LV3 . - Are Tied? ONCK BEFORE WE SAID 'llEGKWEAR for GEIlTLEMEjl and the result was that we . placed, an order at ' once to re plenish our stock.. These goods .'. ' have just arrived, and most certainly they are handsomer, . both in color and design, than the last. 4fc Experience is a great teacher, and we listen most attentively to her teach ings, and profit thereby. In our Corner Window we have displayed our JiBW NECKUiEHH, and we think you will join with us in prais ' ing their general excellence. Rich' Fabrics; . Stylish Shapes, v . , . Natty Designs. All Goods Harked In Plain .Figures. The Dalles Daily Chr onieie. Entered a the Poetoffioe at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. ' . Club'bing List. Regular Our price, price Ciratide ui 5. Y. Trilmie .......... $2.50 $1.75 .'" " nl Weekly Ortroiiw 3.00 2.00 ' i i-ericM Firmer 2.00 1.75 " ii IcClare'i Iigiiiie......' 3.00 2.25 " . ul lb Detreit Free Press .... 3.00 2?00 V ul CeenepeHt" Iwuie.-. . . 3.00 2.25 " aid Prairie Fiifter. Ciiwge .. . 2.50 2.00 " . ail eioW-D(BMrt,Cs-)St.Lonu! 3.00 2.00 Local Advertising-. 10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than S o'clock will appear the following day. The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may be found on tale at I. C. Nickelsen' s store. . Telep hone No. 1. MONDAY, APR 23,: 1894 APRIL ANNOTATIONS. Leaves From the Notebook of Clironlcle Reporters. On May 5th there will be a meeting of fruitgrowers in this city. -Everyone in terested in fruitgrowing should attend. The King's Daughters will meet to morrow at 2 o'clock at Mrs.- Joles'-.-resi-dence. A full attendance is TequeBted. ' A grand banquet will - be given by the Masons tonight.' to ' visiting'' members from the Willamette, high in the order. Mr. T. M. Denton of Mill Creek says that the loss of peaches will be small in that sections IThe Early Crawlortf's'.ire hurt slightly, but all other kinds will be Jack Hamblet has written a letter to the Canyon City News, giving his eide of the story. He makes itself defense, and that he was first aggrieved by the mnr dered man. Be sure and hear, the concert and see the parade given by the famous "Si Per nios" next Wednesday. 'It is better than a ircus parade. Admission '50 cents and $1. Seats on sale at Blaiceley & Houghton's. If the Coxey tramps strike The Dalles and want the citv to feed them, the council should ask ao an equivalent, that tney maul tne rocks on Second street a few hours. There is a good deal of sur-j plus muscle going to waste in thi9 army, and the street needs fixing. Mr. Emil Schanno received a dispatch last night announcing the death of Mrs Emma Schanno, wife of the late Charles Schanno, of North Yakima. She leaves live boys and five girls, most of whom are grown and some of them married. Mr. Schanno sett on last evening's train to attend the funeral. v. At C o'clock Sunday evening Frank J, Botefuhr, jr.", son of the well known liquor dealer, was Growned in the Wil lamette river, near Ross island, says the Oregonian. , Tn company with a younger .brother he was enjoying a boat ride, and while standing in the boat attempting to "lace his shoe, he lost his balance and fell into the water. His body 1 was re covered today. -:- ' " The reason why Mr. Cradlebaaeh or Mr. J. L. Story did not get the appoint- I Back Thet Latest Creations: Ladies' Waists. BLUE and PINK PERCALES, SIMPSON'S PRINTS, WHITE, with laundered Collars and Cuffs, - , BLACK SATINE. Veilings, Laces. . MAYS. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. ment as register of The Dalles land office, was the - persistent effort of- Senator Cogswell of Lake Co., who has been in Washington for a long time, has had his thumb on the button, and at the latest moment called up Mr. Cleveland, and Mr. Moore was the successful candi date. He can say, not that he loved the others less but he loved J. F. Moore. Klngsley School. In Harmony district No. 39, Wasco county, there are nineteen pupils en rolled. Daily average attendance seven teen. Some of the pupils have to come 3 miles to school. Bro. Mott preached an excellent sermon here the 8th inst. Praise service every Sunday at 11 a, m. - J. A. H. . PERSONAL MENTION. ' Mr. C. J. Vandyne of Tygh valley is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welch departed for Hood Eiver this morning for a short stay in that valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Snedaker returned last night from their visit to San Fran cisco and the Midwinter fair. Hon Y ATptMnVtnn clfntA trpacurav and Judge J. C. Moreland of Portland! mo iii tuo uiiy miu win ub in mienuance at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the A. F. and A. M. at the hall tonight. NEWS OF THE STATE. Hon. Henry Watterson, editor of the Courier-Journal,' will lecture on "Money and Morals" in Portland on the 20th. Thomas McMurjlo, about 10. years of age, is lost in the hills near Baker City. A searching parly is out looking for him, but at last accounts had not returned. -R'. G. Horr, the great New York Trib une political writer, is shortly to come to Oregon, to t make several political speeches, and Wasco county is to be favored with one of those speeches. A