VOLXJME3 COUZD BE WRITTEN, Cllcd with the testimony of women who iavo been mdo well and alroug by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It's a medicine that's made es pecially to build up women's strength ' and to cure women's ail ments -an : invigorating, restorative tonic, soothing cordial, and bracing nervine; purely vegetable, r.- non alcoholic, and perfectly harmless. For all the functional derange ments, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses that afflict womankind, .the "Favorite Prescription" is the only guaranteed remedy. . . It's a legitimate medicine - that corrects and cures. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. " It must have been the medicine for most women, or it couldn't be sold on any such terms. Isn't it likely to be the medicine for you? Sold by druggists, everywhere. tmncxD Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of arils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry.etc FuUstrengtb, development and cons given to every organ and gortlon of the body. Imple. natural methods. Immed late 1 m proTemenc seen. Fellare Impossible. 2.0U0 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. THO :E WH3 WISH Gks, Line, Cement, PLASTER, LATH. Picture Frames, -SUCH A3- Shafting. Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, CALL AND SEE "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Porflani ani Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freiom ana PcSEBnger Line Through Daily Tri pa (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. ni., connecting at the Caa-cadttVLot-ks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill st. dork) at 6 a. m., connect in with Steamer Regulator for Th Dalles. PANSKNUIK KATES. One way. . . Sound trip. ..$2 .. 3.01 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will 6e brought through'fjmth out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland ; received a any time: day or nijrht.' Shipments fo way- landings iiiupi be delivered be for 6 p. m. Live stock shipments Bolicteo Call op or addrens, w. c. allaway, b. f. laugh Lin; THE DALLES. OREGON POWER OF COAL. Man Recklessly .Squandering Ills Future Support. How long1 can the earth sustain life? is always an interesting question, and Sir Iiohcrt Uull discussed it in his usual fascinating- way in the Fort nightly Review.-. "A very large part of the boasted advance of civilization is merely of an increased power of squan dering;. For what are we doing; every day but inventing; appliances to exhaust with ever greater rapidity the hoard of coal? There are just a certain number of tons of coal lying in the earth and when these are gone there can be no more forthcoming. "There is no manu facture of coal in progress at the pres ent time. The useful mineral was the product of a very singular period of the earth's history, the like of which has not again occurred in any noteworthy degree -in the geological ages which have since run their course. Our steam engines are methods of spending this hoard; and. what we often hear lauded as some triumph in . human progress is merely, the development of-some fresh departure in a frightful extravagance. We would justly regard a man as guilty of expending his substance wastefullj if he could not perform a journey with out a coach-and-six and half a dozen outriders, and ' yet we insist . that the great steamers that take-us across , the Atlantic shall be driven at a . speed which requires engines, let us say, of twelve thousand horse-power. If the number of passengers on such a vessel be set down as Uve- hundrod, wo have for each passenger the united force of twenty-four horses, night and day, throughout the voyage. I expect our descendants- will think that our coal .cellars have been emptied in a very wasteful in:-.iincr, particularly when they reflect that if we had been content with, a speed somewhat less than that at present demanded the necessary con sumption of coal would haye been re duced in a far greater prepc.-rtien than the mere alteration of speed .would im ply. The coal of England may last a century or two; the coal in other parts of the globe may f .r.pply cur cellars for a few months more; but the exhaustion of this truly marvelous product is pro ceeding at an accelerated pace. Doubt less the end of the coal, at least as an article of mighty commerce,'' will arrive within a period brief in comparison with the ages of human existence. In the history of humanity from first to last the few centuries .through which wo are now passing will stand out prominently, as the coal-burning period." RUINED BY HUGE VYAVES. Mounter Ocean Rollers Which Arc Caused ly Strong Doirnward Carrents. The sea has in store one danger that the landsinan never sees. Like the voyager, he may receive a visit from a cy clone, but he knows nothing of the power and terror of great waves. Uniting in themselves the force of a flood and that of a tornado, they are appalling and restless. The recent experience of the Xormannia, which suffered severe dam age, is from the visit of one of those monsters of the deep, and recalls that of other, vessels. . But the Rochester Courier and Advertiser says this wave was slight compared with the waves that they have encountered. While it injured only several of the Normannia's crew, the wave that" struck the Italian bark Rosina in October,. 