The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 17, 1894, Image 4

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just as much as asick and ailing
one, needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. That builds up,
strengthens,' and invigorates the
entire female system. It regulates
and promotes all the proper func
tions of womanhood, improves di
gestion, enriches the blood, dispels
aches and pains, melancholy and
nervousness, brings refreshing sleep,
and restores health and Strength.
It's a powerful restorativo tonio
and soothing nervine, made espe
cially for woman's needs, and the
only guaranteed remedy for wo
man's weaknesses and ailments. In
all female complaints " and irregu
larities, if it ever fails to benefit or
cure, you have your money back.
A great many medicines " relieve "
Catarrh in the Head. That means
that it's driven from the head into
the throat and lungs. But, by its
mild, soothing, cleansing and healing
properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem
edy perfectly and permanently cures.
of m
Easily, Qnlckty,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of evils
Xromearly errors or later
excesses, tbe resulta of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc Full strength,
development and tone
given to every organ and
gortlnn of the body.
Impl. naturalmethods.
Immediate Improvement
eeoa. Fnllare Impossible.
2.AU0 references. Book,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
"The Regulator Line'
The Dalles, Portland anl Ailoria
Navigation Co.
Freiont ana Psssenyer Lin&
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locke with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing Steamer Regulator for The
One way . . . .
Hound trip.
...?2 00
..Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time lay or night. Shipmente for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted.
Call on or address,
Uenaral A cent.
General Manager.
Land Omci, The Dalles, Or., (
, . March 10, 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the followlne
stamed settler has filed notion nf her intontinn
to make final proof In support of hr
dsim, and that said proof will be made before
register ana receiver at a He Dalles, Or., on
April 30, 1894, viz.:
, Mary M. Gordon,
Hd. No. 3200. for the BWV. Hen S9. Tna tur
She names the following witnewea to prove her
wwwuu'w renmeiun upon, ana cultivation of,
aaJd land. viz. y
James Mo lnt, Milt McClore, D. E. Farris,
Jnl4j.2S JOHN W. LEWIS, Register
O. 8. LlD OmcR, The Dalles, Or.,(
Feb. 17 1894.
folic is -hereby riven that th f'niinwin.
turned settler has filed notice of his intention to
mane muu prnoi in support of bis claim, and
Hi a tan id proof will be made before the K winter
auad itareiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, Aim il 14th, 1K94.VU:
ertln M. Watrrman, '
Hd. No S733 for the NV NWJ, SKl NWW, and
HKBWii, -ec27, Tp 1 N, R 14 K.
He nnia the folliwins; witnexses to prove his
eautlnnous residence upon and cultivation of
Mid t tl, viz:
&. Gi'bert. Tlie Dulles, O-.; Albert Allen. Boyd,
Or.: H. Gilpin, A. M Allen The Dalles, "r.
Ieb2 JOHN W. LKWlS.Reglster..
T.I ' jssl ! II si 7' i -i-sTT
The Terriflo Battle Between a
Wtiale and Three -Orcaa.
Enemies Before Vbom tbe Giant of the
Ocean Flees in Terror Their Singular
Method of Attacking: the
Hank Welsh, who has followed whal
injf for many years, was lucky enough
to be one of a crew beyond the gulf of
the Holy Cross last spring that came
upon a large whale in, distress, sur
rounded by three monster orcas, or
tillers, which, had him winded and
badly wounded. The story of the
fight was told as follows by Welsh to
the San Francisco Chronicle:
"We saw a big broadhead half a
mile away to windward, and he kept
a jumping; so hard that we knew he
was in trouble. When we got closer
we saw some thrashers or billers afoul
of him, and the water for an acre or
two around was bloody. The orcas
were pretty big ones and very vicious,
especially one which was fully twenty
feet long, and when the whale went
down a few fathoms - this old boy
rushed down after .him, and to
him hard. You see a whale can. stay
under about half an hour, and he can
go down four or five hundred fathoms
without minding the pressure, but he
can't do a single submarine trick ahead
of an orca. These orcas sometimes
chase ' a whale so hard that when he
hits the bottom he breaks his jawbone-
Well, this old orca followed the whale
so savagely that he did not stay down
over five minutes at a time, and when
he came up he was jumped on by the
other two, which kept watch on him
like two hungry wolves. When he saw
the ferocious gang he seemed to lose
heart, for they were too quick for him.
