to 'V: VOL. VII. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1894. NO. 11$ CHRIS BUCKLEY'S LAMB Jaie Molpli Ont Gunning Alter Me De Young. HE TOOK A SHOT AT JOE ELLIOTT. A Young Woman Brutally Assaulted by a Cowardly Villian News Notes, ,'. San Fbaxcisco, May 7. Joseph B. Elliott, business manager of the Chron icle, was shot at shortly before noon to day. The shooting was done by Jake Rudolph, a well known politician, and for many years Chris Buckley's right hand man. Rudolph entered the busi ness ofiioo of the Chronicle and excitedly asked for M. H. de Young, the propri etor. He vras told that the latter was at the fair. Rudolph's excited manner drew Elliott from his office and he was admonished to be quiet, but, drawing a revolver, attempted to shoot Elliott. The latter fell upon Rudolph, and in the straggle the revolver was discharged, the bullet spending itself on some silver in the business manager's pocket, thus saving bis life. Rudolph was am--fed, and refuses to talk. Chase After a Villian. Ikosgate, Va.t May 7. MiBs Mary Pierson, a young woman who lived near Saltpeter Gap, Botecourt county, was letting her cows - out of the pasture, when an unknown man stepped up be hind her, grabbed her arm and shoved a pistol in her face. He told her if she spoke he would blow her brains out, Then he tied her hands behind her, and after a violent struggle forced her to swallow a pill that made her uncon scious. When she recovered she stag' gered home and since then has been in intense agony. Before the man could be arrested he boarded a train bound for Clifton Forge. On arrival at Glen Wil ton, Conductor Harris received a tele gram, giving an imperfect description of the man. The conductor kept a close watch, but as the train slowed up the man jumped from the platform. Con ductor Harris fired five shots as the man took to the bushes, pursued by the train crew and passengers, but in the thick undergrowth he escaped. The . mountain passes are guarded by armed '. men, and if the girl's assailant is caught, lynching will follow. . Wool Made to Suffer. Washington, May 6. While every other interest has been taken care of in the tariff bill, wool has been made to suffer, yet any one democrat from the three great wool producing states could have wool protected if they would make a stand. Brice of Ohio, White of Cali ifornia, or either of the Texas senators could, by insisting on protection, secure the change. Other votes have been se cured for the bill by senators standing ont declaring .they would hot support the bill unless they were granted what they asked. Western senators are very much surprised that White should stand idly by while all the other senators are grabbing what they want and allow the wool industry of the west to be sacri ficed. This is made especially pro nounced because While claims, as the only democrat west of Kansas, that the whole west is dependent upon him as its representative. It is known that Brice does not care for wool, and finds it profitable to attend to other matters Dolph, Mitchell and other western re publicans have been pleading with the democrats not to sacrifice wool while saving other things. The Coxey Trial. Washington, May 7. The trial of the commonwealers was resumed today. The ; counsel for defense said he would prove the arrest of defendants was most brutal and the police used unwarranted force in clubbing, not only the defendants but also others. He also said he would offer evidence that ' a conspiracy existed to convict the defendants, beveral wit nesses then testified to the peaceful de meanor of the Coxey i tea at the capitol and the violence of the police. Coxey testified in his own defense, and told of his efforts to get permission to speak Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, from the capitol steps, how he reached the steps and bis being hustled from there without being permitted to speak. On cross-examination be said, as an American, he thought he had the con stitutional right to. speak. Fry. Again on the March. Indianapolis, May 7. General Frye and an army of 200 filed out of camp to day on- the march to Washington. Frye said the roasting the local press had given him had put $500 into his pocket. He will reach Washington, he thinks, with $2000 in the treasury from the sale of bis book. The Coxey Movement Condemned. St. Paul, May 7. In the chamber of commerce today General Andrews intro duced resolutions condemning the indi viduals, committees and states that aid the Coxey movement, and urging the settlement of the unemployed upon the unoccupied government lands. Randall's Army Divided. .' Valpaeaiso, Ind., May 7. Dissatis faction with Randall's methods resulted in the revolt of a portion of that divis ion of the Coxey army today, and the men left Valparaiso as two armies. Kelleyites Got a Meal. Das Moines. Mav 7. The Kellevites had a good meal this morning. Kelley says he will start down the Des Moines tomorrow, to T)e in Washington July 4. NEWS NOTES. Joseph Sullivan, better known as the "Brooklyn Giant," died in Oakland yes terday. He was 7 feet and 8 inches in height. A Washington special says that the proposition of the woolen manufactur ers to the senate committee on the wool tariff, is as follows : "The McKinley tariff is ,to remain untouched till Janu ary 1, 1895, then a reduction of 10 per cent, is to be' made, fo1 lowed annually by a similar redaction, until absolute free-trade conditions are reached." Representative Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, is still confined to his room: He has not been forgotten, however, for his mail is heavier since his illness than ever before. He receives