SUKSUINE comes, no matter how dark the clouds are, when the woman who is borne down bj woman's troubles turns to Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If her life is. made gloomy by. the chronic weak nesses, delicate de rangements, and painful disorders that afflict her sex, they are com :M-- ftm pletely cured. If she's overworked, nervous, or " run - down," she ; has new life and strength. "Favorite Prescription " is a powerful, invigorating tonic and a soothing and strengthening nervine, Iurely vegetable, perfectly harmless, t regulates and promotes all the proper functions of womanhood, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispejs aches ' and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. For every "fe male complaint " and disturbance, it ' is the only remedy so sure and, un failing that it can be guaranteed. If "it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. Can be counted on to cure Catarrh -Dr. Sacro's Catarrh Remedy. It's -nnthino- new. . far 25 vears it has been doing that very thing. It gives prompt and complete relief. The proprietors offer $500 for an "Incurable case of Catarrh. ".'EH Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the trainer aril, Irom early errors or later exoesses, the results of overwork, ilckness, worry, etc Full strength, development and tone given to every organ and Sortlon - of the body. Implp. natural methods. Immedlatelmprovement Been. Failure Impossible. 2.0UO references. Book, explanation -and proofs mwiftt isoaieqj tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and. Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Fieigm ana Passenger Line Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m.. connecting at the Cas cade Locks with -Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill at. dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PAH8KKGKK ItATKrj. One way. Bound trip... ...$2.00 ... 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brouglit through, with out defay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before S p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIIM. General Htnsrsr. THE DALLES. OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lard Office', The Dalles, Or., ''. March 10, 1S94. ) Notice la hcrebv riven that tha fniimvtmr. named settler has filed notice rtt her Intontinn to make final proof In support of her ;iauu, turn ujufc saia prooi win ie mans Deiore mto reKwier ana receiver at ine uaucs, or., on April 80, 1894, Tlx.: v Marjr H. Gordon, Sd. Nov 3300. for the SWW. See 33.TnlS.Hi3 K She names the following witnesses to prove her wtiuunuui resilience upon, ana cultivation ol, mmM uuiu. ill. . Jamea Mcclnre, Milt MeClure, S. E. Farria. .U T1 T .. 1 1 1 . r ,zr . ; . . mUa25 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, ' U. 6. Liakd Office, The Dalles, Or.,; ' Feb. 17, ISM. j Notice is herebr eiven that the foliowlm. named settler has filed notice of his intention to nan nnai prooi in support ol ms claim,- and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on itatnr iay, April 14th. 1894, viz: Martial M. Waterman, -Hd. No: 3733. for the HK NWJi, 8EJ4 NW'i and XRKi 6W, Pec 27, Tp 1 N , R 14 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his ontianoos residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, vis: R. Gilbert, Tbe Dalles, Or.; Albert Allen, Boyd, Or. : H. Gilpin, A. M. Allen, The Dalles, Or. feb24 JOHN W. LEWIS.Register. A RIDE ON A WHAUE. Trie StirriDg; and Teracloiu Yarn of a Mm from North. Carolina. Capt. Jim Willis, who hails from Morehead City. 21. C, where he runs pleasure craft for the accommodation of northern consiimptives, had an ex perience with a whale that came near making' a Jonah of him. In his own story, as given to a "Washing-ton Star reporter, he says: "One sunny- after noon, not very long- ago, I was sitting in the shade of my own fig tree and swinging in my own grapevine swing. A party of my fisher friends who lived farther tip the beach, came running by, and as they --passed me they sang out: 'There she blows!' This cry woke me up. I saw a jet of water spurted up ward from the sea, and dawn to the pier I rushed. There wasn't a -real whaleboat in the town, but four ordi nary fishing boats were manned by as many crews. One carried the harpoon gun and one the hand-hurling appa ratus. The ' other two were without any armament excepting several shot guns and one or two rifles. We rowed off .so as to come at the game from dif ferent points of the compass. I was in the gunboat. As we approached the whale it was seen that he was a large and fat one. He took no notice of our coming. When we got withiil about one hundred feet of the monster the harpoon gun was fired, and the barbed weapon took effect just behind the