I think he was just about worn out
or down-hearted or something, for he
anchored for a second. This gave the
big orca a chance to slide up and catch
him by the under lip and bite a piece
out. The old fellow lashed and dived,
but down went another orca after him.
"When the whale came up the orca
had him by the lip, and the third one
caught him by the tongue. Now, a
whale's tongue is six feet long and
weighs as much as a man. The way
the orcas jerked it all out of him piece
by piece and then ate off . his lower lip
in spite of all he could do beat all the
fights under the sun. How. that whale
did'suffer till we got up and let a dy
namite bomb into him. When Bill
Peters lanced him he seemed to enjoy
it, for he turned over and died easily."
It seems to be agreed among all
whalers that no fight ever seen equals
the awful combats which these sea
monsters wage against one another
with unflagging ferocity. The orca is
the only grampus or warm-blooded an
imal of the ocean that constantly preys
upon warm-blooded creatures of his
own kind, preferably the whale, the
largest of his species. The orca's hab
its are predatory and his strength and
ferocity are remarkable.
"The orcas often travel with sword
fish," said Capt. Thompson, an old
whaler, "and I have sometimes seen a
whole school in combat with four or
five orcas and a few swordfish. When
the swordfish get under a whale and
the orcas commence to tear his under
lip and tongue, which are choice mor
sels for them, he seems to know his
days are numbered. I don't know how
long a whale can live after these sav
age creatures attack him, but our
crews have found several carcasses of
whales which had bled to death from
the wounds thus inflicted by their ene
mies. I have also seen broken-backed
orcas which had been struck by a
whale's llue:;."
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Discovery fjr
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon
this condition. If you are afflicted with
a Cough. Cold or any Lung, Throat or
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy
as directed, giving it a fait trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
could be relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's.
" Aristotle's weakness was a fond
ness for dress and jewelry. He spent
his whole fortune in expensive living,
and finally swallowed poison on ac.
count of the annoyance he suffered be
cause of the slanders circulated by his
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
atives containing nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
materia from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed' with each bottle or the
money will be refunded. Price only 50c.
per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Little Lobd Faunti.keoy has grown
old enough to enter Harvard college
next fall.
The name of the man who lights the
statue of Liberty in Washington night
ly is Mr. America.
It will be an agreeable r surprise to
persons subject to attacks of bilious
colic to learn that prompt relief may be
had by taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In
many instances the attacks may be pre
vented by taking this remedy as soon as
the first symptoms of the disease ap
pear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakely & Honghton.
Now is the time to kill squirrels. Sure
Shot at Snipes & Kinersly's.
Some of the Poisonous Vegetable Mon
sters ot Other lxnds.
The leaf and stem of a nettle are
literally clothed with erect hollow
hairs. If one of these hairs is viewed
under a microscope it will be seen that
its free end, after tapering to a very
fine degree of slimness, finishes as a
little knob, while in the other direc
tion, after gradually becoming more
robust, it suddenly expands into a large
bulb corresponding with the poison
gland of the adder. .
The point of the hair, says- "Good
Words, is very brittle, 'and contact
with our skin causes the end to snap
off, leaving a hollow needle point
which readily pierces our cuticle, and,
pressing upon the bulb at the other
end, the poison is forced though the
central channel and inflames our
blood. The tenderhanded who stroke
the nettle are stung for their pains,
because their gentleness has only
served to break the brittle points and
render them fit for piercing, but the
rough-handed break the hairs at their
thickest parts, where they are too
stout to prick.
Our common nettles, though they are
capable of inflicting considerable an
noyance upon many persons, afe too
insignificant, nevertheless, to be in
cluded among vegetable monsters, and
we have only referred to them for the
sake of making clear the enormities of
some big cousins giants of the nettle
family. These are, first, the Urtica
stimulans and Urtica crenulata of the
East Indies, species whose attack upon
one's band is sufficient to cause tbe arm
to swell with a most frightful pain,
which lasts for weeks. But even these
are milk-and-water nettles by compar
ison with the Urtica urentissima, which
grows in Timor, where it bears the sig
nificant title of Daoun setan, or devil's
leaf. The effects of its sting last for a
year and have often produced death.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury, .
