The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 15, 1894, Image 4

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    jl run-down"
mmSL used-up " feeling is the first
"Warning that your livex isn't doing
Ita work. And, with a torpid liver
and ' the impure blood that follows
it, you're an easy prey to all sorts
of ailments.
That is the time to take Doctor
Pierce's Golden 'Medical Discovery.
As an appetizing, restorative tonic,
to repel disease and build up the
needed flesh and strength, there's
nothing to equal it. It rouses
erery organ into healthful action,
purifies and enriches the blood,
braces np the whole system, and
restores health and vigor.
For every disease caused by a
disordered liver or impure blood, it
is the only guaranteed remedy. If
if doesn't benefit or cure, in every
"case, you have your money back. .
. Can be counted on to cure Catarrh
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's
nothing new. For . 25 years it has
been doing that very thing. It
gives prompt and complete relief.
The proprietors offer $500 for an
incurable case of Catarrh.
of ma
Easily, Quickly.
Permanently Restored.
- and all tbe train of evils
from early errors or later
excesses, tbe results of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc Full strength.
development and tone
given to every organ and
Sortlnn of tbe body.
spon. Fnil.ire impossible.
2,ou) references. Book,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
Glass, Lime, Cement,
Piettife Frames,
Shafting, Pulley s, Belting,
Engine and Boiler,
3-Xj IB ZDsT HiT .
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, PortlaDi aiii AUori
Navigation Co.
Freignt ana Pessenger Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves. Portland
(Yamhill at. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
Konnd trip
.. 3.00
freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
"Alt V' ' ij ' j ' t
Slit freight, .except Car tots,
m O - J r
wtll Be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
inv timA Hflr nr nicyrif filn.ntant. ft
way landings mnpt 1 delivered -before.
r- r i i ,. . ... .
p. m. Live biock Bnipnienu eoiicteo
Call on or address, '
Oeneral A great.
General Manager.
How 'One May Travel on a
turesquo English Lake.
The NoIy tenm Launch Glim Fl-ee to
a Cruft That J loves Without Dirt,
Cmokoor Annoyance Elecirlciry Ap
plied as a, l'rupelliujr 1'ower.
Tho quiet English lake of Windemere,
which nostlca amonj the hills of the
lake country.- has seen great changes
since' th days not co -very long ago
when a f.infrlo little packbtboat served
for nearly all the traffic there was upon
it. Tho rjreat Christopher North used
not infrequently to steer that paeliet
boat himself, :icd Harriet Martineau
tells how striking a figure he made as
he sat in it "ivith all the wild turbu
lence of hie nature subdued into repose
by the quiet influence of the peaceful
scene. Sitting motionless, with his
hand on the tiller, in the presence of
iournevmen and market-women, his
eye apparently looking beyond every
thing into nothing, and his mouth,
closed above his beard as if he never
meant to speak again, he was quite as
impressive and immortal as he could
have been to the students of his moral
philosophy class or the comrades of his
jovial hours." . . '
Now, however, says the Chicago
Tribune, the calm waters of Windemere
have become the highway of many
thousands of tourists, and particularly
of crowds of work people, escaping for
a short interval of pleasure from the
busy towns of Lancashire.
The day that a steamer first sailed on
the lake, to the no small wonder of
many of the older peasants, was the be
ginning of a new era for Windemere,
tnurae summer ui me preseui, jem, ' i long timo as he walks near her. ' Then
when the first electric boat moved betakes off his hat, approaches hum
swiftly and silently over its waters, is Diyf an p0urs out his tale of woe. He
the beginning1 of another as full of 1
meaning to American lake dwellers as .
to English, it may be. !
It is not inappropriate, for many rea-
sons, that the beginning of tihe restora
tion of comparative quiet at Windemere
should proceed from the lake that lies
in "Esthwaite's peaceful vale," so close
ly connected with Wordsworth's boy
hood. It is the stream that flows from
this lake that supplies tho electric
power for the new boats. - On this
stream, just where it enters Winde
mere, is a picturesquely situated bob
bin mill, driven by water power. This
mill bed been partly burned down, but
the eompaay which is working the elec-
ric boats iouncT the mill driving ma
chinery ir.t.iet, and had little to do but
plant its flynurao in tho large room
where bohbinr; aeu to be turned, fix its
wires ana tr.o:i rtp.i on as muoti electric
power as it, ni's.;-iit noed. Tho wet dock
for t:to lfOut-3 at C'au.'soy mill and the
cK.-srnH-r r.tation ;n tlic I.rowness .side
of the iai .e, where stenra power is avail
able hifnac of drought interrv.ptin.'j the
supply of water power from Usithwaite
lnke, are :;liown in the accompanying
The first cxpt.riuMnt in applying elec
tric power to the navigation of the lake
has been made with four boats (each
forty feet in length and carrying thirty
persons) built, on good lines, of steel,
by a Glasgow firm. Nothing can be
simpler or more effective than the ar
rangements for the management of
these, boats, unless an improvement
might be made by placing toe ma
chinery for regulating the power and
for steering in the bows. Vibration is
said to be reduced to a minimum, and
dirt, smoke and noise forever banished.
