The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1894, Image 1

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    VOL. VII.
NO. 103f
vTlrfee of the Dalton Gang Killed
Wednesday. . ; ; .
Senator Peffer Speaks for the Common'
wealers and is Followed by
AllenThc Great Northern
Pkbbt, Oklahoma, April 19. A ter
rible fight occurred about 40 miles east,
near Eben. mountain, yesterday. The
noted outlaws Bill Dalton, Bill Doolan.
and another outlaw, ' said to be Bitter
Creek, were killed on the spot, also a
woman, a little girl and two deputy
marsbuU. The fight is still in progress
and it looks as though the entire gang
will be 8 wept oat of existence. :
A Royal Wadding:.
Cobubo, April 19. The Grand Duke
of 'Hesse and the Princess Victoria of
Hesse ' were married here , yesterday.
Among the guests present tjrere Queen
Victoria, Emperor William, Grand
Duchess Maria of Bussia, sister of the
czar, Duke and Duchess of Connaught,
Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia,
Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Vladi
mar of Bussia, Grand Duke Sergius of
Bussia, and wife, formerly Princess
Elizabeth of Hesse-Darmstadt ; Princess
Alexander of Hesse, the Crown Prince
and Princess of Koumania, the heredi
tary Prince and Princes of Saxe-Mein-ing,
the Prince and Princess Phillippe
of Coburg, Prince George of Greece,
Prince Herbert of Anhalt and the
Princes Henry and Louis of Battenburg.
. The distinguished assemblage of ladies
in court toilettes, sparkling with jewels,
bright dresses contrasting with the
beautiful, gorgeous uniforms of the male
portion of the guests, the elaborate
floral decorations, the grandeur of the
old chapel and the natural solemnity of
the surroundings formed a magnificent
spectacle not often rivaled in recent
years in any country. '
Great Northern Strike.
St. Paul. April 19. The Great North
ern employes at Minneapolis were or
dered out by telegraph at midnight, and
the night switch crews left work. The
first move toward a settlement ot the
strike was made today by President
Davis and Vice-resident Howard seeking
a conference with President J. J..Hill.
Populist Kcmbeia Speak for the Con
monwealers. '
Washington, April 19. Senator Pef
fer stirred np quite a hornets' nest by
calling up the resolution for the appoint
ment of a committee on communications
to receive the petitions of Coxey 'a army.
He explained that the object of the res
olution was to begin preparations for a
proper reception of the body of men and
to give them every facility to present
their grievance to congress. The senate
was regarded by many as the American
house of lords, and they would have an
opportunity to show it was not out of
touch wiUi the people for appointing a
committee. The country, he said, was
on the verge of trouble, and unless we
are wise and managed affairs with dis
cretion we would regret it in the near
future. The times are ripe for such a
movement, but this is a peaceful one by
men coming here to lay their grievances
before congress. Mr. Peffer was followed
by Senator Allen, populist, of Nebraska,
who, while not entirely approving Cox
ey's action, asserted the perfect right of
Coxey and his followers to come to
Washington if they chose ; not only that
but they had a right to come into the
capitol and occuDy the galleries of the
senate, and it would be unwise on the
part of the senate to refuse the privi
lege. They also had a right to be heard,
and no man, whether senator or citizen,
had the right to deny the right..
Vnr th TlPTt Rlxtv rinva T mill moVa
my best $5 per dozen cabinets at $1 per
dozen at tjmcago uaiiery, opposite
Mays oi Crowe's hardware store, on
Second street, The Dalles, Or. dl4t.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Kelffhborhood New. Contributed by Lo
cal Writer.
The farmers now
Are bound to slow.
No flies on them we fear;
.Have plenty of (frit '
'Not lacking a bit.
And will make up for spoiled wheat next Tear.
Farmers about here are sowing
two weeks will tell wonders.
K. Sigman drove a carload of fat
beeves to The Dalles that averaged
1,100 lbs.
We have considerable sickness this
winter and spring, and the new doctor
finds steady employment.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston are
in town to attend the funeral that is to
be held Thursday, April 19.
Dufur must be doing something, for
we see the Central House livery stable
is being adorned with a large sign.
Mr. E. S. Hinman is qnite sick with
an attack of bronchitis. We hope to
see him soon in his accustomed place.
Mr. J. Koontz, our worthy assessor, is
In town levying assessments, ' and then
we hope our property will not be worth
The four Johnston Bros., Prof. Frazier
and oar would-be assessor, H. Pitman,
have all gone to The Dalles, which
leaves a vacancy.
Little Ruby Barnhart has been sick
with pneumonia, but is some better
now. Several others are also suffering
with severe colds.
Dr. Russ, dentist from Portland, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. C. War
ren, and will fill and extract teeth dar
ing his stay of two or three weeks.
