Are : ; '. 'v. You Sufficiently Tied? OXCE BEFORE WE SAID IlECKWEflR f OF GEUTIiEJVIEfl and the result, was that Ave, placed an order at once to re : plenish our stock. These goods , have just arrived, and .most certainly they are handsomer, . both in color and design, than the last. 4r Experience is a great teacher, and we listen most attentively to her teach- ings, and profit thereby. - ' In our Corner Window we have displayed our JiETV JiHCKULlERl, and we think you will join with us in prais ing their general excellence. Rich Fabrics, Stylish Shapes, ; Natty Designs. Back Numbers. Youth and beauty exercise - their potent sway over all sen sitive' minds. Upon the altar : of the flEW burns ever the ' incense of admiration. Mind-' ful of this, the inventive gen ius of the age is ever striving to surpass former ' efforts, and r by the beauty of new creations ' to win the popular applause. a Our stock is Absolutely Fresh -the product of THE flBlXX. Its beauty is un marred by anything that sug-gests-the days of Methuselah. The Latest Creations: Ladies' Waists. . BLUE and PINK PERCALES, ' SIMPSON'S PRINTS; WHITE, with laundered Collars and Cuffs, BLACK SATINE. JOLES,-COLLINS & GX To i Ful. We have just received a new Lawn Sprinkler which, is called the " Jett's Patent," and is ' made in Brass and Nickel Plate. : We will sell vou the Brass Sprinkler for 75 cents and the Nickle plated : one for $1.00. Call and get one and try it. If it does not give satisfaction, re turn it. Maier & Benton, SOLE 'AGENTS. Veilings, Laces. i jjinjLi Uj liiniWi j ; l i All Goodfl Marked In Plain figures. PEASE .& MAYS. Successors to The Dalles Mercantile Co. and Joles Bros. -SPECIAL AGEXTS FOR- 5 . " Little Gem" Incubators Come and see the Machine in operation! -ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR- : , . 390. and 394 Second Street, ; v : TO STOCKOQEPl: We have just received Fifty Ton of' Stock Salt, Lime and Sulphur. Call before buying. $2.00 PER K EG - The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Clubbing List. (Vtiicle aid K. T. Regular Our price price TrikM..... $2.50 $1.75 aid Weekly Oregoaiak 3.00 2.00 aid laericai Farmer 2.00 1.75 ail IcCIure'i lajaiiie. 3.00 2.25 aid The Detroit Free Frest 3.00 2.00 aid Cunepolitai laeajiie. . . . 3.00 2.25 aid Prairie Farmer, Clicaga . . . 2.50 2.00 aid 61ok-Democrat,(s-w)St. Louis 3.00 2.00 Local AdTortlalng:. 10 Ceuu iwr line for first insertion, and 6 Cent per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates or long time notices. All local notices received later than $ o'clock will appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on gale at I. C. Nickelsen's store. Telep hone No. 1. WEDNESDAY, APR 25, 1894 APRIL ANNOTATIONS, Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. x will be an injury rather than a benefit, as the old scale of wages for operators is less than that they are now receiving. News is received in this city today of the first overt act made by the common wealers. At BHlings, Mont., an army captured a train and were met by a number of deputy marshals who ordered them to surrender the train. A fight ensued in which one of the army was killed, also one of the marshals, and the "army", went on with the train. The "Si Perkins" company arrived this forenoon in a special car from the East. Shortly before 12 o'clock the band, at tired in grpteEque costumes, met in front of Blakeley & Houghton's and disconsed some very beautiful music. Their comical actions, as well as their worth as musicians, doubtless influenced. many to attend the show tonight. People in Heppner Sunday morning were treated to the sight of a man re ceiving a pommeling at the hands of his wife. The only resistance he offered was to waid off the blows from a parasol. The parties in the fray were Mr, and Mrs. ffm. Doonan. Sheriff Noble in terfered and put an end to the fight by leading Mr. Doonan to safer quarters. It was the opinion of the bystanders that it would havebeen good judgment on the part of Mr. Doonan had he retreated early in the action, as be came out con siderably hors de combat. Gazette." . Col. E. Wl Nevius addressed a repub lican club in Union Saturday evening. Horace Witheroox and Mary Lusk were married at the court house today by Justice Schutz. Before the entertainment commences this evening the "Si Perkins" band will give an open air concert. ' H. Hines brought in to the Wasco warehouse a large load of wool today from M. Sichel & Co., Prineville. Senator Mitchell and Representative Ellis have sent us valuable public docu ments for which we extend thanks. ''Babe" Mays and Bert Barrett went to Dufur and back . Sunday on their bicycles. They went out in 2 hours and a quarter and came back in one hour and fifty minutes. The distance covered was about thirty . miles. The