The vessel passes through the water
with a motion which is said to be al
most too quiet, gliding silently along in
a fashion which is almost weird, as if
the craft were endowed with some
strange, mysterious life of its own.
Unassuming; men Who, in Emergencies,
Ievelop tile Qualities of slartyrs.
It is. not infrequently charged that
Americans are so sordid in sentiment,
so eager and absorbed in the pursuit of
material gain, that they are incapable
jf heroism or self-sacriflce.
The noblest daring, says the Chicago
Herald, recorded in verse or drama, in
battle or mythology, docs not supass
that shown in incidents recorded in the of the Herald from the flood
listrict in Iowa. Men did not hesitate
to take the chances of losing their own
lives for the saving of others, and a
number have gone down with the dead
ly flood from whose peril they vainly
sought to rescue women and cliildren.
It is not so hard for the human spirit,
full of emotion and stirred to extraor
dinary effort by sudden impulse on bat
tlefield or in other' scene " of brilliant
jpectaele or maddening excitement, to
risk the loss of that which to every
man is dearer than all else. It requires
a sterner courage, a heart mere deliber
ate in self-sacrifice, to risk life for oth-
ers in a dismal river overfioYc, in rickety
boat, ' with no skill against rushing
wnters, little endurance in the chill n
furious blizzards.
Compared with the glowing, peanl.
that have handed down useless feats of
fantastic chivalry such tales may be
called only dilapidated epics. The con
ditions of their lives, the circumstances
of their death, do not appeal to grand
iose diction. Often their very' names
are unlmown. Monuments do not com
memorate their voluntary martyrdom.
. It is such men, obscure, uncelebrated,
that- prove when the unexpected mo
ment comes that there is in them the
mettle of heroes. It is sueh sacrifices
that vindicate the political and social
P'-rimcnt 01 acmocracy. itisnomeiy.
natural, simple deeds like these that
prove manhood higher . than caste,
American greater tnaa any other name
left in the world. The merit in these
men's daring is that it was rational and
not expectant, or reward, ideal or ma-
It is the noblest tribute that
man can pay to humanity.. " ,
Db. Oijveb Wendeli, Holmes, despite
his age, is described as silver-haired
and keen-eyed. He laughs and .hats
with . animation, -and his flashes of
"repartee are as frequent and brilliant
as ever. "
Ttkmy Are necominc; am Numerous In New
York as Monnmfli t Fundi'
What tho . polico call ... "gentlemen
tramps" are becoming more and luore
prevalent, says . tho New York Sun
Members of -the .force and people who
are familiar with tho loungers in cer
tain parts of New York are often inter
ested in the gradual - downfall of a man
whom they know by sight. As the
months go by these loungrrs grow more
and more seedy and needy in appear
anoo. Neatness leaves them and they
gradually - become mendicants on the
highway; but they are not classed with,
the regular professional tramp. The
gentlemen tramps" are men wherhave
formerly been respectable .and often
have some sort of a. desire to procure
work'. They are always going some
wtoro to answer ah advertisement or to
make an inquiry, but incidentally they
are on the outlook for alms. Perhaps
tho . most successful of all these
men is a tall and rather mili-
-tary looking personage, about fifty
years of age, with a white mous
tache and a head of curly white
hair. lie tramps between Fifteenth and
Twenty-third- streets, and, according to
1 the polico and shopkeepers of that vicin
ity, has bogged for .nearly eight years.
He was once a floor-walker at a famous
'dry-goods house on Fourteenth , street.
His feet were almost on the ground,
but there is a pretense of blacking
' on what remains of hi3 boots, and there
' is an air of ostentatious but fictitious
neatness in his attire. He does not ap
proach people promiscuously, but singles
out his victims with great sagacity and
care. They ' are nearly always elderly
ladies or spinsters verging on middle
i me. ue stares at tne women irom
ahom ho ihtonds to beg plaintively for
never under any . circumstance j, - at
tempts to beg frjm a man. His story
is so effectivo that in nearly every in
stance tho woman from whom he bogs
stops and listens courteously. Then
she opens her purse slowly and looks at
her cbange. . -After carefully consider
ing the question' after the fashion of
women, she deliberately selects - her
coin and passes it over to tho beggar.