Sunday it was quite cold, the water
being covered with ice as thick as pa'
per, accompanied by a heavy frost,
which, itis feared, will injure some of the
F. C. Sextant has sold his ranch to
Glavy Bros., and is now hauling his re
maining grain- to town, preparatory to
leaving. We do not know just where he
will locate.
Dufnr is dull now, as some of our busi
ness men seem to out of town, but there
are plenty of men left, as the sidewalk
in front of the drug store is continually
lined witn tnese creatures, sunning
themselves and talking politics.
Friday was Arbor day and Prof. Fraz
ier celebrated it by -having the school
march by drum beat, to' the future
school grounds and plant several trees
beside the one planted last year that is
growing nicely, which proves that trees
will grow if properly planted.
Dufnr has lately been' infested by one knows what na
tions, who bother people to death, and
some are very impudent, almost forcing
their goods (which are not the best
brand on the market) on to a person if
they are wanted or not. They are
common nuisance and ought to be
looked after.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnston lost
their infant son by death, Wednesday,
April 18, 1894. The child had been un
well for some time with a cold, but not
so bad as to occasion real alarm. They
noticed nothing unusual about it in the
morning, but at about 9 o'clock it died
in a spasm. It was just getting to be
old enough to be a great comfort to its
mother and was a very "-'eweet baby
The bereaved parents have the sympa
thy of the neighborhood for their loss.
"The child had blossomed fair
And looked so lovely on its mother's breast,
The source of many a hope and many a prayer,
Why murmur that it sleeps, when all at
last may rest ?
"Snatched from a world of woe.
Where they must suffer most who longest
It vanished like a flake of early snow
That melis onto the sea, pure as from
Heaven It fell. -
Cold nights and warmer days.
J. J. Leoo of Western Oregon is visit
ing his eon Mr. Thomas Lebo. -'.
Rev. Quinn of Dufur delivered an im
pressive sermon to an attentive audience
at Lower 8-Mile Sunday.
We wish to extend to all an invitation
to be present with their baskets at the
May party which will be held in Camp
bell's Grove near Endersby on the 1st.'
" Fruit trees are blooming and shooting
forth, their buds and . the willows
are again assuming a spring-like appear
ance. A few farmers are through seed-
" As old &9
the hills" and
never excell
ed. . "Tried
and proven "
i3 the verdict
of millions.
S immons
' Liver Kegu-tt-v
t ' lator ia the '
A ZJ 7"f0 y 'only Liver
JD Ob lOt and Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
g j faith for a
1 nan mild laxa-'
- tive, and
purely " veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and -Kid-
neys. Try it.
' Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Medicines.
" I have used your Simmons Liver Regu
lator and can consclericlouBly say it is the
kine of all liver medicines, I consider it a
medicine chest in itself. Obo. W. JACK
SON, Tacoms, Washington.
flas Ue Z Stamp fit red on wrapper
Ing while the "majority are still turning
the soil.
A fresh egg at ' William Endersby's
farm on the creek a few days since was
discovered to contain the form and
features of a young chicken, perfect in
development with the exception that
life was extinct.
Our road eupervisor has been serving
his summons. His victims mast have
responded readily, as the roads in this
locality are greatly improved and can
now be traveled without the wheels oc
casionally sinking to the hub.
Our correspondent Seville will soon
have several broods of chickens on his
hands. We extend our sympathv. and
earnestly hope he will have better suc
cess in' his apparently new enterprise
than Gen. Coxey is having with his vast
army of unemployed. The republican
club met at the city hall Saturday
evening. Quite an interest was taken in
the proceedings and we judge from in
dications that all present with a few ex
ceptions will be loyal to the party and
carry its banner to victory in the &p-
proaching contest.
Allen Fligg and Bert Campbell de
parted today on a pleasure sojourn along
the Columbia and Hood River valleys.
They will proceed in a westerly direction
till Hood River is reached, where they
will alter their course to the south to
ward that grand old landmarks Mount
Hood whose shining peak -elevated far
in the heavens, will be a guidance to
their eye. We are not informed of the
length of their absence, but can state that
it is their intention to visit Lost Lake
before their return.
Geo. R. Drake, the respected son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. EJ Drake of 8-Mile, was
laid to rest Monday beside the grave of
his brother Joe, whom he dearly loved
white on this universe. Rev. Bonney
of Wamic preached an eloquent eermon
on the good traits of the deceased to the
relatives and a large concourse of friends
who were present to do justice to the
untimely death of their beloved friend
and school-mate. The parents and re
latives have the sympathy of all in their
hour of bereavement.
G. . R. C.
The mercurv vesterdav registered 82
degrees in . San Francisco, the hottest
day in 23 years for April. w
The Brazilian rebellion " is ended.
the battleship Aquidaban sunk by a
torpedo boat in the port of Santa
Catharino. : De Mello surrendered to
the Argentine authorities.
