The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 21, 1894, Image 3

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    : A Marvel in Silk
.. Successors to Tie Dalles Mercantile Co. ana Joles Bros.
Fife Iiightcf.
p " Little ,Gem " I ncubators
Portrait of
Reproduced in a Masterpiece of the Loom.
It takes three expert weavers two and a half months to weave a
single copy. Only black and white silk is used, all the exquisite
shading being obtained by the skillful use of the Triple Lopm.
It cost $8,Q00 to transfer the design from the Oil Painting to the
Loom and to produce the first copy. -
On Exhibition
In Our Center Window:
We have some handsome patterns in the new fabric, " SWIVEL
SILK," especially designed for- Ladies' "Waists. We are showing
an Elegant Sample Line ot ' . ; . ,.
Printed Silks.
' Exclusive Patterns.
A great labor- and money-saver, as it
does swap with the necessity for kind
ling of any description in starting either
wood or coal fires: It is always ready
for nsa, and a most convenient house
hold contrivance. '
.' , ' Directions for Use.
Take a can and pat in sufficient coal
oil to cover the lighter, which should re
main in the oil for three or four min
utes. Then light-with a match and
place in front of or under the grate.- If
the blaze goes dfrectly to the fuel, the
fire will be quickly started. Keep the
lighter in the can of oil and it will al
ways be ready for use. ; . A
fzuox:, as cents.
Maier & Benton,
Come and see the Machine in operation.
390 and 394 Second Street, "
TO. STOdflQEfl:- We have just received Fifty Ton of
Stock Salt, Lime and Sulphur.. Call before buying. "
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Botered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
kreiiele aid K. T. Irilne
" ii Wilj Oregoiiu
" u Ccuiopolitaa Iiruiit. .
Regular Our
price price
,.(2.50 $1.75
.. 3.00 2.00
.. 3.00 2.25
Local Adrertlsinf;.
JO Ceuia per line for first Insertion, and S Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
An local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sate at I. C. Nickelsen'g store.
Telephone No. 1.
"MAY 21, 1894
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
There are men from out whose lips .
No lie has ever come.
You doubting look? The men I mean
Were born both deaf and dumb.
Decoration day will be the next holi
day of national significance.
There is some apprehension that the
' river will equal the rise of 1876.
Mr. Chas. Schmidt has had . ripe
strawberries on hia premises for several
A year ago today the water in the
river was 35.3 ieet. Today it is 33.5 and
rising rapidly.
The lady who wished to ascertain the
whereabouts of Thos. Weatherford will
communicate with The Chronicle
A rousing republican meeting' was
. held at Endersby Saturday night. A
large number attended and the speaking
was said to be excellent.
The public schools close on Friday for
the summer vacation. An enterlain
, ment is being prepared for Saturday
evening, which will eclipse that of any
former year.
Mr. J. W. Ketchum brought in from
the sheep ranges about 2,000 sheep this
morning and shipped them from Salt-
. marshe & Co.'s stockyards to Troutdale
this afternoon. - .'
A fish wheel belonging to A. Winans
was, torn from its moorings and passed
by The Dalles today, going down river.
Efforts were made to save it, but were
only partially successful. It entails a
loss of between $500 and $300. . , .
' The Independent "Workers Lodge, No.
7, will give an ice cream social at their
hall on Monday evening. The admis
sion will be 25 cents. This will include
ice cream,, which will be served in soup
plates, and cake. The proceeds will be
used for providing the lodge with
regalias. Everybody is invited..
A leading populist made a remark
today that there was not the sound of a
hammer being heard in Wasco county.
, We know of half a dozen structures be
' ing erected now in The Dalles alone, and
if the populist in mind would exchange
the street corner for his own premises,
we might be able to add another, to the
: list of sounds. - .
Pat Evan, who was undnlv influenced
by too much corn-juice last evening, got
into an altercation with John Hull,
night bartender at the Colombia House.
Hull broke a beer glass ' over his head,
and he was taken to the city jail. The
injuries were such as to require the ser
vices of a physician and Dr. Hollister
was r- summoned, who rendered the
proper medical aid.
A grand republican rally will be held
at The Dalles on the 25th. Hon. R. G.
Horr will deliver the address. The Dalles
band and orchestra, will render the nec
essary music. Excursion rates will be
made from all points touched by the
Union Pacific and the D. P. & A. N. Co.