His manifestation of gratitude is ex
treme. Ho is said to bo the only bog
gar who succeeds regularly, in getting
sontnbutions from the same victims
many times over. -.
How's This!
We offer One Hnndn-d Dollars Reward
for any cfe of Catarrh Ihst cannot be
nrert.m Hull p lHtnrrh (Jure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Prop. Toledo. O
We the underpinned have known F. J
Cheney "for the lad 15 years, and believe
hi ni perfect I v honorHblrt in all bnpinepf
transaction and financially abletocarrv
iut. anv obligation made bv their firm. '-
w va-r ibacx. Wholesale Drurei-te.
loiedo, u.
sale DrngjyiBta, Toledo, O.
Hall's (Jatarrh Cnre is taken intern-
allv, acting directly upon tbe blood and
mucous surfaces of the system., fnce
75c. per bottle, (sold by all druegigte.
testimonials tre.
Mustabd pots of red glass set in per
forated silver with a silver cover are
There seems to be an increase in the
use of different tinted gold for work
ing ont designs.
H Should lie 'in Every House
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps-
burg, Pa., saya he will not be withont
Dr. King's New Discovery for consnmp
tion, coughs and colds, that -it cared his
ifewho was threatened with pneumonia
after an 'attack 'of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several phy
sicians had done her no good. Robert
Burlier, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr
King's New Discovery has done him
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. . Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin-
ersly's. Large bottles. 50c. and tl.00.
Ax illuminated keyhole has been in
vented . for the beneat of people who
.stay out late at night and sometimes
try to open the door with a corkscrew.
Huclttsu' Ariu.-a salve.
1 he best eaive in tne world for cntw
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi
tively . cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
nly - -
Nothing is pleasant that is not
spiced with variety. Bacon. ' j
We live no more of our time here
than .we live well.Canyle. ; ' j
A lady at Tooleya, La., was very sick i
with bilious colic when - M. C. Tisler, a
prominent merchant of the town gave
her a bottle- of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. . He
pays she was well in forty minutes after
taking the first dose. For sale by
Blakeley &. Honghton, druggists.
Thebb are 7,600 soup kitchenb In
France. -.-
Itaj-t has 270,000 inmates of the poor
'houses. ,
The alms houses of France have 290,
000 inmates.
wooes ijtiOfeEjaoinviii.
Tha Great EnsIUh Remedy. '
Promptly and permanently
cures all forma of Xereow
i WealmetMJjotlulona, Spervr
otorrhea, Impoteney and alt
effects of Abuse or gxecne.
Eeca prescribed orer SS
rearsln thousands of eases;
Btfor, ani After. JT
drnseist for Wood's Phostbodlne if he offers
some .worthless medicine in place of this, leave bis
dishonest store. Inclose price in letter, and
we win send by return maO. Price, one package,
tl; Bix. 85. One will please, six loUleure. Pamph
let in plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage. .
Address The Wood Chemical Co..
1C1 Woodward avenue, Iwtroit. AUcn,
Boldin The Dalles by Snipes & Kiuersiy.
U-OS,- ,r7f. 7j
Rattle Is
How the.
KeptUe'a Warning
. Produced. -The
structure from which the rattle
snake takes hiq name the rattle con
sists , mainly of three or more solid,
horny rings, placed around the end of
the taiL ; These rings themselves, says
the Quarterly Review, are merely dense
portions of the general outer skin of
the body, but) the rattle has also a solid
foundation of bone, for the three last
bones of - the' tail become united to
gether in -one solid ' whole or core,
grooved where the bones join, while
they increase in size toward the hinder
end of the complex bone thus formed.
This bony core' is invested by skin also
marked by grooves, which correspond
with those at the junctions of the three
bones, and this . skin becomes much
thickened, and so forms an incipient,
imperfect rattle of such young snakes
as have not yet cast their skin. .- When
it is cast the akin investing the tail
close to its termination is not cast off,
but is held fast by the enlarged end of
the bony core before mentioned. 1
'. The piefce of skin thus retained be
comes a loose ring in front of the incip-'
ient rattle, and thus forms a first joint
or ring of the future perfect "rattle.
