The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 21, 1894, Image 4

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that is the best place to keep the
huge, old-fashioned pill. Just as
soon as you . get it inside, it begins
to trouble you. What's the use of
suffering with it, when ' you can
get more help from Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets?
These tiny, sugar-coated granules
do you permanent good. They act
mildly and naturally, and there's no
reaction - afterward. Constipation,
Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all derangements of the liver, stom
ach, and bowels are prevented,
relieved, and permanently cured.
. They're the smallest, the easiest
to take, and the cheapest for
they're guaranteed to give satis
faction or your money is re
turned. You pay only for the
good you get. Nothing else urged
by the dealer, though they may be
better for him to sIl. be " iust
as good " for you to buy.
, j
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored.
and an the train of evils
from early errors or later
excesses, the results of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc Fullstrength,
development and tone
given to every organ and
gortlon of the body,
tmple, natural methods.
Immediate Improvement
seen. Failare impossible.
2,000 references. Book,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
Glass, Lime, Cement,
Picture Frames,
Shafting, Pulley s, Belting,
Engine and Boiler,
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portlani ani Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freisni ana Pcssenger Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Gas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One way. .'. .
Round trip.
. 3.00
Freieht Rates Greatlv Reduced.
- u 1
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, ' "with
out delay at Cascades.
, Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Agent.
. General Manager. ....
Christopher Columbus Before the
Council of Salamanoa.
His Grand Enterprise Carried Through, la
the Face of Vigorous Opposition
Queen Isabella's Trnst In the
. Xavigator. .
The great picture, " Columbus Before
' the Council of Salamanca," by Barabi
no, is in the Orsini palace at Genoa, the
birthplace of its subject. ,
The scene is one of the most humanly
interesting' in the history of the long
struggle which Columbus had to con
vince those in authority of his sanity.
While he was following the court of
Ferdinand and Isabella like a mendi
cant he was introduced to the notice of
the great Cardinal Tedro Gonzalez de
Mendoza, at Salamanca. The cardinal,
who was rather pleased with his idea,
though he said it savored of heterodoxy,
obtained for him an audience with the
king. His majesty referred him to Fer
nando de Talanera, who summoned a
junta of astronomers and eosmograph
ers, mostly ecclesiastics.
They met his arguments with Biblical
texts and quotations from the great
theologians, and finally ridiculed him
and walked away from him, after indi
cating their belief in no polite way that
he was of unsound mind.
They reported that his project was
foolish, and that it did not become the
king and queen to have anything to do
with it. The junta met him in the
church of San Sebastian at Salamanca.
Their view of the prophet was sus
tained by the king, but Isabella, more
gentle, of higher and more devout na
ture, regretted that she might not give
to the church of God new converts from
new races, which might be secured in
Asia, which land Columbus was to reach
by sea.
But, as it happened, she had no money
at hand. Ilcr war with Granada, just
concluded, had .cost a prodigious sum.
She found herself in debt even to her
own servants. But finally the means
were raised by pawning her jewels and
borrowinpf money, and at last the life
long cherished dream of the discoverer
was realized. ......
His fleet, the Santa Maria, the Kina
and the Pinta, set sail on Friday, Aug.
3, 1492. After a long and perilous voy
age, not the least danger of which was
the threatened mutiny of his sailors,
as lias since become historical, land was
first sighted on the evening of October
11, 1492.
. This date is according to the old style
calendars; in the new it was the 21st of
October, which latter date has been
chosen for the opening of the great ex
position, to be held in his honor 400
year later.
Spain has, therefore, been nine days
ahead of time in celebrating the 400th
anniversary of the great navigator's de
parture from Palos, on August 3, of this
year. " .
After a bewildering and enchanting
voyage of three months, the great ad
miral, leaving a fort on the Bay of Car
racola, sailed January 4, 1493, for Spain,
in the Is ina, taking with him a num
ber of natives and abundant products
of tbe new land which he had found.
His royal reception in Spain, his tri
umphal march to court, 'vhen he re
turned 'weather-beaten and almost in
rags, the thanksgiving of the . good
queen and the widespread wonder of all
Europe have all become matters of his
tory. He made, three other voyages to Amer
ica, but he was doomed to suffering,
disappointment, loss of royal favor and
attacks by the envious.
To the eternal infamy ,of Bobadilla,
a Spanish commissioner, Columbus was
sent home in chains at the close of his
third voyage. The king disclaimed this
outrage and freed him; but the great
navigator was wounded to the quick and
he preserved the chains, as he said, "as
relics and memorials of the reward of
! his services." They were in his chamber
in Seville when he died.
