D ON1 T LISTEN to the dealer who is bent on bigger profits. The thing that he wants you to buy, when yon ask for Doctor , Pierce's Favorite 'Prescription, tstit "just as good." Proof of 1 V 111 I onty guaranteed LI Illl' remedy for the ailments of wo- saanhood is the " Favorite ' Prescrip tion." If it ever fails to benefit or ure, in making weak women strong r suffering women well, you have your money back. . Anything "just as good," or as sure to bring help, could be, and would be, sold in just that way. This guaranteed medicine . is an invigorating, restorative tonic, es pecially adapted to woman's needs sad perfectly harmless in any con dition of her system. It builds up, strengthens, regu lates, and cures. For periodical pains, bearing-down ensations, ulceration, inflammation everything that's known . as. a "female complaint," it's a remedy that's safe, certain, and proved. Everything catarrQal in its nature, Catarrh itself, and all the trouble? that come from Catarrh, are per fectly and permanently cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh .Remedy. No natter how bad your case or of how long standing, you cafti be cured. Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and aU the train of arils from early errors or later excesses, the remit of. overwork, sickness, worry, etc Pull strength, development and tone given to every organ and gortlon of the body. Imple, natural methods. Immediate Improvement seen. Fa llare impossible. 3,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. THOSE WHO WISH Je UllUUj PLASTER, LATH. Picture ppames, -AND- Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, CALL AND SEE ZE3I- C3-XjS3STT. "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portlani and A&teria Navigation Co, TTTT? OTTfiT-T Freignt ana Passenger Line Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex ceptcd) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks -with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for 'The Dalles. PASSENGER BATES. One way Sound trip...'...-... ....$2j00 .... 3.00 - Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. . All freight, ' except car lots, will be brought, through, with out delay at Cascades. . Shipments for Portland received at - any .time day or night. Shipments for iv ' landmen mnst Via delivered hfnr 6 p. m. Live' stock shipments eolicted. Call on or address, , : ; W. CALLAWAY, . . General Agent O. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON UIM of C3ED Glass limft Cement A AlVkJk SOME CURIOUS FACTS. ,ne Origin of Amber, Crystal and Pearls Explained by an Expert. "Amber , is curious stuff," said a col lector of curios to a Washington Star reporter the other day. "It is only com paratively recently that its nature has been known, and even at this day very few people- seem to have any notion as to what it is in reality. The ancients ..garded it as altogether mysterious and oven magical. They found that it was .enderod electrical by friction so' as to attract light substances, and our word 'electricity' comes from the Greek name .ir amber, which was 'electron.' A fa vorite puzzle with them wa how the insects so frequently found in amber oame to be so situated. Not as a mod ern poet has phrased it: " . that tho thing was cither rich or rare, . But how thedevil did it get thorc? "I have myself seen a chunk of vrry transparent amber in which a small liz ard with five logs was encased, looking as if it might have been alivo ycsiorilay, though, doubtless, it had been dead for thousands of years. The mystery re garding this sort of phenomenon i: easi ly enough explained when it is under stood that amber is actually tho fossil gum of an extinct kind of cone-bearing cree. In tho process of hardening it im prisoned the flies and other creatures preserved in the chunks of it Unit are found to-day. It. is discovered plenti fully by digging in certain pai la of the great plains of North Germany, where the strange tree once flourished., It is also found in considerable quantities along tho shores of the Baltic, in the yellow, sandstone. At Palmickc::. . in Bast Prussia, it is dug in regular, mines; elsewhere it is picked from cliffs, and a ffood deal of it is gathered in the shape of nodules cast up by the waves. ' The finest specimen of amber in Europe is a cup made of' that material, now at the Brighton Museum, England. J t was found at Hove some years ago, together with weapons and utensils of stone and bronze, so it is evidently very ancient indeed. In the fourteenth century, and before amber was made into knives and forks with one prong, which wero used by princes and church dignitaries, it was more valuablo than gold then. Xow it is worth from $3 to $50 a pound, ac cording to its quality. The most im portant use made of it is for meerschaum and- other jripes. Meerschaum, by the way, is a material dug out of the earth in Turkey; it comes in. boxes holding fifty pounds, and valued at from S-0 to $300. The dust and chips obtained from It in the process of manufacture are worked into pipes, this material being jailed 'imitation meerschaum." Amber lust is melted, and the product is what is sold as 'amberine.' " ' "What a very, beautiful sphere of crystal this is!" said the newspaper roan, caking in his hand a cool globe that looked like a huge dewdrop, which the collector handed him for examination. "Yes, that is a pretty specimen. I suppose you are aware of the theory en tertained by the ancients regarding such rock crystal. They thought it was actually ice frozen to great density by Juration of time, congealed beyond liquidation. 