The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 17, 1894, Image 1

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    VOL. VII.
NO. 10?.
to count;a quorum
Honse Memte Present Not Voting
- Will lie Counted.
Breckinridge Appears in Congress for
the First Time Sine? the Trial
Crimes and Casualities.
Washington, April 16. After a ses
sion of two hours today the democratic
members of the bouse committee on
rules agreed on a new quorum-counting
rule, and thereupon sent for Messrs.
Reed and Barrows, republican members
of tl.c committee. It is understood the
rules x rovide for ascertaining a quorum
by counting the members present and
not voting, also fining the members who
absented themselves from the house.
The'new rule will probably be presented
to the house tomorrow.
Breckinridge In the House.
Washington, April 16. Representa
tive Breckinridge appeared on the floor of
the house of representatives tor'iy for
the first time eince the beginning of the
Pollard-Breckinridge trial. Personal al
lusions were avoided. , Many acquain
tances shook hands cordially with "the
Colonel. The ordeal was evidently a
severe trial, as his face was flushed
but be smiled cortinually. After occu
pying his seat two minutes he left the
chamber. He will resume his congres
sional duties at once. '.
Killed HI Daughter's Seducer.
Chattanooga, Tenn., April 16. Two
aristocratic families of Sevierville. in
this state, have been brought into deep
est trouble by the indiscretion of the
son of one family and the daughter of
the other. For a year or so, John Mul
lendose has been devoting himself to
Mary Montgomery, daughter of Captain
Robert Montgomery. The girl's par
ents demanded an explanation, and she
named Mullendose as her betrayer,
The father of the girl took his shotgun
and went after the young man. He
met him in company with his father.
"Marry my daughter, or I will kill
yon," the girl's father said.
Young Mullendoae said he would not.
The other raised his gun. The boy's
father put his hand to the muzzle of the
weapon to save his son. The discharge
blew his hand off and killed the young
man as well.
The Roy an Important Vltnes.
Victoria, B. C, April 16. Special
Officer Bledsoe returned from Tacoma
yesterday wih Louis Boketo, the 8-year
old son of Bel 'a Cool a Jennie, who has
been living with Hngh Lynn, the man
charged with the murder of John Green
and Thomas Taylor at Savary island.
The boy, according to his mother's state
inent, beard shots fired and ran at once
to Green's house,, where he found two
bodies. Lvnn subsequently threatened
to kill him in order to insure silence,
but the murderer finally yielded to the
prayers of the lad's mother and spared
him. The boy is one of the most im
portant witnesses.
A Pacific Coast Strike.
y Chicago, April 16. A local paper de
clares that within 10 days strikes will be
declared on several Northwestern roads.
Arrangements are completed for a strug
gle with the Pacific coast lines, which is
expected to result in a settlement of ex
isting differences. The contest will in
volve all the existing orotherhoods, in
which the older organizations will seek
to annihilate the American Railway
Union. ' . .
Another fatal Basing."
Huntington, Tenn., April .16. A
party of schoolboys, in an attempt to
haze a new student last night, fired
from their revolvers. - A ' passer-y
named Harper was shot and killed.
night tinder the American Railway
Union auspices, and it is given out that
a strike is inevitable on the Eastern
division, unless the company restores the
old schedules. Representatives of the
conductors and trainmen handed Gen
eral Manager Case today signed state
ments antagonizing the strike.
The forts Were Deserted.
New Yoke, April 16. A correspond
ent at Rio de Janerio writes concerning
the Brazilian revolution : "During
Sunday, March 11, Peixoto notified the
diplomatic corps that he would fire on
the insurgent vessels on Tuesday. Da
Gama .sent a proposition of terms to
surrender, which Peixoto refused. Tues
day while flags floated from the insur
gent ships and forts the firing lasted two
hours, when it was discovered the ships
bad been deserted. Many officers had
already escaped on merchant vessels,
and many others are seeking refuge on
merchant vessels. Da Gama escaped on"
board the French man-of-war Manacon,
w hich put to sea. It is reported he de
sires to escape only to slay De Mello.
Others think he traded honor for life."
They Are Valuable as lc troy era of Troub
lesome Rodents.
The bayous of Louisiana were form
erly the homes of alligators without
number. They did no particular harm,
except by catching stray a pig or dog
now and then; nor we,re they known
to be of any particular use. The peo
ple, for the most part, let them alone.
Then there sprang up at the north a
demand for alligator skins for the
making of satchels, "pocketbooks and
the like, and the natural result fol
lowed. The alligators were killed in
great numbers, till presently they were
almost destroyed.