Owing to the 'Great Northern strike
and consequent interruption of traffic
the Grand Armv encamDment. set' far
April 25, at Helena, is indefinitely post
poned. , -
Friendless and with no familiar face
near her in her last moments, Adele
Kingsley, an actress and chorus sinirer
died in 'the alcoholic ward in Belle vue
hOBDital N. Y. Citv lanfc niohf. TV.
cause ot death, aa entered on the hos
pital books, was "alcoholic hysteria.','
A Social Reunion.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson gave a number
of her lady friends a social reunion yes
terday afternoon at her residence, which
was highly enjoyable to all those in
attendance. The day was one of the
lovely April days and the event was a
signal success for social enjoyment
After a profitable season thus spent a
rare collation of delicacies was served
For Boys,
These Goods are
following guarantee.
We have
also a
Large Line
Knee Pants
At 50 cents a
favored with an exquisite boutenniere of
choicest flowers. Amonjr those preeent
were: Mesdames T A Hudson, C N
Thornbury, W C Curtis, O C Hollister,
G C Blakeley, N B Sinnott, J S FiBh, H
S Wilson, J B Crossen, "V? S Myers, A S
Bennett, E M Wilson, W E Garreteon,
G C Sanders, E F Gibons, E C Pease, O
D Doane, J.B Condon, W L Bradshaw,
Wm Michell, O Kinersley, W Lord, F L
Houghton, H Glenn, W H Wilson, J W
Lewis, Frank E Sells, of Canyon City,
W H Hobson, S P M Briggs, C J Cran
dalt, O L Barrett, L E Crowe,' A E
Thompson, B F Langhlin, A N Varney,
W H Groat, H L Kuck, E E Lytle, A M
Williams, Mrs J M Patterson, Miss
In memory of little baby George Laing Johnston.
The'r little one has gone to rest,
His sufferings all are o'er,
Home, sw eetly there on Jesus' breast
Where pain can harm no more.
A flower was tie, indeed too fair.
To grow on earthly ground.
'Twas Jesus plucked him from our care,
Uo place him in his crown.
Their hearts with anguish sorely bleed,
Since darling baby' gone.
In prayers submis-ive still we plead,
"Thy will not ours be done."
From thy loved friends when first thy heart,
Was tanght by Heaven to flow.
Far, fai removed, the ruthless stroke
Surprised and laid thee low.
Like thee, cut off in early youth,
And flower of beauty's pride.
Our little frieud was with us once.
But now he too has died.
Dark is the dwelling of the dead
And sad their house of rvst.
Low lies the head by death's cold arm,
In awtul fold embraced. - .
Blanchie G. Dufur. .
' Dufur, Or. - ' -
4,000 rolls wall paper, fresh goods and
new designs, with borders and ceilings
to match, just received, will be - sold at
hard times' prices.
tjel. ' . Job. T. Peters & Co. .
Imperial bicycle, lightest and best to
date. See J. M. Huntington & Co.
Sure Shot Squirrel Poison at Snipes &
M . H O N Y Wl LLS
Ladies' Shoes,
Misses' Shoes,
Childi en's Shoes,
IE? ,1E3E
Ages from 6 to
in every form reliable, as
Thte-Barmerirhas ..rtfs
protected seams.
double Knees. .
pair. Call and See Them.
for infants
BSSS HIRTY years observation
millions of persons, permit
It in nnqnas-tjonably the
-the world has ever known.
gives them health. It will
' sttething which is absolutely
child's medicine.
Castoria destroys Worms. '
- Castoria allays Feverishness. j
Castoria prevents vomiting Soar CnrdV.
Castoria enres DiarrhoBa and "Wind Colic .
Castoria relieves Teething Tronhles.
Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castoria nentratiges the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonons svtew j
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. '
Castoria assimilates the food, regnlatw tho stomach and bowel s, j
giving h pal thy and natnral sleep. '
Castoria is pnt np in ne-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk.
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything; ele on the plea or promise .
that it is jnst as good and "will answer every pnrpose."
See that yon f-t C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. '
The fac-sintile
signature of
Children Cry for
Men's Boots and Shoes, r
Youths' Boots and Shoes,
Boys' Boots and Shoes.
2? C Ei'ES "JET1
I . .
14 Years.
will be shown by the
of nearly
All Wool
4 to 14
and Children.
of Caatoria with tho patronngo ot
tjs to speolc of It without goeasing.'
"best remedy for Tnfants aid Children
It is harmlesr Children lihro it. It
save their lives. " In it Mothers have)
safe and practically perfect as
w it, y tub r
Pitcher's Castoria.
O ' Hi E" .
and in connection with it each guest was