head and pretty well up on the back. This wafe painful, but not necessarily a fatal fehot. The other boats turned themselves loose and made some inser tions in the fish. "Instead of going under, as wounded whales do, he remained on top to fight it out. He swishtd his tail and turned the sea into suds and made such a swell that the good people of Alexan dria would not have permitted him to pass their port without slowing down. He plunged headlong against one of the boats and stove it so that it would hardly float. .. Its occupants were knocked overboard. There was a good deal of excitement. The sea round about us was boiling, the 'whale was red-hot with rage, the men were shoutinsr and the truns were popping-. The fish next hurled himself against the boat in which I was, and it yielded to hia wishes and got smashed. It was raised a considerable distance in the air, and when it came down I was on that whale's back, just abaft his head, and holding on 'to that harpoon with both hands. The line which had connected the harpoon and the' boat had parted, and about two hundred feet of manilla hawser squirmed and wriggled snake-like around in ' the seething sea. The whale didn't 'seem to observe my attitude and continued his attention upon : the two remaining boats. There wasn't any time to think of this. The hand harpoon had been shoved anto the right place and the whale was blowing his last. A column of blood was being squ irted skyward and thcscarlet flood fell over me., dy ing ine a ffory hue. A few feeble swashes of the tail and a keeling mo tion as though, he was going to lie on his side, announced that the fish was dead. Our catch was lashed alongside the pier and the next day we went to work at his . carcass. The fish Was six': v-two feet, three and three-fourth inches loiig. and the proceeds from the sa!e of his oil. lwne and other .valua bles were three thousand five hundred dollars." Our better halves eay they could not keep bouse without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i It. is used in more I than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bbos., Leeds, Iowa. Thi3 ehows the esteem in which that remedy "is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly and permanently, add that it is pleasant and safe for children to take. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists. That nation is worthless that will not with pleasure venture all for its honor. Schiller. A letter shows the man it is written to as well as the man it is written by, Chesterfield. " . 1 Backlen'l Arincs salve. The fcest salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively- cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. - ' Madagascar has a flower that emits the odor of putrid flesh. The common spinach is the only plant that has emigrated from New Zealand. . It will be an agreeable surprise to persons subject to ' attacks of -bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the attacks may be pre vented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the disease ap pear." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakely oV Houghton. .'- .. The regular subscription price of the Weekly Chronicle is $1.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oeegonian is $1.50. - Any one subscribing for The Chronicle and paying for one year in ad vance can get both The Chkoniclk and Weekly Oekgonian for $2.00. All old subscribers paying their 'subscrip tions for one year in advance will be en titled to the same offer. For X&ent.- . - A good house and barn with two lots, situated near the fair grounds for rent cheap. Inquire of Jas. Ferguson. , .- A. Lon'GBeen, Endersby. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. WHITE HORSES AND LUCK. Many Persona Think It .Brings 111 fortune to Hide Behind Such Animals. "The car behind me will carry three or four more passengers than I will," said a Fourth avenue street car driver to a New York Herald man the other day, as I stood on the front platform on a down-town trip. We had just passed two young women - who were standing on a corner and were evi dently waiting for a car. "They'll take the next car," the driver continued, "and between here and the citv hall I'll pass one or two more "who won't get on this car." - "What's the matter?" I asked. "Do they know the conductor and do not like to ride on his car, or what is it?" "Why, it's the horses," was the an swer. "Don t you see these nags are white? There are lots and lots of peo ple in this town who wouldn't be hired to ride behind a white liorse. ; They think it's bad luck, and no matter how big a hurry they are in they'll always wait for a car that isn't drawn by white horses." . I said something about "supersti tion" and the foolishness of -persons who stopped to think about the color of a car horse when the driver inter rupted me. "I m not so sure about that," he ex claimed. "I've been running a car more than ten years and never had many accidents, but whatever .bad luck I have had has been when I was driving white horses. I know a dozen drivefS who don't like to get behind such -a team as this, and . every one of them has good, reason for it, too. There's lots of gamblers and men who bet on horse races who are like those two women you couldn't make them ride behind white horses when they are going to the races." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, . As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the. mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from, reputable physicians, as the damage they Will- do is ten-fold to the good von can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury; and is taken in ternally, acting directly upon tne Diood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally. and made in Toledo, Ohio, by r. J. Cheney & Uo. Testimonials free. mjst Sold by druggists, price 7oc. per per bottle. "On, I do lclievo that Charlie is tak ing banjo or mandolin lessons to sur prise me." Fanny "Why; does he play?" "Well, I heard him tell papa that he d played out of luck last night." Inter Ocean. - . ' Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, bis liver was affected to an alarming degree, ap petite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and strength.- Three bot tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John speaker, (Jata- waba, O., bad five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he-was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.' If you foci like a pair of scissors, don t choose a nenknife to live with. When the rag doll and the stuffed elephant got married, they found each otlicr out. I'liilaueipma limes. ow Try Tbla. - ' It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs-' Dr; King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give relief, or money . will be paid back. . Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy' and thorough recov eay. Try a sample bottle at our ex pense, and learn for yourself iuat how good a thing it is. Trial bottles tree at Snipes & Kinersly 's drug store. Large size ouc and fl. v Precession (1) When things happen before they take place. (2) The ar rival of the equator in the plane of the elliptic before it is due. ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. 'A recent discovery by an old physician. Suoocstfullw wsed .monthly by thousands of LadU. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask: for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no tubstf. tufe, or inclose (1 and 0 cents in postage In letter and vre will send, sealed, byrcturn ina!L FuUsealed particulars la plain envelope, to ladles only, S stamps. Address Pont1. Lily Company. - - Ko.CFi2hr Block. T"troit. itlch. . Sold In The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly; A. ViRsnln, the Bostnn Tailor. East End Second St., Tha Dalles. SUITS MADE TO ORDER -VUST Pants from 5 to SIO. Perfect fit guaranteed. Spring and Summer Styles now in stock. YOU NEED ANY JOB FEINTING, NO MAT TER HOW MUCH OK HOW LITTLE, GIVE THE CHRONICLE JOB DEPARTMENT YOUR : PATRONAGE AND BE HAPPY. YOU WILL GET THE BEST, AND THE BEST 13 GOOD . ENOUGH FOR ANY BODY. USE LOTS OF PRINTER'S INK AND . EE" PROSPEROUS. u u . . A Friend of tho Farmer.'"'.' The ladybird, to which so many gen erations of children have addressed the familiar rhyming admonition, is a most valuable insect .destroyer and has the freedom of well-conducted greenhouses. ' It is the special enemy of the little green aphis that destroys tender plants, and the ladybird is al ways seen upon rose bushes in sum mer time, because the aphis especially attacks the rose. Every such insectiv orous ' insect as the ladybird is . wel comedTiy those who struggle with the ever-increasing swarm of creatures that attack vegetation. Deposits of domestic gold bullion at the mints and assay offices of the United btates during the year 1S93 ag gregate '-832,867,850, and the deposits for the calendar year 1S93 $36,050,300, a gain in the deposits of gold of domes tic production in 1S93 over that of 1893 of 83,688,450. IJradstreet's. " Drunkenness. Those who have taken Simmons Lrvfir Regulator declare that it sets the liver in action and invigorates the system in such a way as to destroy the caaying for strong drink. " . : The first sawmill in Minnesota was built in 1821 at the Falls of St. An thony. Now there are 330 mills, em ploying 17,473 men. I Those-who never read the advertise ments in their newpapers miss more than they presume." Jonathan Kenison, of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been troubled with rheumatism in hia back, arms and shoulders read an item in his paper about how a prominent German citizen of Fort Maddison had been cured. He procured the same medicine, and to use his own words : "It cureo me ngnt up." iie also says a neighbor and bis wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy was over to my house and eaid they were so bad he had to do the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it bad cured me, he got a bottle and it cured them up in a wteek. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakely & Houghtdn, druggists. ' ' " t - Republican Rally. Hon. J. F. Caples, of Portland, will address the voters of Wasco county on Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, at the new opera house. Mr. Caples is one of the foremost orators of the state, and will ably expound the principles of re publicanism. Excellent music will be furnished by The Dalles Orchestra Union. - . City Wsrrnu. All those holding city warrants of date prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest on same ceases after this date. I. I. Bueget , - . - 'City Treasurer. Thb Dalles, Or., Jan. 8, 1894. ' NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern: ; By order of the Common Council of Dalles City, made and entered on the Sd day of April, 1894, notice is' hereby given that said City Council is about to pro ceed to order and make the improvement or JMgntn street in said city, as herein after stated, and that the cost of euch improvement will be levied upon the property adjacent thereto, and said im provement will be made unless within fourteen days from the final publication of this notice,, the owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent to eaid street about to be improved snail file their re monstrance against such improvement as by charter provided. - The improve ment contemplated and about to be made is as lollows r - To improve Eighth street in eaid city Dy building a sidewalk six feet wide on the south side thereof from 'Pentland street . to Court street. . Said sidewalk shall be built, constructed and erected in accordance with the provisions of an ordinance to define and establish the wid,th and manner of building sidewalks in Dalles Uity, being ordinance ISo. 270. which passed the Common Council of Dalles (Jity May lUtn, 1893, except as utiierwiBB nerein oeiore speciuea. Dated this 9th day of April, 1894. Douglas S. Dufur, : Recorder of Dalles City. t33d . J. 1 FORD; Evangelist, Of Dcs Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol March 23, 1893: S. B. Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving- borne last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to. 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. B. Cough Cure has done its' work well. Both of the children like it. - Your S.- B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are xours, Ma. dt Mas. J. t. bono. . If yon wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready for the Spring a work, cleanse your system with the Headache and Liver Cure, by. taking two a three doses each week. ' Sold under a positive guarantee. SO cents per bottle by all druggist. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- 5 ent business conducted lor moderate Fees. Our Office i Of-fosite O. S. Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those J Jtioru We advise, if patentable or not, free of j KmH mwUl rirawnff nrnlmtA.. With Mrrin. cuargc vnr ICS ddi wra 1111 ptwii 11 bcciugu. a dimdui r-r. "How to Obtain Patents." with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J sent iree. vaaress, , c. A-s n o w &. co. Opr. Patent Office. Washington, D. C. f mam yew York Weekly -AND- FIRSTCLHSS '"';'.' ' .- ; W jo) Irk it o) CAN BE HAD AT THE C H RON I C LE OFFIC E Reasonably When the Train stops at THE fiEW COLtUlVlBlfl HOTEIi. : --oo."'-i i-i'.... This lsrpe and popular Hortee does the principal hotel business, and Is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any . House in. the city, and at the low rate of $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qtess Teals, 25 Ceijts. Offlce for all Stage Lines leaving Tbe Dalles for all point In Kaatern Oregon and astern 'Washington, - la this Hotel. .. Corner of Front and Union Bts. 'There is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Cliff-UBl Sale ol -a Furniture Carpels at CRAN D ALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, D , B U SN! IME Pipe io MAINS TAPPED Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young Kuss Blacksmith Shop. " - ETS rn: 111 :1 Ruinous Hates. DALLES, get eff on the South Side AT THE - T. T. NICHOLAS, JPropf. of men which, taken at its flood & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. - - UNION ST. UNDER PRESSURE. LL noofinp