great uproar exists in the demo cratic ranks down about the county seat, on account of the county conven tion not having turyed out just right for some of the leaders. An influential democrat down there who alone controls about 50 votes, made an open declaration one day last week to the effect that he intended to do his utmost to . defeat the whole democratic ticket from congress man down to justice of thepeace. ; May the best of luck attend his efforts. An telope Herald.' . : Go to the Columbia Packing Co.'a Central Market for choice sugar cured ham, at 12 cents a pound. ... Ask your grocer for Columbia Packing Co.'a smoked meats and lard. Insist on' their prices and accept no substitute. Boneless hams at 11. cents; select breakfast bacon at 124 cents per lb; chice kettle leaf lard, 5-lb pails, 55 cents; 10-Ib pails at $1 at the Columbia Pack ing Co.'a Central Market. There is no necessity for buying East ern smoked meats and lard when you can secure a better article of home pro duction ior less money. Call at the Central - Market and examine the Col umbia Packing Co.'s meats and prices, and be convinced. ' ' -- . -. v : ;- v,' : Notice. ... . -v ; - ' - - :. The Lincoln street sewer assessment roll will be left in my hands until Mon day evening, the 23d inst., after which time additiopaljcosts added. ...... - I. I. Burgett, City Treasurer. Haworth the. printer at home 116 Court St., Feb. 1st. N umbers. Youth and beauty exercise their potent sway over all sen sitive minds. Upon the altar . of the flEW burns ever the incense of admiration. Mind ful of this, the inventive gen ius of the age is ever "striving '- to surpass former efforts, and by the beauty of new creations to win the popular applause. 0ur stock is Absolutely Fresh the product of THE JJELU. ' Its beauty is . un marred by anything tbat Sug gests the days of Methuselah. PEASE 1 MAYS. RATIFICATION MEETING. Hon. J. IT. Copies and A. A. Jayne . Speak to Hundreds of People. Armory hall was crowded Saturday night on the occasion of a monster rati fication meeting. Mr. A. A. Jayne of Arlington, the republican candidate for prosecuting attorney, made a brief speech on political issues, entirely avoiding per sonalities. After a brilliant selection by The Dalles Orchestral Union, Hon. J. F. Caples, the speaker of the evening, delivered a very logical .and convincing speech of more than hour ' in length. He is very fair in all his statements and employs neither abuse nor ridicule. But from the 1 light of history extracts the lessons which are to be learned, and these are that the . democratic party have no settled policy, and have always, when in power, run the country to the verge of ruin. And he takes democratic authority for , these statements. He quoted from President Buchanan's last financial, message in 1856, when the democratic party had complete control of both houses of congress since 1844 where Buchanan speaks of the same conditions of industrial depression and impending ruin that ' prevail today. Mr. Caples is an earnest, honest,- con vincing speaker and at intervals he bursts forth into brilliant fights of ora tory. All who heard him Saturday night were amply repaid for attending, and the ladies, who composed nearly half the audience, were equally delighted and enthused. . Upon invitation they rose to their feet 'as readily as the men and perhaps they shouted. The reporter iff not quite sure upon that point. - Cer tainly everyone in the house wanted to do so. Three cheers were given for the republican ticket; three for the state ticket, three for the county ticket, three for the ladies, three for the orchestra, three for the lady, who played the piano, and a number in the audience proposed three cheers for Caples. They were given with a will, the meeting adjourned and individual handshaking and con gratulations followed.: CORRESPONDENCE. Neighborhood News Contributed by Lo cal Writers. ' MITCHELL.' The waters of our small streams are fast receding and are once more clear and pure. The night of the 15th must have been fruit killing cold or else there would not have been a half of an inch of ice on, a bucket of water which was sitting at my door outside. .. . : ..--' I hear from a resident of that place that Summit Prairie, a situation a few miles south of here and high upon the mountain, is almost entirely under water and the snow is almost gone off the valley. , .' ' Wade Shrum and wife made Mrs. Shrom's parents a visit one day last week. She says the wound which was inflicted in', her leg some weeks since is not entirely . healed, but ' causes her no trouble now. ; . , Jesse Allenj teamster and boy -of all work, has gone to Antelope to get freight that was left there -by S. F. Allen while on his 'road home last' month.' Bather awkward for a student of, and would-be counselor of law.- I imagine it is not very pleasant to him, but. he swallows the dose without even a frown.