Wasco County Christian En deavor convention will meet at Hood River May 1st, 1894. All interested in the work are cordially invited to attend, Entertainment will be furnished to all who may desire to be present. The con vention will be just what you make it Come an help make it good. . A Goldendale dispatch says that Editor Hugh Gourley addressed a large gather mg of the citizens of Moro, Or., last sacuraay evening. ins suDject was, "Benefits of the National Bank Act and ine necessity oi aouna money." it is reported he annihilated the populists in that section. The Coxey brigade left Portland this morning and when a few miles out en oeavorea to stop the local passenger v train. The engineer put on a full head of steam and ran by them. The country through which' they .travel is scarcely populated and if they are compelled to - march they ' will be hard-pushed . for supplies. f. An order was received at the Union Patific office yesterday from General , Manager Dickenson notifying air salar ied. employes that the salaries which were cut by the order of September last will be restored from March 1.- It' is said that in The Dalles, the restoration Wedding Anniversary The many friends and relatives of Mr and Mrs. W. H. Sharp spent Tuesday very pleasantly at their home on 5-Mile creek in honor of their fifth anniversary of their wedding. As the day advanced friends exchanged their happy greetings. lney soon had tbe pleasure of enjoying an exceedingly nice dinner which was very attractive in its floral design ot wild flowers. --. - '.. Among the presents was a wooden ring given to the hostess, which would be lined with gold in honor of the 50th an niversary and at the 75th, to be set with diamonds. Those present were Mrs. W. H. Steel and daughter, Mrs. W.'H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Koontz, Mrs. Butter, Mrs. M. L. Booth; the Misses Minnie Miller, Eda Schmidt, Cad Booth, Laura Thompson, Etta Story, ' Grace Sharp ; Messrs. P. Tr Sharp, " James Simonson Martin Miller and Frank Sharp. : . Hon They Did It. CORRESPONDENCE. Ksl(hborhood News Contributed by Lo cal Writers. KENT. O. C. Hogue has gone to the sawmill. Mr. Patterson will make a trip to the river this week. ' John' Donohue will make a trip to Antelope this week. Mrs. Blackerby is going to stop with Mrs. Henry Schadewitz awhile. B. M. Brown will go down to plow on the Leon Hunting place Tuesday. We have been enjoying some of the finest of spring weather the last, few days. -: . Farmers are almost through plowing and sowing. Some have commenced to plow sod. Don't hear of any going out to haul wool. ' The prohibition club met at the school house oA Saturday evening. Quite a good time was had. . Speeches were made by J. K. Craig and W. H. Bennett. Some very appropriate pieces were read by others. The club will meet again on May 5th. All ate invited. There will be speeches by the members of the club and by some of the populist party, both entertaining and instructive. Uncle Isaac. one well qualified for that position. Of his general abilities and character we can speak from experience and - long acquaintance. He is a member of the Christian church and a Mason of good standing. He is possessed of good, sound judgment pertaining to all educational matters. - I thus speak as one being un interested, only that full credit be given his attainments and his "everyday walk and conversation." A Neighbor. " 'SI PERKINS. A Farce Comedy, Constructed tor Lang-hint: Purposes. GRE AT SLA UGHTER S 1 T ;WILL BE MADE AT- filtE N. HARRIS' MERCHANDISE STORE. ..-- COMMENCING APRIL 5, i594,t The trainmen simply outwitted the Coxey brigade at Portland this morning. They were divided in two parts. A por tion of them were in the East Portland yards, who intended to board the train just after being started. The balance of them walked three miles out, where there was a heavy grade, supposing the train would be loaded pretty heavily and would move slowly. In the first instance the train backed- down the yards about half a mile and when they" passed the men in the yards were going about twenty-five miles an hour. The train happened to be a light one and when the men were reached three miles out, the train was going nearly as fast as greased lightning, and 'the men. looked at the flitting ' object ' with eyes and mouth 8 gaping in mute wonder. . . Notice. SvAPINITIA. We are having fine weather. Every body is getting about through 1 seeding;. Mf. .W. H. Davis has gone to. Oregon City to see Mrs. Davis' mother who is very ill and not expected to live. .The supervisor has warned hands to work on the road Tuesday and Wednes day, but most of them are of the hobo element. v - Sheep shearing season is close at hand and the boys expect to start' in a few days, but expect tbe price will be lower on account