18SS, swept every man aboard but one into the sea; he escaped only because he was an in valid below. A hundred persons-lost their lives from the wave encountered by the steamer tjan Francisco in De cember, 1S."3. The height of these waves can hardly be realized. The one encountered by the Umbria five years ago arose to the top of her masthead, iifty feet above the sea. Several waves :neasured by Capt. Kiddle, of the Celtic, in January, 1S75. rose to the height of -.eventy feet and moved at the rate of twenty-five "miles an hour. Equally !iigh waves were observed by Admiral .Fitzroy, of the - English navy,, off the Cape of Good -Hope. The appalling !ieight of one hundred feet was reached ly the waves that Dumont d'Urville saw in the Southern sea. -. Of course nothing could withstand the weight and force of these masses of -vater. Under them the most powerful vessel ever built would scarcely be nore than an egg shell. There is no doubt that many of the ships that have :jone down to sea never to return have i'allcn victims of their pitiless and re sistless foree. As to the origin of the groat waves there has of late been some interesting speculation. . It has. been discovered that they are confined to the temperate latitudes. In these latitudes it has been discovered further that the surface of the ocean is often struck dur ing storms by powerful downward cur rents. The conclusion is drawn from these two facts that the waves in ques tion were the products of these verti cal currents. Students of the subject claim in support of this conclusion that4 me most powerful wind blowing over the surf ace of the sea could not raise a crest above twenty-five feet. BueMen's Arlnca Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, braisea, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblainp, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Snipes & Kin ersly - Pbojocndlt -. to be' commiserated ' ia that child who looks upon his home as upon a prison house;, upon his youth as' a seaaon of hardship; uponl his parents Rs tyrants. J.Q.Holland. i Sob.tltnte for Calomel: amd Quinine. Simmons' .'-Iyer Regulator, purely vegetable, is equal in power to blue maos or calomel, but without any of their in jurious properties. ' ) Hav tried it in several cases of bil ou dirtorders, chills and fever, and find t f rrWtP a cure in a most satisfactory MMIIIlrr." Dr. J. H. Bodex, Clinton, Ga. WONDERFUL HOW IT HAPPENED. One ot Thoit Touches of Nature That Make the Whole World Kin. Ten o'clock in the building of the big city paper. The elec trio lights are burn ing and the whirl of presses and click of types make a busy . scene. Editors, reporters, proof-readers aro busy pre paring the day's doings for the morrow. The door of the chief's office, says the Detroit Free Press, is pushed carefully open, and a blue-eyed, flaxen-curled maiden of six summers and as many winters enters. Nobody knows how she got there. - Nobody saw her climb the stairs or walk through the hall. She is ragged, dirty and has been crying. "Is you the editor-man?" "Yes, little one; what can I do for you?!' "Rube is dead, an I thought may be you'd like to tell about it?" - "Who- is Rube?" ; -.. : ; "Whyydidn't you ever hear of Rube?" "You see, there are so many people that I can't know them all." - The big-bearded man was actually ashamed of his ignorance. . - - ; - "But Rube wasn't people he was my brother. Ho sold papers an blacked boots and all that. He wasn't very rich an ma said the city man .. would bury him but he .was good to me." "Did you sell papers, too?" , "No, I stayed home, but Rube brought me candy doga an' , candy roosters and licked bad boys that made me cry. An' if you'd tell folks how good he was, maybe they'd think better of him." 