on an average 300 letters a day. They Want Names. The Russel Art Publishing Co., of 928 Arch street, Philadelphia, desire . the names and address of a few people in every town who are interested in the works of art, and to secure them they offer to send free, "Cupid Guides the Boat,", a superbly executed water color picture, size 10x13 inches, -suitable for framing, and sixteen other pictures about same size, in colors, to anyone sending them at once the names and ad dress of ten persons (admirers of fine pictures) together with six two-cent stamps to cover expense of mailing, etc The regular price of these pictures is $1, but they can fce secured free by any person fowarding the names and stamps promptly. . . Note The editor of' this paper has already received copies of above pic tures and considerSthem really "Gems of art." 4t Chronic Loosene.i of the Kowels. Results from imperfect digestion. The cause lies in the torpidity of the liver, and the cure is take Simmon's Liver Regulator to aid digestion, to stimulate the dull and sluggish liver and to regu late the bowels. ' It appears as if the people of the United States were steadily reducing1 their consumption of quinine and other cinchona alkaloids. Year after year since 18S7 the importations of cinchona bark have been diminished. In 1893 the amount imported was less than half that of 1887. Popular Science News. Will Caklkton says the total output of poetry in 1893 is nearly three mil lion poems. Spring- was the theme of two hundred and fifty thousand, de spair one hundred thousand and dis content ten thousand. When Baiy was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When Bbe became Kiss, she clunij to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. I 1 asssaw 11 WfcQii 1 KJottolhm: IjCoTTOtgWl GUToFTHE FtlYCIS PA Brtr X K 1 M If 1 -I .! c o Has come not a little knowledge as to cook ery what to do, as well as what not to do. Thus we have learned to use c c IE o B-BT ii BiTTOU s3 the most pure and per fect and popular cook ingmaterial for all frying: O X X and shortening purposes. PnQSQESSiVE is the natural outcome of the age, and it teaches us not to use lard , but rath er the new shortening, GOTTOLEHEi-; which is far cleaner, and more digestible than any lard can be. The success of Cotto lene has called out worth less imitations under similar names. Lookout x x to m o STB X z ft -J 11 o c Vi O "HTJ X X M U -J J for these! Ask your Grocer for Cottolene, and be sure that you get it. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK. & CO., ST. LOUIS and b b (CHICAQO.NEW YORK. BOSTON. I jCOTTOLKNEj Q CoTTOLKNKl Q jCoTTOLBN I Q L,OTTOUNtt. The Agricultural College. Joe Alexander, who graduated in 1891, has been visiting bis numerous friends at the O. A. C. The lecture at the college chapel last Friday night, subject "New Theory on Tides," by Dr. G. O. Rogers of Massa chusetts, was excellent. . Prof. Coote says his asparagus and pieplant were ready for use more than three weeks ago. ' - Pres. BI08S delivered an address be fore the Loyal Legion, a society of old war veterans, at Portland. Prof. Pernot is just finishing pictures of all the professors connected with the college. Last week the senior class was given two receptions, one by Prof. H. T. French and the other by Prof. Pernot. Prof. W. W. Brietow has been con nected with the O. 'A. C. for eleven years and this term is the first time be has had a free hour during the course of regular recitations. W. H. Buoy has recently traveled over the greater part of Eastern Oregon and Washington and has been over into Idaho. He is at present teaching school at Cleveland, Wash. A returning game of baseball was played Saturday May 5th between AI bany and the O. A. C.j which resulted in Albany's favor 13 to 20. The Shakespearian dub that meets each Tuesday evening at the residence of Prof. Washburn's, are now enjoying the study of the tragedy "Othello." . Kingsley NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that by order of the common council made and en tered on the 3rd day of May, 1894, I was authorized and directed to 'advertise the matters substantially contained in the docket o! city liens of the assessment of property for the construction of an 8 inch terra cotta sewer in Lincoln street as provided by special ordinance No. 286, which passed the common council of Dalles City March 12th, 1894, and was approved by the mayor March 13th, 1894. . That the assessments which have not been paid upon the property as now ap pears in said lien docket are as follows: Lots 8 and 9,block 1 Trevitt's Ad- - dition, Capt. McNolty . . . $49 SO Lots 4, 5 and 6. block 1, Trevitt's Addition, Mrs. Marv Booth... 73 95 Lot 3, block 1. Trevitt's Addition, . J. L. Thompson : 24 65 Lots 1 and 2 and s Of 3, blork 5 Trevitt's Addn Catholic church 123 25 Lot 8, block 2, Trevitt's Addition Mrs. T. W. Sparks 24 65 Lot 4, block 4, Trevitt's Addition, ' Mary Bonzey 24 65 That unless within five days from the final publication of this notice, to-wit, Monday, May 28th, 1894, as required by Sec. 74 of the charter of Dalles City, said sums above mentioned are not wholly paid to the city treasurer and a duplicate receipt therefor filed with the recorder of Dalles City, the council will order a warrant for the collection of the same, to be issued by the recorder and directed to the marshal. . " Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 8th day of May, 1894. ' Douglas S. Dofub, . m8-14t ; Recorder of Dalles City. . 