Persons who sympathize with the
afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of
1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He
is an old sufferer from inflammatory
rheumatism, but has not heretofore been
troubled in this climate. Last winter
he went up into Wieconsin, and in con
sequence has had another, attack. "It
came upon me very acute and severe,"
he said. "My joints swelled and became
inflamed; sore to touch or almost to look
at. Upon the urgent request of my
mother-in-law I tried Chamberlain's
Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and
ease the pain, and to my agreeable sur
prise, it did both. I have used three
fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the
finest thing for rheumatism, pains and
swellings extant, ror sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists. -
All city warrants registered prior to
December 3, 1891, are now due and pay
able at my office. Interest ceases after
this date. 1. 1. Bubqet, City Treas.
Dated Dalles City; May 15, 1894.
icenes After a Battle Before the Value
of Auaesthetlcs Was Discovered.
The Archives of Military Medicine re
cently gave an interesting account of
;he medical history of the siege of May
;nce - in 1793. The medical officer in
jharge of the hospital says: "On -April
11 there was a dreadful cannonade.
Vmong the number brought us with
.normous wounds and the number
vas not inconsiderable (in less than an
tour eight for various amputations)
vas a little 'volunteer with great cour
ige, although suffering terribly. I
M-dered that he should be undressed
while T went round the wardjto glance
at the various operations which the as
sistant surgeons were performing. Re
turning to him with Citizen , Riviere,
who was to perform the operation, we
perceived an enormous lower limb,
enormous from the unusual amount of
swelling. Manipulating the limb, we
came across a hard swelling, which we
took to be caused by a grape-shot ball
lodged in the limb. Our astonishment
was great when we found that an in
cision of five or six fingers' breadth
was sufficient to extract this enormous
foreign body, which on being got out
turned out to be a Prussian ball weigh
ing no less than thirteen pounds. How
could a mass of this size have just the
amount of force necessary to lodge in a
thigh and not pass through it? This
problem I leave to natural philosophers,
but I admit it to be almost necessary to
have seen such things to believe them.
Of course there was nothing for it but
to operate on this poor fellow or leave
him to certain death; we therefore
amputated high np. When we had fin
ished he asked if it was done, and on
being told that it was he cried out loud
ly: 'Long live the nation! Anaesthetics
had not then seen the light, it must be
remembered. On another occasion the
firing of a mine caused a tremendous
explosion which shook the hospital
building terribly. At that moment I
was engaged amputating the limb of a
soldier. As t was sawing the bone amid
the general confusion caused by the
farst shock a second occurred which
brought down the whole of a glass sky
light over the patient and myself. Not
knowing whence all the glass came, I
asked those Standing round what was
the matter. The patient overheard me
and said: 'Go on, don't alarm yourself;
you will see plenty of this kind of thing.
When ,1 had finished the operation he
cried: 'Vive la republique!' "
Deafness Cannot be Cared
By local applications, as they cannet
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Therm is onlv one wav to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafnees is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and whe it is entirely
closed Deafness is the result, and unless
the inflammation-can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give Obo Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness vcaused by catanhv
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
jerSold by Druggists, 75c.
This Consolidated Gas company of
New York is about to begin furnish
ing gas in tenement-houses through
meters which furnish twenty-five
cents' worth of gas when a silver quar
ter is put in the slot.
It Should Be In Every House
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg,' Pa., says he will not be without
Dr. -King's New Discovery for consump
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his
wife who was threatened with pneumonia
after an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several phy
sicians had done her no good. Kobert
Barber, 'of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr.
King's New Discovery has done him
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin
ersly's. Large bottles. 50c and $1.00.
Englajtd has won eighty-two per
cent, of the wars she has engaged in;
but in over a century she has defeated
no white nation single handed.
Bnoklsn's Arincs salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded.. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by ' Snipes & Kin
ersly. - : -.
A tailor-made man is a "survival
of the fitter."
Whesevee you speak evil of another
you are sure to hurt yourself.
. v The Great English Remedy.
Promptly and permanently
cores all forms of Kervou
Weakness, Em issions. Sperm-
otorrhea. Impotence and aU
effects of A bus or Excesses
n prescribed over 85
ears in thousands of cases;
Xtfort an After. '"Z.
druggist for Wood's Phosnhodlnes if he offers
some -worthless medicine in place of tils, leave bis
dishonest store. Inclose price In letter, and
we will send by return mau. Price, one package,
SI; six, 85. One ttriu please, sfcn vjill cure. Pamph
let In plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage.
Address The W-ood Chemical Co..
131 Woodward avenue, Detroit, JUch.
Sold in The Dalles by Snipes Kinersly.
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Ohegonian
is $1.50. - Any one subscribing for The
Chbonicle and paying for one year iu
advance can get both Tub Chbonicle
and Weekly Obegonian ,for $2.00. ; All
old subscribers paying their subscrip
tions for one year in advance will be en
titled to the same offer.
