The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 08, 1894, Image 3

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    . ' . ,ut- i.J U J. - - ;
I Have tiie Best ? I
f WE S E LL THE Mp; : j
i 1 WW The R. & G. Corsets. Mlff-: : f
Successors to The Dallas Mercantile Co. anlJoles Bros;
- pr) WL bLLL I n t-M.
Made on. Fronoli Models. K
ttst .-irtr. a -rvrT'-rvsr FITTING,
Jw Long w .ertj3, Comfortatole. x
? Black and Drab at ....J $1 00 I Black and Drab at . $1 50 5)
X Black and Drab at $1 25 Black and Drab at 75 xf
There Are No Others j e Therx, 5
I ztjEs PEASE & MAYS. $
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
it iitered a the Postofflce at The Dalies, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
tatiele ud S. I. Tribne '.. .$2.50 $1.75
" i Weekly Oregoiiia 3.00 2.00
" ml imericM Firmer . . . 2.00 1.75
" ail leClare'i Itgui 3.00 2.25
" aid Tie Detroit Free Presi 3.00 2.00
" ud Cotnopolitn lasuiie 3.00 2.25
" il Pniri Firmer, ftieigo ... 2.50 2.00
" and Cl.l-Dnocnt,Ci-w)St.loaij 3.00 2.00
Local Advertising.
10 Ccuu er line for first insertion, and S Cents
pec line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
Ail local notices received later than S o'clock
frill appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
be found on sale at I. C. Nickelsen's store .
Telephone No. 1.
MAY 8, 1894
Lesvei ITrom the Noteboolt of CUronicle
Reporters. ,.
One vague inflection spells the whole with
One trivial letter ruins all, left out;
A knot can choke a felon into clay;
A knot will save him, spelled without the k:
The smallest word has some unguarded spot,
And danger lurks in i without a dot.
O. W. Holmes.
"Enlisted for the War" at the opera
house May 15th.
Seven more subscribers were added
today to the telephone list, making the
total number 68.
The first company of Scheffler's army
to reach La Grande arrived at that
point this forenoon Co. H.
The rivers leading into the Columbia
above this point are all very high. At
Umatilla it is 17.1 and rising,
The river is rising again, and has
gained a foot since yesterday morning,
the guage now marking 26.1 feet.
The Frineville News reports that the
per centage of increase in lambs is very
large this year, 100 per cent, being quite
' The cool weather is keeping back the
growth of wheat and all kinds of vegeta
tion. ' So low a thermometer is unprece'
dented for May.
The Wasco Warehouse received five
loads of wool yesterday from the Bald
win Sheep and Land Company. The lot
weighed 29,531 pounds.
Mr. Z. Taylor comes out in the An
telope Herald this week denying the re
port that he is antagonizing Mr.-A. M
Kelsay for county clerk.
Voters will have plenty of opportunity
to scratch their tickets this year. In
Multnomah county a voter has to scratch
out 256 names to vote the ticket. . V
; Another car load of freight and two
families have arrived from Spokane, and
wjil be taken by the Regulator in the
morning to the White Salmon colony.
The Scheffler contingent of the Coxev
army is making very slow progress to
Washington indeed. At the rate they
have been traveling for the last month
tney wm reacn there about 1897. .
There will be a meeting to-morrow
evening, Wednesday, April 9th, at 8
o'clock, in the hall over over the Citron
xcxs, of the business men of The Dalles, to
. . aevise ways ana means to improve and
make passable the roads leading to The
Dalles. Mr. J. H. Sherar, who baa just
been over the roads, will be present and
give his views. The necessity of being
present is urged upon all who are inter
ested in the prosperity of The Dalles.
The meeting is of vital importance to
every business man and property owner
in the city. Let no one fail to be pres.
Robbery at Hood River.
Mr. A. S. . Blowers' store at Hood
River was entered late last night by four
robbers, one of whom was caught soon
after leaving the store by Mr. E. S.
Olinger with part of the stolen ' goods in
his possession. The prisoner had re
moved his shoes. The goods stolen con
sisted chiefly of knives, razors and tools,
the only goods available of the most
The prisoner was brought to The
Dalles at noon today by Mr. Olinger.
He givep his name as Frank Williams,
but will tell nothing about the robbery
or give any information concerning his
In Memorlam.
In loving remembrance of Mabel Dell
Griffin, who died May 2d, 1894; aged 10
months and 18 days :
Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep
From which none ever wake to weep.
A calm and undisturbed repose,
Unbroken by the last of foes.
Asleep in Jesus; far from thee
Thy kindred and their graves may be.
