The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1894, Image 3

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    Why Not
Have the Best?
V . successors to Tie Dalles7 Mercantile Co. aMJoles Bros.
The R. & G. Corsets.
The R. & G. Corsets.
The R. & G. Corsets.
Long W aists, Comfortatole.
Black and Drab at ,
Black and Drab at
$1 00 I Black and Drab at
$1 25 I Black and Drab at
.$1 50
.$1 75
There Are No Others j
last 11 Ice Them.
A srreat labor- and money-saver, aa it
does awap with the necessity for kind
ling of any description in starting either
wood or coal nres. n la iwy reu
for uspi, and a most convenient house
hold contrivance.
. : Directions for Use.
Take a can and out in sufficient coal
oil to cover the lighter, which Bhoald re
main in the oil for three or four min
utes. Then light with a match and
place in front of or under the grate. If
the blaze goes dfrectly to the fuel, the
fire will be quickly started. Keep the
lighter in the can of oil and it will al
ways be ready for use. . w
Prvoorv-n 5o " Little Gem" Incubators
V9V.-M-' and Bee Supplies:
Come and see the Machine in operation.
Maier & Benton,
390 and 394 Second Street, - : V :. :
TO STOCIOQErl: We have just received Fifty Ton of
Stock Salt, Lime and Sulphur. Call before buying.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalies, Oregon,
aa aecond-elasa matter.
Cl-ab'biiig List.
krtikle aid 5. T. Triliue. . .
" ail ktj Ortgoiiai
" xil ineiieta Faracr
" ui leClure'i lagaiiie
" aid The Detroit Pre Press .. .
, " aid CumopoliUi Maiuine. . .
" aad Prairie Faracr, Clieag . .
Regular Our
price price
....$2.50 $1.75
. . . . 3.00 2.00
aid Glbe-Deaocrat.s-w)St.Lai9 3.00
.Local Advertising-.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
Considering the City Marshal's Report,
Claimed to be Unsatisfactory.
They Are
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle ma y
be found on tale at I. C. tfickelsen't store .
Telephone No. 1.
- - MAY 7,1694
Lorei From the Notebook of Chronicle
The commonweal soldiers made the
air around their camp resonant with
song last evening.
Mr. J. W. Ketcbum shipped seven
cars of mutton sheep from Saltmarshe &
Co.'s stock yards to Troutdale this
We are in receipt of a circu'ar from
Leasure, Tustin & Stillman, a new Port
land law firm, having a branch office in
Pendleton. - -
Mr. Rowe, of the Rowe Milling Com
pany, informs us that the company have
their mill building nearly completed at
the month of the Klickitat, and will
have the machinery in place and be cut
ting out lumber in about a month.
- - The Home Dramatic Club have "En
listed for the War" on the side of sweet
charity, and expect reinforcement from
every one who is interested in this
cause and at the same time wish to en
joy the evening of Tuesday, May 15th.
Quite a number of the G. A. R.'s were
passengers on the steamer this morning,
destined for Rosebnrg, to attend the
.state G. A. R. reunion. Among them
1 we noticed Mr. and Mrs.' W. S. Myers,
Mrs. John W.Lewis, of this city, and
Messrs. Frank Pike, of Moro, and Frank
Smith, of Grant, Sherman county.
The street sprinkler came out today,
the first time for the season, Mr. Fer
ris finds Second street in very bad shape
for the wagon, and says that if the prop
jerty owners will cover the street with
clay or gravel, or some suitable sub
stance, he will rake off the coarser rocks
at hia own expense.
The Dalles Telephone Company have
put in an additional switch board, and
any one wanting a telephone will do
well to make it known to Messrs.
Blakeley & Houghton by tomorrow
night, as after that time Mr. W. C,
Johnston, the line, man, will have gone.
and a delay will cause ah expense that
the present patrons have, not been sub
jectto. Don't miss the opportunity of
being connected with the central office.
Rambler bicycles are the best. Good
second-hand wheels for sale cheap.
Mats & Cbows,
- "Agency F. T. Merrill Cycle Co
An adjourned meeting of the council
was held Saturday night at 8 o'clock, to
consider the report of' the marshal for
impounding stock for March and April,
and any other business that might come
up .before the meeting.