-. One day last week a man crossed the John Day ferry and from general appear To k Pole. - We have just received a new Lawn Sprinkler which is called the "Jett's Patent," and is made in Brass and Nickel Plate. We will sell vou the Brass Sprinkler for 75 cents and the Nickle plated one for $1 .00. Call and get one and try it. If it does not give satisfaction, re turn it. .', , Maier & iBenton, SOLE AGENTS. ance they thought it must be Hamblet. A few' days later another man was seen crossing Bridge creek two miles and a half below Mitchell, that answered very well to the description of Hamblet, but no one knows where he is,' at least those that want to know. E. E. Allen has a decided appetite for the good things of this world and means to have them at his door. At least we would judge so by the amount of fruit trees and shrubbery he has been Betting out on his lot. It is plain he has ah eye for the beautiful as well as the agreeable and useful., ' Those who have an interest in Mitchell would do well to do likewise for their own good in the future as well as adding much to the general appear ance of our town. 1c j : une aay or last week ur. waa called in great haste to see a patient twenty miles distant. : He left town with the. very good intention of seeing his patient soon, but before long he found a place where meals ' were twenty-five cents and he knew their tables are always loaded with all the good things of a well regulated farm,' and suddenly he became very hungry and so did. his horse. He dismounted, ordered meals for himself and horse and soon was en joying the appetizing relishes drawn from nature's plentitude and fashioned to tempt the appetite-by extra good cooks., Withal, somehow be was moved into forgetfulness and did not start on to see his patient until next morning about 9 o'clock, although it was but four miles farther he had to go. . But'poor fellow, I do not blame him, for he says he has been in the saddle almost constantly for weeks and not a good eight's rest in as many weeks, so you see there is excuse for the doctor . and if one .shonld have died there was room lift for others. --- 4 E. V. E. N Voracity of Flnh. The . voracity of "the fish, is indeed wonderful. A huge pike caught in an English canal recently had in its stom ach a child's tin toy wagon, a table spoon, a short Roman sword, probably lost . by one of Cwsar's legionaries, . a hammer, and a baby's flannel shirt. . " ' 7 : : . . . I.eamiiijj ax she Is learned. . A few of the better blunders perpe trated at the recent university exam inations are piven by a contemporary. One candidate described 'primogeni ture" as a plant which bears only one llower; - another derived "equinox" from . "equa," a mare, and "nox," night, its meaning1 being a "night mare;" while a third, in a paper on the character of Henry VII., vrote: "Cath erine Parr, who survived the king, was going to be beheaded, but he died the day before he signed the warrant." T-ondon Globe.' ' ' , : - 4,000 rolls wall paper, fresh goods and new designs, with borders and ceilings to match, just received, will be sold 'at hard times prices. . tjel.. ! 'Jos. T. Petebs'oi Co. Poison the squirrels.' Snipes & Kinersly'o. '. Sure Shot at - r-t - Joles, Collins & Co, are running a free feed yard for the accomodation of their customers.- dw Sure Shot Squirrel Poison at Snipes & Kinerely's. ' . ; Haworth, printer, 116 Court St.' ,tf ; PHOTOGRAPHER. " Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. I have taken 11 first prizes.. ' - ' , JOLES, COLLINS & CO., Snccessors to Tie Dalles Mercantile Co. anUoles Bros. ' ". " -SPECIAL AGENTS FOR Posson ' " Come and see the -ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR- " , 390 and 394 Mi I l L! xii a r t x I I I I I -CJ ll TO STOCKmHfl: We have just received Fifty Ton of Stock Salt, Lime and Sulphur. , Call before buying. .OO PER KETG. GREAT SLAUGHTER SAliE ;WILL BE N. HARRIS I COMMENCING APRI L 5, ; 1894,1: , . WE WILL GIVE YOU ' ' Bargains in Men's-and Boys' Clothing. Bargains in Dress Goods. . - . - .. . . y Bargains in'Embrpidery in Laces. . Bargains in Boots and Shoes.V ; Bargains in G-ents' Furnishing Goods. I . ' Bargains in Hats and Caps. r Bargains in Gents' Neck-wear.- ' . Bargains in Ladies' and Children's-Hose. ; Bargains in Ladies' Summer Underwear. Bargains in Towels and Napkins. " We defy . competition, as our prices are the lowest. P. S. Heavy Copper Riveted Overalls and Junipers at 50c; and 20 yds. of Fine Prints for $1 at all times,; : GOME AND SEE. GENTS YOUTHS' BOYS' . -Good Boys' Suits Gre Price VLy V JL XJLJLjLW SPECIAL -V-A-LTTIES IUST :-' , Staple jif papey Dry (Joods, Ginghams,' Calieos, (Qaslins TERMS STRICTLY CRSH. PAUL KR EFT & CO., v - ' DEALERS IN PAINTS, : OILS AND GLASS ' I And the Most Com piety and the Latest Patterns und Designs in ? "757" - jSL IjXj '3F E:'E3 Ei'1;.-. gJtM Practical Painters and Paper 'Hangers. ' None bo t the best brands of th Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all jar work, and none bu the most skilled workmen employed... Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first olads article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . - - w- P&iat Sto3 corner Third uq Wasting iuu bts..1e DallsB Orooa. Little Gem " Incubators Machine in operation. Second Street, - - ii ic-3 rT3 -TTtf-ns-'-K-r' ?7 . v J i r- n -r-i. J i -v MADE AT N. HARRIS -INr GENTS BOYS' from $2.00 up. and Overalls, at Gut Prices. MERCHANDISE Reduction