But thine is still a blessed sleep,
From which none ever wake to weep.
- J. K. G.
Interest Fast Due.
Yesterday's Telegram has the follow
ing concerning the reported forclosure of
the O. R. & Co.'s mortgage :
The rumor comes from Omaha that
there is an extreme probability that the
interest on the Oregon Railway & Navi
gation Company mortgage 5s and 6s
will be defaulted for December, bringing
about foreclosure proceedings.
Near Condon. Mav 4th. 1894. to the
wife ot Charles B. Stevens, an 8-pound
A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick
with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a
prominent merchant of the town gave
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He
says Bhe was well, in forty' minutes after
taking the first dose. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Lutheran Church.
Confirmation was accomplished last
Sunday in the Lutheran church. Next
Sunday there will be services at 9 :45 a
m. and 10:30 a. m., with distribution of
the Lord's supper. Sunday school will
convene' on that day at 9 o'clock a. m.
where on other Sundays itjbegins at 9 :30,
Kommet alle, kommet her.
Kommet ihr betruebten Suender.
Jesns rufet each and er -Macht
aus Suendern Gotteskinder.
Glaubets doch uni denket dran
Jesus nimmt die Suender an !
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. E." Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. Alf of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
notning. oia dv onipes s junersiy.
Companies of the - Twelve Have
X.eft Portland.
There is only one industrial in the
city at present. His name' is '.Sam
Kline, a stationary engineer of Portland,
who belonged to Co. H, the first to
leave for the east. He resigned at Pend
leton and came home, at the solicitation
of his father. He will join the Coxey
reserve at Portland, which is variously
estimated to consist of from 3,000 to
7,000 men. This reserve furnishes the
money to Col. Scheffer with which to
move the army.
Co. II reached Pendleton at 5 p. m.
yesterday, and did not encounter any
more U. S. troops, as they fully ex
pected. At Arlington, a point they
reached' at 9 o'clock in the forenoon,
they met Marshal Brady, bat all he did
was to inspect . the cars to see that they
were not abused, and let the 'wealers
pass unmolested. ' His company left
Pendleton just before he left for home
and had no trouble getting out. Com
panies E and M are now in Pendleton,
as is Col. Scheffler who went up on a
paesenger train and is looking out for
their interests there.
Co. C. passed through The Dalles this
morning without stopping, and Co. L
will follow next. There are eight more
companies to come. ' On leaving Port
land they are supplied with two day's
rations, and are supposed not to stop
until they reach Pendleton. One com
pany will leave each day, consisting of
forty men and a captain.
Conclusion of the Meeting:.
The remainder of the meeting of the
city council, not reported yesterday, is
as follows:
Aid. Crowe moved that'' Attorney Rid
del 1, acting for Mr. Harmon, be in
formed that the council will not recog
nize his claim against the city for the
steers. Seconded - tby Mr. .Butts and
On motion of Mr. Crowe, also, it was
ordered that a telephone be placed in
the engine house.
In the matter of draining the cess pool
on the Beezley premises, the street com
missioner was ordered to drain the same
by putting ip a gutter on the north Bide
of Fulton street and connect with the
sewer at the head of Washington street
by Mr. Joles' residence.
In the matter of the Eighth street
sidewalk it was decided that the remon
strance against it was of sufficient force
to warrant its not being built.
Ordered that F. Drew be instructed to
complete the sidewalk on west side of
Court street, between Ninth and Tenth.
Ordered that the recorder collect the
rent due from thesoda works at the
rate of $100 a year.
The mayor stated that he was com
pelled to leave the city for a few weeks
and advised that a mayor pro tern be ap
pointed. On motion Mr...T. N. Joles
was appointed mayor pro tern'.
On motion the marshal was instructed
to furnish tt full1 sirid detailed report of
all bis official acts during the month, as
called, for in the charter. - ,
Adjourned., ".i .i-ivui.
Leaves of the'Talipot mlmin'Gevldn
sometimes attain the length of twenty
feet, with a-width .of eighteen feet.
They ' are used by the natives in making
tents. The leuves cf the double cocoa-
nut palm'Vare often' thirty feet long.
while, those , of theInaja palm on the
banks of the rivers of .Brazil are some
times fifty feet long and ten to twelve
feet wide. .,
pipe liighter.
A ereat labor-and money-saver, as it
does awap with the necessity for kind
ling ot any description in starting eitner
wood or coal fires. It is always ready
for us, and a most convenient house
hold contrivance.
Directions for Use.