The report of the marshal was read
and referred to the judiciary committee
to report at the next meeting. The re
port shows the selling of a steer for $11,
and $7.50 expenses on same, besides the
fees, amounting to nearly the sum.
Among the expenses was included $125
for laming a horse.
Tbe bill of James H. Blakeney for
street work, amounting to $46.75, was
ordered paid.
The bill of baltmarshe & (Jo. was re
ferred back for dates, and to be properly
vouched for, ""
It was ordered that the Electric Light
Co. remove the pole by St. Mary's acad
emy, as it was rotten and dangerous.
In regard to a dangerous pool of water
near Mr. Beezley's residence, it was or
dered that the committee on streets and
public property look into the matter, to
see if the surplus water could not be
drained off into the sewer on Fulton
'' On motion, the marshal was instruct
ed to be present at a meeting held Mon
day, April 7th, at 2 o'clock p. m., band
in his regular report and to give an ex
planation and show cause why the mar
shal's duties had not been attended to.
The council met today at about 2 :30
o'clock to consider the business mapped
out for it Saturday night. The full
council and the marshal were present.
Tbe . call was read and the mayor
called upon the marshal to show cause,
etc., as stated. That officer asked for a
more specific question, and said he was
ready to explain any part of his im
pounding report, and as for his regular
report it agreed perfectly with the
recorder's in regard to police business,
The mayor stated that he exceeded
his duties in paying feed bills, etc., out
of the cash received from sale of the
steer. A look into the ordinances occu
pied some fifteen minutes of time, with
tbe result that the marshal was jueti
fied in paying out the amounts in ques
Mr. Hudson said that in relation to
the steer sold, the marshal exceeded his
authority in going out of the city limits
lor it, and that consequently it was a
matter with which the city had nothing
to do, that it was a matter between tbe
marshal and Mr. Harmon to' settle,
He then chaged that the marshal had
disregarded the request of the council by
not making a proper report. ' He also
charged that he had influenced prison'
era not to work for the street commis
sioner, and inquired of the marshal if
such" was the case." The marshal asked
for proof that he bad done so and sub
sequently denied it. Mr. Hudson also
charged that he had made threats of
violence, against tbe council and again
asked if it were true. The marshal
again asked for proof of the charge, "but
did not deny it. .. He was pressed by
Mr. Crowe for a plea one way or the
other, but this the marshal would not
make. ''".. v "I V" '
At this point the reporter left, as the
hour was late." - -
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish
Passing- Through The Dalles
In Companies.
Companies H and E, of the Portland
Industrial army, were the first to arrive
The Dalles on their trip to Washing
ton , with a few stragglers from other
companies, under the apparent leader
ship of Thomas Collehan, the third staff
officer of the battalion. When these
first arrived they requested the
town authorities to furnish them pro
visions, saying there would be no more
demands of tbe kind. The mayor and
county judge issued the food requested,
the city and county to share the expense
equally. '
Yesterday afternoon Co. M, consisting
of 40 more men, arrived under Capt.
Dan O' Drain and are yet in the city.
They are camped under the brewery
grade hill, and beyond them are camped
the stragglers from other companies, as
before mentioned, under Officer Collehan.
Provisions, for all were arranged for
dinner. Companies H and E left about
o'clock this morning for the east,
boarding a freight train.
Mr. Collehan was seen by a Curoniclk
reporter this morning. He charges Col.
Scheffler with deceiving the men and
misappropriating funds belonging to
the army." He says that collections
were taken up in Portland sufficient to
send all the men to Kansas City, be
sides furnishing each captain $100 and
supplying four days' rations. In the
council held at Portland Scheffler made
a speech favoring the plan of moving the
companies out singly, while Collehan
argued that the whole army should pro
ceed in a body and thus preserve their
autonomy that they would become scat
tered, and in that way very few of the
whole would reach Washington City.
Under the plan of Col. Scheffler, which
prevailed, companies H and E drew
numbers from the hat for being first out.
Mr. Collehan said they supposed their
fare was arranged for and they would
have no trouble, but on reaching The
Dalles were put off by the train men
Here is where Collehan Charges Scheffler
with deceit and not using tbe money he
is supposed to have for the use intended
Capt. O'Drain of Co. M was next in
terviewed; He takes an opposite view
from Collehan, and has implicit confi
dence in benemer, saying that he is
now under his instructions and will obey
them. He holds Collehan in great con
tempt, saying he wants to run things
his own way. The company was tak
ing things easy at tbe time, and were
lying around on blankets sleeping. For
the most part they wear good clothes
and seem like very respectable men,
O'Drain said his company would leave
on the next train. Nine more compa
nies are to follow fromJPortland in all
about 500 men.