'What do you want me to say, little Jhe?" "- , "Why, that he was twelve years old in was helpin' mother and oh, I don't tnow but 'member he was always good ter me." . Before the little mourner left- the fEoe she was the recipient of a handful f coins donated by "the boys" of tho iflice and the big editor ordered the anitor to accompany her home. Thus it happened that the readers of .he great paper were mildly astonished read cn the morning's local page: Diud Yesterday, Rube, the newsboy, aged welve years. He wa the support of his wid--v-ed mother and loved his little sister better ban life almost. He was buried in the potter's eld last night. Deafness Cannot toe Cored '- By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the murons lining of the Enetachian Tnbe. When this tube getp inflamed yon have a rumbling pound or imperfect tearing, and when it is entire! v closed Deafneps is the result, and unlepe the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces, We will give One Hundred D .Harp fi any case of Deafness (caused bv catitrih that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Uure. Send for circulars, free F. J. CHKNEY & Co., Toledo, O &SAd by Drnsrgists, 75c. Telephone girls in Chicago' have been ordered to shorten their dresses, to prevent the rising of dust. Dust is injurious to the instruments. Electric Bitters. This- remedy is becoming so well known and - so popular as to need no special mention, .All who use Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed Electric Bitters will cure all . diseases of the liver and kidueys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused -by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion trv Electric Bit ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and f 1 per Dottle at fompea & ivinersly's. Dn. Zeiglek, a German scientist; de clares that photographs of the sun , taken , daily, will enable a person to closely predict the weatheri Circulars or elliptical halos -around the orb of day indicate violent storms. .- It Should Be'ln Every House . J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St.; Sharps burg, Fa., says be will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cored his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Kobert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr King's New Discovery has' done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it.; Try it... Free trial bottles at Snipes & .Kin- ersly's Large bottles. 50c. and $1.00, - Bismaeck once refused some request of Empress ' Eugenie, ' whereupon her majesty ' called him the "wild man of the woods." Persons who sympathize with the afflicted will rpjoiee with D. l5. Can of 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is . an ' old sufferer' from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. . Last winter be went up into Wisconsin, and in con' sequence has had another attack. "It came upon me very acute and severe," he said. "My joints swelled and became1 inflamed ; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent request of ' my mother-in-law ' I . tried - Chamberlain's Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable sur prise, it did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be tbe finest thing for rhenmatiom, pains and swellings extant. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. . 4,000 rolls wall paper, fresh goods and new designs, with borders and ceilings to match, just received, will be sold at bard times prices. tjel. Jos. T. Petebs & Co. OF SCIENCE. Strange Conditions Which Exist In Com pound Substances. The water which drowns us, a fluent stream, can be walked upon as ice, says Blackwood s 'Magazine. The bullet which, when fired from a musket, car ries death, will be harmless if ground to dust before being fired. The crystal- ized part of the oil of roses so grateful ha its fragrance a solid--at ordinary temperature, though readily volatile a compound substance, containing' exactly the same elements and exactly the same proportions as the gas with which we light our streets. The tea which we daily drink with great ' bene fit and pleasure, produces palpitations, nervous tremblings and even, paralysis, if .taken in excess; yet tie peculiar or ganic agent called theine, to which tea owes is qualities, may be taken by itself (as theine, not . as tea) without any appreciable effect. The water which will allay our burning thirst aug ments it when congealed into snow; so that is stated by explorers of the Arctic regions that the natives, "prefer endur ing; the utmost extremity of thirst rath er than attempt to remove it by eating snow." Yet, if the snow be ttielted, it becomes drinkable water. Neverthe less, although if melted before it enters the mouth it assuages thirst like other Water, when melted in the mouth it has the opposite effect. To render this par adox more striking, we have only to-re-inember that ice, - which melts more slowly in the mouth, is very efficient in Ulaying thirst. For Rent. ': - i Five-room bouse, in good order and pleasantly situated, for rent. Inquire at this office. NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that bv o-der of the common conm-il mailt and en tered on tbe 3rd day of May, 1894, 1 was authorized and directed to advertise the matters-substantially contained in the docket of city liens of the assessment of property for the construction of an 8 inch terra cotta sewer in Lincoln twt a 8 provided by special ordinance No 285, which passed the common council of Dalles City March 12th, 1894, and was approved by the mayor March 13th, 188-1. That the assessments which have not been paid upon tbe property as now ap pears in said lien docket are as follows : Lots 8 and y, block 1 Trevitt's Ad dition, Uapt. MrNnlty $49 30 Lots 4, 5 and 6, block 1, Trevitt's Addition, Mrs. Marv Booth. . . 