Take a can and pat in sufficient coal
oil to cover the lighter, which should re
main in the oil for three or four min
utes. Then light with a match and
place in front of or under, the grate. If
the blaze goes dfrectly to the fuel,' the
fire will be quickly started. Keep the
lighter in the can of oil and it will al
ways be ready for use.
Maier & Benton,
George Morey is to hang June 22d.
Mr., M. Jameson is up from Portland.
Mr. George Young, of Bake Oven, is
in the city. ,
Mr. E. Johnson, a wool buyer of Phil-
adelphia, is in the city.
M. Deitchenmiller and Litre Husky are
in the city from Mosier today.
Mavor Kreft left today for Winne-
masha to be absent about two weeks.
Mr. J G. Parker, a weir known rail
road man of the east, is -registered at
the Umatilla House.
Mrs. Mamie 'Lewis, of Waitsbure. and
Mrs. G. .Cunningham, of New West
minister, arrived in the city today, en
route to Prineville.
Mr; J. H. Pomeroy, of Oswego, Ore
gon, a prominent mining man and min
ing expert, is in the city, and a guest of
Mr. VV. a. liobson.
Mr. L. S. Davis will leave for the
fossil beds of the John Days in a few
days, in the interests of Prof. Condon.
He will not be absent, long enougn to
visit the main beds.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson and Mr. C. H.
Brown left on the early morning train
to attend the annual encampment of the
G. A. R., to be held at Roseburg. The
Grand Army are to dedicate tne new
Soldiers Jtlome. '
Hon. M. P. Isenberg of Hood River
was in the city yesterday and called at
The CnaoKicLB office. He states that
the outlook for a bountiful crop of all
kinds of frnit is most'promising. . There
are few peach trees raised in the Hood
River neighborhood, but plenty of ap-
J)les, cherries, prunes and plums. The
ate frost did no appreciable injury, and
the strawberry crop will be very large.
Vocabularies of Kdncsted 3Ien Kcmcn H
UiBb as Twelve Thousand words.
How many words are included in the
vocabulary of ordinary persons? Prof.
Max Muller thinks a farm - laborer
would not have more than 400 words
in actual use, and the same writer de
clares that a well-educated man, who
has been at the university and who
reads the Bible, Shakespeare and the
daily papers, together with circulating
library books, seldom uses more than
300 or 400 words in actual conversation.
A contributor to Cassell's Saturday
Journal has been at considerable -pains
to check these theories, and . thi con
clusion he arrives at is that the figures
criven are too small. - Farm hands, he
finds, are able to name all the common
objects of the farm, and to do this in
volves the use of more than the entire
number of 300 words allotted to them.
Then, by going through a dictionary,
and excluding, compound words, or
words not in pretty constant use, he
found that there were under the letter
"s" alone 1,018 words that nre to be
found in ordinary people's vocabulary.
It would be nearer the truth, we are
told, to say that the agricultural
laborer uses 1,500 words, and knows or
can guess the "meaning' of 1.500 more,
and that intelligent farm hands and
artisans eommand 4,000 words, while
educated people have at call from
8,000 to 10,000. Journalists are credited
with 13,000. : :
Teachers Examination. .
Notice is hereby given that' for. the
purpose of making an examination of all
persons who may offer .themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public ex
amination at his office in The Dalles, "be
ginning at 1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday,
May 9th, 1894. .
. Dated thia 30th day of April, 1894. "
, .'' '( Trot Shelly,
, County school Snpt. Wasco. Co.
Haworth , printer, 116 Oonrt St. tf
Come and see the
- 390 and 394 Second Street, -
' TO STOCItnEfl: We have just received Fifty Ton of
Stock Salt, Lime and Sulphur. Call before buying.
.Good Boys' Suits
Staple parley Dry Qoods,
loots a.xxd Shoes.
Ginghams, Galieos, ffluslins
MRS. M. LeBALLISTER,' The Dalles.
XT f itl Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists,
$ Vr lp'.H') -Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order.
THE KING'S TTQCK. BROKER, by Gunther. . .
TOM SAWYER ABROAD, by Mark Twain. . . . ......
5 V " Little Gem .Incubators
Machine in operation.
from $2.00 up.
and Overalls, at Cut Prices.
The Latest Styles
Hats, Bonnets
The ladies of The Dalles are invited to call and
inspect our large and varied assortment of Millin
ery Goods, which is the finest in in the city.
Hand-Corded Corsets. Health Reform Waists. '
Where ?
At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north-,
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished. ' Call at the fac
tory and examine, our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and oar agent will call and secure your order.
.... ...... 2 00
.... ..... 15