Ha worth, printer, 118 Court St. ' tf
"w . . clover Honey. ' . x
. 'An enthusiast on the subject states
that each head ofrclover is comiwscd of
about sixty distinct flmver. "tuU's, and
each of these contains sngtir not to ex
ceed the five hundredth part of a grain.
The proboscis of the honey bee must
therefore be inserted into five hundred
lover tubes before one grain of sugar
can be obtained. There are ' seven
thousand grains in a pound, and as
honey contains three-fourths of its
weight of dry sugar,; each pound of
clover honey would represent the in
sertion of the proboscis into two mil
lion five hundred thousand clover
heads. . . ' -.
Look st Tbit.
All county warrants registered prior
to May 1, 1890, will be paid at my office.
Interest ceases after the 21st inst.
War. MrcHELL, County Treas.
Dated May 19, 1894. , 2m.
Kleetrio Bitters.
This remedy is becoming" so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will care all diseases of
the liver ; and kidneys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial,
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's.
To Whom it May Concern:
' Notice is hereby given that by order
of the common council made and en
tered on the 3rd day of May, 1894, 1 was
authorized and directed to 'advertise the
matters substantially contained in the
docket of city liens of the assessment of
property for the construction of an 8
inch terra cotta sewer in Lincoln street
as 'provided by special ordinance. No.
285, which passed the common council
of Dalles City March 12th, 1894, and
was approved by the mayor March 13th,
1894. -
That the assessments which have not
been paid upon the property as now ap
pears in Baid lien docket are as follows :
Lots 8 and 9,block I Trevitt's Ad
dition, Capt. McNulty $49 30
Lots 4, 5 and 6. block 1, Trevitt's
Addition, Mrs. Marv Booth. .. 73 95
Lot 3, block 1. Trevitt's Addition,
J. L. Thompson 24 65
Lots 1 and 2 and 6 of 3, block 5
Trevitt's Addn Catholic church 123 25
Lot 8, block 2, Trevitt's Addition
Mrs. T. W. Sparks 24 65
Lot 4, block 4, Trevitt's Addition, .
Mary Bonzeyr 24 65
That unless within five days from the
final publication of this notice, to-wit,
Monday, May 28th, 1894, as required by
Sec. 74 of the charter of Dalles City,
said sums above mentioned are - not
wholly paid to tbe city treasurer and a
duplicate Teceipt therefor filed with the
recorder of Dalles City, the council will
order a warrant for the collection of the
same, to be issued by the recorder and
directed to the marshal.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 8th
day of May, 1894.
Douglas S. Dcfor,
m8-14t Recorder of Dalles City.
Rheumatism, .,
Lumbago Sciatica
Kidney Complaints,
Lame Back. etc
With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY
A.aiesK relents I jes jaiprovcssenui i
Win cure without medicine all Weakaaw resulting; from
over-taxatlou of brain nerve forces; excesses or India,
cretion, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor,
rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints,
lamebaclc. lumbago, sciatic, all female complaints,
general 111 health, etc. - This eleetiio Belt coutalna
Vtoaderral lmpraveaieats over all others. Current is
instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit $S,OO0.Ou? and
will cure ail of the above diseases or no pay. . The
nrfs have been cured bv tills marvelous Invention
after all otberffemedles failed, and we Rive anno reds
of testimonials In this and every other state.
Our rawernU hptHri ELECTRIC 8TJ8FEXSOKT. the
flnvotest boon ever offered weak men. KKKK with all
Belt. Health as Ylreraoa Straagth SUAJUHTKKD la SO t
OdarS Send for Illus'd Pamphlet, mallei .sealed, free
Bfo. X78 Klret Street. rOBTLANU OKE.
Removed to corner Third and Washington
streets, Portluud. Or. ,.
J. F. FORD, Evanielist,
Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date oi
x March 23, 1893: ,
S. B. Med. Mfo. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen : .
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting.. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old.
who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all.. Wishing you prosperity, we are
. .Yours, Ala. & Msa. J. b. pobd.
' If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and read j
for the Spring's work, cleanse yonr system with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two ot
three doses each week.
Sold under a positive guarantee.
60 cents per bottle by all druggists.
prompt answer and an bonest opinion, write to
MU N N & CO., who have had nearly fifty years
experience In the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation conoarninjr Patents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ot mechan
ical and sdentlno books sent free.
Patents taken tbromih Mnnn ft Co. receive
special notice in the Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with,
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of anv scientiac work In the
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, U0 a year. Single
copies, 2 cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new '
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
M.UHH tf CO, MEW YOllK, ;ttl BBOaSWAT.
ftrt 900 pare book "Til MET? CtABSEauF tnwyf, shouldbe read by every Joint,
middle-aged and old man, sent sealed, freeTDr. Sandeu's ElecRia Belt is no experiment
as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor, after all other treatments failed, as can b
shown by hundreds of eases throughout this and other 8tates,who would gladly testify, and from many
Of whom, we have strong letters bearing, testimony to their recovery aiter uaiiijr our licit
scurBai ncDii irvriiPFn.