73 95 Lot 3, block 1, Trevitt's Addition, J. L. Thompson . :...........'. 24 bo Lotn 1 and 2 and pj of 3. hloi-k 5 Trevitt's Addn Catholic church 123 25 Lot 8. block 2, Trevitt's Addition Mrs. T. W. Sparks; . ....... 24 6o Lot 4, block 4, Trevitt's Addition, Mary tsonzey, . , . . . . 24 bo That unless within five dava from the final publication of this notice, to-wit, .Monday, May 28th, 1894, as required lv Sec. 74 of the -charter of Dalles Cit1, id sums above mentioned are m.t wholly- paid to tbe citv treapurer and a duplicate receipt therefor filed with the recorder of Dalles Citv, the cnnncil will ruer a warrant for the collection of the fame, to be issued bv the recorder and in ected to the marshal. Dated at Dalles City, Orfgon, this 8tti day of May, 1SU4. - JOTJGLAS B. JJUFUK, m8-14t Recorder of Dall.Oitv. aheumatisrriy Lumbago. Sciatica. Kidney Complaints, Lame BacK, etc 33, SASDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetlo SUSPENSORY. iatcss r-tenuii Je. jmprtvemeni. Win cure without medicine all weakness resulting1 froro over-taxattou of brain nerve forces t excesses or indis cretion, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints, lame baclr, lumbago, soiatica, all female compMinta reiieral ill health, etc Tills eleotrio Belt contains iVsadcrral Ik provemsats over. all others. Current is instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit $6,000.00, and .nds have been cured by this marvelous Invent! n incureaiioE tne aoove oiseases or no pay. x uuu- after all other remedies failed, and We give hundreds of testimonials in this and every other stnto. Onr Pswarfal Iatprsved KLKCTRIC BUSFKK SOTtT . the trrrvtest boon ever onVred weak men, HtHB with al Bf Ita. Uealta ana Ylirrma StreBth eUARARTKKO la 60 ta tsiUr-w fiend forIUusd Paraph let, nailet .seaiedafree SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., Ko. lTSJ aCirs 8U cet. I'OKTLAKJO ORE. w Removed to corner Third and Washington streets, Portland. Or. . - J. F. FORD, Evanplist, Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol March 23, 1893: S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen On arriving home last week, I foun.i all well and anxiously awaiting. On little girl, eight and one-half years old. who had wasted away to -88 pounds, i now well, strong and vigorous, and welt fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure hns done its work well. Both of the children Tikt it. Your S. B. Cough Cure- has cured and kept away all .hoarseness frm me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you proserity. e are Yours, . 5 Ma. & Mbjj. J.- V'. Ford. If you wish to feel fresh and cheerful , and renl j for the Spring's work, cleanse your system wilt, the Headache and Uvor Care, by taking- tiro nt three' doses each week. -1 -. Sold under, positive jruara.-itee.; :: 60 cents per bottle by all drnarslsts. ' . COPYRIGHTS. CATV f OBTAtN A ' PATENT f ' For m.-- prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to MUNN fc CO.. who have bad nearly flfty Tears' upunenoe in in. ousiness. untmnmca. Hons striotly oonfldential. A Handbook of In formation oonoeminft- Patent, and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken throuprh Mm tc Co. reoeiTQ special notice in the rjlcientiflc Amerimn, and thus are brongbt widely before the pnblio with- -out cost to tbe Inventor. Tbis splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tbe largest circulation of any scientific work in tbe world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, S2.50 a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, witb plans, enabling builders to show tho latest designs and secure contrcx-ts. Address - MUNN A CO, JSBW York, 3ol Bbgauwat. PARODOXES wife S w M YOU TRIED TO FIND A CDHB FOB ' - ."- - RHEUMATISM,' LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAIN TS, DYSPEPS I A, LAM ECACK, le, -mm--1 1 IC03- SMBEH'S ELECTRIC BELT Jp ntr 2AA unffA m t- csT arvr a as we have restored thousands to robust health and sent sealed, zree. shown by hundreds of cases throughout this and other Statesvwho would gla-dly testify, and from, many of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt ' . WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAM CURE YOUt ' : rrursai nu itv niRFn. tian Fmncisoo, Cal-, August 14, 1892. Tr, A. T. Sandeu, Dear Sir : Before I used your belt X was troubled with lost vijror, vital weakness, and almost a complete loss of power. I would set up with ta.x since ttmlniy tonr trtsMt I h.vs a very tirea Keeling, dodqh acniDK, lif