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do is ten-fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no .merrury, and is taken in-,
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
bnying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It i taken internally,
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Chney & Co. Testimonials free.
tJ& Hold by druggists, price 75c. per
per bottle.
An ounce .of tobacco calms more
troubled waters than a ton of oil.-
A sensible husband in hand is worth
a dozen heroes in dreamland. .
Those who never read the advertise'
ments in their newpapers mies more
than they presume. Jonathan Kenison.
of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had
been troubled with rheumatism in hip
back, arms and shoulders read an item
in his paper -about how a prominent
German citizen of Fort' Aladdigon had
been cured. He procured the same
medicine, and to nee his own words : "It
cured me right up." He aleo eays a
neighbor and his wife were both sick ii
bed with rheumatism. Their boy. wan
over to my house and said they were so
had he had to do the cooking. I told
him of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
how it had cared ine: he got a bottle
and it cured them np in -a week. oOcent
bottles for sale by Blakely & Houghton,
The shorter the bill the sweeter the
fare. -
A husband's wrath spoils the best
broth. '
A recent discovery by an old
physician. SucoessfuKjf vmea
monthly hy thousands of
Ladies. Is the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine C
covered. Beware ot unprincipled druggists who
offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi
tute, or Inclose tl and 0 cents in postage In letter
sad we will send, sealed; by return irm'.l. Full scaled
particulars la plain envelope, to ladles only, 2
stamps. Address 1'onC Lily t'oraiisiir,
Vn. S FJcfiP,- TUncV. -" JUch.
Bold in The Dalles bv Snlnes fc Kinersly.
Now is al ways the very best time if
we will only make it so.
The ups and downs of life are better
than being down all the time.
Our better halves say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is used in more
than half the homes in Leeds. Sims
Bros., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the
esteem in which that remedy is held
where it has been sold for years and is
well , known. Mothers have learned
that there is nothing so good for colds,
croup and whooping cough, that it cures
these ailments quickly and permanently,
and. that it is pleasant and safe for
children to take.'- 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakely & . Houghton, druggists
- Notice.
To All Whom It Hay Concern:
Notice is hereby given that tbe com
mon council of Dalles City willreci ive
sealed bids for the repairing of the city
jail at the next regular meeting, to-wit:
April 3d, 1894, at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Said repairs to be made in accordance
with the plans and speciBcatlons thereof
heretofore prepared by C. J. Crandall.
No bid will be received unless the
same is accompanied .by a good and
proper bond in the sum of one hundred
dollars, conditioned that the bidder will
accept the contract in case the same is
awarded to him.
The right to reject any and all bids is
herebv recervfd.
- Dated at Dalles City, Or., this 26th
day of March, 1894. .
Douglas R. Dcfub,
Recorder of Dalles City.
Vast Quantities Are Used and They Are
Supplied from Washington.
' All the supplies . required by the
05.000 post offices in this country are
furnished from Washington. These
post offices require six tons of station
ery every working day. They consume
125,000 pounds of jute wrapping twine
every week- This twine comes in balls
and, according to contract, each ball
has four inches of string' sticking out
of its middle. Thus employes are in-,
duced to start unwrapping from that
end. Formerly they were as apt as not
to begin with the wrong extremity,
winding up with a tangle, so that a
quarter of each .ball on an average
was wasted.
The 05,000 post offices use up 100
reams of manilla paper blanks every
day. One of these is put on . the out
side of every package of letters sent
out from post offices, bearing the name
of the sending post office, the date,
etc. Half a million lead pencils are
consumed annually in Uncle Sam's
postal service, as well as 7,200 quarts
of mucilage, 1,500 quarts of ink, 10,000
pounds of rubber bands and 12,000
gross of pens. The pens alone cost
&5,000 every twelvemonth. For mak
ing postmarks 28,000 ink pads and 30,
000 pounds of stamping ink per an
num are required. Six million cards
axe used every year for registered let
ter receipts. Weighing scales for mail
are an expense to the government of
9,000 every year,' 200 a week being
needed to replace .those , which are
worn out, broken or burned up with
post offices.
Bneklea's Arinca. salve.
The best salve in the world, for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes 4 Kin
ersly. '
Haworth the printer, at home 116
Court St., Feb. let.
Poison the squirrels. Sure Shot at
Snipes & Kinersly's.