'Krystallos' ' in' Greek means 'ice' The famous writer on nat ural philosophy, Pliny, who wrote more facts that were not true than ever any .aan collected together before or since, .ays tho crystal is undoubtedly water .rozen by cold so intense that nothing an melt it again. Roman ladies of that time were accustomed to carry such spheres as this one in their hands during bot weather for coolness. It was the thing also to have tho material worked into wine jugs and other vessels. Nero had two drinking cups of crystal worth $3,000 each, and a crystal ladlo -lso; but Avhen he learned that he had lost his kingdom he broke them, lest' chey fall into the hands of any ono else. A crystal lens was employed in Rome to Kindle the sacred vestal, fire. Great .:are was taken not to put the crystal ware in a warm place for fear that it would melt. The most remarkable dis covery of crystal on record was made in 18C7 above the Ticfen glacier by a party of tourists, a single cave in the granite yielding 1,000 crystals of from 50 to 100 pounds weight." "And what is this?" ' . . . "That," replied the collector, "is a diminutive Chinese god, covered with a coat of pearl bv a real pearl ovdter. On such parts of the coast oi ine fiowery Kingdom as produce pearl oysters a regular business is often made of manu facturing pearls artificially by intro ducing into the shells of the live oysters foreign objects of various kinds. . You doubtless know that the pearl is a mor bid symptom in the bivalve. A grain of sand or some such substance, getting into tho oyster produces irritation and the animal protects itself by covering the objectionable particle with coating after coating of its own pearly secre tion. The interruption of light by the successive coats of which tho pearl is formed in this ay gives it its beautiful luster. Taking advantage of this habii, of the pearl oyster the ingenious China man pries it gently open, and' puts in whatever ho likes, may be a little figdre of a god like this Tho oyster goes to work and covers it with "pearl, until after a few months tho idol is a pearl idol." Bueklen'a Arlncs Salve. The best ealve in the world for cuts, bruipes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25'cents per box. For sale by : Snipes & Kin ersl.y --' - --- -: The regular subscription price of the Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and' the reenlur price of the Weekly Oekgonian is $t. 50. -..Any one subscribing for The ChkonioIb and paying for -one year, iu H.lvam-e can get both The Chbonicxb and Wj:eki,y.()regosian for $2.00. All old ; subscribers paying their subscrip tions tor one year, in advance will be en titled to the same offer. ,. Ilaworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf SEEING WITH ONE EYE. Effect of Judgment Trained br Binocular Vision. . . A person may see as far -with one per fect eye as with two, but he cannot see as clearly; for the advantage that binocular, or double vision, possesses over monocular, or one-eyed vision, is that the former, by allowing the ob server to catch sight of the object from two different points of view, gives him at once some idea of the proportions of of its different parts. ' r But though this is true in theory, in practice the judgment interferes, and the judgment has been educated and in measure' rendered independent of. the services' of binocular vision by expe rience and the use of other senses, such as touch, says the Washington Post. - Thus a man with only ono eye is never deceived as to the nature of an object with which he is well ac quainted, for the report of it that he gets from, his vision is corrected and supplemented by his experienced judgment- and transmitted to bis centers of consciousness in as perfect a form as that which reaches those of a man with two eyes. ' - -: :- r The advantage of : binocular 1 vision may be thus further illustrated: In rapidly dipping a pen into an inkstand or putting a stopper into a decanter the one-eyed man cannot judge so accurate ly as the two-eyed man. Or, again, if we shut one eye and attempt to plunge the finger rapidly into the open mouth of a bottle we are apt to over-reach, or fall short of it. An Affectionate .Jurkul. The jackal is only a Mtlle wild dog. Its body is but fourteen or ii'ieoa inch es long, its tail about ten mere, and it stands about fifteen inchcn high. . It has the habits of a dog; when wild it howls, but when tamo it barks just like a housd dog. It is nocturnal in its habits, but that is becuuse the heat of the climate in Asia and Africa is so great that most animals shun the light, and the jackal does not like the heat any more than other animals do. It is easily tamed, and becomes as affection ate and faithful as any doar. j . Brazilian Rat Killer. A "globe trotter" recentlj- rvtm--"l home from an extended tour t!ir i;;;li foreign countries says: "In all rav trav els there was nothing that intc ro.