Something to Hetjezibeh, M you're a weak or . ailing woman i that there's only one medicine so sure to help you that it can be guara)iteed. It's Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. In building up overworked, feeble, delicate wo men, or in , any " female complaint " or weakness, if it ever fails to bene fit or care, you havo your money back. It's an invigorating, restora tive tonic, a soothing and strength ening nervine, and a safe and certain remedy for woman's ills and ail ments. .It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blopd, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength.'-' ": ' " In all the chronic weaknesses and disorders that afflict women, it is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. Nothing else can be as cheap. With this, you pay only for the good yon get. "EH. Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of arils from early errors or later excesses, ttae result of overwork, sickness, worry, etc FuUstreDgth, development and tons Riven to svery organ and gortlon of the body. Imple. natural metboii. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure Impossible. 2.0UO references. Book. explanation and proof maHert (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. THOSE WHO WISH Glass, Lime, Cement, PLASTER, LATH, Picture Frames, mflCflirlEHY Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, V CALL. AND SEE E3Z. O-3L IE UST 3ST . "The Regulator Line" "Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH FreigiiiaM Passenger Lip,s Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Kegulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dallea Citv leaves Portland (Yttmniit dock; nt Q a.m. irv with Steamer Regulator AJulles. conneo t hr The PASSKNQEK KAXK8. One way . . . . Sound trip. ,. 2.00 . 3.00 . Freight Rates GreatFy Reducsc.. All tretgflt, except Clir lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipmente for WAV lAndirtcrn mnat-. Vu rl0liT7kiarl hafnm 8 p. rri Live stock shipments solictedv Call o a .or address, - , : : W. C. ALLAWAY,'- ' vD.f. LAUGH LIN, " ' v- C . - . Qsnetsl Manager. iME OALLE5, - - OREGON A TOIJJH CUSTOMER. ' j Tne ' Brown Bsar of Ala3ka la a Courageous Fighter. An Ia3ta;ice of tlie Fearlessness Tif trie '". Aniroiil - t'ctv AVortls of Advice from a Hunter VTbo la I'anill Jnr with Its n:ibi'.s. : A sportsman, writing- to-theSan Francisco Chronicle advises others who iniiy complain that the California is crowintr scarce and losin,? his nerve that there is a foeman worthy 1 is lead in the brown bear of ' Alaska. I lie thus describes the brute and his ! habitat: The northern side of the Kenai peninsula, bordering the shores of Cook's inlet, Kodiak island and the Alaskan peninsula as far west a3 Uni mak island, are the habitat of the Alas kan brown bear (ursu3 Richard sonii),' a hug-e, shag-g-y animal, varying- in length from six to twelve feet, and weighing from eig-ht hundred to fif teen hundred pounds. This animal possesses all the courage 'and fierce ness of his southern cousin, the grizzly, and has been hunted so little as yet that he is absolutely fearless of man and is an exceedingly dangerous ad versary. The island of ICodia, being more settled than the other localities mentioned, is less favorable as a hunt ing ground for the sportsman than the wilder regions adjacent. This is espie cially true of the eastern and wooded end of the island. On the west, the country is more open, and on that ac count seems to- be preferred by the bear. There is still good sport to be had in certain localities hereabout, and native guides can always be ob tained at the villages situated on the shores of the bays or on the banks of the salmon streams in this vicinity. Being an expert fisher the bear fre quents during the salmon season all the rivers emptying into the Behring sea and the North Pacific and their tributaries as far as the fish go. After the salmon run is over the animal re treats into the recesses of the hills where -berries and small game are plentiful. The brown bear is the great road maker of this part of Alaska. Not only are the banks of the streams trodden into good trails by the huge lumbering brutes, but the swampy plains are crossed in every direction by paths leading to the. hills. The traveler will do' well to follow them in his journeying across the country, as they invariably lead to the best ford ing places of streams and form the easiest routes to the hills. The northern limit of the brown I bear's hahit'.it is, as yet, undetermined, J but I have seen them in the interior as J far as latitude 07 degrees, and they j probably range still further, j The mainland of Alaska adjacent to ! the island of Unga is full of brawn j b.;ar-.u and. although somewhat small ! er than those" found on the west side j of Cook's inlet, they are sufficiently j lieree and aggressive.' Some officers ! from one of the vessels of the. Behr- I tug s-.