To All Whom It May Concern: .
By order of the Common Council of
Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d
day of April, 1894, notice is hereby given
that said City Council is about to pro
ceed to order and make the improvement
oT Eighth street in said city, as herein
after stated, and that the cost of such
improvement will be levied upon the
property adjacent thereto, and said im
provement will be made unless within
fourteen days from the final publication
of this notice, tbe owners of two-thirds
if the property adjacent to said street
about to be improved shall file their re
monstrance against such improvement
as by charter provided. The-improvement
contemplated and about to be
made is as follows:
- To improve Eighth street in said city
by building a sidewalk six feet wide on
,the sonth side thereof from Pentland
street to Court street. Said sidewalk
shall . be built, constructed and erected
in accordance with the provision? of an
ordinance to define and establish the
width and manner of bnildinir sidewalfee
in Dalles City, beine ordinance No. 270,
which passed the Common Council of
Dalles City May 10th, 1893. except as
otherwise hereinbefore specified.
Dated this 9th day of April, 1894.
Douglas S. Dufce,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
A. WeSOlO, thQ SfKtin Tailor
East End Second M., The Dalles.
rants from 85 to SlO.
Perfect, fit gnirraiite d. Spring ond Summer
styles now In ttock.
Oallfor People's Party Comity Convention.
Notice is herebv elven that in a cord n nee with
liis'ructionn f tlie stte Executive 'nni ittce
of the People's Party of the 8 a e of Oregon, thin
call is iBsuwl to the vot rs of each an 1 every vre
cinctin the county of Wxrco, that tha primaries
of said pxrty will b h Id nt thepol itig places in
each precinct on Saturday, April 11, t.eirinuinir
at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of
electing d legates io the County Cdnvene on, to
re neia at tbe court nouse in the u.'iies, on r n
dav, 20, at 1 o'clock P. M. The ohject of
the C.iuutv Convention will be the nomination
of a lull county tic et and to attend to nil oiher
nusine&s aeemea necessary ior ine oeuer orgnn
ization of the pat ty. The following is the ba6i
of representation for each precinct, in accord
ance with the vnt cast for 8. H. H It for presi
dential elector at the November election, 1892:
Bigelow 10 .Trevitt . ..' .8
Eat Dall.s 7 est Dalles 3
Mosier 2 F lis 2
Baldwin 2 Eight Mile 1
Columbia 3 Deschu cs 8
N'anwne 3 Pit fur S
King ley 4 Tygh 1
Watnic 2 Ortls Grove 2
Bake oven 1 Autcl -pe .... 2
rtooa biver Vi
All delegates to have credentials properly
signed. 1 1 is d"i-lrable thut'ah ureeiucts be fully
represeuttd. By order of he county Executive
lomiDitice. juum w r.i.itji, nairmun.
BETH HORUAM, Secretary.
uiui.i J.uij YOO NEED ANY JOB
prompt answer and u honest opinion write to
MliSN; CO., who have had nearly fifty yean
experience In the patent business. Commnnlca
tlons Btrictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Pntents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ol mechan
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Mann it Co. reeetr
pedal notloeinthe Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before tbe public with
out cost to tbe Inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by fax tbe
largest circulation of any scientific work In the
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, tuo a year. Singla
copies, 2 cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new
bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show thai
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
- - MUSM & CO, Jiiw Vuuk, 3il BuoistMT.
Hew Yo
rk Week
4.QNLY' $1.75.
Whcn.the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South Side ,
fiHYit COIitlflflBm jiOTELi.
This lsrr-o and popular House does the principal hotel business,
and is prepared to furnish the Beat Accommodations of aay
House in the city, and at the low rate of
Ji.oo per Day. - pirst Qzss Teals, 25 Cei)ts.
OfBoe for all Stage Lines leaving; The Dalles for sill
points In Eastern. Orearoit and Kaitern Washington,
la this Botel.
Corner ol Front and Union Sts.
'There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at Us flooa
leads on to fortune? ,
. The poet unquestionably had reference to the
11MHM M 01
-m Foriorc i Carnets
Who are selling these goods
Pipe Wort
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss
Blacksmith Shop.
ly Tribune
n nn
"f E"p.
Huinoas Rates.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
out at greatly-reduced rates.
- - UNION, ST. .