The same process is repeated at each -molt,
a fresh loose ring or additional
joint to the perfect rattle being thus
formed every time the skin is shed. I
Thus the perfect rattle comes ultimate
ly to consist of a number of dry, hard,
more oj less loose, horny rings, and in
this &y a rattle may consist of as
many as twenty-one co-existing rat tling
rings. It is the shaking of these rings '
by a violent and rapid wagging of the
end of the snake's tail which produces,
the celebrated rattling sound a sound
which may be compared to the rattling j
of a number of peas in a rapidly-shaken
paper bag.
4.000 rolls wall paper, freeh goods and
new designs, with horders and ceilings
to match, just received, will be sold at
hard times prices.
tjel. ' Jos. T. Peters & Co.
- Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular ae to need no
special mention. All who nse. Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is. claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidueys, will remove
pimples,, boils, salt - rheum and other
affections- caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as rnre all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion trv Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle at snipes & Kinersly's.
To Whom it May Concern:
Ntice is hereby given that bv order
of itie common conni-il mane and en
tered on the 3rd dav of Mav, 1894, I war-
authorized and directed to advertise the
matters eobftantially contained in the
lorket of city liens of the assessment of
propertv for the construction of an 8
inch terra-cotta sewer in Lincoln stieet
hp provided by special ordinance No
285. which pai-sed the common council
f Dalles Citv March 12lh, 1894, and
was approved by the mayor March 13th,
That the assessments which have not
been paid upon the property as now ap-
itears in sai-i lien t cket are as follows
Lots 8 and 9, block 1 Trevitt's Ad
dition, Capt. M. Nnliy $49 30
lts 4. 6 ami o. block I, Ireviit's
Addition, Mrs. Marv Booth... 73 95
Lot 3, block 1. Trevitt's Addition,
J. L. Thompson 24 65
Lots 1 and 2 and s of 3, Mock 5
Trevitt's Addii Catholic chnrch 123 25
Lot 8. block 2, Trevitt's Addition
Mrs. T. W. Sparks..,. .... 24 65
Lot 4, blix-k 4, Trevitt's Addition,
Mary Bonzey -. 24 65
That unless within five da vs from the
final publication of this notice, to-wit
Monday, May 28th. 1894. as required by
bee, .74 of the charter of Dalles Citj
said sums alxive mentioned are no
whollv paiil to the citv treaTurer and i
duplicate r ceipt therefor filed m ith th
recorder of Dalles City, the council will
inter a warrant for the collection of th
pa me, to be icsued br the recorder and
liieoted to tbemarphal.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 8th
day of May, 1894.
" ' Docglas 8. Dufcb,
m8-14t ' Recorder of Dalles City
J- F. FORD, Evanplist,
Of Deb
Moiues, ' Iowa,
Mareb' 2
write nuder
I. lwiB:
date .01
S. B. Mid. Mfg. Co.,
Dfur, Oretnm.
tieiitlemen :
On arrivinz home last week, I founi
all well anil anxionslv awaitinif. Ou
little (nrlreitrht and'ohe-half years old
who had wasted away to :s pounds, 1
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleehed np. S. B. Coneh Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
80 give it to every one, with greeting
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we art
. ' Yours. Mb. & Mru. J. F." Fobd.
If yoa, wish to feel freeh and cheerful, and read
for the fcTpring's work, cleans your system with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two 01
three doses each week.
Sold under a positive guarantee. ' . ' .
SO cents per bottle by ail dravaiata. .
Vnr a
Prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
MI'NN &COh who bave bad nearly fifty years'
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Pntenta and bow to ob-
, tain them sent free. Also a catalogaeof rnechan
ical and soientlno books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn ft Co. receive
special notice in tbe Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with,
out cost to tbe inventor. Tbis splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far tha
largest circulation of anv scion tine work in the
world. S3 a year." Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, montulv. fi.W a vear. Single
experience in uio paufflt oosinesa. (joxnmunica
Dies. . tvtntu- Ererr nmnhnr mntjumi hunn.
tif ul plates, in colors, and photographs of new
honBes. with plans, enabling builders to sbow the
latest de&ifzns and secure coiitrcri AddnM
1 m 409 .
THfiCT CZ. A SSESdjsr n . sbouldbe read by
g:el and old I
seaiea, zree.
Tv. A. T Rnra. Deu 81r tB ore! used roar bait
bn f r .nouoo, vau. auroh it. bw.
J wul tronbUd with loaC visor, vital WJSkMM, and
almoit aoomplste IomoI power. I would Bt up witki
a. ,Hrr tired fMlina. bone. aohisK. eto.istnoa uslnc
your belt 1 b .ra bad a new lease of lit . I;o njpr
1 . wintk. i h.M fnrt.n win nasi. I bare tbe
ntmnnt eonfldeooa in Tour treatment. Yoa can jpab-
Hab this statement, also bare others write or call on
me7 Truly joum. H. A. BOWEH, andaXur Bt.
