CO n VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. 184 NO. 126. SliLI f wtt SWEPT BY FLAMES A ' Million-Dollar Fire Occnrfel in y:.' Men. Yesterday. : COCKRAN'S CATHOLIC SENTIMENTS Gen. Shreffler in Jail at Cheyenne, Wyo.-Movements of the Army Selected News. Boston, May 15. By the torch of an incendiary today over $1,000,000 worth of property is in ashes, over 500 families of . the medium and poorer classes, con sisting of over 2,000 people, are homeless. Many of them had little time to save a portion of their household goods, and are tonight sleeping in the open air. Women with, babes in their arms and little cLildren huddled close together, having only the sky for a roof and a lew mattresses saved from the tenements for a bed, and no prospect of a breakfast in the morning. The fire covered a space of 20 acres. JLa far as can be learned, six persons were injured, none fatally. CHURCH AND STATE. Bourke Cock ran Create, a Sensation In a Speech in New Turk. New Yokk, May 15. Bourke Cock ran created a sensation by a speech last night at the opening of the Catholic edncational hospital. HeBaid: "To declare the Catholic church hos tile to the republic is to declare a mother hostile to her offspring." Turn ing to the archbishop and advancing with forefinger outstretched, he de clared with impassioned eloquence that he would -' accept the teaching of - the church : from his grace with the utmost reverence, "but if the day should ever come (here Cockran'a voice rose until it echoed through the big hall) when from the Catholic pulpit you utter one word hostile to the integrity of this govern ment: T fell von shoh lantmncrn wonld ho heretical, yon would be false to the re public and false to the chnrch that placed the consecrated: oil'' upon your head for the blessing of your children." A subdued murmur of astonishment ran through tbe ball, quickly followed by a great burst of applause. General Schreffler In Jait. Cheyenne, Wyo., May 15. Nineteen industrials, including Schreffler, were placed in jail here today by Marshal Rankin's deputies. . Railroad officials have a train ready to move the United States troops against the industrials and anxiously await orders fpom Washing ton. Schreffler In The Tolls. Cueyenne, Wyo., May 15. Eight deputy marshals arrived in this city this morning with 19 of the common wealers arrested at Cokeville. : Among the number was General Shreffler, who is charged with being the commander. He denied this. He said the contin gent was without a leader, and that he was traveling from. Portland to Topeka, Kan., where his folks live. The "gen eral" claims to be a stone-mason, and . showed a card in a local lodge of ' the national association. Judge Riner, of the United States court, stated this af ternoon that be would try the men for contempt of court without any prelim inary steps. It is probable that the men will be arraigned before him to morrow. An order was received here at 1 o'clock today ordering four companies of the 27th infantry to Green river to secure the 200 men now. in the hands of VUnited States Marshal Rankin, and to protect Union Pacific property. The train bearing the soldiers left at 1 o'clock and will arrive at Green River tonight. Kelly Not Keeping- a Sideshow. ? . Ottumwa, la., May 15. At a meeting here Oeneral Kelly-said he wanted it understood that he was running no pop ulist sideshow. Kelly 1 says when' he ar rives at Keokuk he -will masa his boats into a huge ' raft; and' hire a tag to putl the army , to-', QuincyV III. ,: The author ities of Eldon, the 'next objective point; intend 'keeping the' army out. - Kelly gave Colonel ' Speed positive orders to land there. '-- - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Li If AB502JUTEUtf THE LAW WILL UK ENFORCED. Industrials Must Keep Their Hands Off Railroad Property. Washington, May 15. Secretary La ment and General Schofield held a con ference with the attorney-general today with - regard to sending troops to assist the United States marshals in prevent ing the industrial armies from seizing railway property in the states of Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and . Wyoming. ' After the con ference the attorney-general said if the United States marshals could not en force the law the troops would be sent to their assistance. The Tralnstealers Exhausted. Gbeen Riveb, Wyo., May 15. About 200 industrials - who stole a -train at Montpelier, Idaho, last night, arrived here at an early hour this morning. They abandoned the train here and went into camp nearly" exhausted. The citizens refused them provisions, and it is thought they will seize an other tram.. They are anxious to be arrested, in order to reach Cheyenne. ' Membeis Flocked Around Him. Washington, May 15. The entrance of Chairman Wilson, of the ways and means committee, into the house for tbe first time after, his long- illness, 'vas the signal for a spontaneous'' burst of applause. In an instant the business of the house was suspended and the mem bers flocked around tbe West Virginian in honor of his return to congress, and congratulated him on hia recovery. LARGEST WELL ON KAKTII. Fifty Mifcliou Feet of Ga Per Day the Estimated Output. Toledo, May 15. The largest gas well in the Ohio or Indiana fields was drilled out at Horace farm, west of Fostoria, today. The lease is owned by the Chi cago Oil Company, and the well was started, last week, in a territory which was considered worthless. It came in at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and when the tools were thrown out the workmen had to run for their Uvea. The drill-stem and rope were thrown fully 