The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 24, 1894, Image 3

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1 :
JlECKVEflR for GEIlTIiEflEfl
and the result "was' that we
placed an order at once to re-
plehish our stock. These goods
have just 'arrived, arid most
certainly they are handsomer, "
both in color and design, than
, : the last. Experience is a .
great teacher, and we listen '..
most attentively to her teach
ings, and profit thereby.
Jn our Corner "Window we
have - displayed our JlE W
ylECKCZiefll?, and we think
you will join with us in prais-.
ing their general excellence.
Rich Fabrics,
Stylish Shapes,
Back Numbers.
Youth and beauty exercise
their potent sway over all sen
. sitive minds. Upon the altar
of the fiMVit burns ever the.
incense of admiration. Mind
ful of this, lihe inventive geri
ius of the age is ever striving
to surpass former efforts, and
by the beauty of new creations
- to win the popular applause.
Our stock is Absolutely
Fresh the product of TE
flHVU. Its beauty is un
marred by anything that sug
gests the days of Methuselah.
The Latest Creations:
Ladies' Waists.
simpson;s prints, . . ,
. WHITE, with laundered Collars
. and Cuffs, ,
To is Pol.
We have just received a
new Lawn Sprinkler which is
called 'the "Jett's Patent,"
and is made in Brass and
Nickel - Plate. ' We will sell
vou the - Brass Sprinkler for
75 cents . and' the Nickle
plated one for $1.00. Call
and get one and : try it. If it
does not give s atisfaction , re
turn it. -
Maier & jBenton,
Natty Designs, j Veilings, Laces.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
All Good Marked
in Plain Figures.
. Successors ta The Mss Mercantile Ca. ana Joles Bros. ; .
- 1 .- . ' - . . .' - ' -
" Little Gem" Incubators
arid Bee Supplies.
. Come and see the Machine in operation!
' 390 and 394 Second Street,
TO STOCrvfflEfl: We have just received Fifty Ton ofV
Stock Salt, Lime and Sulphuf. t Call before buying.
$2.00 ;PER KEG . :
The Dalles Daily Ghfoniele.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter. -
Clubbing List.
Regular Our
price price
.$2.50 $1.75
. 3.00 2.00
. 2.00 1.75
.3.00 2.25
1 P1 Tl i -J U ' D 1 o nn O AA
7 xae jjfunii xm ims .... u.uu Atw
1 uil CoinopliUi Karaite 3.00 2.25
aai Fnirie Firner, Ckitigt . . . 2.50 2.00
aai filb-DtMtrat,i-w)SLl.ui 3.00 2.00
Cartaiele ail K. T. Irikne. . .
" - ui Weekly Ortgoiiai
" ui laericM Faraer
" aii leClare't ilagaiiaa . . .
Local AdTartlalnar.
10 Ctruui per line for first iuaercion, and 5 Cent
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
he found on tale at I. C. Nickelsen't store.
Telep hone No. 1.
- APR 24, 1894
JLeaTes From the Notebook of Chronicle
A very pretty little steam launch
came up the river yesterday, containing
three occupants, bound for the Salmon
river mining country by all water route.
Chaa. "W. Mahon, a civil engineer and
practical miner, seems to be the leader,
E. S. Adams, an electrical engineer, ia a
partner, and a . younger man who is a .
friend of the two, ' comprise the .. crew.
The launch is about 18 feet long, pro-.
pelled by a gas engine, weighs 1,400
pounds, and carries provisions, bedding
and clothing for a protracted stay in the
mountains. A little boat with water
tight compartments, is taken for a tow,
containing other necessaries. The ordi
nary speed of the launch is about eight
miles an honr. . The men will have the
boats hauled above Celilo, where they
will agairbe put on the Columbia. At
Snake river they will enter' its mouth,
and proceed up that stream to Salmon
river. They will then ascend that
stream till their objective point is reach
ed, gome rich placer diggings about 60
miles south of Elk City. ' They said the
only reason they took the boat route
was because that was the only way they
could get there now. , It would be inter
esting to follow their adventures during
the course of the next several months,
for they will doubtless have many of
them, but on leaving they will' probably
forever pass out of our knowledge.
Mr. Win. Floyd of 5-Mile delivered
three loads of wool at the Wasco ware
house today. '
The grand officers of the Masonic fra
ternity were given a sumptuous banquet
at Fraternity hall last evening.
The Rockland Ferry Company took up
their cable today on account of - high
.water. The present stage of-the river
prevents its use.
Several parties are hauling gravel and
clay to cover the coarse rock on Second
- street. It is understood the city will
adopt the same course on the squares.
Another large crowd gathered at Win-
gate hall Saturday night, the event of
another one of those delightful soirees
under the management of James Smith.
The "Evans & Sontag" company is
endeavoring to give exhibitions in
Southern Oregon towns, but without
success. The various city councils will
not permit it.
