror of Germany. . - '
The June number of McClure's Maga-
sine will introduce the well known
newspaper correspondent and magazine
writer, Julian Ralph, to the world: in the
new guise of a poet. , . ' ' i- '"'
Bills are being posted for an. Evans
and Son tag show. The Dalles will
hardly chip in to tiiis lay-out.-baving
developed a local talent that bids fair to
get on the stage as professionals.
The river is rising very rapidly, the
drift Bhowing that the mountain streams
are at their highest. At Umatilla the j
water reached the 21.8 mark raising one
foot last night. Happy thought when
it raises the other foot it will be off its
base. "' '
Gen. A. W. Greely, one of the highest
authorities on polar exploration, will re
view, in the June number of McClure's
Magazine, the chances of success for the
three important North Pole expeditions
now in progress, and describe the
physical conditions which hinder the
If our readers will be patient with us
for a few days until we ge$ fairly in the
harness, we will try to improve on this
issue, and there is room' for it. We are
just prospecting, now to strike the pay
lead for locals, and while not expecting
anything rich, we shall endeavor to get
the best there is.
A bridge .was stolen from the upper
road leading to Floyd's last Sunday and
put across a gulch in the lower road
near the same place. Parties on the
upper road have organized and will
watch next Sunday for fear the road will
be swiped next. : Stealing a public high
way on Sunday is a very bad form of
highway robbery.
The summer hat as selected bv the
ladies for the season of 1894 could safely
be worshipped for it is fashioned like
unto nothing under the canopy of
heaven. . Its decorations are in keeping
with it, there being but one thing that
seems to be necessary to Its style, and
that is the towing post with the pompon
on top.
Successful Gold Mining.
The company recently formed for
working the golden sands of Pasco, or
along the Columbia and Snake near
there, have put in place a machine cost
ing $23,000, and have given it a thorough
test. It proved entirely satisfactory,
saving all the fine gold and giving a
yield of nearly a dollar, for each cubic
yard worked. The 'company is so well
satisfied that eleven more machines have
been sent for. If as' successful as is
claimed for them, it will not be strange
to see hundreds of them along the
Columbia, and the gold yield of Oregon
and Washington forced high up in the
A Large Tote.
xne Aimcnomaii county oaiiot is a
daisy. The sample ballot now printed
contains 193 names', and it is stated that
some 30 more are to be added. It meas
ores 18 by 24 inches, and if it gets any
longer nothing smaller than the Deknm
building or Chamber of "Commerce will
sumce ior a Dauoc dox. voters can go
up in the elevators and drop their .bal
lots through the skylights.
' Real Estate Transfers.
The following deeds were' filed for
record yesterday and today :
E. H. Waterman and wife to M. M
Waterman, tract in sec. 28, tp. 1 north,
r 14 east. .v.
Same parties to Jennie Waterman,
tract in Bection one, same township and
range. " .
United States to M. M. Gushing,
patent for eighty acres. ? y '
Notice. v
Notice is hereby given to whom it
may concern, that wt. will prosecute to
the full extent of the law, any person
detected trespassing upon or interfering
in any way with any property in our
care. J. M. Hcntingtox & Co,
Another Burglary.
Last night Night watchman Gibons
was given a pointer that some suspi
cious characters were in 'need of watch
ing, a pointer that proved to be emi
nently correct. About 1 o'clock this
morning, or shortly after that lime, he
discovered that the gang had broken in
to Mays & Crowe's store. . Gibons came
down through the alley back of the
burned Vogt building, - and saw three
men standing by the back window of
the shop in the rear of the store. At
the same time he-heard a whistle, and
thinking it was Watchman Schooling,
he went towards them. In a moment
he discovered that he had made a mis
take, for he was covered with a rifle and
ordered to "come on over." He halted
and the order was repeated, and again
declined. "You had better come, or
your're a dead man," said the man
with the rifle. Gibons' tall figure in
the brighf moonlight made a conspicu
ous target. He was only 80 fee distant
and he knew the voice belonged to a
man known as an expert marksman.
But the nervy officer replied that he
would not advance an inch. He turned
in an opposite direction, and gaining a
bit of shadow, opened fire on the three
robbers. He fired three shots and a
like number was fired at him. Their
bullets grazed him on both sides, but ha
was not hit. The robbers then ran to
ward the alley by Ward's stable and
escaped, Gibons still pursuing them by
a short cut through Mr. Hill's dooryard.
There are supposed to be five or six
in the gang. Gibons recognized the
three outside, but knew only one by
name John Hawthorn, the gun expert.
The other two have since been learned
to be Walter Rowe and Smith, the for
mer - quite well known here. Gibons
immediately had three warrants sworn
out for Hawthorn, "John Doe" and
"Richard Roe," and notified the sher
iff and deputy.