. baa Francisco, Cnl., August H 3890.
T A T. flmrlan. Imf Rir s RAfor. I timmI ronr belt
I wu trembled with lost igor. vital woaJuieiis, and
almost a oomplete loss of power. I would set up with
a Terr tired leeiiua. bones torung, exo.( sinoe using
roar belt I hare had a new lease of Hi X now enjoy
ife btterthnn I hTe for ten rear past. I hare the
ntmoHt connaaaoe in 700 r crMimeni, 10a can pno
Jiah. this statement, also have others write or call on
Truly yoara7jO.A.OWN. 36 and 28 Turk St.
For: land, Oregon. April IS 1&I2.
Dr. A. T. Banden. Deer 8irr I got one ot your belts
two wseks aso for rheumatism, from which 1 Buffered
for fwSTural rears. For the past six months I had not
been able to wra Yonr belt has placed me in almost
perfect health In the two weeks I have need it. I can
walk comfortablr, and feel like a new man generally.
M. K. HUGHES, Proprietor International Hotel.
Dr. A.T. Sanden, Dear Sir -1 hare been using yonr
Electric belt for general nemos debility, and to-dar
feel better than I hare for five rears. I have gained
ia vigor cuuiy. atom am strong in everyparTi.,
xonrs grateru 1 iy. uuai
fa ettmptetv pfmlranic battery, made Into a belt so as to be easily worn duHnjr work or street, 4 It
gWes soothing, prolonged currents which are instantly lelt tnronghoat aU weak parts, or we forfeit
95.000. It has an Improved Klectrlo Huepensory, the greatest boon ever girea weak in en, and
we warrant it to core any of the a bore weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money
Refunded. They are graded In strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, mtddIe-elor old
men, and will euro the worst cases in two or three mouths. Address for full Information.
BamoTSd to Corner Third and Washington Streets.
Hew York Weekly Tribune
Wlea the Train stop at TBE
fiEW COIuUlVlBlfl HOTEli.
.v.:- - ,'
This large and popular House doe tlio principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the I ;t Accommodations oi any "
House In the city, and at the lwv rate of. ' - 1
$1.00 per Day. - prst Qass Teals, 25 Cets.
' " .. ' . -.
Offlea tor all Staee I.lnes leavins; Tbe Dalles for all
points In Kastern Oregon, and Katern Wasninsrton.
' - In this Hotel. .
Corner ol Front and Union BCs.
,There is a tide in the affpirs of men which, taken at its Jleod
leads on to fortune."
The poet 'unquestionably had reference to the
Who are selling these goods
Pips WDI- Tll
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Yonng & Kuss
.. Blacksmith Shop. - ' ; -
wits Electro niasBietic snnpee
sorr wiU cure without medicine
JT' all of the above troubles. Those who
tf.i tNtrToiiKii, feleepleHsness,
1M's Sf,m Memory, all FemalrCoat.
J$ I Plaints, and general III health.
the effects ox abuses, excesses, worry
or exposure, will find relief and prompt
cure, in oar marvelous invention, .
whicn requires but atrial to convince
the most skeptical. In Ignorance of ef
fects yon may have unduly drained
your system of nerve force and vitality
which la electricity and thus
caused your weakness or lack of force.
If yon replace Into your system thf
elements thus drained, which are re.
quired for vigorous strength, you will
remove tbe cause and health, strength
nd vigor wljl follow at once. This
is onr plan and treatment, and wt
ananntM a eara or reiuna monev.
PnrtiaaTitl flipiinn Psiritsinilssir Urt
Tr. A.T. Saaden, Dev8ir: Years otexporar.:
hard work, combined with the strain coming from tha
jar of anenzine. nnrnti severe ease of lama back.
from which I suffered for serea rears. I was to bad
that I conld not bend my back. W sa all doubled op .
with it. X bought one of your belts. It helped mo
inside of two days, and I continued to wear it for four
months, being perfectly cored. Tbat was two years
sko, and I am as weh to-day as I erer was in my life I
know your belt well, and I know lota ot people who
hare been eured by it. Many others need It, and if
they would try it they would find it the same as I did
the best remedy In the world. I sm located here
permanently, and will be glad to talk With aajoaawho
wants to inquire a boat it
' BOBKfiT BDRflMh Engineer Hotel Portland.
Dr. A. T. Bander, Dear fiir Since wearing roar
bait I hare been greatly benefited. I feel my old en
ergy fa-it returning; and altera month's oee of the
belt I find myself twice as vigorous as before. Ity
memory is now nearly perfect and each day show
for the better.
using the belt.
Tours truly, HJuhM HGSOtO
DALLES, get off on tie South Side vy
at tmc
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- . - UXION ST. '