--.tcd mc more than a peculiar custom prov alei it in Brazil. In that tropical coun try rats are vtfry troublesome, and to rid their houses of the pests the hiiinb itants resort to a peculiar method. ..The giboia, a small species of boa, is reared expressly for the purpose, and the ser pents, many of them fifteen feet in length and about five inches thick; are sold in the markets of the principal towns. The snake is harmless and slow of movement during the day, buj at night, when the household is deep in slumber, the exterminator gets in his work. His method of killing a rat is to catch it by the- nape of the neck and crush the cervical vertebra. The ser pent, like a dog in this country, soon becomes accustomed to its ' master's house, and if carried away to a distance will find its way back." : Poverty Breed Ins; Cruelty. The rise in the price of meat in Ger many has not only increased the gener al consumption of horse-flesh, but in western Germany has led many of the peasants, who have. to forego the meat market altogether, to draw, blood for blood sausages every Saturday from the living swine. The blood is let into sausage skins, is sprinkled wit!i fat, and after having thickened is eaton with . sauerkraut for the Sunday dinner. It Shonld Be in Every House J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps- burg, Pa., says be will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured bis wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin- ersly'8. Large bottles. 50c. and $1.00. . The Colorado legislature has passed the bill for a house-to-house registra tion of voters and twenty-seven women have been appointed on the list of can vassers for registering, the women voters Persona who sympathize with the afflicted - will rejoice with D. K. Carr of 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in con sequence has had another attack. "It came npon me very acute and severe, be said. "My joints swelled and became inflamed ; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent request of my mother-in-law I tried " Chamberlain's Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable sur prise, it did both. I have need three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swellings extant. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. - A crescent brooch, fully four' inches long from end to end, is of graduated smoky topazes set with small bril liants. ook'sMonRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Sveeaqfitllit mtea Mtonthtif bv thousand of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Boot Componnd, take tut suZwff tute. or inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we will send, sealed, by return mail. FoUsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Poni', Lily Company, . Ko. 0 Fisher Block. Detroit, Mich. A CHAPTER FOR BOYS. What Johnny Shonld larn If He Wool Make Hiinxel. ir.wful.. " To run. V'' To swim. ' To carve. , ' " : . ' , ' To be neat. " ; " . To be honest. .;. . ' . To make a fire. 4 To be punctual. . ' To do an errand. - . To cut kindlings. : To sing if ho can. ' i To sew on a button. : . , j To hang up his bat. f " To hold his head erect. " ; To respect his teacher. . To help his mother or sister. ; i To button his mother's boots. ' To wipe his hoots on tho mat. - To read aloud when requested. . ' To help the boy smaller than himself. ! - To speak pleasantly to an old woman ; To put every garment in its proper place. .- ' . . - , -"To remove his hat uponentering a house. . - - , - I . To keep his finger-nails from' wearing mourning. I ' To lift tho baby out of the cradle and hold it for half an hour. To treat the girls so well that thej will -wish ho was their brother, -r i -f y To close the door quietly,, especially when there Is a sick person in thr housn . y No Sentiment There. : : In nine cases out of te n ships leaving New York, Boston -or Philadelphia' for distant ports am lirovisioncd s- -ylose by their owners; that if a v;hi-wrecksd 2rew of ten men -Were picked up and fed for three days it would put every body on short rations. 