It is especially desired that as many as
possible of the leading republicans of
Gilliam, Sherman, Crook and Wasco
counties will be present.
; ' .
A fake Lsnd Boom.
' A family named Levi arrived from the
Yakima country last night and took the
Regulator this morning for McMinnville
in search of a'permanent home. They
were induced to come from the East
from reading boom advertisements of a
section called Sunnyside, west of Pasco
in the Yakima valley. They pronounce
it the most stupendous fraud they ever
saw. They arrived while the snow was
on the ground and purchased some of
the land. When the snow went off they
discovered thatot was- a vast area of
alkali dust, and the farther down the
worse the alkali and the more the dust.
Nothing can be done without irrigation
and irrigation is impossible without
great trouble and expense ; and the wind
blows fearfully. Mr. Levi knows of
other eastern parties who have invested
heavily in Sunnyside real estate, who
are now furions at being duped. It is
probable several suits will be instituted
against the boomers of this worthless
section of country.
A Triumph of Weaving;.
The most artistic likeness of George
Washington ever in the city is on exhibi
tion in the center window of Pease &
Mays. At first glance it would be taken
for an unusually fine steel engraving, but
it is a picture woven with silk threads,
3&ch one of which is the smallest of tiny
threads. The picture is a reproduction
of . the .original, and in every way its
equal, which cost $800,000 to weave.
The copies cost $100 each, and it takes
three' expert weavers two and a half
months, to make it. Six hundred
thousand threads are required, woven on
a special triplicate loom at Lyons,
France. Altogether it. is an astonishing
triumph of the weaver's art.
- High. Water Probable.
The river is rising rapidly. At 8
o'clock Sunday morning the guage reg
istered 30.9. At 7 p. m. it stood 31.5,
and at 7 o'clock this morning the record
was 32.7, and at 2 o'clock 33.5, lacking
only 4.8 of approaching the high water
marlc of last year, which was June 14th.
A( Umatilla the river stood this morn
ing 20.8 and has risen a foot during the
night. If the warm weather continues,
as present indications ' point, the river
bids: fair, to equal the high water mark
of 1882, and navigation of First and
Second streets in small boats is even a
possibility. .
Notice is hereby given to whom it
may concern, that wt, will prosecute to
the full extent of he law, any person
detected trespassing upon or interfering
in any way with any property in our
care. , J. M. Huntington & Co.
. The Chbonicle prints all the news.
Neighborhood Kewi Contributed by Lo
cal Writers.
Crops are looking first rate and farm
ers are looking forward to reaping quite
a harvest. .
Sheep shearing is almost over and the
herds are preparing to leave for the
Jacob Craft is confined to his bed but
he hopes soon to . be able to visit your
city to join his many old-time friends.
Mr. Thos. Harris met with quite a
successful lambing and it is to be hoped
that such may be the case with him
always. . -
The weather has been cloudy for some
days with a prospect of better weather
in future, and farmers think it is because
the Wasco Sun has ceased to exist.
Mrs. Mixer expects her brother from
the East shortly on a visit. They have
been separated 30 years and it is need
less to tell of the happy reunion about
to take place. - :
Mr. William Craft has completed the
hazardous task of planting 400 acres of
potatoes. His herd of cattle are in fine
trim for market and ne expects to eell
them shortly.
At the head of Porcupine canyon there
is quite a settlement sprung up and it
won't be long before our; little village
can boast of a school house and church.
"Keep your eye on" Craftsville.
A. E. M.
Harry Holman made a trip to The
Dalles last week.
J. D. Wilcox and wife left for The
Dalles last week.
The Ellis-McEIInley Club meets next
Friday night at 7 :30 o'clock.
There was preaching at the school
house Sunday at 11 o'clock.
The sheep shearers commenced shear
ing at B. S. Kelsay's last week.
A heavy rain fell here Sunday night,
May 13th, laying the dust very nicely.
The horse men rounded up -their
horses at Macken's corral Saturday
The republican club is getting along'
nicely. It is the liveliest corpse I ever
Mr. Porter - and son have returned to
their home near Salem. They have
been visiting relatives here for the last
two weeks. -
There will be a grand republican rati
fication at the school bouse on ' Monday,
May -SSth, at J. o'clock p. m. All are
cordially invited to come and bring their
Mrs. Delia C. H. Cox. who is canvass
ing this county for the prohibitionists,
spoke at the school house last Thursday
night. . There was quite a number of
republicans present.