500 yfeet. The well is estimated at 50,000,000 feet of gas pet day, the largest well on earth. The gas caught fire, and as a result the wells are blazing in many place?. Flames shot up-100 feet above the tree topB. A curious feature is -that in 100 places water is spouting through tbe ground to a height of 10 to 20 feet. ' "Banquet to Secretary Herbert. San Fbancisco, May 15. At a ban quet given in his honor at Vallejo last night by the board of trade, Secretary Herbert said: "It is a plan of mine that all the ships of the Asiatic station, as well as the Pacific, shall be repaired at Mare Island. The result of an order to this effect has not yet been seen, but in the future it' must be. ' I came here on a business trip to get information useful to: the navy. I hope it will also be 1 useful to your navy-yard.' I hope that the appropriations will be increased so we can make the navy what it ought to be. We do not need a navy like England, but one better than we hav We have made a great stride and mapped out a navy worthy of this great country, and if thope plans can be car ried out I shall feel that so far as I have obtained the increase I have not lived in vain." . NEWS NOTES. A bill fixing the northern boundary of the Warm Springs Indian reservation, in Oregon, passed the senate yesterday. A naval appropriation Mil of $25,280,- 966 to construct three torpedo bouts was passed in the house yesterday, ' Before passing it whs increase 1 $-5,500. css'stoitonRcot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Srtccc3rfuCg used monthly iV " thousands of Ladies. Is tne only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In place of this. - Ask for Cook's Cotton Boot Compound.1 take no substi tute, or Inclose $1 and 6 cents In. postage In letter and we win send, sealed, by return malu Fun sealed particular In plain envelope, to ladies only, S stamps. Aooreas ron. lmt company. Tn. S Tlnhtu- lv.fc. T-. t.auca. ; . Soldi!) The Dalles by Snipes A- Kinersly. - Haworth the printer, at home 116 uourt or, ceo. J.BW -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. " As old aa the hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. S imm o ns Liver Kegu ' tt " . lator is the ' jf- T"r only Liver JL-J and Kidney medicine to which you : ' can pin your y7 faith for a i nan mild, laxa tive, And - purely veg etable, act ing directly on the "Liver and Kid Pills neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. - Tbe King of Liver Medicines. "." " I have used your Simmons Liver Reen lator and can consciencioiisly say It is the king of all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest In itself. Geo. W. Jack son, Tacoma, Washington. SJ-E112:T PACKAGE-St ilaa tue Z Stamp Hi red on wrapper Coxey for Congress. Canton, O., May I9. Jacob S. Coxey, the originator of the commonweal, was nominated by the populists for congress from the 18th Ohio district. PORTUGAL AND BRAZIL. ' Rapture In Diplomatic Relations Con sidered. . Lisbon, May 15. At a ministerial council held last night, to consider the rupture of diplomatic relations between Portugal and Brazil, it was decided to publish all tbe correspondence bearing on the subjects which led to tne rupture. The Portugal government says it has done its utmost in dismissing the com manders' of warships ; refusing1 to sur render the Brazilian rebels,' and believes the matter will be amicably settled. The Situation at Blnefields. Blcefiklds, April 28,' via New Or- leans. Within 48 hours over 100 inhab itants have left for San Andreas and other islands, to await the result of the revolution which is imminent. About 800 people all told have fled. Minister Baker's arrival on tbe 26th, on the San Francisco, is hailed with delight. Com plaints are pouring in regarding abuse at the bands of Nicaraguan officials. : Ad vices from the cbaet state that the In dians are preparing for war. There are 30 Nicaraguan soldiers upon tbe bluff. Their dismissal is constantly promised, but no sooner does one band leave than another springs up1. Minister Madriz, General Labezae, Police Governor Bend ing, Colonel ' Lars and other officials have disappeared. , Americans believe they are hatching a plot to put the Span iards in possession of the reservation. , Amicably Settled. Minneapolis, May J5. All the differ ences existing between the Great North ern railway company and its employes, growing ' out of the ' recent strike, were amicably settled- tonight when the re port of the arbitration committee was adopted.- it provides for the restora tion of the salaries of certain employes in accordance with the original proposi tion, and also that all classes of em ployes shall be taken back to work. EGYPTIAN CARTOONIST. Comic Artist 3ot a Modern Product, After AH. ; Inthe inuacura at Turin, in Italy, there is a papi-v.:; role which displays a whole series of Coinl oa.1 srtn?3. In the first place a lion, a crocodile and an ape are giving1 a vocal and instrumental con certV V''i Next comes"- an ass dressed," armed and sceptered like a Phnroah. i With ipajoi'.tio- swagger .he .receives the gilt's presoateil' to him by a 'cat of high degree, to whom a bull acts as proud conductor. A lion aud g-azcllo ar.i playing at draug-hts, a hippop! i- perched in a tree, and a; horo J.-a. cHinbcd into it and is trying- to di.'.!::io h.'m. Besides these tb'.-ie i.; a Pharoiih in the of a rat, drawn, carriage by prancing' prr; vhoti;:-.;fl, v.-ich is pro ceeding: to ctcrm n foi-tTx.-::.-. ;:-vrriscncd by cats, the latter i:-ivi?.jares but' teeth and ctz::... '.-..uh l.;r iv-tohare battleaxcs. )tr.