1 A losr. of four days on sailing time would do the same thjjig. .... NOTICB.' To Whom it May Concern: : Notice is hereby eiven that by order of the common council made and en tered on the 3rd day of May 1894, 1 was authorized and directed to advertise the matters substantially contained in the docket of city liens of the assessment of property for the construction of an 8-4 . . y men terra cotta sewer in Lincoln street us provided by special . ordinance No. 285, which passed the common council of Dalles City March 12tb, 1894, and was approved by the mayor March 13th, 1894. . That the assessments which have not been paid npon the property as now ap pears in sain nen oncKet are as iouows : Lots 8 and 9,block 1 Trevitt's Ad dition. Capt. McNnlty ..... $49 30 Lots 4, 5 and 6, block 1, Trevitt's Addition Mrs. Marv Booth. . . 73 90 Lot 3, block 1. Trevitt's Addition, J. L. Thompson 24 bo Lots 1 and 2 and b of 3, block 5 Trevitt's Addn fjatholic churcn 1SJ3 25 Lot 8, block 2, Trevitt's Addition Mrs. T. W. Sparks . 24 oft Lot 4, block 4, Trevitt's Addition, . Mary Bonzey Z4 bo That unless within five days from the final publication of this notice, to-wit, . . , . . n r . .nni - , 1 Monaay, xuay zoin, loyi, as requirea Dy Sec. 74 of the charter of . Dalles City. said sums above mentioned are not wholly paid to the city treasurer and a duplicate receipt therefor filed with the recorder of Dalles Uity. the council will order a warrant for the collection of the same, to be issued bv the recorder and diiected to the marshal. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 8th day of May, 1894. JJ0UGLA8 O. UOTOR, m8-14t . Recorder of Dalles City. : 1 Rheumatism. I 'bUJ.Im - Kidney Complaints, Lame uacni o D.1. SAKDEK'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY Win cure v Ithout medicine all Tfyfcm reaultinsr trmn over-taxatiou of brain nerve forces t exoeeaes or indis. cretion, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kidney, liver And bladder eomplalnta, lame back. Inrabaffo, sciatJra, all female complaints zeneral ill health, etc. This electrla Belt coutalns WoMterfDl ImpmoMsU over all others. Cnrrent la instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit &,0Mi.OO, and will cure all of the above diseases or no pay. Tnou ..nds have been cured by this marvelous Invention after all other remedies failed, and we Rive Hundreds of testimonials in this and every other state. Onr Pwrariml baron KLBCTB1C STISPESSOKT. the ffmttest boon aver offered weak men. FREB with all Bflts. Uealth and Ytnroua Siranffth GUAUlNTEED la SO t SO daj Send for lltuaM Pamphlet, maileC .sealed, free 8ANOEN ELECTRIC CO., tSo. ITS a-lrst 8t.-eet, FOSLTTMkXJ OKE. Removed to corner Third and Washington ' . streets, Portland, Or. J. F. RffiD, Evangelist, Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol March 23, 1893: S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, ie now well, strone and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. , Wishing you prosperity, we are Your 8, Mb. & MRS. J. H. JtOED, If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and read; for the Spring', work, cleanse your system with the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two or three doses each week. Bold. under a positive guarantee. GO cents per bottle by a U drnmriBts. w r-vr- 1 livr a. V" ouriruuniot CAR I OBTAIN A PATENT Vor a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to SlUNN&CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Communlca tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning; Patenta and bow to ob tain Lbem sent free. Also a catalogue Of mechan. leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbrongh Mann a COv reoeivs special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are broaKht widely before the pnblio with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, baa by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 a year, gampie copies sent free. Building Bditlon-montuly, a year. Binple copies, 'iS cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and pbotograpns of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show tba latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNS & CO Kim Youk, :itil BliOADWAT. iiAVE YOU TCIED TO FtSD A RHEUMATISM LUMDACO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA. LAME-BACK,. DB. SAKSEN'S ELECTRIC BELT 4 h unr S00 book "TfiKMt CIA8S5 SrtKBty houldbe wd by erery yoans-, middle-aged and old man. sent sealed. freeTWr. and en'. Elecrrie Belt iff no experiment as we have restored thousands to robust health and Tieor, after all other Srestmenta tailed, as can be shown toy hundreds of cases throughout this and other States,who would gladly testify. aaaXrommany ; of whom we have strong letters besrincr testimony to their recovery aiter ooing our Belt - WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! rcucDit ntrnii itv riiPFn , bsaFrMn 0100, Oal August 14, IB9C. Tr. A. T. Sanden, Dea Sir -Bf ore X used yonr belt I was troubled with lost vigor, vital weakness, and almost a complete loss off power. I would get up with a vary ctrea xeeung, oones scnuiK. etc.; sin