No harm was done, people thought;
but by and by it began to be noticed
that certain mischievous quadrupeds
were multiplying. In the rice fields,
according to a Louisiana exchange, the
muskrats increased in such numbers
that it became hard work to keep "up
the back levces,which had been built to
keep the water on the rice during the
growing "season. What perhaps was
more serious, the same burrowing ro
dents infested, the front levees, and
nothing but constant watchfulness
averted disastrous consequences.
Then market gardeners began to
complain of an alarming increase in
.the number of rabbits, raccoons and
other animals which preyed upon the
cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce and simi
lar vegetables. Some of the gardeners
were compelled to inclose their gar
dens with close wire fences, or else
abandon the cultivation of some of
their most profitable crops.
The alligators had not been useless,
and the people had learned anew that
it is dangerous to go too fast and too
far in disturbing the order of nature.
Strike Will Probably Extend to the
K a.s term Division Tomorrow.
Minneapolis, Minn., April 16. The
great strike has not yet reached the
Twin cities. The indications are that It
will do so within 48 -hours. A mass
meeting is to be held here tomorrow
He Likes Warfare. excels In It and Is an
Excellent niurksnian.
"The Indian is the most vicious fight
er on earth," said Maj. Harbour, late
press agent of the world's fair, but a
former plainsman, to a Washington
Post reporter. "You read in the ac
counts of the South African war where
a hundred or two Englishmen go out
and whip five or ten thousand black
men. There is no uncivilized people
on earth, no race which is utterly igno
rant of what we call .the science of
war, that can for a minute' compare
with the Indians as warriors. No
.frontier general would think of lead
ing his troops against a body of Indians
where the odds were greatly against
him. Why? Because the Indian is
naturally a fighter and a- marksman,
and because he has been quick to learn
what the white armies have taught
him in warfare. '
"Take that fight in which Sitting
Bull was killed. That was a skirmish,
it's true, but it illustrates my point.
There were just sixteen men on each
side.. The battle lasted not over five
minutes, and eight were killed on each
side. Those Indian scouts rode straight
through the camp of Sitting Hull, and
engaged the old demon himself and
fifteen of his picked warriors in a bat'
tie in which no man knew he had
more than an even chance of surviving.
. ''I've seen them. They love to fight.
Their ambition is to win glory in
fighting. Their traditions urge them
on to fight. It's their only really aris
tocratic business. They are physically
well qualified to fight; they know how.
and yon can bet they do fight when
they get at it."
Imperial iticycle, iighuwt and best to
date. See J. M. Hnntineton & Co.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest V. S. Gov't Report.
ii r y
i J - - .VSSSkW
" As old as
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
i3 the verdict
o f millions.
1 Simmons
Liver Kegu
. lator is the
rPTrP0! Liver
JLJOUCf Kidney
medicine to .
which you
can pin your
CTJ faith for a
1 nan
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg-
etable", act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid-
1 neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Medicines.
" I have used yonrslmmons Liver Regu
lator and can consclenciously say It is the
kins of all lirer medicines, I consider it a
medicine chest In Itself. Geo. W. Jack
son, Tacoma, Washington.
jBas tlio Z Stamp ha red on wrapper
The Cnp Ptesentation.
Cohvallis, April 14, 1894.
Last Monday evening the champion
ship cup, presented to the foot ball
team of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, was formally presented. This cup,
costing $125, is of elegant and appro
priate design, manufactured of sterling
silver by Tiffany, and is to remain in the
college as a trophy of past victories, and
not to pass out of its possession with
possible defeat.
Judge W. S. McFadden, of Corvallis,
addreesed the team on behalf of the
citizens in his usual pleasing manner,
He emphasized the Scriptural Baying
that the glory of young men is in their
strength and that a healthy body is
necessary to a healthy intellect. Noting
the inscription he said he thought the
engraver had made a mistake in adding
the figure "4" after the year of "1893."
"The fathers of the revolution referred
with pride to their Bunker Hill and
iexingion, said tne judge, "you may
speak: of your Monmouth, Albany,
Portland juniors, Portland University,
but, ah, there is where the engraver
made the mistake.: You met the enemy
and they were yours (with one single
exception)." In his response, Halt
back Burnett, captain -of the team,
thanked the people for their tribute and
the interest they had manifested in their
behalf.. He also paid a high tribute
to Manager Will H. Bloss. Mr. Wallis
Nash then made a few remarks on the
subject of athletics, and in referring to
the brutality of football said that the
young men should be the best jndges of
that themselves and he would venture
to say that after the' Portland game, bad
the young men been asked to play again
they would gladly have consented. The
ladies' mandolin and' guitar clnb were
the recipients of numerous compliments
for their excellent music. This is the
first occasion on which the college hall
had been lighted by electricity and the
effect is to lend much more attractive
ness to the hall. The sfudents deserve
much credit for their energy in raising
the necessary funds to wire the hall and
purchase ' chandeliers. The acoustic
properties of this hall are better than
those of any . auditorium in the
city, and it was for this reason that it
was selected for the Red path concert,
which occurs on the 26th inst., and
given under the auspices of the college.
