i VOL. 'VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9. .1834; NO. lQo r. 4 'KEEP OFF THE GRASS No More Demonstrations Can Bs Held on The Capitol Grounds. r COXEY IS GUILTY ON TWO COUNTS. The Commonwealers Afford Opportun ity for Another Congresssional Commission to Report Washington, May 8. The three com monweal leaders Coxey, Browne and Jones have been found guiity of violating the laws by a jury of their peers, and will have to submit to sen tence, hereafter to be imposed by the court, for their demonstration on the capitol grounds. Thus enda what, aa the leaders stated, was "the greatest march ot the 19tb century' AH three of the accjaed were tried on the first count, which charged displaying a ban ner upon the capitol gronnds. Jones of Philadelphia was acquitted of the sec ond charge, which accused him of tread ing on the grass, bat Caxey and Browne -were convicted. All the party received the result smilingly except Mr. Hyrr.an, who was on his feet with some '-jec-tions to the form in which the vt diet was presented, but who was sat upon by bis colleagnes. The verdict was guilty as to the first charge of carrying banners upon the capitol groundB, against all the defendants, and on the second charge walking on the graBS of the capitol grounds gnilty as to Browne and Coxey, and not guilty as to Jones. Attorney Lipscomb immediately en tered a motion for a new trial and an other in arrest of judgment. Judge Miller gave him four days in which to file the formal papers. Then the judge made inquiries about bail, and Frank Hume, a well-known wholesale grocer, who several times baa run for a demo cratic nomination for congress, in Vir? ginia, signed a bond in $500 for each of the convicted commonwealers. MRS. LEASE THREATENED. A Minnesota Crank Ha. Set the Day for Her Funeral. Wichita, May 8. The chief of police . of this city received a letter today from some crank residing Jn Kenyon, Minn., in which there was enclosed $10 to buy "pure white flowers to be placed on the body of Mrs. Lease on the day of her funeral," which he sets for May 20ih He also speci6es that a part of the money mnst be used to purchase oil to pour upon her feet. He says the Naza rene came to him in a vision, with a croes of blood on his breast, and com manded him to kill Mrs. Leace the 20th, that her designs to subvert His kingdom on earth might be thwarted. He al ' leges the Mazarene also told him Presi dent Cleveland was a man of honest purpose, who would eventually straight en out the kink that at present threatens he business of the country, and that Prendergast, the assassin of . Harrison, is going to be made an archangel after being hung. Mrs. Lease has been no tified of her danger. A Neat Coop. Sprague, May 7. The Coxeyites in this vicinity this evening pprung a neat coup on the Northern Pacific, which has been working every possible scheme to avoid taking a large mob of several hun dred east from Sprague. The yards here were full of cars. It being impossible to move the cars without carrying the Coxeyites who soaped the rails on a heavy up grade east of the pity and de fied the United Slates marshals and lo cal police officers. This evening, however, a train of live totock, east-bound, stopped at' Harrison, ten miles west, and the officials of the road sent the crew and engine from here to take the train east through Sprague without stopping. The Coxeyites were alert and one of them, evidently a rail road man, familiar with air brakes, rode the pilot of the engine back to Harrison, concealing himself on the trucks of the stock cars. This man put on the air btakes as thw train reached Spragne, neatly, stopping it at the depot. The officials have ordered the stock unloaded and swear they will not carry the com Highest of ail in Leavening Power. AESOUUlEnf F2JE5 monwealers out of town, if not a wheel turns for a month. Tbe industrials are equally determined to ride.' NEWS NOTES. S. B. Kyle, of South Dakota, is being groomed for the populist nomination for president. A letter from Honolulu says that there is yet considerable royalist senti ment, and that it is restoration of the queen or bloodshed. ' At the municipal election in Evans ton, Wyo., Tuesday, tbe republicans elected the mayor by a majority of four votes over the fusion candidate of demo crats and populists. The regular monthly social of the Woodmen was held last -evening in Fra ternity hall. Speeches, dancing and lunch contributed to a merry evening to those fortunate enough to be in attend ance. Lodge introduced the amendment to tbe tariff bill in tbe senate Monday of which be. gave notice some time ago. providing that, as against fareat Britain or any of her colonies, a duty double the amount proposed - in the proposed tariff bill should be' levied, and a duty of 35 per cent on all articles on the free list, such duties to continue until Great Britain ehall assent to take part in any international agreement with the United States for the coinage and use of silver. Crop-Weather Bulletin. The Oregon State Weather Service gives out the following bulletin, No. 6, for week ending May 8th for Eastern Oregon : Weather The temperature was much cooler than the normal and the precipi tation was deficient except about the average along the Columbia and in the Walla Walla valley. Frosts were fre quent. The sunshine was about the average. Crops in the Columbia river valley are still promising. Wheat is making its usual rapid growth.