Early this morning a posse, consist
ing of Deputy Sheriff Pbirman, Ralph
Gibons, J. H. Blakeney, Frank Klein,
Otis Savage,. John Jackson and
G. W. Runyon, started , in pursuit,
but as the criminals have a good start
and on intimate acquaintance with the
country, the probability of their capture
is not great.
The robbers got away with five revol
vers and one Winchester rifle. This is
the second time Mays & Crowe have had
their store burglarized, which indicates
that their goods are satisfactory to those
who may be considered experts, "y
. Great reduction in the price of granite
ware. See our center" window. - Prices
marked in plain figures. '
Mays & Ceowe.
Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Ridge, Harrison
Co., Mo., says: "For whoonincr coach
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel
lent." By using It freely the disease is
deprived of all dangerous consequences.
There is no danger in giving the Remedy
to babies, as : it contains nothing injur
ious. ; 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists. . :;- '! .' " '
Keep your1 eye' on .this proposition
We will" give free' to every new cash tub
teriber to ' the ' Wkekly hkonici,e - a
year's subscription' to the ; great New
York Weekly- Tribune. .'This dfier will
be open until the' first of July. ; Don't
forget it You get :Tbvb Chkoxicle for
one ; year for $1.50 and the Tribune as a
premium. Old ' subscribers can have
both " papers ' by paying up arrears and
renewing subscription at $1.7t.
Miss Lulu-Bird returned from a visit
in Portland last evening. -
Mr. R. P; Keyes left on the Regulator j
for the metropolis this morning.
Mr. J. C. Campbell of Wapinitia left
this mornings in company with several
gentlemen fee Portland. . .
Hon. A. A. Jayne. candidate for the
office of prosecuting attorney, made as a
pleasant call yesterday. . He will remain
here for several days.
Miss Fernside, who has been visiting
friends here for eometime, left for Van
couver on the Regulator this morning.
She : will accept a position in the post
office there under the new postmaster. -
Evans and Sontag."
The play of "'Evans and Sontag" was
produced at Liberty hall last evening to
a 'large and appreciative audience, and
was very well rendered, considering that
the company was handicapped by the
smallnees of the stage and the impossi
bility of using all their scenery and
accessories. - Many people attended the
performance on account of it being said
that the performance was immoral and
gave a bad example to the youth. The
opinions of the majority of the witnesses
of the play last evening was exactly
opposite, as the lesson conveyed by it
was the tried and true one that "the way
of the transgressor is hard," and any
boy who would be tempted to become a
train robber or an outlaw by seeing it is
a born fool or a criminal by instinct.
The play depicts faithfully the cowardice
of some of the detectives and blood-hunters
engaged in the search, and the
bravery and desperation of the outlaws ;
but we do not think that any would de
sire to have the fate of Evans and Son
tag befall him. This evening the per
formance will be repeated, no doubt to
a- crowded house, as it should be, as it
has proven a" big success. Astoria Bad
get. -, " ' "" ' .
; They Enjoy It.
at Price Reduction
- .' - . -i : I v I - .
. J:
-Good Boys' Suits from $2.00 up.
Staple parley Dry (joods,
Ginghams, Calicos, ffluslins and Overalls, at Gat Prices.
The weather has been so wet and
gloomy at Hood River this spring that
the strawberries almost got discouraged.
A prominent berry grower down there
told us recently that the finest sight he
ever saw, was to stand on the hill above
bis berry patch on a sunshiny day, after
a spell of wet weather and watch the
berries sun themselves. He assured us
on his hp.nor that the berries would roll
over and shake themselves with . the
same evident enjoyment a bird dog finds
in perfuming himself in the remains of
a deceased salmon. He told this as' we
said on his honor but his honor like his
berries, is probably a trifle shaky.
We sell the celebrated "Rambler" Bi
cycles. We also have good second-hand
wheels for sale and rent., Wheels sold
on the installment plan.
For Colic snd Grnos . .
In my mules and horses, I give Simmons
Liver Regulator. I have not lost one
I gave it to.
E. T. Taylor, Agt. for Grangers of Ga.
The Chronicle prints all tbe news.
Subscribe for The Chbonicxs. .
P9e .
The Latest Styles
- -
' " IN ' '" "'"''.
Hats, Bonnets
The ladies of The Dalles are invited to call and
inspect our large and varied assortment of Millin
ery Goods, which is the finest in in the city.
MRS. M. LeBALLISTEK, The Dalles.
Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
, will be fitted before being finished. : Call at the iae
' tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent will call and secure your order.
A MARRIAGE ABONE ZERO, by Nevada .... ... .
MARION DARSHE, by Crawford. .
i oo