oe using roar belt 1 haveiaa a new lease of lif h X now enjoy 1II DMUr IDBB M. Bon lurLSB IWH fJUIi M. Han lllfl atmoMt oonudttoee in your treatment. You can pub lish this statemenvaiso have others write or call on i. Truly yoors H. A. HO WJlW, K and 8b Tork Bt. RHEUMATISM 4VNOUMENES8 CURED PoFtland. OrMmn. Aura lH 1KS Tf. A. T. flan Jen. Ttaar Rir I oot one cf ronr belts hen ji.nir urn fnp rhntri Alirnm. tmm whirrh 1 aiilFitred xor sererai years. Jeor tne pasc six mo n ins j. naa nor ham shlatna.irk. Vortr Kolt ha llatMni hihIh almost perfect health in the two weeks I have used it. 1 cani wais oomiorxaoiT.ana ieei use a new man geueraiij. . J. nuuiu, proprietor international Hotel. MERVOUS D EB I UTY UP 8 3 OF V. COR. TW. A . T1 PtmArm Tlnnr HirT lum hMUl n.lnir wiir leotrie belt f or jtenerai nnrvoab detaiU. and to-dav mI btter th&n I hftM fur flv. mn. I hAva gained in vigor dailrv and am stronain evryprt. Youre grate rol.jr. THE DR. SAfiDCN Hn,ofm1etiCKlTeniebaii7,madelntoaM invea sootmnflr.pnuongea ourrenta waicn are nsxaatiy zeit uirongnoui an weaK parts, or we xorxett 5,000. It baa an Improved Kloctrle tSaepeneoryv te (rre&test boon ever giVen weak men, and we warrant h 10 en re any or. ioe aoore weaKneeeea, Rffafundea. TriftY a.ri tT-rnrlfvl in Jtr.nan0-t.r1 t nkAfc nen, and will coxa the worst cases in two or three months. Address for lull Information. &ANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 112 First St., PORTLAHD, GSEGOB. Removed to Corner Third Mew Yflrtt Weekly Tribune -AND- flQsiei ONLY When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get oif on the South Side ; - . : ; v AT THE JStEttf C3bLtX-( I5BIH HOTElt. - ' ' ..o0-- ww"' .. This large aad popular House does the principal hotel bnsinesa, and is prepared to furnish the best Accommodations of any House in the city, and at the lour rate ol. ....... ,.. . $1.00 per Day. - pirst QIass reals, 25 Ccpts.: . ' . I . '' ' '.'.'.)-,.:"--" 1 Office far all Stage L.lnes leavlox: t he Ialles for all pointa In Eastern Oregron and Kattern WashlnsTton, " In this Hotel. .-- . . . . .. . ' Corner ol Front and Colon Bta. 'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fleotk leads on to fortune" '. ; .V: The poet unquestionably had. reference to the ' -.. at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods : .TTC! i ETJ' ACU BRICK,' D. BUNN MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next door west. of Young & KubsV - Blacksmith Shop. ' : ; DHIiSS MID FAILED CURB FOB DE, SANDEJTS E1ECTRIC BELT with El ictio IffAirnetic Snsocs - sory will cure wit It out medicine 7f suffer from Nerrois Debility, . -NerTOHineaff leeplewmeiit, jrooraiemory.aH remaif jom. uu KQaorai mm mm 17 a a. u v the effects of abuses, excesses, worry or exposure, will find relief and pnimjx . core In our marvelous invention, which reonlres bnt a trln.1 fcn convince the most skeptical. In ignorance of sf- foots TOO dmt h&TA nndulT drained - 1 yonrsTstemofnerreforeeandTitalltj sl which la eleetricfttv and thus t Caused yonr weakness or lack of form Am 7UH lOrlHIOB U1MI JUUl DTStCIIl Ul elements thus drained, which are re paired for vieorons strength, yoa will tmoe the eaase and health , strength) and vigor Will follow at once. This ; is adf Dlan and treatment, and w maMBtM a cur or refund rorihav LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM 4 Portland Oregon, September J. 186t Dr. A.T fikiirlan. Tsaar flir VsiaiintflrrmMiranft' hard work, combined with ibe strain eomins from the jar of an engine, gaye me m Tere o ot lame beokg tram whieh I coffered tor eeren yeera. I wee o bed that I eouid not bend my back. W as all doubled op witn xx. i Do&sat one of yonr Delta. It beipea me ' lnaiae of two daje. and I eontinned to wear It for four months, being perfectly cared. That waatwo year &o, and I am aa well to-day aa I ever waa im my life. I know your belt well, and X know lota of people who have been cared by it. Many other need it and if thWOnld tr it thMtMnM fiiul it. liKak atasmaa asaa I did : I the beet remedy in the world.- I am located here , permanently, ana win oe glad wtnlkwuhanji one waa hi inqai rs kdoqc i , KOUKKT B TTB ITFT. Fnirinecc TTntal rnrtltTwl 'LOST VITAUTY AND STRENGTH. w . M , ETerett, Wtih, Jane 38, Bltt. Dr. A. T. Senden. Beer Bir -eince wearing yonr bslt I have been greatly benefited. 1 feel my old en ercy fatrfe returning; and altera month 'a nee of the belt I find myself twice aa V: go roue aa before. My memory la now, nearly perfect, and each day abowe for the better. I f -el nmoh atronirer than before using the belt. Youra truly. bCHUlXZ, ELECTRIC BELT- or ntfoet. end ft ana to enlarge anrnnaen iimDs, or parta, or fneoef 11 mtnaim nf wMkriAU In nnn9.mirli1lA-i.aMa4r.rAUf and Washington Streets. ' r T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. I BU RGET'S, put 'at greatly-reduced rates. ..' V. - JTXTON ST. r f- . j - UNDER PRESSURE. "' M" I9if ; v t. -----