The first dance for the new armory
hall was given last night. About thirty
five couples tried the new floor and the
orchestra played some beautiful must
cal selections.
The total number of scholars in school
District No. 12, Dalles City, is 1,057103
more than last year. The April appor
tionment made by the school superlu
tendent is $1 per capita. " '
Tomorrow the famons "Si Perkins'
comedy company will amuse the people
i The Dalles, Their street parade to
morrow an amusing feature
which everybody should Bee.' The press
' speak highly of the merits of the com
Pny. ,
There are no new developments re'
garding the shooting of young Charles
Malarkey and robbery of the county
treasury vault on Saturday. Mr,
Malarkey 's condition is greatly improved
and it is expected his recovery, will be
speedy. County Treasurer Malarkey
yesterday completed the balancing of his
books, and finds that the entire amount
of money missing is $494.45.-i-Oregonian,
Haworth the printer, 'at', home 116
Court St., Feb. 1st.
A long Interior 'Water Trip.
Mr. May, of . the Troutdale stock
yards, is in the city, for the purpose of
buying horses. . He will pay cash for
any number offered, according to weight,
YiZ. cent a pound, .This may seem, like
a queer way of buying horses, but con
sidering the nse to which they are to be
put, it is the fairest. The best use that
these valuable allies to man's use and
comfort can make ia these democratic
times is to use them for fertilizers, and
they are to be slaughtered by the whole
sale, their blood and bones going to the
sugar refineries, and their flesh to the
fields to boom strawberries and water
raellons. ' .;""'. '''
"Great Cmsar, dead and turned to clay,
-uigm siop a noie to Keep the wind away.'
The horse, a noble, friend to man, a
tireless uncomplaining worker, willing
to bear any burden or pull any load, can
nowadays be put to no more 'fitting nee
than to kill him for the sake of his in
ert carcass. Degeneracy, thy name is
democracy. . .
'The Agricultural College.
. CokvalLis, Or., April 24, '94.
Rev. Prichard of Albany visited the
school last Monday morning.
Prof. Crote is experimenting with
bops, which will be watched with' much
interest throughout the state. -
fruit . is abundant. . : Several green
pairs have been seen under the - shade
trees during the last few days. -
Quite a large number of juniors girls
are studying trigonometry. With ' them
it is an optional study and we are glad
to see them taking such interest in high
er mathematics. .
Miss Nellie Hogue, a graduate of this
school, is teaching atXittle Elk.
.. ' . . i Kingsi.ey,
It covers a good deal of ground Dr,
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
And when you hear that it cures bo
many diseases, perhaps you think, "its
too good to be true.."
.But its only reasonable. As a blood-
cleanser, flesh-builder, and strength re
Etorer, nothing like "Discovery '
known to medical science. The dis
eases that it cures come from a torpid
liver, or from impure blood. For every
thing of this nature, it is the onlv guar
anteed remedy. In dysepsia, bilious
ness; all bronchial, lliroat ana lung ai-
fections ; every form of scrofula, even
consumption (or lung-scrofula) in its
earlier stages, and in the most stubborn
skin and scalp diseases if it ever fails
to benefit or cure, you have your money
back. ,
Chronic nasal catarrh positively cured
by Dr. Sage's Remedy. 50 cents; by
druggists. ; . ' . ,- ,
To exchange lots in the town of Win-
ans for a good, large team of horses, also
a good farm wagon, spring wagon, har
ness, plow, and harrow. I will be in
The Dalles, Sat. April 2Sth, address A
Ross Winana, Hood River, Wasco Co
Or. . - . ' ' : . ; .
4,000 rolls wall paper, fresh goods and
new designs, with borders and ceilings
to match, just received, will be. sold at
hard times prices. . . -
tjel. .-'. Jos. T. Pexebs & Co.
Poison the squirrels. ' Sure Shot at
Snipes & Kinersly's.
A X.irely Demand for Horses in Dem
ocratic. Times.
Changing Medicine.
Antelope, April 22, 1894.
The past history of the republican
party of Wasco county goes to show that
they, are the most liberal men in the
state. For years they have been elect
ing democratic county officers for our
county. They knew our liberality, and
they were shrewd in putting up before
the people to head their' tickets such
men as J. B. Crossen and T. A. Ward
and many other 'old timers, men that
grew up with the county, and men that
command the full respect of all the vot
ers - in the county, men ' they . knew
would be hard to cover op with any
thing short of Mount Hood.,' We believe
the same' men are good, charitable fel
lows and are willing to return the com
pliment this year, for they have come
out and declared the fact by saying at
their county convention that "we in
dorse every act of Grover Cleveland.'
