The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 19, 1894, Image 4

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To Usage Up
the eystem after
"La - Grippe,"
pneumonia, fevers,
and other prostra
ting acute dis
eases; to bnild up
needed flesh and
strength, and to
restore health and
vigor -when you
feel "run -down"
and used up, the
best thing in the
world is Doctor
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discov
,ry. J promotes, an tne ootmy
functions, rouses every . organ into
healthful action, purifies and en
riches the blood, and through it
cleanses, repairs, and invigorates
the entire system.
. For the most "stubborn Scrofulous,
-Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia,
. Biliousness, and kindred ailments,
the "Discovery" is the only rem
edy that's guaranteed. If it doesn't
benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
Isn t it safe to 6ay that no other
blood - purifier . can be " just as
If it were, wouldn't it be sold so ?
Can you think of anything
more convincing than the
promise that is made by the
proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy ? It is this :
If we can't cure your Ca
tarrh, we'll pay you $500."
Easily, Qotckh-,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of evils
fromearly errors or later
excesses, the results of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc Full strength,
development and tons
given to every organ and
gortlon of the body.
Impl. naturalmethoda.
1 Immediate Improvement
seen, r ail, ire impossible.
8,nuo references. Book,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
"The ReMator Line"
Tte Dalles, Portland ail Aitoria
Navigation Co.
FreisW aim PassenflBr Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locke with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One way -. .$2 00
Bound trip 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots.
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings mnst be delivered before
6 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
' General Agent
Oeneral Manager.
i Land Offici, The Dalles, Or., (
V - Hirfh in. lttOd 1
Notice Is hereby Riven that the followine
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof In support of htr
claim, and that said proof will be made before
sne register ana receiver t xne Dalles, Or., on
Mary M. Gordon,
Hd. Ko. S20O. for the BWW. See 32. Tn 4 B. ma R
She names the following witnesses to prove her
wuunuuua renueucfl upon, ana cumvaaoa ox,
aid land, viz. :
James Mot lur, M1H McClure, S. E. Farria,
ml4a2S JOHN W. LEWI8, Register
. U. a Land OrncK, The Dalles, Or.,
Feb. 17. 1XQ4. i
Notice is hereby riven that the followins
umed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be mnde before the Kegister
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, April i4tn, im, viz:
Martin M . n'ntrrinas,
Hd.No R733 for the N'X NWJi, SKJ4 NWW, and
HK4 -ec 27. Tp 1 N, R 14 K.
He nnes the following witnesses to Drove his
-continuous residence upon and cultivation of
R. Gilbert. The DHlles, Or.; Albert Allen. Boyd,
n. uupiu, A. w Alien, i ne uanes, "T.
feb24 . JOHN W. LEWlS.Register,
Cold Enough to Give a Cast-iron Man a
. - Chill.
Up in Alaska the method of taking
a bath is somewhat heroic, says the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat. Every trading1
post has a bath-house, and the people
are supposed to avail themselves of its
privileges once a week.. A person ac
customed to living in a milder climate
would have a good deal of hesitancy
about undressing' in one of these
places, as the temperature is always
below zero. ' In an inner room an arch
of stone is built so that a fire made be
neath can penetrate through. A trap
door in the roof answers for a chimney.
After the stones have become thor
oughly heated and the smoke has
passed out, all the coals are removed
and the trap door closed. In this room
fctsnds a cask of warm water and an
other that is ice cold. When the bather
enters he'pours hot water on the stones
until the room is filled with steam;
then taking a seat on a bench, he waits
till the perspiration streams from
every pore in his body, Next he takes
a bunch of dried twigs and leaves, pre
pared for the purpose, with which he
scrubs himself till all the impurities
have been removed from the skin, fol
lowing this with a washroff in warm
water and soap.- He concludes his bath
by dashing a bucket of ice cold water
over his body, and then rushing to the
dressing room, where, with his teeth
chattering and shivering in every limb,
he resumes his clothes.
Their Introduction Into the Mining Rev
frlons of tlio Southwest.