- It is noticed in some sections that wheat is changing color slightly prematurely, which is at tributed to the constant cool weather during the past fifteen days. The soil has sufficient moisture from which an abundant harvest of cereal and grass crops should mature. The desire is for warmer weather, if not too warm to parch the crop. Seeding of spring grain is practically completed. Farmers are plowing summer fallow and some of them have finished. The fruit crop is safe, not having suffered any damage from the frosts. Some strawberry bloom was injured. Gardens are being planted. Lambing is progressing suc cessfully; the loss is reported slight. The outlook is for abundant crops which will mature slightly later than the aver age time. Crops in the interior counties made slow progress during the past week due to cool temperatures and frosty niglite Fruit trees are blooming in near.'y all sections. In favored places the bloom is thickly set and prolific. No bloom has been injured by frost except peaches. The Moom was canght in a critical state of pollenation and the damage will be considerable in some sections.' Spring grain ia coming up in some localities. Seeding Continues and gardening is pro gressing. The cool weather has not been favorable to the germination" of garden seeds and grain. . Warmer wea tber is desired to' advance the crops. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cace of Catarrh that cannot be Mired lv Hall'p Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propo, Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the lata 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all husineps transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West&Teacx, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. - , Warding, Kinnam & Makvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly, upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all druggists. Testimonials fn e. All city warrants registered prior to October 3, 1S91, are now due and paya ble at my office. Interest ceases after this daW 1. 1. Burqkt, City Trcas. Dated Dalles City, May 1, 1894. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Basing? "As old as thehill3"and never excell ed. "Tried and proven " is the verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Regu-Tr-v - lator is the rT'T''tony Liver JLC '.&'( and Kidnev and Kidney medicine to ' which you can pin your g jt 'y faith for a 1 nan mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and. Kid Pills neys. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. . " 1 bave used yourSlmmons Liver Regu lator and can consclenciously say It la the king of all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. JACK SON, Tacoma, Washington. O-ElTJtT PACKAGE'S JXaa tlie Z Stamp tn red on vmpoab SHE SAW MRS. CLEVELAND. The Middle-aged Womau Made a Ron for J t and Uot There. Women adopt all sorts of devices for getting a good look at Mrs. Cleveland On fine days the mistress of the white house generally takes a ride in the family phaeton, accompanied by her babies and the nurses. In the after noon between three and four, if the sun is shining, says a 'Washington in formant, she goes out in the victoria, accompanied either by her husband ov a friend. Women, young and old, have discovered this habit of Mrs. Cleveland, and are beginning to lie in wait for her to catch her as she comes out on the front portico to enter the carriage. There is no privacy for in mates of the white house, and so when Mrs. . Cleveland goes riding she is obliged to walk through the public vestibule and across the public portico. A day or two ago a bevy of schoolgirls joined the waiting group on the por tico, and when Mrs. Cleveland came out she was obliged to run the gantlet. When she returned an hour or two later a funny thing happened. A well dressed, good-looking, middle-aged woman, evidently a stranger in the city, was passing the street gate when a carriage turned 'into the circular drive of the white house grounds.' The quick-witted sight seer . instantly surmised that the occupants were Mrs. Cleve land and her babies. She saw a chance to accomplish her long-felt desire of getting a good look t the president's wife and she did not miss it. The race was a long one and she knew she could not win it unless something happened to detain Mrs. Cleveland after she ar rived under the porte cochere. Lifting' her. clothes in both hands she started. up the circular pathway along the drive at a breakneck speed. The pass ers-by and the spectators at the door applauded, and, perspiring and pant ing, she reached the steps just in time, for Mrs. Cleveland had stopped to give an order to the coachman, and the en ergetic lady was enabled to plant her self where she could stare the presi dent's wife in the face for at least ten seconds, and could also see the babies as they were lifted from the carriage by the nurses and carried into the bouse. As Mrs. Cleveland disappeared in the vestibule a gentleman standing by said, admiringly, " to the female sprinter: . "Well, you made it." "Yes," Bhe said, mopping her face, 'folks from my part of the country generally do." ' SHORT BUT INTERESTING. Tmt best pearls are perfectly round, the next best are pear-shaped, and egg shaped ones are considered the most inferior. ... ....m ... ..istorv attests That happiness for m n, n hnnery sinnerl Since Eve ate apple, tnuerj depends on dinner. Andatiix'd liver is absolutely eswnt ial for appreciating a good dinner. ' Lord Bynn knew that as well as anybody. One of his greatest regrets wns for his weak stomach. "God, man I" his lord ship would say, "why don't one of these infernal doctors invent a liver medi cine. Byron would never have asked that question were he now living. Why? Becaupe he wonld have been using- I)r. Pierce's Fleapant Pellets, an absolutely cure cure for constipation, indigestion, bilious at tack p. and nil derangements of liver, stomach and bowels. Them is no srripinn or violence abont thfBe pill, and they're guaranteed to give satisfac tion, or your money is refunded. Pon't live with th stomach weak, when the cure is within your reach for 25 cents. Thousands of enres follow the np of Dr. Shih'b catarrh remedy. It's $500 reward for an