Don't forget the republican speaking
here oi the 28th. Everybody come
democrats, prohibitionists, populists,
women and children. There will be
some of the best speakers in the state at
this meeting.
- - Republican.
4,000 rolls wall paper, fresh goods and
new designs, with borders and ceilings
to match, just received, will be sold at
hard times, prices.
. ijel. Jos. T. Pbtkbs & Co.
Rambler bicycles are the best. ; Good
second-hand wheels for sale cheap.
Mats & Crowe, .
Agency F. T. Merrill Cycle Co.
Kindly Appreciated.
v Antelope Herald.
.When it comes to enterprise, the busi
ness men of - The Dalles are generally
entitled to' a front seat in the arena.
One night last week they held a meeting
and raised $700 with which to build a
new road over the Currant Creek hill.
The county court also appropriated $300,
which swells', the amount to $1,000.
This, in addition to what can be raised
in this end of the county, will be suffi
cient to make a first-class road up this
hill which we all know will be the great
est favor to the traveling public that
could possibly "be rendered. Mr.
Shearer, the famous road -builder, has
been given the contract, and he will no
doubt begin work on the same in a very
few days. After this . new road is
finished it will be made a county road
and will always be kept in good repair.
Freighters and -wool haulers from the
Canyon City, Dayville and Mitchell
countries will find this the shortest, the
best, and in tact the only practicable
route to market and to the railroad.
The gentlemen who are at the head of
this worthy move deserve great credit.
Change In forms. -
United States Land Office. I
The Dalles, May 19, 1894. J '
Dear Sir The Hon. Commifsioner's
letter "G" April 13, 1894, gives notice
that slight changes have been made in
the following blanks, viz: . 4-063, 4-069,
4-073a, 4-074a, 4-074b, 4-074c, 4-l02b,
4-369, 4-372a, 4 373a, 4-374, 4-385 and
4-386. ' .
' The principal object of the change' is
to show the place where the affidavits
are taken, and you are notified that
papers hereafter executed before you
must be .executed on the forms so sub
stituted, or conform thereto in every
The .limited supply of the new forms
furnished this office precludes the possi
bility of our furnishing copies to corres
pondents. Very respectfully,
John W. Lewis, Register.
William H. Biggs, Receiver.
. Mr. and- Mrs. A. S. Roberts left this
morning for Eogene City to attend the
commencement exercises of the State
Mr. - A. C. Sanford of Wapinitia is in
the city. He states that section was
visitedJwitb a fine rain Saturday, which
did a vast amount of good.
Hon. T. "R. Coon returned to Hood
River this afternoon from Antelope.
He reports there is no further need of
missionary work in that section.
Mrs. W. H. Wilson was a passenger
on the Regulator this morning for the
Cascade Locks, where she will visit Mr.
and Mrs. D. L. Cates and Mrs. O. W.
Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Ridge, Harrison
Co., Mo., says : . "For -whooping cough
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel
lent." By using It freely, the disease is
deprived of all dangerous consequences.
There is no danger in giving the Remedy
to babies, as it contains nothing injur
ious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists.
Keep your eye on this proposition
We will give free to every new cash ub
teriber to the Weekly Chbonicle a
year's subscription to the great New
York Weekly Tribune. This offer will
be open until the first of July. Don't
forget it You get The Chbonicle for
one year for $1.50 and the Tribune as a
premium.' Old subscribers can have
both papers by paying up arrears and
renewing subscription at $1.75.
Great Price Reduction
"a I WW i ri 3
-Good Boys' Suits from $2.00 up..
Staple papey Dry (joods,
Boots AX3.cS. Siloes.
Ginghams, Calieos, ffluslins and Overalls, at Gut Prices.
The Latest Styles
Hats, Bonnets
. ; AND ' '
The ladies of The Dalles are invited to call and
inspect our large and varied assortment of Millin
ery Goods, which is the finest in in the city.
MKS. M. LeBALLISTER, The Dalles.
Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Reform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac
tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent will call and secure your order.
MARION DARSHE, by Crawford,
.$ 50
.. 50
. 1 00