Perhaps the earliest experiment in
introducing Cornish miners into the
southwest mining region was that
made in the '70s by the English owners
of mines on the Maxwell grant, in Col
fax county, northern New Mexico.
The cowboys and Mesicans looked in
amazement at the immense, dark, mus
cular fellows from Cornwall, who were
so handy at sparring and -wrestling,
and who knew absolutely nothing
about a "gun." The cowboys and
miners got along together with rea
sonable amity, and in later years, with
the general mining development in
New Mexico, other west of England
men have been brought by mining
companies, or have drifted on their
own account, into the mountain, re
gions of that territory. Thus a Briton
traveling- in southwest New Mexico,
on approaching a little hamlet by
night, was surprised and pleased to
hear the heartiest and jolliest of old
English ditties, sung with the broad
est west of England "burr," and ac
companied in the proper places by vig
orous stamping and a chorus of manly
voices in the same brogue, lie had
stumbled upon a little settlement of
Cornishmen, established a short dis
tance west of Pinos Altos, and known
as "Jacktown."
Tf He Had Found Ills Bear It Might
Have Gone Hard with Him.
The hunters were sleeping in their
cabin in the mountains of Idaho one
September morning, when the tallest
one; Bill by name, woke with a start,
listened intently for a moment and
then sprang to his feet and dressed
hurriedly. Then he snatched an old
muzzle-loading musket from the corner,
and shouting "Bear!" at the top of his
voice, dashed out of the cabin. Hours
passed and the sun was low when Bill
returned, tired and hungry and with
out bear meat. He had followed Bruin
from thicket to thicket, through
swamps and over hills, sometimes
catching a glimpse of black fur, but
never getting a chance to shoot, till at
last he lost the trail in a rocky gorge
and -jyas forced by the approach of
night to give up and return empty
handed. The other two hunters sym-
patmzed with their companion until
one of them suddenly happened to see
n the shelf the lock of the gun, where
William had placed it the night before
after cleaning the musket. "Well, I'll
be hanged!" cried 'Bill, when the dis
covery -was communicated to him,
Then ho reflected a little and said,
cheerfully: "What's the odds? The
bear didn't know that."
Our better halves say they could not
keep houee without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is used in more
tVmn half the homes in Leeds. Sims
Bros:, Leeds, Iowa. This shows the
esteem in which that remedy is held
where it has been sold for years and is
well known. Mothers have learned
that there is nothing so good for colds,
croup and whooping cough, that it cures
these ailments quickly and permanently,
and that it is pleasant and safe for
children to take. 50 cent bottles for
tale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists.
The beet is indigenous to the shores
of the Mediterranean, where it still
grows wild.
The garden radish is supposed to be
a Chinese plant, which came west by
way of India.
Bucklen's Armea salve. '
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centB
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly . . -,
There are in this country 35,381 loco
motives, 24,881 passenger cars, 7,900
mail and baggage cars and 1,163,840
freight cars. - ' : ,
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to attacks of bilions
colic to learn that prompt relief may, be
had by taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy. In
many instances the attacks may be pre
vented by taking this remedy as soon as
the first symptoms of the disease ap
pear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakely & Houghton.
He la a Hard-Hearted and Morcenary, as
a 8hylock. .
The Indian money lender almost
everywhere is a thorough Shylock.
Rajah Brooke tells me that m Sara
wak, where land may be sold for debt,
unless as a penalty for swindling, and
where a limit- is put on the interest
that his courts will enforce, the Indian
'money lender has been found as hard
and merciless as ' the Chinaman and
Malay are fair and reasonable. With
men like these, says the National Re
view, and an ignorant peasantry, one
would have' thought that English
judges would have done their best so
to administer the law. between the
two as to give the debtor a fair chance,
while allowing the creditor., what was
justly due. .' But they are so hide
bound, such slaves to the letter of the
law and to English precedents,, that
not a helping hand can the debtor get,
and the courts are mere, machines
which the money lender sets' in motion
or directs at his pleasure.