X now enjoy life batter than I have for ten years past. I have the nu a ns lease ox utmost confidence in your treatments You can nub jUb this fttatementfSlfio have others write or ca it- aide have others write or call or Truly yours, H. A. BOWN, 26 and 28 Turk St RUC1IMATIRM AND LAMFNFSS CURED, fam WMtka ua far rhAnmntiitm. from which 1 suffered Ir. A. X. Handen, zear oir: 1 got one ot your belts for several years. For the past six months I had not 1 1 been able to wrlc Your belt nas placed, me in almost nerfect health in the two weeks I have used it 1 can eomlortablr. and feel like a new man generally. M. K. HUGHES, Proprietor In tarn at ion si HotaL NERVOUS DEPUTY LOSS OF VlCOf Thr- A-T. Fanden, Dear birr I have been using your Kleotric Den ror general nervous aeoiUCT, ana to-asv feel better than I have for five years. I have sained in oap Hsiilw.anri m.m amnv in mrTBftK. . Yours gratefuily, OHAS. LUETKA. THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT x Is . OMnptat. sjarranlo b&tter7, made Into . belt so as to be .astir worndnrlrar work or atMfft, ant tt it iv en sootblxur. pr-tlongecl currents which are Instantly telt tnrougnont all woak parts, or we forfeit 5000. It baa an Improved Electric SaapenMry, the greatest boon .rergiTen weak men.and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money .Refunded. They are graded In strenirth to meet all stages of weakness In youn-i, mlrtdle-agedorola ,cea, and will cure the worst cases In two or three months. Address for full Information. 6ANDEN ELECTRIC GO. 1?2 First St.. POSTLAKD, CHEGOM. Bemoyed to Corner' ThircKand Washington Streets". Mew York We -AND- 4i O IN LY WTicn llic Tiam stops at THE DALLES, get off on the Sonth Si'de : , - . . - .T THE . . jlEW COliUpBlfl fiOTEIt. This laitre and popular Rouse does fe principal hotel business, ' and is prepared to furnish the I . at Accommodations of any Bouse in the city, and at the low rate of ' $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qlass Teals, 25 Ceits. OfHce for all Btaeo Lines l.aTins; The Iall.a for all , point. In Kaitvro Oregon and atern 'Waanlnarton, In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sts. 'There is a tide in the affairs leads on tofortutie." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Oisi-fliiIv . .. at CRAN DA LL Who are selllne these (foods Pipe WorK; Tin Repairs aRtt Roofing MAINS tapped ; under pressure. Shop on Third Street, next door- west of Young S Kusa . Blaoksmith 8hop. - EOUSS AIID FAILED DR. HAN DEN'S El.VOTRIO BKX.T with Electro IHtanetic !SnMjen - Rorr Will flura wit hnot miiicinA fff AfRXs, all of the tiboyetroa bleu. Thono who OT(5 suffer from Nervous Debility, fSZ. houses, Drains. lost Etlauhood, rNervoiineii. HleeDleMHiiess tf PoorBIemory, all Femali :m- tiie effects of abuses, excesses, worry or exposure, will find relief aud prompt cure in. our marvelous iiirciitJon, watch requires but a trial to convince me most sxepucau in ignorance ox ex- f ects von mar have nndulv drained . which Is electricity and thus caused y ou r weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your system tha. elements thus drained, which are re quired for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause and health, stren axi ' and Yfgor will foilow at once. ThU is oar plan and treatment, and w n . , oaraDcee a mra vr nuuuu wunej, should do reaa i by every yann-t i)r. Handen's weanc neu-u n wnwouL Thror, after all other treatments failed, as can be LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. tr. A. T. Sano'sa. Dear Sir Yaars of exposnrs and hard work, combined with the strain coming from the ) jar of an engine, gave me a severe ease of fame bsok. from which I suffered for seven years. I was ro bad. that I oould not bend my back. Was all doubled up' wiui iv. x oonKoi one oi your neita, i.s nwini i inside of two days, and I oonttnasd to wear 1 it xor it rfour months, being perfectly cured. .That was two years naA. jind 1 km nl truts, mm T HT.r in mv lifau T know your belt well, anal know lots of people who have been cured by it. Many others need it, and if - thM would trv it thev WOnld find it. Ks asmli m I did the best remedy in the world. I im located here permanently, anu wtu oe glad to talk with am one wao wants to inquire about i. v ROBKBT B U &RfLU Engineer Hotel Portland. LOST VITALITY AN STRENGTH. m . . fc Xvrett, Wash, June ffi, ffi6B Dr. A. T. 6ande, Dear Hlir-Sinoe wearing your . belt I hare been gTeatly benefited. 1 feel my old eu sriry fast retorning; and altera month's nse of the belt I find myself twice as v gorous as before. My memory is now nearly perfect, and each day shows for the better. I f el much stronger. tha- bofore using the belt. Tours truly. HE-Nxi? bOHULXZ. Sl.TS.- T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. of men which, taken at its flood BU RGET7S, out at greatly-reduced rates.