of the tariff question. The school at Wapinitia has been run ning about a month with an average at tendance of about fifteen scholars. Miss Emma Bonney is teaching. Mr. Sharp, county surveyor, has been out here surveying. He has laid . out three new roads in this part of the country which occupied , most of his time last week, r By tbe way a certain young man is seen pretty often in the vicinity of the McClnre school honse of late, but you don't want to think anything" strange of that, for his cattle run in that part of the country. But you don't want to be misled. Johnnie is a ely cat. - There is a young men's republican club organizecVat Wapinitia and there is a membership of about forty.' The re publicans expect to carry the day by a large majority. O. L. Paquet was chosen chairman ; J. B. Goit secretary Judge Bentley was nominated for justice and John G. Carter for constable, and John says if he is elected he will loaded for bear all the time. . ' . I. C. All; "Si Perkins" is a rural comedy, brim ming full of comical situations and laughable incidents, and its sole purpose is fun. It furnishes fSO laughs, in 180 minutes. - The comedy makes no' pre tense to plot or dramaticlntereat, but as a panacea for . the blues and dyspepsia "Si Perkins" can't be beat. It is abso lutely irresistable. Along with the laughs Is interspersed at frequent inter vals some of tbe sweetest and most en trancing music it is possible to produce upon human instruments by human tongues and hands. Tbe orchestra is said to be among the; best on the road. All lovers of music' will get their money's worth in that feature alone. "Si Per kins" may fairly be said to be among the most phenomenally successful com- panies that exist today. The Lincoln street sewer assessment roll will be left in my hands uu til Mon day evening,- the 23d inst., after which time additional costs will be added. 1. 1. Bubgett, City Treasurer. A False Report. ., DUF0B, Or., April 24,1894. Editor of The Chronicle: r In behalf of Prof. Frazier, nominee for county school superintendent, concern ing the report which has been circulated, saying he is addicted to drink and which statement we would hastily attempt to correct, we wouia say that as a man Mr, frazier nas as lew nag namts as one generally finds in men of his age, and we- unhesitatingly .recommend him as PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. H. D. Jory of Wasco is in the city today. - Chas. Brune is recovering from his late illness. Deputy U. S. Marshall Sibley, of Port land is in the city today. ' ' News by Telescope. ' y Mr T. J. Rorick is painting Grand Dalles red today. - ' When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. VThen die bee&me Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, . .WANTED. To exchange lots in trie town of Win- ans for a good, large team of horses, also a good farm wagon, spring wagon, -har ness, plow, and harrow. . I will be in The Dalles, Sat. April 28th, address A. Boss Winans, Hood Hi ver, Wasco Co., Qr. ' ' - 4,000 rolls wall paper, fresh goods and new designs, with borders and ceilings to match, just received, , will be 'sold at hard times prices. . "v , . tjfel. .. Jos. T. Petebs & Co. Sure Shot Squirrel Poison at Snipes & Kinerely's. , Haworth the printer, home 116 Court St., Feb. 1st. -WE WILL GIVE YOU- ; Bargains ia Men's and Boys' Clothing. , Bargains in Dress G-oods. " - Bargains in Embroidery in Laces. Bargains in Boots and Shoes. " ; Bargains in Gents' Furnishing G-oods. Bargains in Hats and Caps. ' . Bargains in Gents' ITeck-wear. Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hose. Bargains in Ladies' Summer Underwear. Bargains in Towels and Napkins. ' We defy competition, as out prices are the lowest. P. S. Heavy Copper Riveted Overalls and Jumpers at 50c and 20 yds. of Fine Prints for. $1 at all times. : COME AND SEE. N. HARRIS. -IN- GENTS' YOUTHS' BOYS' GENTS' I ITU X BOYS' .Good Boys' Suits from $2.00 up.. SPECIAL VALTJES IZtsF Staple pa r;ey D ry (joods, loots cttt fi Snoes. Ginghams, Calicos, CDaslins and Overalls, at Cat Prices. TERMS STRICTLY CHSH. Poison the 8quirrelB. Snipes & Kinersly's. Sare Shot at , PHOTOGRAPHER. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. I have taken 11 first prizes. .33. sr. PAUL KR EFT & .CO.; PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns arid Designs in . '. , - -y&ST ES " Practical Painters and Paper Hangera. None bat' the best brands of th . Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Mastrry's Paints need in all out work, and none bat the most skilled workmen employed. Agents. W Masury Liquid Points. Na chemical combination or soap mixture.' ,, A first class article in all colors., All orders promptly attended to. ' ''' w . Faint She!) cotaer Third auG Washington Stg..The Dallas 0reoa