I remember a case in which a Mo
hammedan lady, one who never ap
peared in public, and the owner of a
valuable village, was sued for some
thing like fifty thousand rupees, the
money advanced - being, so far as I
could ascertain, not more than two
thousand rupees at the outside. The
court' of first instance, a native subor
dinate judge, appointed a committee to
examine the creditor's accounts, which
reported them as very suspicious. Still,
a bond for the amount sued for had
been given, and, in face of rulings by
the high court, the sub-judge had no
alternative but to give a decree for the
full sum. ; And an appeal to. the high
court of ' Bombay, which was prose
cuted by the lady's friends, met with
no success. However much the lady
might have been defrauded, they de
cided the bond was in order and the
village must go.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such .articles
should never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do is ten-fold to
the good vou can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured bv F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O..
contains no mercury, and is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the Dlood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. 3.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
tajrSold by druggists, price 75c. per
per bottle. . -
Under a new French law cyclists are
compelled to have affixed to their ma
chines a metal plate bearing' their
name and address, so that the identity
of the rider may be established in case
of an infringement of the regulations.
Specimen Cases. -
S.H.Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., "was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach - was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree, ap
petite fell away, and he was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and eeven ' boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound apd well. John Speaker, Cata-
waba, O., had five large fever sores on
his leg, doctors said he- was incurable
One bottle Electric Bitters and one box
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
A pretty suggestion for sleeves is a
series of ruffles set upon a rather full
foundation of the material, or, if two
fabrics are used in the dress, the
sleeves may be of one material and the
ruffles of the other.
Now Try.Tlils.
It will cost you nothing and will sure
ly do you good, if you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest
or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is guar
anteed to give relief, or money will be
paid back. Sufferers from la grippe
found it just the thing and under its
use had a speedy and thorough recov
eay. Try a sample bottle at our ex
pense, and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at
Snipes & KinefBly's drug Btore. Large
size ouc and $1.
Is reply to an inquiry in the British
house of commons, it was officially
stated by Mr. Herbert Gladstone that
anthrax had considerably increased in
Great Britain during the last year.
A recent discovery by an old
physician. . Successfully used
monthly . by thousands of
Ladies. Is the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis
covered. Beware of unprincipled druggist who
otter Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no subset
tute, or inclose 1 and 4 cents in postage in letter
and we will send, sealed, by return inalU PuU sealed
particulars la plain envelope, to ladles only, S
stamps. Aoorass ronr. Lilly tompinr,
Ko. 3 Fisher Dlock. TTolt. Mich.
Sold in The Dalles by Snipes & Kinersly.
' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the pay
ment of the assessments for the Lincoln
street sewer has been extended by the
Common council of Dalles city, to April
19th, 1884. Alt assessments not paid at
that ti me will be placed in the City
Marshal's hands for collection.
Douglas S. Dufor.
tl9th Recorder of Dalles City.
Boneless hams at 11 cents: select
breakfast bacon at 124 cents per lb ;
chice kettle leaf lard, 5-lb pails, 55 cents ;
10-lb pails at $1 at the Columbia Pack
ing Co. '8 Central Market.
7sf -m
". The Man ud Hia Stomach.
The charming wife of a congress
man, noted for his energetic labor in
behalf of his constituents and his gen
eral efficiency and unfailing good-nature,
is quite a noted cook. When she
is to entertain at dinner, she is fond of
surprising her guests with a dainty
dish of her own preparing. "1 believe,"
she said, when some one complimented
her on her accomplishments,- "that we
grow like what we eat. ; My husband
has a sensitive digestion, and bad cook
ing came near making a fiend of him
and a maniac of me. I set myself to
correct this, and I flatter myself that
I have succeeded. Improperly pre
pared food - depresses one, and ' will
transform my husband into a cynical
pessimist iu less than an hour. ' I really
consider that his popularity in his dis
trict and his return to congress depend
upon the food I give him and the man
ner in which it is prepared."
.. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to im
prove the appetite, to strengthen the
system, to stimulate the liver, to cleanse
the skin of its yellowness, to remove
boils and pimples and cause new life in
the blood.
LaCe with points finished with silk
covered drops is a new trimming, and
a pretty modification of this is daisy
ribbon threaded through meshes of the
lace from heading to points. These
ribbons are a little longer than the
width of the lace and have drops' on
the little ends that project. ,
Those who never 'read the advertise
ments in their newpapera mies more
than they presume. Jonathan Kenison,
of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who bad
been troubled with rheumatism in his
back, arms and shoulders-read an item
in his paper about how a prominent
German citizen of Fort Maddison had
been cured. He procured the same
medicine, and to use his own words : "It
cured me right up." He .also says a
neighbor and his wife were both sick in
bed with-rheumatism. Their boy was
over to my houee and said they were so
bad he had to do the cooking. I told
him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
how it had cured me, he got a bottle
-and it cured them u p in a week. 50 cent
bottles for eale by Blakely & Houghton,
for Kent.
A good house and barn with two lots,
situated near the fair grounds for rent
cheap. " Inquire of Jas. Ferguson. .
A. Longreen, Endersby.
Stockholders Meeting
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Independent Accademy, at the
accademy building, in Dalles City on
Thursday, May 10th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. for the purpose of electing seven
directors, and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting.' '
By order of the president.
tmlOth H. H. Ridseix, Secy.
To All Whom It Hay Concern:
By order of the Common Council of
Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d
day of April, 1S94, notice is hereby given
that said City Council is about to pro
ceed to order and make the improvement
of Eighth street in said city, as herein
after stated-, and that the 'cost of such
improvement will be levied upon the
property adjacent thereto, and said im
provement will be made unless within
fourteen days from the final publication
of this notice, the owners of two-thirda
of the property adjacent to said street
about to be iinnj-oved shall file their re
monstrance against such improvement
as by charter provided. The improve
ment contemplated . and about to be
made is as follows:
To improve Eighth etreet in said city
by building a sidewalk six feet wide on
the south side thereof from Pentland
street to Court street. Said sidewalk
shall be built, constructed and erected
in accordance with the provisions of an
ordinance to define and establish the
width and manner of building sidewalks
in Dalles City, beinz ordinance No. 270,
which passed the Common Council of
Dalles City May 10th, 1893. except as
otherwise hereinbefore specified.
Dated this 9th day of April, 1894.
Douglas 8. Dofor,'
- Recorder of Dalles City.
A. Wfisnln, the Boston Tailor.
Bast End Second St., Tbe Dalles.
Pants from SS to S10.
Perfect fit guaranteed. Spring and Summer
Styles now In stock.
Prom pt answer and an honest opinion, write to
BIUNNdsGO., who have bad nearly fifty years'
experlenoe tn the patent tmsiness. Communica
tion strictly oonOdentlal. A Handbook of In
formation conoernlnK Patents and bow to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of
teal and sdantlSo books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
special notice In the Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the publlo with
out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work tn the
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly. slaO a year. Single
copies, 25 cents. Kvery number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
MUNN k O0,-NKW Vouk. 3il Bboaowji.
Hew Yor!
u Iffi
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side
- T TMC .
J3U5W'. COliUjaBm HOTELi.
This larre and popular House does the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any
House iu the city, and at the low rate of
$1.00 per, Day. - pirst Qass I)eals, 25 Ceijts.
Offloe for all Stage Lines leaving The Dalles for all
Solnte tn Eastern Oregon and Jt astern Washington,
1 this Hotel.
Corner of Front and Union Bts.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its Jtooa
leads' on to fortune." lr
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Cnr-Oi! Sale if
Figirel Garii.
Who are selling these goods
D . BU
Pipe WpiS, T
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kusa'"
Blacksmith Shop. . - ' .;'
( Weekly Tribune
Ruinous Rates.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Prppr,
put at greatly-reduced rates.
- - UNION. ST.
Bepaiis af