Men who can stand up in the city of
The Dalles, when the doors of all the
business houses are the same as on Sun
day, closed seven days in the week,
bankers and merchants, hotel keepers,
dodging into alleys and out-of-the-way-
places when they see the country people,
forJear they are coming to ask for credit,
fourteen months ago met these same
people with a. hearty shaking of hands
and asking at the same time "what ' can
I sell you today ?" When men can face
all this and say "we indorse free trade
and the acts of Cleveland,' ; they have
turned the votes of .their' party, to the
side that is calling for help to make
Wasco county and The Dalles what it
was fourteen months ago. We had two
democrats left out here. One of them
said the other day he had been holding
out and had taken his democratic pill
once a month, but when he read the in
dorsement of the convention it made the
pill look the size bf a goose egg, and for
the sake of his- family he thought it
would be imprudent tp risk bis life any
longer. He laid the pill upon, the shelf
and has taken republican powder : ever
since and will vote tor : American pro'
tection, high wages for the working
classes, and resurrection . of our buried
industries throughout the land. -
J. C. MCEl'HY.
Mrs. Ed. Staley returned to her home
in Portland this morning.
' Mrs. Wm. Trow of Albany is in the
city and the guest of Mrs. S. L. Young.
Mrs. O. B. Raser of Albino, is the
guest of Mrs. J. T. Robertson, bf this
city. ' ' .
Mr. J. B. Humbert of Dufur was in
the city last night and left for ..Portland
this morning by steamer..
: Mr. and Mrs. C. J VanDuyn departed
by steamer Regulator for Portland this
morning to be absent a lew days. . -,
Hon. E. lu Smith and Dr. J. F. Watt
of Hood River were in the city last even
ing in attendance at the meeting of -the
Grand Lodge of the A. F. and A. M. -
Mr. L. E. Morse, democratic candidate
for. sheriff, and Mr. A. S. Blowers, re
publican nominee for county commis
sioner, both of Hood River, are in the
city today.
Mr. T. J. Moffitt of Sherman . county
called at . The Chbonicle office this
morning. ' He says he has the finest
field of rye he ever saw anywhere.
It is already knee high and has not yet
commenced to joint. This would indi
cate that it will grow nearly as high as
pis iead.
In The Dalles April 19th by Justice L.
S. Davis, George. Jones' to. Elizabeth
Jones. .
How the Old Roman Tradesmen Solicited
' Pablici Patronage.
Latin inscriptions, advertisements' of
tradesmen, form an interesting- class,
6ays-. Macmillan's Magazine. Here is
one near Rome: "If you want inscrip
tions made, or have any need of marble
work, you'll get it here." Another en
terprising man at Bologna announces:
"A bath in town style and every con
venience." A similar notice meets'us
only eight miles from Rome, where, of
course, most of the customers would be
able to know whether they really had
vtown style" or not,
A curious example comes from Lyons,
which may be paraphrased thus: "Here
Mercury promises profit, Apollo safety,
and Septumanus bed and breakfast. He
who has been here before will be
treated all the better a second time.
Stranger, settle on your . lodging be
forehand." A more independent tone is taken by
another innkeeper, who doesn't hesi
tate to declare that his house is not in
tended for people of moderate means.
yif you live in good style, - heres the
house for you; if in poor fashion, I'll
put up with you, but I shall be ashamed
of having you.".
' Perhaps there are a good many mod
ern hotels conducted on. this principle;
but the proprietors are not, as a rule.
quite so frank in expressing their sen
When Baby was sick, we gaye her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
. ; Bargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing.
Bargains in Dress Goods. ,
Bargains in Embroidery in Laces. ,
Bargains in Boots and Shoes.
Bargains in G-ents' Furnishing Goods,
" Bargains in Hats and Caps. .
; Bargains in GentsNeckVear.
Bargains in Ladies'. and Children's Hose..
Bargains in Ladies' Summer Underwear,
. Bargains in To-wels and Npkins. ;
. We defy competition, as our prices are the lowest. - .
P. S. Heavy Copper Riveted Overalls and Jumpers at 5Qc, '
' and 20 yds. of Fine Prints for $1 at all times. "
vni ituc
.Good Boys' Suits from $2.00 up,.
Staple papey Dry Qoods,
ts Bl.tx5L Shoes.
Ginghams, Calicos, muslins and Overalls, at Cut Prices.
The Lincoln street eewer assessment
roll will be left in my hands until Mon
day evening, the 23d inst., after which
time additional costs will be added. '
1. 1. BtrEGKTT, City Treasurer.
Sore Shot Squirrel. Poison at Snipes &
Haworth, printer,' 116 Court St. tf 1
Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
, I have taken 11 first prizes. -
"''"' DEALERS IX ..v .
And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns nd Desinx in
"TUW.jgL Xj X-ji "-.'IE? .;3L:E '3SS'JE?L :
" AESyPracticaJ Painters and Paper Mangers. None but the best brands of th
Sherwin-Williams and J. W Masury'e Paints usod in all our work, and none but
the most skilled workmen employed. - Agents fr Masury Liquid Paints. Na '
-chemical combination or soap mixture. A first ciaae article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to.
w - Paint She? earner Third uu Waiikiugiuu sis.. The Dalles 0roa
. 1