-x arro-ws. The regular subscription price of the Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Obegonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for The Chronicle and paying for one year in advance can get both The- Cheosicle and Weekly Oeegonian for $2.00. All old subscribers paying their subscrip tions for one year in advance will be en titled to the same offer. Gentlemen's For Summer Too much cannot be said in favor of Manhattan Shirts, not only for wear but for Style, Fit, Finish. r Just Received, Our Summer Stock. H.OT1T1 goxj: Z!RIrX:OTIOM. OLDEST DOLL IN THE WORLD. Believed to Date from tbe BefrlnnlnK of tne Cnrlstian.Era. Francella A. Hitchcock, : In' -the ".Doll's Dressmaker," tells ah interesting- story of the famous Bambino di Ara Coeli. It is the oldest doll in the world, and if tradition is true, almost as old as the Christian religion, for -it is claimed to have been carved out of a tree from the liount of Olives in "the time of the apostles, andT to huve beeni painted by St. Luke. Be this true or not, it has been in the Eternal city many hundreds of years,' and' is called the "Ara Coell Bambino" (baby), be cause the church of that name, one of the oldest and most interesting- in Rome, is its home. This church is built on the site of a very ancient pagan temple, and its .' nave is formed of twenty two columns, the spoils of the ancient buildings, the inscription oh the third on the left proving it to have been brought over from the pal ace of the Cffisars. I shall never forget the first day we visited this vast and solemnly picturesque edifice. It was just -at sunset, and golden shafts of light illuminated the mosaic floor, lighted up the richly gilded ceiling above, and Hashed Jn wondrous bril liancy over the Presepio, or manger, where lay the miraculous Bambino in swaddling clothes, literally crusted over with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sappliires and other precious stones, while its neck and wrists were entirely covered with strings of the purest ori ental pearls. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Haworth, printer, 116 Court St. tf r1 1 Vl.vW'l FURNISHING. todies', Gents', GM(fren's THE LATEST! ear """S SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW AND NOBBY. A. M: WILLIAMS S GO! INDIAN. CORONETS. . They Are. the Most Expensive Sort an American Girl Can .Buy. ' American women'' who long for core, nets should hesitate before accepting Indian ones. . The case of the recent suit in which an English . woman sues for divorce from her Hindoo husband, points a moral.- She alleged cruelty as a ground' for her suit, and ' it is claimed that the, same plea might be made by nearly all the .women who marry orientals' and go home with them. . . ' As a usual ithing, the oriental gen tleman, pursuing his studies at an English or American university, is a picturesque figure. He is likely to be very clever, and it is taken for granted that he is a prince at -least when he is at home. He is popular with his fel lows, and through one of them he meets- and marries a pretty, freely-brought-up girl. Then he takes her home. ' She may not meet with unkindness from her husband's family, for the orientals have many amiable an,id at tractive qualities, and they are not cruel. But if the husband has not cut himself adrift from the religion and ties of his childhood his wife must con form to a certain extent to the ordinary life of the native woman. And, inas much as she will only do this so far as her love and. duty to her husband oblige her, she will certainly fail to satisfy her new relatives, and will ,be looked on with coldness and suspicion by them. - A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent merchant of tbe town gave her a bottle of - Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose. For sale, by Blakeley & Honghton, druggists. .- Rambler bicycles are the best. Good second-hand wheels for sale cheap. Mays & Ckowe, Agency F. T. Merrill Cycle Co. .!' k 1 .. 1 . i f-ill 'WW GOODS Boots Manhattari Fine Shirts IOSOM, Tor Infanta and Children. . Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and ' Peveriahnesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep navttrral. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. ' Catnria is ro well adapted to children that I recommend it as supn-ior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchkk. M. !., Ill Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T. For several years I have recommeilSted your Ostoria, and rhall always coutlnue to do sn, as it has invariably produced beneficial reMitts." Edwib f. Parcbk. M. D.. 135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. . The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and Its merits o well known that It reems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in flliRent families who do not keep Castoria wltnin easy reach." . Carlos Marty. D. D., New York City. Tax CKWTAua Oompant, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. UBMsyBHiWIMiyXTffiWA'iyiTiyiOifii 'All Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained. -and all Pat- i i ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. ! Our Office is Opposite U. 8. Patent Office J and we can secure patent in less time tluuitliuse! Send model, drawine or nboto.. with descrin- 4 E tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of i i charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. J i a piuPHLi-r. "How to Obtain Patents.' with ,cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ! i sent iree. Aaaress, . - C.A.SI30W&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 5 . : -1 J. ,.z and 1 1 Shoes