-a licet went ashore at ITerendeen j buy during' the summer of 1801 on a i di'ff hunt, and one of the party saw a loar about one hundred yards dis tant eating berries. Without a thought of the consequences he raised his gun and fired at the animal. The shot went wide of the mark, but at the re port of the gun the bear started for the hunter on the dead run. His charge was met by a shower of bullets from the officer's repealer, but, al though badly wounded, the infuriated brute did .not hesitate an instant; but rushed straight at his enemy. When within about ten feet of the hunter the bear rose on his haunches, and pre pared to close. Blood was pouring in streams down his body. One bullet had shattered his upper jaw, but' he was still so full of fight that the out come of the struggle would have been extremely-doubtful had not another of the party arrived and ended the fight by shooting the brute, through the brain. An examinatj-'Trf'the bear's body showed thart-had been struck six times. Three of the shots were in parts of. the body ordinarily consid ered vital, and would doubtless have ultimately caused death; but the vi tality of these animals is almost in credible, instances having been cited of their rimning over a hundred yards after being shot through the heart. ' One of the best places in Alaska to find the brown bear is in the vicinity of Portage . bay, ten or twelve miles across Unga strait from Sand point. At the latter place a hotel has recent ly been erected where visiting sports .men can be assured of comfortable quarters. The ptarmigan shooting is excellent on these islands, and deer is plentiful, if that kind of sport is more desirable. The bear hunter, however, will not have any cause for complaint on account of scarcity of his particular variety of game. Last summer, while I was at Sand point, two hunters came in after an absence of little over a nonth in the vicinity of Portage bay and reported having killed thirty-three bears. On one day -,alone they killed seven. In order to show that they were not spinning hun ters' yarns they had brought the skins with them and sold them at the trading post at Sand point. In dealing with the Alaskan bear a hunter should nev er go alone. A companion is almost as essential as a gun. . . Travel on the Red Sea. " ,J uuw At.VA OCC UiC CCS sation of the "engines on a steamer for an hour means extreme nhvsical suffering for passengers, for a day it would involve absolute torture. The wind which prevails every day is a hot, asphyxiating blast, and its continuous directions are from north and south toward the center. Asa result, every parsing vessel subjected to two days .'of almost intolerable heat, followed by two days of comparative comfort. y The debt habit is the twin brother of poverty. T. T. Munger. .. - Leakxiso is ' the dictionary', but sense the grammar, 'Science. Sterne. A'UOG'o en. : V: w v i 1- Instances W!iicl; Go t I'rovc liftruarkablo How. do dogs know the tuna of- day? some one nska t'io writer, and proceeds to relate some stories to prove that they do know it.' One of these stories, says thy lio&toa Transsript, is about a collie who starts every aT-oroon to meet hi: master,' who always .coaos on the S:3!.. train! . Train j ar. continually coming- and f-oinr, and v.'histlir. j and ringinp-lvat Pete pays no attention to aay but this one. As soon an its r.his- tie is hoard he foejrfcis to bark j-. ar:d ucTC r moke.? a ' rat:l'iT-.s. 1 vyi'.tily, .nolher dog beeaiaa so muca c.ce'itotned toVro ing to the sehoolhpus-j every' uicrainjr i with his- little' nsa-.-tcr that, when the J boy war; 'absent for sever al weeks, the j dog went on .'Oing to scnool.-ar- riyiiig- punctually at nine o'clock every morning. ICorecver,- he never went on Satrrdny or Munday. ' ,Wlth 'regard to the first case, it mig-ht be replied, perhaps, by a skepti cal person, that the dog was more like ly to be able to distinguish the special whistle of. the locomotive which drew: the half-past five o'clock train than to know it by. the hoar of the' Jay. And yet the writer has no sort of dcubt that dogs do know when a certain hoar ar rives fit which something regular and accustomed takes place. The second case seems to prove this very thing. There is a case on record in which a doctor, who was accustomed to visit a certain village at a certain hour on a certain day each week, always found a dog of his acquaintance waiting for him outside the town, and it was proved that the dog never came to the place at any other day or hour Evi dently all that can be. said in explana tion of such cases is that animals are susceptible of having periods or circles of time established in their intelli gences by use, and that their ignorance of timepieces only serves to make the instinct the keener. It is well known that men who have never possessed watches, and who work or hunt habit ually at a distance from clocks, are ex pert at estimating the lapse of time. Perception of . this kind undoubtedly may be cultivated