The next move in the improvement of
the hall will be toward the purchase of
a carpet, and when this is added the
chapel will have the most inviting as
sembly hall of any of the" state institu
tiona of learning, v
Straight 'rom the East.
A Sultan of Turkey once said,
As he groaned at the pain in his head,
"Oh, my favorite wife,
I am sick of this life.
And I wish very much I were dead."
But bis wife, who was wise, answered
"tie!" - ..
If you will Pierce's Pellets but try,
. You'll be well in a week
And then yon will speak
Of these Pellets with praise just as higb"
Dr. Pierce's Pellets-cost only 23 cents
and they are guaranteed to cure all the
trouble which spring from constipation,
indigestion and bilious attacks. If yon
have any of these troubles; why don't
von follow the example of the Sultan of
Turkev? -
500 Reward for an incurable case of
chronic Nasal Catarrh offered by the
manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy. 50 cents by druggists. - . . .
's Boys'
Has never been equalled in .-
Style, Perfect Fit, Quality
-y Variety and Prices.
Ed. Morell, Chris .Evans' paHner, was
sentenced by Jndge Harris to life im
prisonment at Foleom. ;
Patrick J. Sullivan, who brutally
murdered his wife in Sin Francisco 17
months ago, will - be hanged in San
Quentin prison Friday morning.
A party of schoolboys in an attempt to
haze a new student at Hnntington,
Tenn., fired from revolvers, and a
passer-by named Harper was shot and
killed. . ,
Madeline Pollard is still at Providence
hospital suffering from nervous prostra
tion, following the trial. Whether this
means that she is likely to pass through
a serious illness is not yet known.
The supreme court has just granted a
writ of ouster in the fire and police con
troversy, ordering the old board to va
cate at noon tomorrow. Thin is a com
plete victory for Governor Waite.
The insurgents 'have abandoned all
the remaining vessels at Paragua and
Santa Catherinal In an attempt of the
insurgents to land at Rio Grand city,
the rebels lost 600 men, and afterward
landed in the department at Rocha,
Urngua, whence Admiral de Mello and
General Salgado went south. ,
Expert investigation of the books of
City Treasurer Mrs. F. R. Pulliam,-of
Fort Scott, the only female city 'treas
urer in Kansas, makes it appear that
she is $1,000 short in. her accounts. It
is not thought that she has been dishon
est, but that the shortage is due to some
one having obtained the money by il
legal means.
For Rent.
n .
1 t I -
for Infants and Children.
THTrtTY years' observation of Caatoria with tfeo patronage of
millions of persons, permit ns to speak of It without cneasing. '
It in unquestionably tho host remedy far Infanta and Children
the world h over fcnown. It is harmless. Children like ft. It
gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers hay
something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as
child's medicine.
Castoria destroys Worms. j
Castoria. allays roverishnesa.
Castoria prevents vomiting So or Cnrd
Castoria rnrea Diarrhoea and "wind Colic
Castoria relieves Teething Troubles.
Castoria enroo Constipation and ITatnlency.
Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonons aJtV
Castoria. does not contain morphine, opinm, or other narcotic property.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regnlaton -the stomach and howels,
giving hqtihy and natnral sleer. .
Cstwria is pnt np in onesize pottles onTy. It i not sold in hnlfc.
Doa't allow any one to sell yon anything e'io o the plea or rrmaws
that it iswjnt as good w and "will ansrrer vtrr-y purpose." .
Foe that vti t O-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. "
A good honse and barn with two lots,
situated near the fair grounds for rent
cheap. Inquire of Jas. Ferguson.
A. Longrebx, Endersby. -
Ha worth, printer, 116 Court St. ' tf
The fao-sfanile)
frignatnrs cf
-C&Juy. wrajvr.
Children Cry for l.tcher's Castoria.
Jl? pea tii re of tfye Day!
Ladies' Shoes, Men's Boots and Shoes, r
Misses' Shoes, Youths' Boots and Shoes,
Children's Shoes, Boys' Boots and Shoes.
i i i in en ci i trT "ct mo tt -mm
1 I L r I K t I V lVLU l V S l I l .