Dr. A. T. 8anden. Dar 8ir-I sot one .1 your belts
. -- -M n. .h.iiTii.tiuni. fmn whicA I suffered
for several Tears. For the past six months I had not
been able tow ik. Yoar belt has placed me in almost
perfect health la tbe two works I haw ussd it. 1 can
walk oom.ortably, and feel like a new man penerallr.
M. B. BDOBEo, Proprietor International Hotel.
r. A. T Panose., Bear Sir i I bare been usinxjour
icieotno oelt xor aenerai nemras aeouitr. sua k
zeel better than I hare for fire Tears. 1 bai
are sained
to a eomplete nalranle battery, made Into a bolt so as
ves sootblna. pr-ilonged currents which are instantly felt taronehont all weak parts, or we forfeit
X.DIU1. It baa an Imnraved Klectrio Hasoensorr. toe sxoatest boon ever riven weak men.and
we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses,
Refunded. They are (rraded in strength to meet all
can, ana win oare tne worst oases in two or tnree monms. aqoiw iot ui uuunua.iuii.
Bemoved to Corner Tnird
ew York Weekly Tribune
WTica Ihe'Train stops at THE DALLES, get clT cn the South Side
...... aT tmc
. This large and popnUr Honse doe principal hotel bnrinesa, .
and is prepared to furnish the I ubt Accommodations of any
House la the city, and at tho It. n rata of
$1.00 per Day. - pirst C-lass Teals, 25 Ceijts.
Office for all 8tas;e Lloes leavlnsr The Oalles for all
pom is in KHtvrs Oregon
la this Uotel.
Corner of Front and Union Bta.
' 'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its loot
r leads on to fortune."
Tho poet unquestionably bad reference to the . :
Cloii-flil M I "
MM 1 Carpels
Who are selling those goods
D. BUiMiN!
- . . - ....
Pipe Worft, Tig Repairs agit Roofing
Shop on. Third Street, next dor west of .Young k Kuss
' " ' Blacksmith Shop. . .
witlt Electro Maanetic tsnniMsii.
Horv will cure without medicine
"NTfn allot tho abo troubles. Those whe
V-pgi Irftsses, Drains. Lost IHanheed.
rNerTonmeii. Hleepiessncsa.
F f -.foor Memory, all FemaleCom
pl&ints and general Hi heaiUbv
the effects of abuses, excesses, worr
or exposure, WU) find relief and pmmpc
onre in oar marvelous invenUon.
which requires bat a trial to convince
the most skeptical. In ignorance of ef
fects yoa ma; have 7 drained
your system of nerve force and vltnilt 9
whfeb Is electricity and tho
caused your weakness or lack of forre.
If yon replace Into your system th.
elements thus drained, which are re
quired tor vigorous strength, yoa will
remove tbe cnase and health, stren ex hj
ana Tigor win xouow a once, tdii
m oar plsn and treatment, and ws
maraiitee a our or :
itee as ourts or rexona money.
every yonng(
no experiment
ur ptnarnpiui .
Portl-Ad 0sn. Rmatmhmr 9S. 1
Tr. A.T.Bandea. Dear 8ir: Years of expoffum atid
with it. I bought one of your belts. It help d i sae
in ide of tw dsn. and I eontinasd to i
months, being perfectly cared. That was two years
w mr ior roar
a o, ana l am as wel to-dayu 1 sr was m mj me. a
know your belt well, aid l ka w lots of psrplewbo
have been cored br it. H nay otheis need it, and if
KOBKKT BDRBEIa, laHrw Hotel Portland.
- . Ev. nttsWuh, Jane IB, ffBt.
A. T. Sands-. Dear 8lr 'inoe wearing roar
b it I have been arsexly benefited. 1 feel my old en--zvy
fast retarniog; and after a month's s as of tae
belt I find myself twice as v gorous as before. My
memory is now nearly perxeot, and each day shows
for the better. I f el much strong-or tha before
osing the belt. Yoars truly, HUNiiY SGBXfUX
to be easily worn dnrlns work or street, and st
and toenlarfco shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money
stages of weakness In yoan- mlddUe-aaedoroidi
i?2 First St., PCRTLAEQ, OEEGCU.
and Washington Streets.'
and a.ate cli V ashington.
out at -greatly-reduced rates
...' - V FNTON ST. .