incurable ense. Imperial bicycle, litthteor. and beet 'to date. See J. M. Ilnntinicton & Co. Ask vonr dealer for Mexican 8ilver Stove Polish. Shirt Waists 4B. HINTS ABOUT DRIVING. A Little Advice for the Benefit of Young Horsemen. ' When driving you must watch the road. - Turn out for stones, so that the horse shall not stumble nor the wheels jolt over them; avoid the inudholes and places where the going is bad; let the horse slacken speed when the road becomes heavy, and if you want to make up time do it where the - ground slightly descends, says a writer . in Waverley. , It is a common mistake to think that a horse can haul a carriage easily on the level. On such a road he has to be pulling every moment; there is no rest; whereas when the road now rises and now falls tbe weight is taken "off him at times and he has a chance to recover his wind and to rest his muscles. As between a level road in a valley and an up-and-down road over the hills the latter is by far the easier for a horse to travel. When you come ' to a long level stretch let your horse walk a bit in the middle of it. . Almost-. everybody knows that for the first few miles after coming out of the stable a horse' should be driven slowly and especially if he has just been fed. On a journey it is of the ut most importance to observe this rule. Be careful, however, not to check a young nag too quickly when he comes fresh from; the stable. Give him his head, talk to him soothingly, and pres ently he will come down to a moderate pace. If yon pull him np at once you vex him extremely, so much so that he is not unlikely to kick. Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Ridge, Harrison Co., Mo., says: "For whooping coattb Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia excel lent." By using It freely the disease is deprived of all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in giving tbe Remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injur ions. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. - Use Mexlcau Silver Stove Polish. IRISH HIGH RATES of INTER Usually mean risk of Principal; "but here is an ex- . ception where "both are sedtu e. Purchase your ' lotfyip, Boots apd 5l?oes, IJte., at M G LO S I INS G O U T S A LE, And you -will effect a saving equal to two years' high rate of interest on the money you expend. . For VERY STYLISH. OF WASHABLE COLORS AND GOODS. LAWNS Especially for Waists. A Beautiful and Extensive Line Just A. M. WILLIAMS & GO; Greatly Surprised. . Lieut. Blank, of the army, is six feet four inches tall, and .tips the scale at two hundred and fifty pounds. He was stationed- for many years in Wash ington, attached to a scientific bureau of the government, his writings being well known to the scientific world. Much of his writing was done evenings at home, and he would sometimes carry home necessary reference books, and return them to his office at will. One morning he gathered together snveral, none of them very small, and, putting them under his arm, started for his of fice. In the course of his walk he was brought face to face with a very black little negro, who, with arms akimbo, chin dropped, and his shining blac.i eyes filled with woader, had planted himself directly in front of Lieut. Blank. Before the gentleman had time to do more than take in this apparition of dark ness, the little "piccaninny" had thrown back his head so ai to be able to gaze up into the lieutenant's face, and in a tone of comical amazement exclaimed: "Gude gracious, mister, is you gwine to Bchool?" Youth's Com panion. ,. ' . I.ORD Roseberv has become a milk man,, one of the most extensive in Lon don, but he does not have his naino on his milk wagons, as Lord Rayleih does, preferring to carry on the trade under the name of his managers. .Two other puera who turn an honest penny the Euine way are Lords Londonderry, retail coal, and Portsmouth, fruit and garden truck. , v . Stockholders meeting. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Wasco Independent Accademy, at tbe accadeiny building, in Dalles City on Thnreday, May 10th, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing seven directors, and transacting such other ninei8 as' may properly come before said meeting. . By order of the president. tnilOth - H. U. Riddkll, Secy. Ladies Received YTS TV For Infants and Children.. Caatorfq promotes 'lMgasifon, antf" overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour" Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Foveriahneaa.'. Thus the child is rendered healthy and hi sleep natural. Caatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Cantnria is ro well adapted to children that I reoomtwDd it aa tnpn-ior to any prescription, known to me." H. A. Arches. M. 1., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K.1T. " For several years I have rooommerlaed your Ostoria, and rhall always continue to do 8", as it has invariably produced beneficial results.4 Eirwur F. Fardbe. M. D., 125th Street and 7th Axe,, New York City. "The m of 'Cast aria' i so universal and Its merits o well known that it roe ins a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in- wneenc xamiiies iwho da not keep Caatoria . ijr . - t r within easy reach.' ' . . . New Tork City. Thb Ckxtadb OoHPAinr, 77 Murray Street, N. T. 33 HUM MM Caveats, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pat- i ent business conducted tor moderatc Fees. Jeim Omce is Opposite U. S. Patent orncej J and we can secure patent in less tiuic tiuui Uiom: I WWW HUU1 HUIIIIIVII. S Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- j lion. We advise, if notentabie or not. free of i i r t . , . . . f A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents.'' with J cost ot same in the U. & and foreign countries i sent free. Address, I C.A.SEUOW&CO. Opp. patent Omce, Washington, b. C. 5