Collehan stated that the ' chief ade
mands of the armv were the free coin
age of' silver on a ratio of 18 to 1, no
more appropriations of money . lor na
tional batiks or railroads', government
ownership of the railroads, and .the ab
rogation of .the naturalization law; pro
hibiting . any ' more immigrants from
coming-; to the country.5 Though dis
affected with Col.. Scheffler, he is a great
enthusiast as to the army, and looks lor
blood to flow- in: quantities that will
please the most sanguine before very
long . He says that thousands are mov
ing to: Washington in small squads, of
which the people generally take no note,
and when they are finally massed they
will be an invincible army. He says he
finds no fault with the government or
the flag. They are all right, but he
wants some of the leaders to be removed.
Chief of these is President Cleveland,
who, he says, favors the money power
and the rich. , '
Collehan intended to leave for Port
land on the first train to find out why
Scheffler was not doing as he agreed.
He charges him with lying to the men
and not using the funds for the purpose
Hon. F. P. Mays is in the city today.
Mr. H. Glenn went to Portland this
Mr. F. J. Mathews of Fairfield is in
the city today. t
Mr. F. P. Garlow of Boyd came in
this morning.
Miss Susie Brown, formerly of this
city, is a guest of the Misses Glenn.
Misses Grace and Nell Michell left on
the early morning train for Portland.
Mr. S. D. Cave, who has been visiting
Dr. Eshelman in this city for the past
few days, departed for his home in St.
Louis last night. -
At the residence of D. O. Davis, New
DesChutes, Mav 5th, by Elder G. H.
Barnett. Miss Cora I. Davis to Mr.
Cbas. Fagan.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not. have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago; and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House'
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. - sold ov onipes cc ranersiy
Great Price
.Good Boys' Suits from $2.00 up..
Staple fapey Dry Qbods,
Eoo"ts5 axxd
Ginghams, Calicos, ffiaslins and Overalls, at Cut Prices.
The Latest Styles
West Point military academy was
founded in 1803.
The oldest German university is that
of Heidelberg, founded in 1386.
The hydraulic process of minim? was
employed in Placer county, Cal., in
1S52. -
Tuk Engineering' and Mining Jour
nal says that lake shipbuilding has
shared in the depression which has af
fected all other business, and on Janu
ary 1 there we're reported under con
struction in the lake yards only 28 ves
sels of an aggregate tonnage of 26,100
tons, against 49 ships of C8.470 tons a
year n;r. 1
A lady at Tooleye, La.Twas very sick
with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a
prominent ; merchant of the town gave
her a bottle oL Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and ' Diarrhoea Remedy. He
says she was well in forty minutes after
taking the first dose. For , sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. ;
Teachers Examination.
Hats, Bonnets
The ladies of The Dalles are invited to call and
inspect our large and varied assortment of Millin-.
ery Goods, which is the finest in in the city. J
MRS. M. LeBALLISTER, The Dalles.
Hand-Corded Corsets, Health Eeform Waists,
Nursing Corsets, Misses' Waists, Children's Waists,
Shoulder Braces and Hose Supporters made to order-
Where ?
At the Pacific Corset Company's Factory, north
east of the Fair Grounds. It desired each garment
will be fitted before being finished. Call at the fac
tory and examine our goods, or drop a card in the
office, and our agent will call and secure your order.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of all'
persons who may offer themselves aa
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold 'a public ex
amination at his office in The Dalles, be
ginning at 1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday,
May 9th, 1894. .
Dated this 30th day of April, 1894.
... . Tboy Shelly,
County school Supt. Wasco Co.
Haworfch, printer, 116 Court St. ti T
la I T ES-K jSl HIT C la fJEZHT.:
THE KING'S TTOCKT BEOKEB; by 0onther. ......
KATHERINE . LAUDERDALE, by Crawford 2 Vol.
OM SAWYER ABROAD, by Mark Twain.........
. 2 00
1 5 -