in an intelligent animal as well as in man, MAD ELEPHANTS. Tbe Males Suddenly Become Dangerously Demented. When we present the elephant in possession of such intellectual gifts as may be his, there has to be considered the case of the elephant that, being "must," is for a time bereft of. its senses, says Blackwood's Magazine. It is only the male that suffers from this affliction of insanity; but every male is liaMe to it some time or other, and, unfortunately, may be attacked by it without warning of any kind. "" Some men of long experience of ele phant keeping say that the "must" condition is preceded by premonitory symptoms, and if taken in time may, by diet and treatment, be averted, but, without presuming to contradict these better-informed people, I can aver that I have known some of them to be taken by surprise by the sudden "musting"' of .elephants under their own immediate supervision. ' Some elephants become demons of crueltv when "must." as, for example. a commissariat elephant that, during my time m Oudh, broke away from the Lucknow lines and went over a consid erable tract of country, kill ingmen, women and children wherever it found an opportunity of doing so. I do 'not know 1;he total number killed by that beast, but it was sadly large. And of course,- valuable as. the animal was to the government, only one course could be pursued in regard to it. The sentence passed upon it was that of death, and the execution was carried out, not without difficulty and danger to the executioners, by sev eral Europeans, who followed and shot it down. Our better halves say -they could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is . used . in more than half , the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, Iowa. ' This shows the esteem, in which that remedy is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly nd permanently, and that it is . pleasant and safe - for children to take. 50 cent bottles for gale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists. IiiX-Empkess Ecgenie, who was not long ago a guest at- dinner with Queen Victoria, has now only careworn lines and a sad, dullish expression of the face, whose beauty was once the admi ration of Europe. - Backleo'n Annci salve. The best salve in the worid. for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv.. Snipes & Kin- erslv : -' ' ' t "' Cbispi, the Italian prime minister is suffering from a cataract in his eyes.4 Two of the most prominent oculists in Italy, Profs. Secondi and Martini, will perform an operation a"t the end of March. - - - - ' - "'. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. ' 'Cal t&,Hertised drug gist and get trianbbttTe, tree. Send your name and address to' H-E. Bucklen t.. Chieao. and ve a anmn n hnr nflna Kept away an noarseness irora. ii -.-.. -v t:'- -d.-.3) . .. ims a uiio x iiia nee, us well, i : .-I py of Guide to Health and House ii.Vi,! TirsM-uc-tor, free. All of which is ;i inc-ii to do you good and cost you ' .SiilS by Snipes & Kinersly. Poison tfWrsquirrels. Snipes & Kinersly's. Sure Shot at CENTRAL ASIAN DESERTS. ; Tlicre Is Without Attraction of -j " .tar-niii-.l.V.'lintCCTr. ! - 3,Ir. W..V,"o;a-.jlls KoekhiU describes; 1U tae UyaiSf ; m:; ariemjit. to cross Tibe t.- ilia picture ox a portion of the co'4-trv he travel-: is not alluring. 'let's in the Central Asian deserts is .rough inddhe suya.- . i .Mature is without attractions of any it is -bleak and repelling;; neve r a tree is seen, and scarcely a j lower, except for a month or. two . in i the year Probably the Arctic regions j alone oter a more ceager ilora. One gees only coarse grass, or bar?, gravel r, t rev, n' ground of a reddish tinge. '" In the u;o:-.t favored valleys, and near j seine brackish lakelet, are occasionally j seen bunches of long blacfchaired j yaks, antelopes, or wild asses. A stray I or wolf runs across the trail; a I sheldrake or eagle fiies slowly off at j one's approach. Were it -not for the ! wild , yaks, travel across this' great ! plateau would be impossible, for dry yak-dung is the only fuel to be found. Should a - murrain "destroy the lvre- horned antelope, . traveling, ; except along two frequented trails, would be come unfeasible. Violet winds sweep the country daily, carrying with them dense clouds of , alkaline dust, which parch and crack the skin and blind the eyes. AVhen it is not blowing, it is snowing, hailing or raining. Bogs, marshes and sandy wastes, cut at short distances by low ranges of moutains rarely . rising, above the line of per petual snow (though, be it . remem bered, the lowest valleys are at a greater elevation above the sea than . the summit of Mont Blanc), are the characteristics of the bleak country whieh we had to cross before the in habited regions ..of Tibet could be reached." ' : ., How's Thin! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh t bat cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wkst&Tkacx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. .. 