4,000 rolls wall paper, fresh goods and new designs, with borders and ceilings to match, juit received, will be sold at hard times prices. -tjel. - Jos. T. Petkks & Co. Shirt Waists IRISH Lists ot Patents firantorl frr Orocrrm and Washington inventors this week. Reported by C. A. SnOW C liO., BOllClIOra Ol foreign patents, ' opp. United States patent office, Washington, D. C. R. E. Brackelsberg and G. G. Edwards,,Port land, Oregon, switch-working mechan ism; t M. .buck, opoKane, wasn., at tachment for pails ; J. D. Bnrkhard, C. H. Waterman, and J. D. Smith, Day ton, Wash., plow; T. E. Clark, Cleone, Ore., metal punch'; H. Lang, Tacoma, Wash., smelting ores; R. McGabey, Walla Wash., mower: W. R. Whipple, Kellogg, Ore., surveying instrument. All human history attests That happiness for man, the hungry sinner! And a good liver is absolutely essent ial for appreciating a good dinner. Lord Byron knew that as well as anybody. One of his greatest regrets was for his weak stomach. "God, man 1" his lord ship would say, "why don't one of these infernal doctors invent a liver medi cine. Byron would never have asked that question were he now living. Why? Because he would have been using Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, an absolutely sure cure for constipation, indigestion, bilious attacks, and all derangements of liver, stomach and bowels. There is no griping or violence abont these pills, and they're guaranteed to give satisfac tion, or your money is refunded. Don't live with the stomach ' wt-ak, when the cure is within your reach for . 25 cents. Thousands of enres follow the use of Dr.. Safe's catarrh remedy. It's $500 reward for an incurable case. WANTED. To exchange lots in the town'of Win ans for a good, large team of horses, also a good farm wagon, spring .wagon, har ness, plow, and harrow. I will be in The Dalles, Sat. Aptil 28th, addrecs A. Ross Winans, Hood River, Wasco Co., Or.' - . Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. ' HIGH RATES of INTEREST Usually mean risk of Principal; but here is an ex ception "where "both are secuie. Purchese your lotlpii;, Bob ts ai?d 5'?oe, IJe., a t And you -will ' : .rate of For VERY STYLISH. OF "WASHABLE COLORS AND GOODS. LAWNS Especially for Waists. A Beautiful and Extensive Line Just A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. WARNED TO STAY AWAY. How Oar Forefathers Refrained from As snmlng Responsibility. . "A man runs across some peculiar things when looking up his ancestry," said a traveler the other day, accord ing to the SV Louis Globe-Democrat. "When investigating my own lineage in New Hampshire-1 discovered that Bay great-great-grandfather was warned by a' town meeting not to come into the town. I wondered what he had done to make , himself obnoxious, and when I learned that, notwith standing the warning, he did move ' in to the place, I admired his assurance but thought him : lacking in self-respect. The matter was explained to me by the secretary of state. v It was the custom for anyone intending; to remove into a town to give notice of such intention. At the next regular town meeting1 he was warned, to stay away, because the law provided that if this was done the town would not be liable for his support in case he be came a pauper. It was not- a matter of disgrace or personal ill-will, but purely a precaution to cover possible future financial reverses." ' The University of California register for 1893-94 is in press. It shows a total enrollment of 155 professors and in-: structors and 1,884 students. The in crease in attendance over last year is S03, or 28 per cent. : The number is dis tributed as follows: Graduate stu dents, 55; undergraduates, 702; law. 133; medicine, 197; dentistry, 125; pharmacy, 113. art department, 90. Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Ridge, Harrison Co., Mo., says: ' 'For whooping' cough Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel lent." By using it freely the dieease is deprived of all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in giving the Remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injur ions. ' 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A. Houghton, druggists. Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. effect a saving 'equal to two years' high interest on the money youexp end. Ladies Received UQiilloJiillliL For Infants and ChUdfeej. . Castoria promotes Digestion, and' overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, -' Diarrhoea, and Feverishness-. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its Bleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. V " Castoria Is ik well adapted to chOdren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription, known to me." if. A. Abcbib. M. I., - 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " For several years I haye'iecommenaed your 'Ostoria,' and shall always continue to do sn, as i t has iOTaxiably produced beneficial reroiita. " Eorwrjr F. Pardkk, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits to well known that it reems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caslos Habtth. D. D.. - Kew York City. Thm Cbhxavs Compart, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. . - -. . i ' ' fcjJLH Fai7 V it V - 07 I Caveats, and Trade-M arks obtained, and all Pat- i enc ousiness conauctea tor Moocratc Fces. ! Ouo Office is Opposite U. 8. Patent Office J i and we can secure patent in less time than liiube J i remote from Washington. ' J I Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip. j ition. We advise, if eaten table or not. tree of? luiugs. . uoi icvdwoubuii pueni 11 accaica. , t A piumlct. "How to Obtain Patents." with J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J sent ixee. Aaaress, C.A.SRIOW&CO. Off. Patent Office. Washington, D. C.