'Walding, Kin-nan & Mabvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. - Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. : : . The Electrical Street Kail way Re porter is the name of a new electrical publication which is issued from. New York. It is a monthly publication. . "- It will he an agreeable surprise to persons subject to. attacks of hi mods colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the attacks may be pre vented by taking this remedy as soon as the first, symptoms of the diseasn ap pear. 25 arid 50 cent hottles for sale by Blakely & Houghton. American meat .dominates the mar kets of Europe. If shipments are de layed three days the price goes up. - Ax American photographer, F. E. Ives, is astonishing Ixndon by success fully taking colored photographs. MsCottonlioot COMPOUND. A recent discovery fcy an old physician. SuccessfuViis used monthly 6y thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis covered. - Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no cub&tt tute, or Inclose 81 and e cents in postage In letter and -we will send, sealed, by return mail. FuU scaled partlnlsrs la plain envelope, to lclles on!y, X stamps. Address Pod. I4J! y Co m i an v. ICo. ? j-Mnr Bioctr. -r-,rrt. JUcn. Sold In The Dalles bv Snipes & Kinersly. " HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Creaji boiled makes the coffee richer and does not chill it. Hot milk is a regularly recognized drink in some of the German cafes. It is served in a cup with a saucer, and two lumps of sugar -always accom pany it. - ' ' See tno World's Fair for Fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents- in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world's Columbian exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It con tains full page views of the great build ings, with descriptions of same, and is executed n highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address , H. E. Bccklen & Co., - ,' Chicago, 111, ;,4RF0RD, Evanplist, Ot. rCps Sjaes, Iowa, writes under date ot .-, K " ' 'JK-SX&i. 28V lSS8i S. B. Med. Mfg.' Colf-'r - j Dufur, OregdjjC- .i -. Oenllemen : . ' 7 'V -' ; On Arrifiug hdrae lastVifer. ' found all well 'arid-njrio.rndyy-awiifi; : 'r little girl, eightraHd'.bnMiiit-i";i i who had wasted awayHo 83 9 now well, strong and vigorou. wpt fleshed up." S. B. CoughtCuw; iu-.a d .. its work well. Both of the h,ildreu ! i ke 11. rour cs. xi. jouga. tinre nasc nTSd give it to every one. with ereetintr - j, . -Tr:r. . . - Yours, VtM. & Mk3. J. F. FditD., -If you wish to feel fresh-und cneerlcl, and read; for the Spring's work, -cleanse your system with. the Headache and Liver Cure, by talii ng tiro" 01 three doses each week. Sold under a positive guarantee. l 50 cpts"per bottle by sll dru'Siisrs.! -AND r n bj m n rs tn -vk-imdrih ixi i-n .m rvi lj -w lt j "i m m ti w r1 ONLY H Wasco County, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros-, perous city. v-. ; . ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer . Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. - . The Largest' Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas- cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here.' - . The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 6,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon ' fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars,. which will be more than doubled in the near future. . ' '. - The products of the beautiful Klickitat -valley find market, here, and the country south and east has this year -filled the warehouses, and all available storage places o overflowing -with theft- products. v ITS WEALTH. It' is the richest city of its size on the coast - and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. ' Its pos sibilities incalculable. . Its resource unlimited. And on these orner "tones sh-stands. .' : ;. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side ' - AT THE ....... flEW COIiUMBlfl HOTElt. This large arid popular House dop the principal hotel business, . and is prepared to .furnish th" Hest Accommodations of any ... House la the city, and at the kir rate of x . $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Tea!s, 25 Ccrjts. Office tor all Stage tines leaving The Dalles for all points In Kastern Orefon.Hd Etutcrn Wasblnfrton, In this Hotel. . Corner of Front and Union Sts. yThere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its JIqo& leads on to fortune" . a The poet unquestionably had reference to the' iw-M Sale at GRAN DALL Who are selling thesa goods . V - MJCHELBACH liKIC-S, D. 0 -wfflitel Carpets pit Tioilpirs anrt H 4 TAPPED 'Shop; on Third Street, next Blacksmith H H ear. - S 1 ;75 . - - - Oregon, T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. ii m l.BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. : ' ' - . VxiON ST. . TJNDEPv PPvESStJRE. door Ave st of Young; A KuBrf" .. . During t